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Oracle® Business Intelligence Applications Upgrade Guide for Informatica PowerCenter Users
Version 7.9.6

Part Number E14218-01
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7 Upgrading Oracle BI Applications for the PeopleSoft Source Systems

This section contains instructions for upgrading Oracle BI Applications when you are running PeopleSoft Enterprise Applications as your source system.

This section includes the following topics:

7.1 Upgrading Oracle BI Infrastructure

Upgrade the Oracle BI Infrastructure to the version that is supported for this release of Oracle BI Applications. See the System Requirements and Supported Platforms for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications for the current version that is supported. For information on installing the supported version of Oracle BI Infrastructure, see the Oracle Business Intelligence Infrastructure Upgrade Guide.

7.2 Upgrading Oracle BI Applications

Run the Oracle BI Applications installer to upgrade your Oracle BI Applications environment to the current version. For instructions on running the installer, see Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide for Informatica PowerCenter Users.


Perform only the step that addresses the running of the installer. Do not perform the configuration instructions that follow the running of the installer.


If you have a previous release of Oracle BI Applications installed, you must uninstall it before you run the installer for the current release. If you do not uninstall the old release, some folders from the current release will not be correctly installed. (Make a back-up of your DAC folder before you uninstall the old release. This will be the backup of your DAC Client and Server and the DAC metadata files.)

7.3 Upgrading to Informatica PowerCenter Version 8.6 and Hotfix 4

You must install Informatica PowerCenter 8.6 and Hotfix 4 to run the current version of Oracle BI Applications.

The components and architecture for Informatica PowerCenter 8.6 differ significantly from PowerCenter 7.x versions. Oracle recommends that you carefully review the Informatica PowerCenter 8.6 documentation, which is included on the Informatica DVD provided with Oracle BI Applications.

For a summary of installation instructions for installing Informatica PowerCenter 8.6 on a single machine in an Oracle BI Applications deployment, see the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide for Informatica PowerCenter Users.

For detailed information about deploying Informatica PowerCenter 8.6, refer to the Informatica PowerCenter Installation Guide, Informatica PowerCenter Configuration Guide, Informatica PowerCenter Administrator Guide, and related documentation.

For information about applying Hotfix 4, see PowerCenter Version 8.6.0 Hotfix 4 Release Notes. This PDF is included with the Informatica documentation on the Informatica PowerCenter DVD and is also included with the Hotfix 4 installation

To upgrade to Informatica PowerCenter 8.6

  1. Perform the pre-upgrade steps documented in the Informatica PowerCenter Installation Guide.

  2. Install Informatica PowerCenter version 8.6 and Hotfix 4, by following the instructions in the Informatica PowerCenter Installation Guide and PowerCenter Version 8.6.0 HotFix 4 Release Notes.

  3. Perform the post-upgrade steps documented in the Informatica PowerCenter Installation Guide.


The Informatica PowerCenter 8.6 installation process includes upgrading your current Informatica Repository to the version 8.6 format. This process is necessary so that you will be able to access your current repository using version 8.6 client tools and so that you can perform the procedure in Section 7.4, "Upgrading the Informatica Repository."

In Section 7.4, "Upgrading the Informatica Repository," you back up and rename your current repository and then restore the Informatica Repository (Oracle_BI_DW_Base.rep) that is installed during the Oracle BI Applications installation. You then copy your custom folder from the backed up repository into the newly restored Oracle_BI_DW_Base repository.

7.4 Upgrading the Informatica Repository

Follow this procedure to upgrade the Informatica Repository.

For detailed instructions on backing up and restoring the Informatica Repository, see the topic titled, "Backing Up and Restoring the Repository," in "Chapter 8: Managing the Repository," in the Informatica PowerCenter Administrator Guide, which is included on the Informatica DVD provided with Oracle BI Applications.

To upgrade the Informatica Repository

  1. Make sure you have backed up and renamed your current Informatica Repository.


    This repository must be upgraded to the version 8.6 format during the procedure in Section 7.3, "Upgrading to Informatica PowerCenter Version 8.6 and Hotfix 4." You must upgrade this repository to the version 8.6 format in order to move your custom folder from this repository into the new Oracle_ BI_DW_Base repository that you restore in the steps below.
  2. Copy the Oracle_BI_DW_Base.rep file from the folder OracleBI\dwrep\Informatica\Repository into the folder \Informatica\PowerCenter 8.6\server\infa_shared\Backup.


    The Oracel_BI_DW_Base.rep file is installed in the OracleBI root directory when you run the Oracle BI Applications installer, as described in Section 7.2, "Upgrading Oracle BI Applications."
  3. Restore the Oracle_BI_DW_Base.rep repository.

  4. Copy the custom folder from your previous Informatica Repository to the newly created Informatica Repository:

    1. Launch the Informatica PowerCenter Repository Manager, and connect to both your previous and newly created Informatica repositories.

    2. Copy the Custom folder in your previous repository into the newly created Informatica Repository.

    3. Make sure there is an individual workflow for each of the mappings in the Custom folder.

7.5 Configuring Informatica PowerCenter Version 8.6 Work with Oracle BI Applications and DAC

Informatica PowerCenter version 8.6 requires additional configuration steps to work with Oracle BI Applications and DAC. For instructions on performing these steps, see the following sections in the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide for Informatica PowerCenter Users:

7.6 Upgrading and Configuring DAC

This section includes information you must follow to upgrade and configure DAC.

This section includes the following topics:

7.6.1 Installing the DAC Platform and Oracle BI Applications Metadata Repository Files

The current release of Oracle BI Applications requires DAC version This version of DAC is installed by its own installer and not the Oracle BI Applications installer. After you install DAC, you then need to copy metadata files from the machine hosting Oracle BI Applications to the machines hosting the DAC Client and Server. You then need to import the new metatdata into the DAC Repository. For instructions on performing these tasks, see the following sections in the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide for Informatica PowerCenter Users:

  • Installing the DAC Platform


    You must perform all of the procedures in this section, including installing JDBC drivers and creating ODBC database connections.
  • Installing DAC Metadata Files

  • Logging into DAC for the First Time and Importing Metadata into the DAC Repository

    After you complete this procedure, you will have the default DAC Repository for Oracle BI Applications version 7.9.6.

7.6.2 Configuring the DAC Client and Server to Work with Oracle BI Applications and Informatica

You need to perform certain configuration tasks to enable the DAC Client and Server to work with Oracle BI Applications and Informatica PowerCenter. For instructions on performing these tasks, see the following sections in the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide for Informatica PowerCenter Users:

  • Configuring the DAC Server

  • Configuring DAC Integration Settings

  • Configuring the SiebelUnicodeDB Custom Property


    This procedure is required only if your source to target data movement configuration is Unicode to Unicode.
  • Setting Up DAC to Receive Email Notification

  • Additional Configuration Tasks

    In this section, perform only the tasks that apply to your environment.

7.6.3 Upgrading the DAC Repository

You will use the Refresh Base option of the DAC's Upgrade/Merge Wizard to complete the upgrade of your existing DAC Repository. For information about how to use the Refresh Base option of the Upgrade/Merge Wizard, see the topic titled, "About the Refresh Base Option," in "Chapter 10: Upgrading, Comparing and Merging DAC Repositories," in the Oracle Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console User's Guide.

