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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Oracle Imaging and Process Management Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Interface ApplicationService

public interface ApplicationService

The service for interacting with imaging applications. The methods on this service interact primarily with the Application data structure object.

Method Summary
 NameId createApplication(Application application)
          Creates a new application for the imaging system.
 void deleteApplication(NameId appNameId)
          Deletes an existing imaging application.
 Application getApplication(NameId appNameId, Application.SectionSet sectionSet)
          Gets an Application data structure containing the definition sections for a given imaging application.
 java.util.List<Application> getApplications(java.util.List<NameId> appNameIds, Application.SectionSet sectionSet)
          Gets multiple Application data structures containing the requested definition sections for a given set of imaging applications.
 java.util.List<NameId> listApplications(Application.Ability ability)
          Enumerates the list of existing imaging applications.
 void modifyApplication(Application application, Application.SectionSet sectionSet)
          Modifies the definition of an imaging application.


Method Detail


NameId createApplication(Application application)
                         throws ImagingException,
Creates a new application for the imaging system.

This operation first verifies that the application data is valid. See the list of possible validation exceptions below. All sections included in the structure will be used to create the application, although only the propeties and field definitions sections are required.

This operation will throw an exception if the user does not have the system rights to create new applications.

This operation cannot be performed while a transaction is open.

application - The Application data structure containing the complete definition of the imaging application to be created.
A NameId data structure containing the new application identifiers.
ImagingException - The exception code may be one of the following values:
  • ImagingExceptionCode#VALIDATION_ERROR- (exception is a ValidationException)
  • ImagingExceptionCode#SUBSYSTEM_ERROR
ValidationException - - the validation errors list may contain one or more of the following values:
  • ValidationExceptionCode#INVALID_DEFINITION_NAME
  • ValidationExceptionCode#INVALID_FIELD_NAME


void modifyApplication(Application application,
                       Application.SectionSet sectionSet)
                       throws ImagingException,
Modifies the definition of an imaging application.

This operation first verifies that the application data is valid for modification. See the list of possible validation exceptions below. Only those sections of the Applcation data structure specified in the sectionFlags parameter are considered. If a section property is set in the application structure and the associated section flag for that section is passed, then ALL properties of the section will be updated. If a section is provided in application structure but the associated section flag is not passed, then the section will be ignored. If a section flag is passed for a section property that is not set, then an exception is thrown.

When modifying the FIELDDEFINITIONS section, any existing field in the application that is not provided in the input parameter is deleted from the application. Thus FieldDefinition data for all fields that are to remain in the application must be provided. Fields with no modifations should just provide the current FieldDefinition data. The following rules are used to match fields in the input parameter to exiting fields in the application.

This operation will throw an exception if the user does not have the rights to modify the specified application.

This operation cannot be performed while a transaction is open.

application - The Application data structure containing the changes that are to be made to the imaging application.
sectionSet - A set of SectionFlag values indicating which sections of the Application parameter are to be considered when modifying the application definition
ImagingException - The exception code may be one of the following values:
  • ImagingExceptionCode#DEFINITION_NOT_FOUND
  • ImagingExceptionCode#VALIDATION_ERROR- (exception is a ValidationException)
  • ImagingExceptionCode#SUBSYSTEM_ERROR
ValidationException - - the validation errors list may contain one or more of the following values:
  • ValidationExceptionCode#INVALID_DEFINITION_NAME
  • ValidationExceptionCode#INVALID_FIELD_NAME


java.util.List<NameId> listApplications(Application.Ability ability)
                                        throws ImagingException
Enumerates the list of existing imaging applications. The operation will only return those applications which the calling user is allowed to see based on the user's rights to the application. If the user has no access to any applications, the returned value will be an empty list. The return list is sorted by application name.
ability - Returns only applications the current user has specific to that ability.

For example, to return back a list of applications the current user can manage, the Application.Ability.MANAGE enumeration should be specified.

A list of NameIddata structures. The returned structures will contain the name and guid properties for the associates imaging applications.
ImagingException - The exception code may be one of the following values:
  • ImagingExceptionCode#SUBSYSTEM_ERROR


Application getApplication(NameId appNameId,
                           Application.SectionSet sectionSet)
                           throws ImagingException
Gets an Application data structure containing the definition sections for a given imaging application. The operation will only return those sections specified by the sectionFlags parameter. The operation will throw an exception if the requested application does not exist or the requesting user does not have permissions to view it.
appNameId - A structure containing the guid, name or name an guid of the application beign requested.
sectionSet - A set of SectionFlag values specify which sections of the application definition to return.
An Application data structures containing the requested sections
ImagingException - The exception code may be one of the following values:
  • ImagingExceptionCode#DEFINITION_NOT_FOUND
  • ImagingExceptionCode#SUBSYSTEM_ERROR


java.util.List<Application> getApplications(java.util.List<NameId> appNameIds,
                                            Application.SectionSet sectionSet)
                                            throws ImagingException
Gets multiple Application data structures containing the requested definition sections for a given set of imaging applications. The operation will only return those sections specified by the sectionFlags parameter. Any applications specified in the appNameIds parameter that either do not exist are is not permitted to be return based the requesting user's permissions will not be returned in the list. If no existing or visible applications are found, the returned list will be an empty list.
appNameIds - A structure containing multiple ids, names or name an ids of the applications being requested.
sectionSet - A set of SectionFlag values specify which sections of the application definition to return.
An list of Application data structures containing the requested sections
ImagingException - The exception code may be one of the following values:
  • ImagingExceptionCode#SUBSYSTEM_ERROR


void deleteApplication(NameId appNameId)
                       throws ImagingException
Deletes an existing imaging application.

This operation verifies that the specified application contains no documents. The application must be empty before it can be deleted.

This operation will throw an exception if the user does not have the permissions to delete the specified application.

This operation cannot be performed while a transaction is open.

The operation returns a list of string values describing the results of the deleting the application. These results described how other imaging definitions that may have referenced the application or its field definitions, such as inputs or searches, responded to the delete. For example, the system may respond to deleting the application by marking a search that reference its field definitions offline. These messages describe actions that were performed by the system after the application is deleted. To obtain this list of actions before performing the delete, use the getDeleteWarnings operation.

appNameId - A structure containing the guid, name or name an guid of the application to be deleted.
ImagingException - The exception code may be one of the following values:
  • ImagingExceptionCode#DEFINITION_NOT_FOUND
  • ImagingExceptionCode#SUBSYSTEM_ERROR

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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Oracle Imaging and Process Management Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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