Siebel Project and Resource Management Administration Guide > Expense Reporting > End-User Procedures for Expense Reporting >

Approving or Rejecting Expense Reports

End users designated as approvers of expense reports for specific employees or specific projects receive an email message notifying them each time that an expense report is ready for their review.

If an end user approves an expense report for an amount within their approval limit, the report is forwarded to the finance professional, who reviews it before it is passed to the back-office system for reimbursement.

If an end user approves an expense report for an amount larger than their approval limit, the report is forwarded to someone with a larger approval limit, typically that end user's own manager.

If an end user rejects an expense report, the person who submitted the report can recall it, modify it, and resubmit it.

NOTE:  End users can approve or reject multiple expense reports at one time.

The following procedure explains how to approve or reject expense reports.

To approve or reject expense reports

  1. Navigate to the Expense Reports screen.
  2. From the visibility filter, select Expense Report Approval.
  3. In the Expense Reports list, select one or more expense reports records to approve or reject.
  4. In the Expense Reports list, click either Approve or Reject.

    The value of the Status field changes to Approved or Rejected.

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