The Oracle Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console User's Guide is available in the Oracle Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console Documentation Library on the Oracle Technology Network.

Before you upgrade the DAC Repository, do the following:

  • Make a copy of your default source system container. (You cannot change the metadata in the preconfigured container. You must make a copy of it in order to be able to modify the objects it contains.) For instructions, see the Oracle Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console User's Guide.

7.7 Upgrading the Data Warehouse Schema and Migrating Data

This section contains the following topics:

If you are currently running Oracle BI Applications version 7.9.3, you need to perform the procedures in Section 7.7.1, Section 7.7.2, Section 7.7.3, Section 7.7.4 and Section 7.7.5.

If you are currently running Oracle BI Applications version 7.9.4, you need to perform the procedures in Section 7.7.1, Section 7.7.3, Section 7.7.4 and Section 7.7.5.

If you are currently running Oracle BI Applications version 7.9.5, you need to perform the procedures in Section 7.7.1, Section 7.7.4 and Section 7.7.5.

If you are currently running Oracle BI Applications version, you need to perform the procedures in Section 7.7.1 and Section 7.7.5.

These procedures add new tables, columns, and indexes to the existing data warehouse schema. They also modify the existing data warehouse schema objects.

7.7.1 Performing Data Warehouse Schema Upgrade Steps Common to All Previous Releases

The steps in this procedure are required for upgrading to Oracle BI Applications release 7.9.6 from all previous releases.

To perform common data warehouse upgrade steps

  1. Copy all of the domain value files in the folder \OracleBI\dwrep\Informatica\LkpFiles into the folder \Informatica PowerCenter 8.6\server\infa_shared\LkpFiles.

  2. Restore the Upgrade repository.

    1. Copy the file Upgrade.rep file from the folder OracleBI\dwrep\Upgrade\Informatica\Repository into the folder Informatica PowerCenter 8.6\server\infa_shared\Backup.

    2. Launch the Informatica PowerCenter Administration Console and restore Upgrade.rep (located in Informatica PowerCenter 8.6\server\infa_shared\Backup).

  3. Configure application connections for the OLAP and OLTP databases.


    Make sure all the PeopleSoft source connections are created as application connections and not relational connections.
    1. In Informatica Workflow Manager, open the Application Connection Browser (in the menu bar, select Connections, and then select Application).

    2. Configure the connection PARAM_OLAP_PFST to match your OLAP environment.

    3. Configure the parameter PARAM_OLTP_PFST to match your OLTP environment.

    4. If you are upgrading Oracle Financial Analytics, configure PARAM_OLTP_PFST_FIN to point to the PeopleSoft Financials Pillar database.

      Note: This connection is present as both an Application connection and Relational connection. You must configure both of them to point to the PeopleSoft Financial Pillar database.

    5. If you are upgrading Oracle Human Resources Analytics, configure PARAM_OLTP_PSFT_HR to point to the PeopleSoft HRMS Pillar database.

    6. Some of the upgrade sessions apply to both the PeopleSoft HRMS and Financial pillars. Replace the string PARAM_OLTP_PSFT_XXX with either PARAM_OLTP_PSFT_FIN or PARAM_OLTP_PSFT_HR, depending on your implementation.

    7. Configure the PARAM_DAC connection to match your DAC database connection.


    If you are connected to an Oracle database, use the Oracle Native driver instead of ODBC.

    If you are connected to a SQL Server database, use the ODBC driver rather than the native SQL Server driver.

  4. Make sure all the date parameters are set up with an appropriate format.

    For example, the format for $$LOW_DATE is as follows:

    SIL_EmployeeDimension_Full]$$TYPE2_FLG=Y $DBConnection_OLAP=adevuni_fl1 MPLT_GET_ETL_PROC_WID.$$ETL_PROC_WID=1 $$LOW_DATE=to_date('01/01/1970','MM/DD/YYYY') mplt_SIL_EmployeeDimension.$$LANGUAGE_CODE=E mplt_SIL_EmployeeDimension.$$MASTER_CODE_NOT_FOUND=NA mplt_SIL_EmployeeDimension.$$SOURCE_CODE_NOT_SUPPLIED=NA

7.7.2 Upgrading the Data Warehouse Schema to Version 7.9.4 and Migrating Data

You need to perform this procedure if you are upgrading from Oracle BI Applications release 7.9.3.

To upgrade the data warehouse schema and migrate data into the upgraded data warehouse

  1. Use the reset_infa_seq_gen.bat script to initialize the Informatica sequence generator for incremental runs on the Upgrade repository.

    1. Navigate to OracleBI\dwrep\Upgrade\DbScripts\<database type>.

    2. Open the reset_infa_seq_gen.bat file.

      The file opens a command prompt, which will prompt you for the parameters listed below.

    3. Enter the appropriate parameter values to reflect your environment (the parameters are database specific). For information about the settings to use, see Appendix D, "Database-Specific Parameter Settings for the reset_infa_seq_gen.bat File."

  2. Run the UPGRADE_794.ctl script.

    1. Navigate to the folder OracleBI\dwrep\Upgrade\CTLFiles, and locate the UPGRADE_794.ctl file.

    2. If you changed any of the preconfigured column definitions in the CTL file for your implementation, you need to edit the CTL file to reflect the change. For example, if you renamed or resized an existing column in W_DAY_D, you need to make the same change in the CTL file. If you do not make the change in the CTL file, when the CTL file is run, the column definition will revert to the preconfigured definition. (As a customization, if a column size was changed from VARCHAR(50) to VARCHAR(100), and the same change was not made in the CTL file before running, the column will revert to the preconfigured value of VARCHAR(50), which could cause data to be truncated in some databases.)

    3. Use the DDLimp utility to run the UPGRADE_794.ctl script. Use the following command:

      ..\OracleBI\dwrep\bin\DDLIMP /U <USER> /P <PASSWORD> /C <ODBC connect string>
      /G SSE_ROLE /I N /R Y /F <..\OracleBI\dwrep\UPGRADE.CTL>
      /L <..\oracleBI\dwrep\UPGRADE.log>

      For example:

      /I N /R Y /F C:\OracleBI\dwrep\UPGRADE_794.CTL /L C:\OracleBI\dwrep\UPGRADE.log


      • /P <PASSWORD> - The password for the data warehouse.

      • /C <ODBC connect string> - The name of the ODBC connect string.

      • /I N - Tells DDLimp to ignore the indexes DDL defined in the CTL file if any exist. It does not change existing indexes. (The default is /I Y, which tells DDLimp to create and merge indexes from the CTL file with the indexes in the database.

      • For Oracle databases, use the Data Direct drivers.

        In addition, you can use the following commands:

      • /W Y - If the OLAP database is Oracle and Unicode.

      • /Z Y - If the OLAP database is DB2 or SQL Server and Unicode.

      • /B <TABLE_SPACE_NAME> - If you want to create these tables in a separate table space. For DB2, This must be specified as 32K tablespace.

      • /X <INDEX_TABLE_SPACE_NAME> - If you want to create the indexes in a separate tablespace. For DB2, This must be specified as 32K tablespace.

      • /Y - Storage File for DB2/390.

