
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Z 


access Oracle backups right, 7.1.2
maxacsejectwaittime policy, 6.2.5
ACSLS tape drives
configuring, 2
ACSLS tape libraries
associating symbolic name with CAP, 2
configuring, 2
backup windows, 2
duplication windows, 2
file-system backup request, 2
hosts, 2
name/value pair to policy, 2
admin class, 7
adminlogevents policy, 6.4.1
adminlogfile policy, 6.4.2
after backup statement, 5.3
algorithm policy, 6.11.1
Apache Web server
webautostart policy, 6.1.5
webpass policy, 6.1.6
applybackupsfrequency policy, 6.9.1
asciiindexrepository policy, 6.3.1
aspec placeholder, 3
responding to job request for, 2
placeholder, 3
testing, 2
changing for host, 2
changing for media families, 2
changing for tape devices, 2
changing for user classes, 2
changing for users, 2
changing for volumes, 2
listing for checkpoints, 2
listing for devices, 2
listing for hosts, 2
listing for media families, 2
listing for user classes, 2
auditlogins policy, 6.1.1
authenticationtype policy, 6.7.1
authtype placeholder, 3
autocertissue policy, 6.10.2
autohistory policy, 6.8.1
autoindex policy, 6.3.2
autolabel policy, 6.8.2
automaticreleaseofrecalledvolumes policy, 6.12.5
autovolumerelease policy, 6.12.2


priority placeholders, 3
backup commands
about, 1.3.1
backup, 2
lsbackup, 2
rmbackup, 2
backup encryption policies
about, 6.11
algorithm, 6.11.1
encryption, 6.11.2, 6.11.3, 6.11.6
keytype, 6.11.4
rekeyfrequency, 6.11.5
backup images
autolabel policy, 6.8.2
catalog identifier placeholder, 3
creating with obtar -c, B.2.4
displaying contents of, 2
extracting files from with obtar -x, B.2.4
filenumber placeholders, 3
listing, 2
listing with obtar -t, B.2.4
using tar with obtar, B.2.1
backup jobs
listing, 2
backup levels
level variable, 4
maxlevel variable, 4
backup piece commands
about, 1.3.2
lspiece, 2
rmpiece, 2
backup pieces
catalog identifier placeholder, 3
listing, 2
removing, 2
backup requests
listing, 2
removing, 2
backup schedules
creating, 2
listing, 2
removing, 2
backup sections
backupimagerechecklevel policy, 6.8.3
listing, 2
removing, 2
undoing remove, 2
backup window commands
about, 1.3.3
addbw, 2
chkbw, 2
lsbw, 2
rmbw, 2
setbw, 2
backup windows
adding, 2
changing settings, 2
checking for, 2
listing, 2
removing, 2
backupev policy, 6.7.2
backupimagerechecklevel policy, 6.8.3
backup-level placeholder, 3
backupoptions policy, 6.8.4
listing cataloged backups, 2
backuptype policy, 6.7.3
barcodesrequired policy, 6.5.1
barcodesrequired policy, 6.5.1
batch mode
running obtool commands in,
before backup statement, 5.3
blocking factor
blockingfactor policy, 6.5.2
maxblockingfactor policy, 6.5.3
blockingfactor policy, 6.5.2
browse backup catalogs with this access right, 7.1.1
browsemode variable, 4
browser commands
about, 1.3.4
cd, 2
ls, 2
lsbu, 2
pwd, 2


-c mode, of obtar, B.2.4
jobs, 2
asciiindexrepository policy, 6.3.1
autoindex policy, 6.3.2
browsemode variable, 4
changing directory, 2
data-selector placeholders, 3
displaying current directory, 2
earliestindexcleanuptime policy, 6.3.3
generatendmpindexdata policy, 6.3.4
include catalog dataset statement, 5.3
indexcleanupfrequency policy, 6.3.5
latestindexcleanuptime policy, 6.3.6
listing backups, 2
listing contents, 2
listing contents with obcleanup, A
listing volumes, 2
maxindexbuffer policy, 6.3.7
obixdmaxupdaters policy, 6.1.2
obixdrechecklevel policy, 6.1.3
removing unneeded records with obcleanup, A
saveasciiindexfiles policy, 6.3.8
updating manually, 2
viewmode variable, 4
autocertissue policy, 6.10.2
certkeysize policy, 6.10.3
backup window settings, 2
duplication policies, 2
checkpoint commands
about, 1.3.5
lscheckpoint, 2
rmcheckpoint, 2
fullbackupcheckpointfrequency policy, 6.8.6
incrbackupcheckpointfrequency policy, 6.8.7
listing, 2
maxcheckpointrestarts policy, 6.8.11
removing, 2
restartablebackups policy, 6.8.13
class commands
about, 1.3.6
chclass, 2
lsclass, 2
mkclass, 2
renclass, 2
rmclass, 2
class rights
access Oracle backups, 7.1.2
browse backup catalogs with this access, 7.1.1
display administrative domain's configuration, 7.1.4
list any job, regardless of its owner, 7.1.19
list any jobs owned by user, 7.1.9
manage devices and change device state, 7.1.18
modify administrative domain's configuration, 7.1.6
modify any job, regardless of its owner, 7.1.20
modify any jobs owned by user, 7.1.10
modify own name and password, 7.1.5
perform backups as privileged user, 7.1.8
perform backups as self, 7.1.7
perform Oracle backups and restores, 7.1.21
perform restores as privileged user, 7.1.13
perform restores as self, 7.1.12
query and display information about devices, 7.1.17
receive email describing expired passphrase keys, 7.1.16
receive email describing internal errors, 7.1.15
receive email requesting operator assistance, 7.1.14
admin class, 7
operator class, 7
oracle class, 7
reader class, 7
user class, 7
tape drives, 2
clientlogevents policy, 6.4.3
hardware, B.2.4
with obtar, B.2.4, B.2.4
ACSLS tape drives, 2
ACSLS tape libraries, 2
devices, 2
tape drives, 2
tape libraries, 2
content placeholder, 3
content-managed expiration policies, 2
daemons, 2
job processing, 2
database backup storage selectors, 2
dataset directories, 2
dataset files, 2
file-system restore requests, 2
job summary schedules, 2
locations, 2
media families, 2
rotation policies, 2
schedules, 2
snapshots, 2
users, 2
volume duplication policies, 2
cross all mountpoints statements, 5.3
cross local mountpoints statement, 5.3
cross remote mountpoints statement, 5.3
customeridstring policy, 6.12.3


