Oracle® Transportation Management Installation Readme Version: 6.0 Copyright © 2006, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ================================================================================== Thank you for purchasing Oracle Transportation Management. For installation instruction, please refer to the Oracle Transportation Management 6.0 Administration Guide: /documentation/administration/administration.pdf IMPORTANT: The latest notes and updates on installing Oracle Transportation Management 6.0 can be found on MetaLink, under Document ID 785595.1 (MetaLink account required). Please check there before proceeding. OTM documentation is shipped separately from the base product. You should have a file called ""; unzip the contents of this file into a directory called "docs". After installation of the base product is complete you will need to move the contents of the "docs" directory to: $OTM/docs where $OTM is the root directory where Oracle Transportation Management was installed. ====================================================================== IMPORTANT: Some third party components necessary to use certain functions in the Oracle Transportation Management product are not included and can be obtained directly from the third party. In order to download these third party components, please follow these instructions. Note: to ensure that the correct version of the jars are downloaded, an MD5 checksum file is provided. More information on the md5sum utility can be found at: ====================================================================== The following files MUST be installed prior to starting Oracle Transportation Management: 1. Download the following file into a temporary directory: a. 2. Unzip using a Zip utility such as WinZip and locate the following files: a. velocity-1.4/velocity-1.4.jar b. velocity-1.4/velocity-dep-1.4.jar Copy them to the following directory on BOTH the Web & App servers: $OTM/glog/gc3webapp/WEB-INF/lib/3rdparty where $OTM is the root directory where Oracle Transportation Management was installed. 3. On Linux, Solaris, HP-UX and AIX, change the permissions on the files to -rwxr-xr-x on both the Web & App servers: $ chmod 755 velocity-1.4.jar velocity-dep-1.4.jar 4. On Linux, Solaris, HP-UX and AIX, change the owner of the files to the user used to install Oracle Transportation Management (e.g. otm60) on both the Web & App servers: $ chown otm60 velocity-1.4.jar velocity-dep-1.4.jar ====================================================================== The following files MUST be installed prior to starting Oracle Transportation Management: 1. Download the following file into a temporary directory: a. 2. Unzip using a Zip utility such as WinZip and locate the following file: a. velocity-tools-1.2/lib/velocity-tools-generic-1.2.jar Copy it to the following directory on BOTH the Web & App servers: $OTM/glog/gc3webapp/WEB-INF/lib/3rdparty where $OTM is the root directory where Oracle Transportation Management was installed. 3. On Linux, Solaris, HP-UX and AIX, change the permissions on the files to -rwxr-xr-x on both the Web & App servers: $ chmod 755 velocity-tools-generic-1.2.jar 4. On Linux, Solaris, HP-UX and AIX, change the owner of the files to the user used to install Oracle Transportation Management (e.g. otm60) on both the Web & App servers: $ chown otm60 velocity-tools-generic-1.2.jar ====================================================================== The following files MUST be installed prior to starting Oracle Transportation Management: 1. Download the following file into a temporary directory: a. 2. Unzip using a Zip utility such as WinZip and locate the following files: a. jakarta-taglibs-standard-1.1.2/lib/jstl.jar b. jakarta-taglibs-standard-1.1.2/lib/standard.jar Copy them to the following directories on BOTH the Web & App servers: $OTM/glog/gc3webapp/WEB-INF/lib $OTM/glog/gc3webapp/WEB-INF/lib/3rdparty where $OTM is the root directory where Oracle Transportation Management was installed. 