      • /R - Regrant tables.

  3. Use the DDLimp utility to run the ddl_794.ctl script, which is located in the OracleBI\dwrep\Upgrade\CTLFiles folder.

    If you changed any of the preconfigured column definitions in the CTL file for your implementation, you need to edit the CTL file to reflect the change. For example, if you renamed or resized an existing column in W_DAY_D, you need to make the same change in the CTL file. If you do not make the change in the CTL file, when the CTL file is run, the column definition will revert to the preconfigured definition. (As a customization, if a column size was changed from VARCHAR(50) to VARCHAR(100), and the same change was not made in the CTL file before running, the column will revert to the preconfigured value of VARCHAR(50), which could cause data to be truncated in some databases.)

    Use the following command:

    ..\OracleBI\dwrep\bin\DDLIMP /U <USER> /P <PASSWORD> /C <ODBC connect string>
    /G SSE_ROLE /I N /R Y /F <..\OracleBI\dwrep\ddl_794.ctl>
    /L <..\oracleBI\dwrep\ddl_794.log>

    For example:

    /I N /R Y /F C:\OracleBI\dwrep\ddl_794.ctl /L C:\OracleBI\dwrep\ddl_794.log
  4. Run the 794_UPGRADE_PRE_DIMENSION_SCRIPT.sql script.

    1. Open the SQL client for your database type.

    2. Navigate to the folder OracleBI\dwrep\Upgrade\DbScripts\<database type>.

    3. Open the 794_UPGRADE_PRE_DIMENSION_SCRIPT.sql file, and copy the contents into the SQL client.

    4. Execute the script.

  5. Migrate data into the upgraded data warehouse.

    1. Navigate to the folder OracleBI\dwrep\Upgrade\Informatica\ParameterFiles and copy the file 794_UPG_PARAMS.txt into the SrcFiles folder on the Informatica Server machine, for example, C:\Program Files\Informatica PowerCenter 8.6\server\infa_shared\SrcFiles.

    2. Set the parameter $$ETL_PROC_WID to the latest ETL_PROC_WID value from the database. You can get this value from W_PARAM_G.ETL_PROC_WID.

    3. Set the parameter $$DATASOURCE_NUM_ID to the relevant value from the source system setup.

    4. In Informatica Workflow Manager, navigate to the folder UPGRADE_793_to_794_PSFT88, and execute first the UPGRADE_DIMENSIONS workflow and then the UPGRADE_FACTS workflow.

  6. Verify the data migrated successfully.

    1. Check whether any of the Informatica mapping log files stored in the \Informatica PowerCenter 8.6\server\infa_shared\SessLogs directory indicate errors or failures.

    2. Check whether the script 794_UPGRADE_PRE_DIMENSION_SCRIPT.sql that you ran in the SQL client of the database failed or errored out while executing.

    3. Check the log file for the script Upgrade_794.ctl that you ran using the DDLimp command to determine whether any of the runs failed.

      If you did not detect any errors or failures in the steps above, then the data migration was successful.


      Ignore any error messages that indicate tables or indexes could not be dropped from the database. These error messages are displayed when the specified objects do not exist in the database. This can occur because each source system container holds a subset of all data warehouse tables
  7. If the data migration was successful, drop the tables that were created during the upgrade process, such as, W_xxxx_x_79x tables, LKP_xxxx_x and 79x_XXXX_TMP.

    This step frees the space occupied by these backup tables.

7.7.3 Upgrading the Data Warehouse Schema to Version 7.9.5 and Migrating Data

You need to perform this procedure if you are upgrading from Oracle BI Applications releases 7.9.3 or 7.9.4.

To upgrade the data warehouse schema and migrate data into the upgraded data warehouse

  1. Use the reset_infa_seq_gen.bat script to initialize the Informatica sequence generator for incremental runs on the Upgrade repository.

    1. Navigate to OracleBI\dwrep\Upgrade\DbScripts\<database type>.

    2. Open the reset_infa_seq_gen.bat file.

      The file opens a command prompt, which will prompt you for the parameters listed below.

    3. Enter the appropriate parameter values to reflect your environment (the parameters are database specific). For information about the settings to use, see Appendix D, "Database-Specific Parameter Settings for the reset_infa_seq_gen.bat File."

  2. Run the 795_UPGRADE_PRE_CTL_SCRIPT.sql.

    1. Open the SQL client for your database type.

    2. Navigate to the folder OracleBI\dwrep\Upgrade\DbScripts\<database type>.

    3. Open the 795_UPGRADE_PRE_CTL_SCRIPT.sql file, and copy the contents into the SQL client.

    4. Execute the script.

  3. Run the UPGRADE_795.ctl script.

    1. Navigate to the folder OracleBI\dwrep\Upgrade\CTLFiles, and locate the UPGRADE_795.ctl file.

    2. If you changed any of the preconfigured column definitions in the CTL file for your implementation, you need to edit the CTL file to reflect the change. For example, if you renamed or resized an existing column in W_DAY_D, you need to make the same change in the CTL file. If you do not make the change in the CTL file, when the CTL file is run, the column definition will revert to the preconfigured definition. (As a customization, if a column size was changed from VARCHAR(50) to VARCHAR(100), and the same change was not made in the CTL file before running, the column will revert to the preconfigured value of VARCHAR(50), which could cause data to be truncated in some databases.)

    3. Use the DDLimp utility to run the UPGRADE_795.ctl script. Use the following command:

      ..\OracleBI\dwrep\bin\DDLIMP /U <USER> /P <PASSWORD> /C <ODBC connect string>
      /G SSE_ROLE /I N /R Y /F <..\OracleBI\dwrep\UPGRADE_795.CTL>
      /L <..\oracleBI\dwrep\UPGRADE.log>

      For example:

      /I N /R Y /F C:\OracleBI\dwrep\UPGRADE_795.CTL /L C:\OracleBI\dwrep\UPGRADE.log


      • /P <PASSWORD> - The password for the data warehouse.

      • /C <ODBC connect string> - The name of the ODBC connect string.

      • /I N - Tells DDLimp to ignore the indexes DDL defined in the CTL file if any exist. It does not change existing indexes. (The default is /I Y, which tells DDLimp to create and merge indexes from the CTL file with the indexes in the database.For Oracle databases, use the Data Direct drivers.

        In addition, you can use the following commands:

      • /W Y - If the OLAP database is Oracle and Unicode.

      • /Z Y - If the OLAP database is DB2 or SQL Server and Unicode.

      • /B <TABLE_SPACE_NAME> - If you want to create these tables in a separate table space. For DB2, This must be specified as 32K tablespace.

      • /X <INDEX_TABLE_SPACE_NAME> - If you want to create the indexes in a separate tablespace. For DB2, This must be specified as 32K tablespace.

      • /Y - Storage File for DB2/390.

      • /R - Regrant tables.

  4. Use the DDLimp utility to run the ddl_795.ctl script, which is located in the OracleBI\dwrep\Upgrade\CTLFiles folder.

    If you changed any of the preconfigured column definitions in the CTL file for your implementation, you need to edit the CTL file to reflect the change. For example, if you renamed or resized an existing column in W_DAY_D, you need to make the same change in the CTL file. If you do not make the change in the CTL file, when the CTL file is run, the column definition will revert to the preconfigured definition. (As a customization, if a column size was changed from VARCHAR(50) to VARCHAR(100), and the same change was not made in the CTL file before running, the column will revert to the preconfigured value of VARCHAR(50), which could cause data to be truncated in some databases.)

