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Add metrics to a chart

Before you begin

Open or create a custom view, as explained in Display views.

For related concepts regarding charts, see The Parts of a Chart.

Note: A metric can be added to a chart only if the same metric has not already been added.

Metrics can be added to a chart in any custom view in either of the following ways:

A gauge chart can contain only a single metric, but a time series chart can contain multiple metrics. If you add a metric to an empty view, a chart is created and the metric is added to it automatically.

The following steps explain how to add a metric to a chart using the Metric Browser. To add a metric to a chart by moving or copying it from a different chart, see Move or copy a metric from one chart to another.

To add a metric to a chart using the Metric Browser:

After you finish

You can add multiple metrics to a time series chart simply by repeating the tasks given in this help topic. For information about viewing the metrics that have been added to the chart, see Pan and zoom the metrics data shown in a chart and Work with the Metric Browser.

See also Using the Monitoring Dashboard.

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