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Functional Test Automation Objects for High Interactivity Siebel Applications

You can use the functional test automation objects described in this topic to write test scripts in your test tool that test Siebel high-interactivity applications. Each of these objects corresponds to a functional component in the user interface of a Siebel application.

The following objects are categorized by the logical type of object they represent, and the topics that describe the objects are organized alphabetically in this reference. Additionally, each object is one of the following functional types:

  • Container objects. Container objects such as SiebApplication are objects that contain child objects or controls.
  • Collection objects. Collection objects such as SiebMenu are objects that represent a collection of repository objects.
  • Multivalue objects. Multivalue objects such as SiebPickList are objects that contain a group of data values.
  • Singleton objects. Singleton objects such as SiebThreadbar are objects for which only one instance can be represented in a given context.

The description for each object in this reference indicates the functional type of the object. Some objects can be more than one type. For example, SiebThreadbar is both a multivalue object and a singleton object, because it contains a group of data values and can have only one instance in a given context.

Each object provides events, properties, and methods that allow you to manipulate the object in a test automation environment. Events represent user actions that can be recorded with a functional test automation tool. Properties are object-specific settings that indicate the state of the object. Methods are object behaviors that can be used in test scripts, but cannot be recorded using a test tool.

Application Hierarchy Objects

These objects represent the layers of the application hierarchy in Siebel applications:

System Objects

These objects represent system-level controls that appear in Siebel applications:

Navigation Objects

These objects represent navigational elements that appear in Siebel applications:

Core Control Objects

These objects represent simple controls that appear in Siebel applications:

Complex Control Objects

These objects represent complex controls that appear in Siebel applications:

Custom Control Objects

These objects represent custom controls that appear in Siebel applications:

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