    Use the following command:

    ..\OracleBI\dwrep\bin\DDLIMP /U <USER> /P <PASSWORD> /C <ODBC connect string>
    /G SSE_ROLE /I N /R Y /F <..\OracleBI\dwrep\ddl_795.ctl>
    /L <..\oracleBI\dwrep\ddl_795.log>

    For example:

    /I N /R Y /F C:\OracleBI\dwrep\ddl_795.ctl /L C:\OracleBI\dwrep\ddl_795.log
  5. Run the 795_UPGRADE_PRE_DIMENSION_SCRIPT.sql script.

    1. Open the SQL client for your database type.

    2. Navigate to the folder OracleBI\dwrep\Upgrade\DbScripts\<database type>.

    3. Open the 795_UPGRADE_PRE_DIMENSION_SCRIPT.sql file, and copy the contents into the SQL client.

    4. Execute the script.

  6. Migrate data into the upgraded data warehouse.

    1. Navigate to the folder OracleBI\dwrep\Upgrade\Informatica\ParameterFiles and copy the file 795_UPG_PARAMS.txt into the SrcFiles folder on the Informatica Server machine, for example, C:\Program Files\Informatica PowerCenter 8.6\server\infa_shared\SrcFiles.

    2. Set the parameter $$ETL_PROC_WID to the latest ETL_PROC_WID value from the database. You can get this value from W_PARAM_G.ETL_PROC_WID.

    3. Set the parameter $$DATASOURCE_NUM_ID to the relevant value from the source system setup.

    4. In Informatica Workflow Manager, navigate to the folder UPGRADE_794_to_795_PSFT88 and execute first the UPGRADE_DIMENSIONS workflow and then the UPGRADE_FACTS workflow.

  7. Verify the data migrated successfully.

    1. Check whether any of the Informatica mapping log files stored in the \Informatica PowerCenter 8.6\serva\infa_shared\Sesslogs directory indicates errors or failures.

    2. Check whether the script 795_UPGRADE_PRE_DIMENSION_SCRIPT.sql that you ran in the SQL client of the database failed or errored out while executing.

    3. Check the log file for the script Upgrade_795.ctl that you ran using the DDLimp command to determine whether any of the runs failed.

      If you did not detect any errors or failures in the steps above, then the data migration was successful.

  8. If the data migration was successful, drop the tables that were created during the upgrade process, such as W_xxxx_x_79x, LKP_xxxx_x and 79x_xxxx_TMP.

    This step frees the space occupied by these backup tables.

  9. Once the data migration steps above are complete, you can delete the Upgrade repository to avoid any accidental use or confusion.

    1. In the Informatica PowerCenter Administration Console, select the Upgrade repository service.

    2. In the General Properties area of the Properties tab, click Edit .

    3. Make sure the operating mode of the repository service is set to Exclusive.

    4. Click OK.

    5. Choose Actions, and then click Delete Contents.

    6. In the Delete contents for <repository name> dialog, enter the repository username and password (for example, Administrator/Administrator), then click OK.

  10. Use the reset_infa_seq_gen.bat script to initialize the Informatica sequence generator for incremental runs on the main Informatica Repository (Oracle_BI_DW_Base.rep).

    1. Navigate to OracleBI\dwrep\Upgrade\DbScripts\<database type>.

    2. Open the reset_infa_seq_gen.bat file.

      The file opens a command prompt, which will prompt you for the parameters listed below.

    3. Enter the appropriate parameter values to reflect your environment (the parameters are database specific). For information about the settings to use, see Appendix D, "Database-Specific Parameter Settings for the reset_infa_seq_gen.bat File."

7.7.4 Upgrading the Data Warehouse Schema to Version and Migrating Data

You need to perform this procedure if you are upgrading from Oracle BI Applications releases 7.9.3, 7.9.4, or 7.9.5.

To upgrade the data warehouse schema and migrate data

  1. Use the reset_infa_seq_gen.bat script to initialize the Informatica sequence generator for incremental runs on the Upgrade repository.

    1. Navigate to OracleBI\dwrep\Upgrade\DbScripts\<database type>.

    2. Open the reset_infa_seq_gen.bat file.

      The file opens a command prompt, which will prompt you for the parameters listed below.

    3. Enter the appropriate parameter values to reflect your environment (the parameters are database specific). For information about the settings to use, see Appendix D, "Database-Specific Parameter Settings for the reset_infa_seq_gen.bat File."

  2. Run the 7951_UPGRADE_PRE_CTL_SCRIPT.sql.

    1. Open the SQL client for your database type.

    2. Navigate to the folder OracleBI\dwrep\Upgrade\DbScripts\<database type>.

    3. Open the 7951_UPGRADE_PRE_CTL_SCRIPT.sql file, and copy the contents into the SQL client.

    4. Execute the script.

  3. Run the UPGRADE_7951.ctl script.

    This script adds temp tables for the upgrade process.

    1. Navigate to the folder OracleBI\dwrep\Upgrade\CTLFiles.

    2. Use the DDLimp utility to run the UPGRADE_7951.ctl script. Use the following command:

      ..\OracleBI\dwrep\bin\DDLIMP /U <USER> /P <PASSWORD> /C <ODBC connect string>
      /G SSE_ROLE /I N /R Y /F <..\OracleBI\dwrep\UPGRADE_7951.CTL>
      /L <..\oracleBI\dwrep\UPGRADE.log>

      For example:

      /I N /R Y /F C:\OracleBI\dwrep\UPGRADE_7951.CTL /L C:\OracleBI\dwrep\UPGRADE.log


      • /P <PASSWORD> - The password for the data warehouse.

      • /C <ODBC connect string> - The name of the ODBC connect string.

      • /I N - Tells DDLimp to ignore the indexes DDL defined in the CTL file if any exist. It does not change existing indexes. (The default is /I Y, which tells DDLimp to create and merge indexes from the CTL file with the indexes in the database.For Oracle databases, use the Data Direct drivers.

        In addition, you can use the following commands:

      • /W Y - If the OLAP database is Oracle and Unicode.

      • /Z Y - If the OLAP database is DB2 or SQL Server and Unicode.

      • /B <TABLE_SPACE_NAME> - If you want to create these tables in a separate table space. For DB2, This must be specified as 32K tablespace.

      • /X <INDEX_TABLE_SPACE_NAME> - If you want to create the indexes in a separate tablespace. For DB2, This must be specified as 32K tablespace.

      • /Y - Storage File for DB2/390.

      • /R - Regrant tables.

  4. Use the DDLimp utility to run the ddl_7951.ctl script, which is located in the OracleBI\dwrep\Upgrade\CTLFiles folder. Use the following command:

    ..\OracleBI\dwrep\bin\DDLIMP /U <USER> /P <PASSWORD> /C <ODBC connect string>
    /G SSE_ROLE /I N /R Y /F <..\OracleBI\dwrep\ddl_7951.ctl>
    /L <..\oracleBI\dwrep\ddl_7951.log>

    For example:

    /I N /R Y /F C:\OracleBI\dwrep\ddl_7951.ctl /L C:\OracleBI\dwrep\ddl_7951.log
  5. Run the 7951_UPGRADE_PRE_DIMENSION_SCRIPT.sql script.

