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Oracle® Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server

Part Number E14047-04
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5 Installing and Configuring Oracle WebLogic Server in a Clustered Mode

This chapter explains how to deploy Oracle Identity Manager in a clustered Oracle WebLogic Server environment.

This chapter discusses the following topics:

5.1 About Oracle WebLogic Server Clusters

A clustered installation requires multiple host computers. The instructions in this chapter involve deployment and running of Oracle Identity Manager on four host computers. These instructions assume that you have four computers, of which one is used to host the Web server and the other is used to host the WebLogic Admin Server.

Table 5-1 describes the entities needed for a cluster, the computers that the entities run on, and the software required for the entities. Host computers and entities are labeled.

Table 5-1 WebLogic-Based Oracle Identity Manager Cluster Host Computers

Host Computers Entities Software Description


WebLogic Admin Server

WebLogic Node Manager

WebLogic Server

Oracle Identity Manager

Administrative server for the WebLogic domain



WebLogic Node Manager


WebLogic Server

Oracle Identity Manager

WebLogic Managed Server 1


Name of the WebLogic cluster that hosts Oracle Identity Manager (logical entity).



WebLogic Node Manager


WebLogic Server

Oracle Identity Manager

WebLogic Managed Server 2


Name of the WebLogic cluster that hosts Oracle Identity Manager (logical entity).


Web server

WebLogic Server plug-in

Web server software

Web server (can be the Apache server or any other WebLogic supported Web server).


Deploying an application in a clustered installation is a complex procedure. This document assumes that you have expertise in installing and running applications on an Oracle WebLogic Server cluster. This chapter provides Oracle Identity Manager-specific information only. It does not cover the procedure to set up an Oracle WebLogic Server cluster. For more information about clustering, refer to Oracle WebLogic Server documentation.

5.2 Steps to Install Oracle WebLogic Server and Oracle Identity Manager


If the WebLogic Admin server and one of the managed servers are installed on the same computer, then assume that ADMIN_SERVER_HOST and OIM_SERVER1_HOST are installed on the same computer in the instructions given in this section. In addition, do not perform the steps for OIM_SERVER1_HOST configuration.

This section provides an overview of the steps required to install Oracle WebLogic Server and Oracle Identity Manager in a clustered environment. Figure 5-1 represents the overview of these steps.

Figure 5-1 Steps to Install WebLogic and Oracle Identity Manager in a Cluster

Steps to install WebLogic and OIM in a clustered environment
Description of "Figure 5-1 Steps to Install WebLogic and Oracle Identity Manager in a Cluster"

Installing WebLogic and Oracle Identity Manager in a clustered environment involves the following steps:

5.2.1 1. Installing and Configuring a Database

Refer to Chapter 3, "Installing and Configuring a Database" for information about this step.

5.2.2 2. Installing WebLogic Server on ADMIN_SERVER_HOST, OIM_SERVER1_HOST and OIM_SERVER2_HOST

The basic procedure for deploying Oracle Identity Manager in an Oracle WebLogic Server cluster involves installing Oracle WebLogic Server first. Refer to the "Installing Oracle WebLogic Server Release 10.3.x" section.


This chapter assumes that you are running a dedicated Administrative Server host on which Oracle Identity Manager is not running.

5.2.3 3. Configuring Oracle WebLogic Server for an Oracle Identity Manager Installation

To configure Oracle WebLogic Server for an Oracle Identity Manager installation on ADMIN_SERVER_HOST, perform the following procedures: Creating a WebLogic Domain

Refer to the "Creating an Oracle WebLogic Server Domain" section. Creating a Cluster and Managed Server

To create a cluster and managed server:

  1. Log in to the WebLogic Administrative Console.

  2. In the Change center region, click Lock and Edit.

  3. Navigate to Environment, Clusters, and then click New. Enter OIM_CLUSTER as the name of the cluster and then click OK.

  4. Select OIM_CLUSTER, click the Servers tab, and then click Add.

  5. Select the Create a new server and add it to this cluster option, and then click Next. Enter OIM_SERVER1 as the name of the server.

  6. Check the values of Server Listen Address and Server Listen Port. If required, set appropriate values for these fields. Then, click Finish.


    At this stage, do not configure OIM_SERVER2. It must be configured after Oracle Identity Manager is installed.
  7. In the Change center region, click Activate changes.

5.2.4 4. Installing Oracle Identity Manager on ADMIN_SERVER_HOST

Refer to Chapter 6, "Installing Oracle Identity Manager on Microsoft Windows" if the environment is running Microsoft Windows, or Chapter 7, "Installing Oracle Identity Manager on UNIX" if the environment is running UNIX.


While installing Oracle Identity Manager, it is recommended that you use a shared file system such as NFS on ADMIN_SERVER_HOST for installing Oracle Identity Manager. The shared files must be available on all the managed server hosts (OIM_SERVER1_HOST and OIM_SERVER2_HOST). If you are using the shared file system, then you do not have to perform Step "7. Copying the OIM_HOME Directory" on all the computers.

5.2.5 5. Configuring OIM_SERVER2 in the AdminServer on ADMIN_SERVER_HOST

After Oracle Identity Manager is installed, you must perform additional configuration steps. Oracle WebLogic Server is stopped automatically after the installation of Oracle Identity Manager. You must start Oracle WebLogic Server by running the following file:



For Microsoft Windows:


See Also:

The "Starting Oracle Identity Manager" section for more information about starting WebLogic Administrative Server.

