

Used in: cluster-config.


The TCP-ring provides a means for fast death detection of another node within the cluster. When enabled the cluster nodes form a single "ring" of TCP connections spanning the entire cluster. A cluster node is able to utilize the TCP connection to detect the death of another node within a heartbeat interval (default one second). If disabled the cluster node must rely on detecting that another node has stopped responding to UDP packets for a considerately longer interval. Once the death has been detected it is communicated to all other cluster nodes.


The following table describes the elements you can define within the tcp-ring-listener element.

Element Required/Optional Description
<enabled> Required Specifies whether the tcp ring listener should be enabled to defect node failures faster.

Legal values are true and false.

Default value is true.

Preconfigured override is tangosol.coherence.tcpring
<maximum-socket-closed-exceptions> Required Specifies the maximum number of tcp ring listener exceptions that will be tolerated before a particular member is considered really gone and is removed from the cluster.

This value is used only if the value of tcp-ring-listener/enabled is true.

Legal values are integers greater than zero.

Default value is 2.
<priority> Required Specifies a priority of the tcp ring listener execution thread.

Legal values are from 1 to 10.

Default value is 6.

The content override attribute xml-override can be optionally used to fully or partially override the contents of this element with XML document that is external to the base document.