    1. Open the SQL client for your database type.

    2. Navigate to the folder OracleBI\dwrep\Upgrade\DbScripts\<database type>.

    3. Open the 7951_UPGRADE_PRE_DIMENSION_SCRIPT.sql file, and copy the contents into the SQL client.

    4. Execute the script.

  6. Migrate data into the upgraded data warehouse.

    1. Navigate to the folder OracleBI\dwrep\Upgrade\Informatica\ParameterFiles and copy the file 7951_UPG_PARAMS.txt into the SrcFiles folder on the Informatica Server machine, for example, C:\Program Files\Informatica PowerCenter 8.6\server\infa_shared\SrcFiles.

    2. Set the parameter $$ETL_PROC_WID to the latest ETL_PROC_WID value from the database. You can get this value from W_PARAM_G.ETL_PROC_WID.

    3. Set the parameter $$DATASOURCE_NUM_ID to the relevant value from the source system setup.

    4. In Informatica Workflow Manager, navigate to the folder UPGRADE_795_to_7951_PSFT88 and execute first the UPGRADE_DIMENSIONS workflow and then the UPGRADE_FACTS workflow.

  7. Verify the data migrated successfully.

    1. Check whether any of the Informatica mapping log files stored in the \Informatica PowerCenter 8.6\serva\infa_shared\Sesslogs directory indicates errors or failures.

    2. Check whether the script 7951_UPGRADE_PRE_DIMENSION_SCRIPT.sql that you ran in the SQL client of the database failed or errored out while executing.

    3. Check the log file for the script Upgrade_7951.ctl that you ran using the DDLimp command to determine whether any of the runs failed.

      If you did not detect any errors or failures in the steps above, then the data migration was successful.


      Ignore any error messages that indicate tables or indexes could not be dropped from the database. These error messages are displayed when the specified objects do not exist in the database. This can occur because each source system container holds a subset of all data warehouse tables
  8. If the data migration was successful, drop the tables that were created during the upgrade process, such as W_xxxx_x_79x, LKP_xxxx_x and 79x_xxxx_TMP.

    This step frees the space occupied by these backup tables.

  9. Once the data migration steps above are complete, you can delete the Upgrade repository to avoid any accidental use or confusion.

    1. In the Informatica PowerCenter Administration Console, select the Upgrade repository service.

    2. In the General Properties area of the Properties tab, click Edit .

    3. Make sure the operating mode of the repository service is set to Exclusive.

    4. Click OK.

    5. Choose Actions, and then click Delete Contents.

    6. In the Delete contents for <repository name> dialog, enter the repository username and password (for example, Administrator/Administrator), then click OK.

  10. Use the reset_infa_seq_gen.bat script to initialize the Informatica sequence generator for incremental runs on the main Informatica Repository (Oracle_BI_DW_Base.rep).

    1. Navigate to OracleBI\dwrep\Upgrade\DbScripts\<database type>.

    2. Open the reset_infa_seq_gen.bat file.

      The file opens a command prompt, which will prompt you for the parameters listed below.

    3. Enter the appropriate parameter values to reflect your environment (the parameters are database specific). For information about the settings to use, see Appendix D, "Database-Specific Parameter Settings for the reset_infa_seq_gen.bat File."

7.7.5 Upgrading the Data Warehouse Schema to Version 7.9.6 and Migrating Data

You need to perform the procedures in this section if you are upgrading from Oracle BI Applications releases 7.9.3, 7.9.4, 7.9.5, or

This section includes the following topics: Upgrading the Data Warehouse Schema to Version 7.9.6

Follow this procedure to upgrade the data warehouse schema to version 7.9.6.

To upgrade the data warehouse schema to version 7.9.6

  1. Run the 796_UPGRADE_DROP_INDEXES.sql script.

    1. Open the SQL client for your database type.

    2. Navigate to the folder OracleBI\dwrep\Upgrade\DbScripts\<database type>.

    3. Open the 796_UPGRADE_DROP_INDEXES. sql file, and copy the contents into the SQL client.

    4. Execute the script.

  2. Run the UPGRADE_796.ctl script.

    1. Navigate to the folder OracleBI\dwrep\Upgrade\CTLFiles, and locate the UPGRADE_796.ctl file.

    2. If you changed any of the preconfigured column definitions in the CTL file for your implementation, you need to edit the CTL file to reflect the change. For example, if you renamed or resized an existing column in W_DAY_D, you need to make the same change in the CTL file. If you do not make the change in the CTL file, when the CTL file is run, the column definition will revert to the preconfigured definition. (As a customization, if a column size was changed from VARCHAR(50) to VARCHAR(100), and the same change was not made in the CTL file before running, the column will revert to the preconfigured value of VARCHAR(50), which could cause data to be truncated in some databases.)

    3. Use the DDLimp utility to run the UPGRADE_796.ctl script. Use the following command:

      ..\OracleBI\dwrep\bin\DDLIMP /U <USER> /P <PASSWORD> /C <ODBC connect string>
      /G SSE_ROLE /I N /R Y /F <..\OracleBI\dwrep\UPGRADE_796.CTL>
      /L <..\oracleBI\dwrep\UPGRADE.log>

      For example:

      /I N /R Y /F C:\OracleBI\dwrep\UPGRADE_796.CTL /L C:\OracleBI\dwrep\UPGRADE.log


      • /P <PASSWORD> - The password for the data warehouse.

      • /C <ODBC connect string> - The name of the ODBC connect string.

      • /I N - Tells DDLimp to ignore the indexes DDL defined in the CTL file if any exist. It does not change existing indexes. (The default is /I Y, which tells DDLimp to create and merge indexes from the CTL file with the indexes in the database.For Oracle databases, use the Data Direct drivers.

        In addition, you can use the following commands:

      • /W Y - If the OLAP database is Oracle and Unicode.

      • /Z Y - If the OLAP database is DB2 or SQL Server and Unicode.

      • /B <TABLE_SPACE_NAME> - If you want to create these tables in a separate table space. For DB2, This must be specified as 32K tablespace.

      • /X <INDEX_TABLE_SPACE_NAME> - If you want to create the indexes in a separate tablespace. For DB2, This must be specified as 32K tablespace.

      • /Y - Storage File for DB2/390.

      • /R - Regrant tables.

  3. Run the 796_UPGRADE_PRE_CTL_SCRIPT.sql.

    1. Open the SQL client for your database type.

    2. Navigate to the folder OracleBI\dwrep\Upgrade\DbScripts\<database type>.

    3. Open the 796_UPGRADE_PRE_CTL_SCRIPT.sql file, and copy the contents into the SQL client.

    4. Find and replace the Datasource_Num_id = -1 with the correct Datasource_Num_id from your existing implementation. (The value -1 is a dummy value.)

