

Used in: packet-publisher.


Specifies timing and transmission rate parameters related to packet delivery.

Death Detection

The timeout-milliseconds and heartbeat-milliseconds are used in detecting the death of other cluster nodes.


The following table describes the elements you can define within the packet-delivery element.

Element Required/Optional Description
<resend-milliseconds> Required For packets which require confirmation, specifies the minimum amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a corresponding ACK packet, before resending a packet.

Default value is 200.
<timeout-milliseconds> Required For packets which require confirmation, specifies the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, that a packet will be resent. After this timeout expires Coherence will make a determination if the recipient is to be considered "dead". This determination takes additional data into account, such as if other nodes are still able to communicate with the recipient.

Default value is 60000.

Note: For production use, the recommended value is the greater of 60000 and two times the maximum expected full GC duration.
<heartbeat-milliseconds> Required Specifies the interval between heartbeats. Each member issues a unicast heartbeat, and the most senior member issues the cluster heartbeat, which is a broadcast message. The heartbeat is used by the tcp-ring-listener as part of fast death detection.

Default value is 1000.
<flow-control> Optional Configures per-node packet throttling and remote GC detection.
<packet-bundling> Optional Configures how aggressively Coherence will attempt to maximize packet utilization.