Siebel Product Administration Guide > Designing Products with Components > Process of Designing a Product with Components >

Adding Products as Components Using the Class Domain

You can add products as components of a product with components by using the class domain.

This task is a step in Process of Designing a Product with Components.

This method of adding products does not maintain a connection to the class system. When you refresh the customizable product work space, relationships are not updated. For example, if you assign a new product to a class, this product is not added to the relationship containing this class when you refresh the work space or release a new version of the customizable product. Use this method when you want to keep the relationship contents static or when you want to add only some of the products in a product class. If you want the relationship to be updated when you update the class system, see Adding Products as Components Using the Dynamic Class Domain.

NOTE:  Adding a small number of products to a relationship from a large product class requires that the entire class be searched each time the product with components is instantiated. This can adversely affect performance. Consider defining a separate class for these products to avoid this impact on performance.

To add products by using the class domain

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Product screen, then the Product Definitions view.
  2. In the Products list, select and lock the desired product with components.
  3. In the Versions list, click the Work Space version.
  4. In the Structure list, add a new record and complete the necessary fields, described in the following table.

    Relationship Name

    Enter a name for this relationship.

    Domain Type

    Select Class.

    Product Class

    Select a class.

    The dialog box contains one record for each class and for each subclass in the class system. Selecting a class selects all of its subclasses.

    Minimum Cardinality, Maximum Cardinality, and Default Cardinality

    Enter the minimum, maximum, and default cardinality for the product. For more information, see About Cardinality.

  5. Click the Define Domain button and then use the following options to select the products you want to add to the relationship:
    • Add column. Click Add in the record to add the product to the relationship. A check mark displays in the "Is in domain" field.
    • Add All button. Adds all the products in the class to the relationship.
    • Set as Default button. Adds the product to the relationship and makes it the default product. The product name displays in the Default Product field of the relationship.
    • Clear Default button. Removes the product from the relationship's Default Product field. Does not remove the product from the relationship.
    • Delete button. Removes the product from those you have selected to be in the relationship. Removes the check mark from the "Is in domain" field. Does not remove the product from the product class.
    • Delete All button. Removes all the products from the relationship. No products display a check mark in the "Is in domain" field. Does not remove the products from the product class.
  6. In the Structure view, the relationship icon displays as a folder. Click this folder to display the products you added.

    Verify that the relationship is defined properly, that the default product is correct, and that all the products you want to add are present.

  7. Remove the check mark from the Forecastable field for items as needed.

    Removing the check mark means the item will not be included in product forecasts when the opportunity is updated for quotes, orders, and so on contained the product with components.

  8. For each product in the relationship, enter a sequence number in the Sequence Number Field.

    The item with sequence number 1 displays first within the relationship in selection pages. If your display is not wide enough to show the Sequence Number field, manually adjust column widths to bring the Sequence Number field into view.

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