    5. Execute the script.

  4. Use the DDLimp utility to run the ddl_796.ctl script, which is located in the OracleBI\dwrep\Upgrade\CTLFiles folder.

    If you changed any of the preconfigured column definitions in the CTL file for your implementation, you need to edit the CTL file to reflect the change. For example, if you renamed or resized an existing column in W_DAY_D, you need to make the same change in the CTL file. If you do not make the change in the CTL file, when the CTL file is run, the column definition will revert to the preconfigured definition. (As a customization, if a column size was changed from VARCHAR(50) to VARCHAR(100), and the same change was not made in the CTL file before running, the column will revert to the preconfigured value of VARCHAR(50), which could cause data to be truncated in some databases.)

    Use the following command:

    ..\OracleBI\dwrep\bin\DDLIMP /U <USER> /P <PASSWORD> /C <ODBC connect string>
    /G SSE_ROLE /I N /R Y /F <..\OracleBI\dwrep\ddl_796.ctl>
    /L <..\oracleBI\dwrep\ddl_796.log>

    For example:

    /I N /R Y /F C:\OracleBI\dwrep\ddl_796.ctl /L C:\OracleBI\dwrep\ddl_796.log
  5. Use the reset_infa_seq_gen.bat script to initialize the Informatica sequence generator for incremental runs on the main Informatica Repository (Oracle_BI_DW_Base.rep).

    1. Navigate to OracleBI\dwrep\Upgrade\DbScripts\<database type>.

    2. Open the reset_infa_seq_gen.bat file.

      The file opens a command prompt, which will prompt you for the parameters listed below.

    3. Enter the appropriate parameter values to reflect your environment (the parameters are database specific). For information about the settings to use, see Appendix D, "Database-Specific Parameter Settings for the reset_infa_seq_gen.bat File."

  6. Run the 796_UPGRADE_PRE_DIMENSION_SCRIPT.sql script.

    1. Open the SQL client for your database type.

    2. Navigate to the folder OracleBI\dwrep\Upgrade\DbScripts\<database type>.

    3. Open the 796_UPGRADE_PRE_DIMENSION_SCRIPT.sql file, and copy the contents into the SQL client.

    4. Execute the script. Migrating Data into the Upgraded Data Warehouse

Follow this procedure to migrate data into the upgraded data warehouse.

To migrate data into the upgraded data warehouse

  1. Navigate to the folder OracleBI\dwrep\Upgrade\Informatica\ParameterFiles and copy the file 796_UPG_PARAMS.txt into the SrcFiles folder on the Informatica Server machine, for example, C:\Program Files\Informatica PowerCenter 8.6\server\infa_shared\SrcFiles.

  2. In the 796_UPG_PARAMS.txt file, set the following parameters:

    1. $$ETL_PROC_WID. Set this parameter to the relevant value from the source system setup. You can get this value from W_PARAM_G.ETL_PROC_WID

    2. $$DATASOURCE_NUM_ID. Set this parameter to the relevant value from the source system setup.

    3. $$INITIAL_EXTRACT_DATE. Set this parameter to the initial extraction data of the data warehouse.

    4. $$WH_DATASOURCE_NUM_ID. Set this parameter to the data source number ID you have set up for the data warehouse.

    5. $$MASTER_ORG. Get this value from the Source System Parameters tab in DAC.

    6. $$INV_PROD_CAT_SET_ID1. Get this value from the Source System Parameters tab in DAC.

    7. $$PROD_CAT_SET_ID1. Get this value from the Source System Parameters tab in DAC.

  3. If you are upgrading Oracle Financial Analytics, you need to configure specific parameters and update mappings. For more information, see Section C.1, "Configuring Parameters and Mappings for Oracle Financial Analytics."

  4. If you are upgrading Oracle Projects Analytics, you need to configure specific parameters. For more information, see Section C.3, "Configuring Parameters for Oracle Projects Analytics."

  5. In Informatica Workflow Manager, navigate to the folder UPGRADE_7951_to_796_PSFT90 and execute first the UPGRADE_DIMENSIONS workflow and then the UPGRADE_FACTS workflow.

    Use this folder for PeopleSoft versions 8.9 and 9.0.

  6. Run the 796_UPGRADE_POST_SCRIPT.sql.

    1. Open the SQL client for your database type.

    2. Navigate to the folder OracleBI\dwrep\Upgrade\DbScripts\<database type>.

    3. Open the 796_UPGRADE_POST_SCRIPT.sql file, and copy the contents into the SQL client.

    4. Execute the script. Verifying the Data Migrated Successfully

Follow this procedure to verify that the data was migrated successfully into the upgraded data warehouse.

To verify the data migrated successfully

  1. Check whether any of the Informatica mapping log files stored in the \Informatica PowerCenter 8.6\serva\infa_shared\Sesslogs directory indicates errors or failures.

  2. Check whether the following scripts that you ran in the SQL client of the database failed or errored out while executing:





  3. Check the log files for the ddl_796.ctl and Upgrade_796.ctl scripts that you ran using the DDLimp command to determine whether any of the runs failed.

    If you did not detect any errors or failures in the steps above, then the data migration was successful.


    Ignore any error messages that indicate tables or indexes could not be dropped from the database. These error messages are displayed when the specified objects do not exist in the database. This can occur because each source system container holds a subset of all data warehouse tables
  4. If the data migration was successful, drop the tables that were created during the upgrade process, such as W_xxxx_x_79x, LKP_xxxx_x and 79x_xxxx_TMP.

    This step frees the space occupied by these backup tables. Resetting Refresh Dates

After verifying the data was migrated successfully into the upgraded data warehouse, follow this procedure to reset refresh dates.

  1. Navigate to the folder UPGRADE_7951_to_796_PSFT90, and execute the RESET_DAC_REFRESH_DATES workflow.

    Use this folder for PeopleSoft versions 8.9 and 9.0.

  2. In DAC, do the following:

    1. Navigate to the Setup view, and click the Physical Data Sources tab.

    2. In the top pane list, select DataWarehouse. (If you customized the name of the connection for the data warehouse, select the appropriate connection for the data warehouse database.)

    3. Click the Refresh Dates subtab (in the lower pane).

    4. Query for the following tables, and, for each table, set the value in the Refresh Date column to NULL:




  3. Once the data migration steps above are complete, you can delete the Upgrade repository to avoid any accidental use or confusion.

    1. In the Informatica PowerCenter Administration Console, select the Upgrade repository service.

    2. In the General Properties area of the Properties tab, click Edit .

    3. Make sure the operating mode of the repository service is set to Exclusive.

    4. Click OK.

    5. Choose Actions, and then click Delete Contents.

    6. In the Delete contents for <repository name> dialog, enter the repository username and password (for example, Administrator/Administrator), then click OK.

7.8 Upgrading the Oracle BI Repository

This process merges your customizations of a prior release of the Oracle BI repository with the new version of the Oracle BI repository. Before you begin this process, make sure you have backed up and renamed your existing repository.

To upgrade the repository, perform the following tasks:

The tasks in this section refer to multiple versions of the Oracle BI repository. Table 7-1 provides the names and descriptions of the repositories used in the examples in this section.

Table 7-1 Names of Analytics Repositories used in Examples

Name of Repository Description


The standard Oracle BI repository for the version you are upgrading from.