After you start Oracle WebLogic Server, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the WebLogic Administrative Console.

  2. In the Change center region, click Lock and Edit.

  3. Navigate to Environment, and then Servers. Select OIM_SERVER1 and click Clone.

  4. Enter OIM_SERVER2 as the server name.

  5. Check the values of Server Listen Address and Server Listen Port. If required, set appropriate values for these fields. Then, click OK.

  6. In the Change center region, click Activate changes.

By default, the Oracle Identity Manager installer configures JMS servers for OIM_SERVER1. For each additional server, you must perform the following step to create JMS servers for the newly created servers:

Go to OIM_HOME/setup and run the following command:

On Microsoft Windows:

config_clustsvr.cmd WebLogic_Admin_Password OIM_SERVER2

On UNIX: WebLogic_Admin_Password OIM_SERVER2

5.2.6 6. Copying the WebLogic Domain Directory

The WebLogic domain directory must be copied from ADMIN_SERVER_HOST to OIM_SERVER1_HOST and OIM_SERVER2_HOST.

For example, if you have created the WebLogic domain in the BEA_HOME/user_projects/domains/oimdomain directory, then:

  1. Create the user_projects/domains directory on the OIM_SERVER1_HOST and OIM_SERVER2_HOST computers.

  2. Copy the oimdomain directory from the ADMIN_SERVER_HOST computer to the newly created user_projects/domains directory on each computer.

5.2.7 7. Copying the OIM_HOME Directory

Copy the OIM_HOME directory and all its contents from the ADMIN_SERVER_HOST computer to the OIM_SERVER1_HOST and OIM_SERVER2_HOST computers.


The directory structure must be same across all the computers. For example, if you have installed Oracle Identity Manager in C:\oim\oimserver on ADMIN_SERVER_HOST, then the OIM_HOME directory must be copied to C:\oim\oimserver on the OIM_SERVER1_HOST and OIM_SERVER2_HOST computers.

5.2.8 8. Configuring the Node Manager

To configure a node manager on ADMIN_SERVER_HOST, OIM_SERVER1_HOST and OIM_SERVER2_HOST, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the WebLogic Administrative Console.

  2. In the Change center region, click Lock and Edit.

  3. Navigate to Environment, and then Machines. Click New. Enter ADMIN_SERVER_HOST as the name of the new computer. For Microsoft Windows, select Other as the Machine OS. For UNIX, select UNIX as the Machine OS.

  4. Navigate to ADMIN_SERVER_HOST, and then Server. Assign AdminServer to the computer you created in Step 2.

  5. Navigate to ADMIN_SERVER_HOST, and then Node Manager. Check the values of Server Listen Address and Server Listen Port. If required, set appropriate values for these fields.

  6. In the Change center region, click Activate changes.

  7. Repeat Steps 2 through 4 to create OIM_SERVER1_HOST and OIM_SERVER2_HOST, and assign OIM_SERVER1 and OIM_SERVER2 to those computers, respectively.


    Change Hostname Verification to "None" for all WebLogic servers (AdminServer, OIM_SERVER1, OIM_SERVER2, and so on) if you are planning to use default certificates on WebLogic. To do so:
    1. Navigate to Environment, Servers, SERVER_NAME, SSL, and then Advanced.

    2. Set Hostname Verification to None.

    If you are deploying OIM_SERVER1 on the same computer as AdminServer, then also add OIM_SERVER1 to the computer configuration ADMIN_SERVER_HOST.

  8. Repeat the following procedure on all the managed server computers (OIM_SERVER1_HOST and OIM_SERVER2_HOST):

    Enter the domain name in the WL_HOME\common\nodemanager\ file.

    For example:


5.2.9 9. Restarting the WebLogic Server

To restart WebLogic Server:

  1. Use the Admin Console to shut down the WebLogic Admin Server. You must also shut down the node manager.

  2. Start the WebLogic Admin Server by using the DOMAIN_HOME/bin/xlStartWLS.cmd/sh file.


    In a clustered environment, perform the following step if you are using Microsoft SQL Server as the database:

    Before starting the Managed Servers, ensure that the CLASSPATH is set for all managed servers and add the driver location to the CLASSPATH of the environment variables.

  3. Start Node Manager on all the computers by running the WL_HOME/server/bin/startNodeManager.cmd/sh file.

  4. Start all the managed servers. You can do so in any one of the following ways:

    • Using the node manager: Use the WebLogic Admin Console to navigate to SERVER_NAME and Control, and then start the server.

    • Without using the node manager, start the managed servers by using the DOMAIN_HOME/bin/xlStartManagedServer script as follows:


      For example:

      xlStartManagedServer.cmd/sh OIM_SERVER1 http://ADMIN_SERVER_HOST:7001

5.3 Configuring the Web Server

To configure the Web server, install the plug-in by following the instructions given in the Web server documentation and WebLogic documentation. Refer to the WebLogic documentation for information about supported Web servers and their versions.


Appendix B, "Configuring the Apache Proxy Plug-in" briefly discusses the procedure to configure the Apache Web server. This information is for reference purposes only. Refer to the WebLogic and Apache documentation for detailed information.