3. On Linux, Solaris, HP-UX and AIX, change the permissions on the files (in BOTH directories) to -rwxr-xr-x on both the Web & App servers: $ chmod 755 jstl.jar standard.jar 4. On Linux, Solaris, HP-UX and AIX, change the owner of the files (in BOTH directories) to the user used to install Oracle Transportation Management (e.g. otm60) on both the Web & App servers: $ chown otm60 jstl.jar standard.jar ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Under certain conditions, clients have experienced a performance issue using the above libraries. A change was proposed to the open source project by a third party that has not yet been incorporated into the project, and our experience has shown that performance has been much better using these patched libraries. If you experience this performance issue and wish to install these non-standard files, do the following: 1. Rename the following files on the Web server: $OTM/glog/gc3webapp/WEB-INF/lib/standard.jar => standard.jar.orig $OTM/glog/gc3webapp/WEB-INF/lib/3rdparty/standard.jar => standard.jar.orig $OTM/glog/gc3webapp/WEB-INF/lib/3rdparty/saxpath.jar => saxpath.jar.orig (*) $OTM/glog/gc3webapp/WEB-INF/lib/3rdparty/jaxen-full.jar => jaxen-full.jar.orig (*) where $OTM is the root directory where Oracle Transportation Management was installed. (*) these files will not exist on newer Oracle Transportation Management installations 2. Download the following file into a temporary directory: a. Note: If your browser downloads this as a .zip file, do NOT unzip it; simply rename it as directed in the next step. 3. Rename the file to standard.jar and copy it to the following directories on the Web server only: $OTM/glog/gc3webapp/WEB-INF/lib $OTM/glog/gc3webapp/WEB-INF/lib/3rdparty where $OTM is the root directory where Oracle Transportation Management was installed. 4. Download the following file into a temporary directory: a. 5. Unzip using a Zip utility such as WinZip and locate the following files: a. jaxen-1.1.1/jaxen-1.1.1.jar 6. Rename the file to jaxen-full.jar and copy it to the following directory on the Web server only: $OTM/glog/gc3webapp/WEB-INF/lib/3rdparty where $OTM is the root directory where Oracle Transportation Management was installed. 7. On Linux, Solaris, HP-UX and AIX, change the permissions on the files (in BOTH directories) to -rwxr-xr-x on the Web server: $ chmod 755 standard.jar jaxen-full.jar 8. On Linux, Solaris, HP-UX and AIX, change the owner of the files (in BOTH directories) to the user used to install Oracle Transportation Management (e.g. otm60) on the Web server: $ chown otm60 standard.jar jaxen-full.jar ====================================================================== To install commons-net (for FTP library): 1. Download the following file into a temporary directory: a. 2. Unzip using a Zip utility such as WinZip and locate the following file: a. commons-net-1.4.0/commons-net-1.4.0.jar Copy it to the following directory on BOTH the Web & App servers: $OTM/glog/gc3webapp/WEB-INF/lib/3rdpartyy where $OTM is the root directory where Oracle Transportation Management was installed. 3. On Linux, Solaris, HP-UX and AIX, change the permissions on the file to -rwxr-xr-x on both the Web & App servers: $ chmod 755 commons-net-1.4.0.jar 4. On Linux, Solaris, HP-UX and AIX, change the owner of the file to the user used to install Oracle Transportation Management (e.g. otm60) on both the Web & App servers: $ chown otm60 commons-net-1.4.0.jar ====================================================================== To install WSDL4J: 1. Download the following file into a temporary directory: a. 2. Unzip using a Zip utility such as WinZip and locate the following file: a. wsdl4j-1_4/lib/wsdl4j.jar Copy it to the following directory on BOTH the Web & App servers: $OTM/glog/gc3webapp/WEB-INF/lib/3rdparty where $OTM is the root directory where Oracle Transportation Management was installed. 3. On Linux, Solaris, HP-UX and AIX, change the permissions on the file to -rwxr-xr-x on both the Web & App servers: $ chmod 755 wsdl4j.jar 4. On Linux, Solaris, HP-UX and AIX, change the owner of the file to the user used to install Oracle Transportation Management (e.g. otm60) on both the Web & App servers: $ chown otm60 wsdl4j.jar ====================================================================== To install OpenMap: 1. Download the following file into a temporary directory: a. 2. Unzip using a Zip utility such as WinZip and locate the following file: a. openmap-4.5.4/lib/openmap.jar Copy it to the following directory on BOTH the Web & App servers: $OTM/glog/gc3webapp/WEB-INF/lib/3rdparty where $OTM is the root directory where Oracle Transportation Management was installed. 3. On Linux, Solaris, HP-UX and AIX, change the permissions on the file to -rwxr-xr-x on both the Web & App servers: $ chmod 755 openmap.jar 4. On Linux, Solaris, HP-UX and AIX, change the owner of the file to the user used to install Oracle Transportation Management (e.g. otm60) on both the Web & App servers: $ chown otm60 openmap.jar ==================================================================================