Note: Standard repositories from previous releases are available in the folder \OracleBI\Upgrade.


The standard Oracle BI repository for the version you are upgrading to.


The Oracle BI repository that contains your customizations for the version you are upgrading from.


The Oracle BI repository that contains your customizations for the version you are upgrading to.

7.8.1 Preparing for the Oracle BI Repository Upgrade

Follow this procedure to prepare for the repository upgrade.

To prepare for the Analytics repository upgrade

  1. Set up a directory for the merge process, such as \OracleBIUpgrade, and create the following subfolders:

    • Original

    • AfterEqualize

    • AfterMerge

    • AfterManualWork

    • AfterRegressions

  2. Copy the original repository (for example, OracleBIAnalyticsApps_793.rpd), the production repository (for example, Customer_OracleBIAnalyticsApps.rpd, and the repository from the latest installation (for example, OracleBIAnalyticsApps.rpd) into the folder \OracleBIUpgrade\Original.

    If, in your current environment, you are running Oracle BI Applications for one or more modules using a Oracle BI repository in which you extracted the corresponding projects for the modules from the standard Oracle BI repository file you received from the previous release, you need to extract the same projects from the OracleBIAnalyticsApps_793.rpd file and use this as your original repository. (If you have the original repository that you extracted during the last upgrade, you can use it as the original repository file.) This will prevent you from losing any new metadata you would like to add in this upgrade.

    Also, if you customized the Oracle BI repository by trimming a large number of objects and you would like to get those objects back during the current upgrade, you need to trim the OracleBIAnalyticsApps_793.rpd file in the same way and use the modified version as the original repository file. This will prevent you from losing any new metadata you would like to add in this upgrade.

7.8.2 Equalizing the Oracle BI Repositories

The Merge feature in the Administration Tool relies on a change detection algorithm to determine the changes that need to be made to upgrade repositories correctly. For the algorithm to work correctly, it has to determine which objects in the three repositories (for example, OracleBIAnalyticsApps_793.rpd, OracleBIAnalyticsApps.rpd, and Customer_OracleBIAnalyticsApps.rpd) are equivalent.

The point of this step is to determine for every object in the OracleBIAnalyticsApps.rpd and the Customer_OracleBIAnalyticsApps.rpd whether it is coming from the OracleBIAnalyticsApps_793.rpd.

Equivalence between objects is established using the Administration Tool's Equalize feature. The file that you specify in the Output option (-O) is the only file that is modified during the equalization process.

The Equalize feature has several mechanisms for determining whether an object in two different repositories is semantically the same:

  • Fully Qualified Name. If an object in one repository has the same fully qualified name as another object of the same class in another repository, then the two objects are declared equal.

  • Simple String Substitution. Equivalence can be declared between two objects of the same class in two repositories whose only difference is that some key characters in their names differ. The equalizerpds executable file ignores those characters while checking fully qualified names. For example, "Core"."W_DAY_D" might be considered equivalent to "Core"."W DAY D" if the characters "_" and " " have been declared as equivalent.

  • Rename File. When none of the preceding rules are applicable, equivalence can be manually declared using a script as input to the equalizerpds executable file. Oracle ships the rename files (MAP) for the major releases. The files are located in the OracleBI\Upgrade folder. You can also create your own rename files for customizations not covered in the files that Oracle ships. You can open and edit the rename files in Microsoft Excel.

The syntax of the equalizerpds command is as follows:

equalizerpds.exe  -A userid1 [-B [password1]] -C base_repository_name -D userid2 [-E [password2]] -F repository2_name [-J udml_utf8_file_name_equalization] [-O ouput_repository_name] [-X] [-Y equalStringSet]
-X          Treat 'Factxxxx' as 'Fact' in Business Model.
-Y          Treat the characters as equals.
/?          Display this usage information and exit.

To equalize a repository

  1. Copy the appropriate MAP file from the OracleBI\Upgrade folder into the folder where you will execute equalizerpds.exe, for example, \OracleBIUpgrade\Original.

  2. Run equalizerpds.exe to equalize the repository from the latest installation (for example, OracleBIAnalyticsApps.rpd) with the original repository (for example, OracleBIAnalyticsAppss_793.rpd). An example of the equalizerpds command is as follows:

    equalizerpds -A Administrator -B SADMIN
    -C \\OracleBIUpgrade\Original\OracleBIAnalyticsApps_793.rpd
    -D Administrator -E SADMIN
    -F \\OracleBIUpgrade\Original\OracleBIAnalyticsApps.rpd
    -O \\OracleBIAnalyticsUpgrade\AfterEqualize\OracleBIAnalyticsApps.rpd
    -X -J

    The MAP files are located in the \OracleBI\Upgrade folder.

    If the equalizerpds.exe executable file runs correctly, no errors are returned.

  3. Run equalizerpds.exe to equalize your customized repository (for example, Customer_OracleBIAnalyticsApps.rpd) with the original repository (for example, OracleBIAnalyticsApps_7x.rpd). An example of the equalizerpds command is as follows:

    equalizerpds -A Administrator -B SADMIN
    -C \\OracleBIUpgrade\Original\OracleBIAnalyticsApps_7x.rpd
    -D Administrator -E SADMIN
    -F \\OracleBIUpgrade\Original\Customer_OracleBIAnalyticsApps.rpd
    -O \\OracleBIUpgrade\AfterEqualize\Customer_OracleBIAnalyticsApps.rpd

    The execution of equalizerpds that equalizes the customer repository with the original repository does not use the rename file.

    Make sure that the original repository is copied unchanged into its new location so that after running the script, all three repositories are contained within the \OracleBIUpgrade\AfterEqualize directory.

  4. To verify the process completed successfully, compare the size of the repositories. The output repository (-O) should be close to the same size as the repository you equalized (-F).

7.8.3 Comparing the Oracle BI Repositories

Follow this procedure to compare your existing repository with the new version to which you are upgrading.

To compare the Analytics repositories

  • Use the Administration Tool's Compare Repositories feature to analyze the differences between your existing repository and the new version of the repository to which you are upgrading. Note where elements have been created, removed, or changed in the new version. Consider whether you can use the new metadata and retire customizations you made in the existing repository.

    For instructions on how to use the Administration Tool's Compare Repositories feature, see Oracle Business Intelligence Server Administration Guide.

7.8.4 Merging the Oracle BI Repositories

In this procedure, you execute the main algorithm to upgrade the repository. For more information on merging the repositories, see Oracle Business Intelligence Server Administration Guide.

To merge versions of the Oracle BI repositories

  1. Copy the three repositories (for example, OracleBIAnalyticsApps_793.rpd, OracleBIAnalyticsApps.rpd, and Customer_OracleBIAnalyticsApps.rpd) to the AfterMerge folder.

  2. Open the repository from the latest installation (for example, OracleBIAnalyticsApps.rpd) in the \OracleBIUpgrade\AfterMerge folder.

  3. Save the repository with a new name, for example, Merged_Repository_OracleBIAnalyticsApps.rpd.

    This new repository will contain the final results of the upgrade.

  4. From the Administration Tool menu bar, select File, then select Merge.

  5. In the Select Original Repository dialog box, select the original repository (for example, OracleBIAnalyticsApps_793.rpd).

  6. Enter the password, and click OK.

  7. Click Select for the Modified Repository field.

  8. In the Select Modified Repository dialog box, select the repository that contains the customizations you made to the previous version of the Analytics repository.

  9. Click Open, type the password, and then click OK.

  10. In the Decision drop-down list, select the action you want to take regarding the repository change, or accept the default action.

  11. To locate subsequent rows with empty Decision fields, click the Decision header cell.

    When all rows have a value in the Decision field, the Merge button is enabled.

  12. Click Merge.

    This process can take up to 40 minutes, depending on the size of the repositories you are working with. A message will alert you when the merge is complete.

  13. Click Yes when asked if you want to run a consistency check.

    The number of errors returned by the consistency check is an indication of how successful the merge process was. If you receive many errors, for example, over 300, you should analyze the reason for the errors. If the merge process failed to recognize that two objects are the same, you may need to edit the rename file if the object is in the Current repository, or add your own rename file if you have renamed many of the objects and the upgrade engine failed to relate them to the original objects.

    You also may need to change the actions you selected in the Decision drop-down list before rerunning the merge. This could save you time by reducing the number of errors that you will need to fix manually.

    Once you are satisfied with the results of the merge, you should fix the remaining errors manually. It is important that you fix all errors before moving on to the next step. This repository serves as the input for the next stage.

    You should also check that all of your customized objects are present and that no duplicate physical tables were introduced. To check for duplicate tables, search for physical tables using a query such as:

    where name like '*#1'
  14. Copy the repository to the folder \OracleBIUpgrade\AfterManualWork.

7.8.5 Regression Testing the Oracle BI Repository Merge

In performing a regression test for the repository merge, the objective is to collect a set of logical SQL statements that are used for reports and to verify that they continue to work with the new metadata. For this purpose, it is recommended that you perform the following procedure.

To perform regression testing

  1. Run the reports that are necessary to include in the regression suite. These reports might be a subset of the reports in the Presentation Catalog.

  2. Collect the logical SQL generated in the previous step. You can do this using Usage Tracking or by parsing the query log file.

    For information about Usage Tracking, see Oracle Business Intelligence Server Administration Guide.

  3. Execute the logical SQL against the old repository using the command line utility nQCmd.exe located in \OracleBI\server\bin, and save the results to a file.

    For information about the nQCmd.exe utility, see Oracle Business Intelligence Server Administration Guide.

  4. Edit the logical SQL test scripts to account for the name changes or modifications resulting from the upgrade.

  5. Execute the edited logical SQL against the merged repository, and save the results.

  6. Compare the results from the steps above and try to explain the differences. If it is determined that these differences are due to the upgrade process, then you have to correct them manually.

    This repository now contains the merged content from the new OracleBIAnalyticsApps.rpd and the production repository.

7.9 Upgrading the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog

You will need to upgrade your current Oracle BI Presentation Catalog if your organization:

If you made no changes to the previous Presentation Catalog distributed with previous versions of prebuilt applications, you do not need to upgrade the catalog. You can begin using the newer version of the catalog.

This process includes the following tasks:


In releases of Oracle BI Applications previous to 7.9, the Presentation Catalog (formerly known as the Siebel Analytics Web Catalog) was stored in a single file rather than in a directory structure of individual files. If you have a previous version of the Presentation Catalog, you will need to convert it to the new format. For more information about how to convert the Presentation Catalog to the new format, see the Oracle Business Intelligence Infrastructure Upgrade Guide

7.9.1 Trimming the Input Presentation Catalog

Before you upgrade and merge your current Presentation Catalog with the new Presentation Catalog, determine which of the existing content you want to keep and which new content you want to incorporate. Review your existing Presentation Catalog and determine the usage patterns of reports and dashboards. Note that some of the preconfigured content in the existing catalog may appear in the new version in a redesigned format. In addition, the new version includes completely new content. After you have decided the content that is to make up your enterprise Presentation Catalog, trim the input catalogs using the Catalog Manager. For information on trimming catalogs, see Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services Administration Guide.

7.9.2 Upgrading the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog to a Newer Version

The Presentation Catalog upgrade process makes use of three catalogs:

  • The original Presentation Catalog. This is the unmodified Presentation Catalog that you received with the Oracle BI Applications release that you are upgrading from.

  • The new Presentation Catalog. This is the Presentation Catalog that is installed in the OracleBIData\web\catalog folder with the installation of Oracle BI Applications.

  • The current Presentation Catalog. This is the Presentation Catalog currently in use at your organization.

You use Catalog Manager for this upgrade process. Catalog Manager compares the content in both the Current Presentation Catalog and the Modified Presentation Catalog with the content in the Original Presentation Catalog, merges any changes into the Current Presentation Catalog, and produces a list of upgrade differences, which you must resolve by indicating how you want the differences handled. If the catalogs have conflicting content, you can choose which catalog the content should be taken from. The end result is a merged Presentation Catalog that contains the site-specific changes, as well as new metadata.

To upgrade your Presentation Catalog to a newer version

  1. Make a backup copy of the current Presentation Catalog, rename the folder <catalogname>_old, and move it to a temporary location.

  2. Copy the original Presentation Catalog into the folder that holds your current Presentation Catalog and rename it <catalogname>_Original.

  3. Start Catalog Manager and open the new Presentation Catalog in offline mode.

  4. Select Tools, then select Upgrade Catalog.

  5. In the original Presentation Catalog field, browse to locate the original Presentation Catalog.

  6. In the Current Presentation Catalog field, browse to locate your current Web Catalog, <catalogname>_old.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Resolve any upgrade differences as follows:

    1. Review each unresolved difference in the Unresolved differences list.

    2. For each unresolved difference, select the version that you want to keep.

    3. Click OK.

    The log file SiebelAnalyticsMigrationLog.txt holds information about the merge process. This log file is written to \OracleBI\web\catalogmanager. If you get an error logged in the file, this means that the path in question had a problem that did not allow the merge mechanism to resolve the merge. No action was taken. To merge that particular item, go into your original Presentation Catalog and merge it manually.

  9. Review the upgraded Presentation Catalog, and, if necessary, set permissions for objects.

  10. Save the new Presentation Catalog.

7.9.3 Testing the Results of the Presentation Catalog Upgrade


Before you perform this step, you must first migrate the data into the upgraded data warehouse.

The Presentation Catalog upgrade functionality does not automatically carry over object permissions; therefore, you should review the Presentation Catalog object permissions before you perform this step.

This step ensures that the upgraded reports and the new preconfigured reports are functional and render correct results within the new, merged Presentation Catalog. This step is typically performed by visually inspecting the final results of the complete end-to-end upgrade process.

For upgraded reports, the preferred approach for comparison purposes is to have side-by-side environments, and have users review specific dashboard content between the two environments. Examine not only the look and feel of the application but also the data contained in the reports to make sure the content remains the same. It is recommended that you request users to use various elements of the user interface to validate results, such as global prompts, column selectors, report filters, drills, and navigations, as they normally do on a day-to-day basis.

Also review the overall visibility and administrative settings in the new Presentation Catalog to ensure they are correct. Pay careful attention to the visibility rules that are established for any content that was migrated during the upgrade. You might have to manually adjust these settings.