daemon commands
about, 1.3.7
ctldaemon, 2
lsdaemon, 2
daemon policies, 6.1
auditlogins, 6.1.1
obixdmaxupdaters, 6.1.2
obixdrechecklevel, 6.1.3
obixdupdaternicevalue, 6.1.4
webautostart, 6.1.5
webpass, 6.1.6
windowscontrolcertificatesservice, 6.1.7
controlling, 2
listing, 2
stopping Reliaty Backup daemons with stoprb, A
Data ONTAP operating system, 2
data transfer elements, 2
database backup storage selector commands
about, 1.3.8
chssel, 2
lsssel, 2
mkssel, 2
renssel, 2
rmssel, 2
database backup storage selectors
changing, 2
content placeholders, 3
creating, 2
listing, 2
removing, 2
renaming, 2
data-selector placeholder, 3
change directory, 2
checking syntax, 2
listing contents, 2
dataset commands
about, 1.3.9
catds, 2
cdds, 2
chkds, 2
edds, 2
lsds, 2
mkds, 2
pwdds, 2
rends, 2
rmds, 2
dataset directories
creating, 2
displaying current directory, 2
listing names, 2
name placeholders, 3
removing, 2
renaming, 2
dataset files
creating, 2
editing, 2
examples, 5.2
listing names, 2
name placeholders, 3
removing, 2
renaming, 2
dataset language
nested block, 5.1
overview, 5.1
dataset statements
about, 5.3
after backup, 5.3
backward compatibility, 5.3
before backup, 5.3
cross all mountpoints, 5.3
cross local mountpoints, 5.3
cross remote mountpoints, 5.3
exclude dir, 5.3
exclude file, 5.3
exclude name, 5.3
exclude oracle database files, 5.3
exclude path, 5.3
include catalog, 5.3
include dataset, 5.3
include host, 5.3
include path, 5.3
wildcards, 5.3
dataset-dir-name placeholder, 3
dataset-file-name placeholder, 3
dataset-name placeholder, 3
obtool format, 1.1.8
date-range placeholder, 3
obtool format, 1.1.8
date-time placeholder, 3
day-date placeholder, 3
day-specifier placeholder, 3
defaults and policies
about, 6
adminlogevents, 6.4.1
adminlogfile, 6.4.2
algorithm, 6.11.1
applybackupsfrequency, 6.9.1
asciiindexrepository, 6.3.1
auditlogins, 6.1.1
authenticationtype, 6.7.1
autocertissue, 6.10.2
autohistory, 6.8.1
autoindex, 6.3.2
autolabel, 6.8.2
autovolumerelease, 6.12.2
backup encryption policies, 6.11
backupev, 6.7.2
backupimagerechecklevel, 6.8.3
backupoptions, 6.8.4
backuptype, 6.7.3
barcodesrequired, 6.5.1
blockingfactor, 6.5.2
certkeysize, 6.10.3
clientlogevents, 6.4.3
customeridstring, 6.12.3
daemon policies, 6.1
defaultstarttime, 6.9.2
device policies, 6.2
discovereddevicestate, 6.2.2
duplicateovernetwork, 6.13.1
duplication policies, 6.13
duplicationjobpriority, 6.13.2
earliestindexcleanuptime policy, 6.3.3
encryptdataintransit, 6.10.4
encryption, 6.11.2, 6.11.3, 6.11.6
errorrate, 6.2.3
fullbackupcheckpointfrequency, 6.8.6
generatendmpindexdata, 6.3.4
incrbackupcheckpointfrequency, 6.8.7
index policies, 6.3
indexcleanupfrequency, 6.3.5
jobretaintime, 6.4.4
keytype, 6.11.4
latestindexcleanuptime, 6.3.6
listing, 2
log policies, 6.4
loginduration, 6.10.5
logretaintime, 6.4.5
mailport, 6.8.8
mailserver, 6.8.9
maxacsejectwaittime, 6.2.5
maxblockingfactor, 6.5.3
maxcheckpointrestarts, 6.8.11
maxdataretries, 6.9.3
maxdriveidletime, 6.2.4
maxindexbuffer, 6.3.7
media policies, 6.5
minwritablevolumes, 6.12.4
naming policies, 6.6
NDMP policies, 6.7
obixdmaxupdaters, 6.1.2
obixdrechecklevel, 6.1.3
obixdupdaternicevalue, 6.1.4
operations policies, 6.8
overwriteblanktape, 6.5.4
overwriteforeigntape, 6.5.5
overwriteunreadabletape, 6.5.6
password, 6.7.4
pollfrequency, 6.9.4
port, 6.7.5
positionqueryfrequency, 6.8.12
protocolversion, 6.7.6
rekeyfrequency, 6.11.5
removing a policy setting, 2
reportretaintime, 6.12.5
restartablebackups, 6.8.13
restoreev, 6.7.7
restoreoptions, 6.8.14
retainbackupmetrics, 6.9.5
rmanresourcewaittime, 6.8.15
rmanrestorestartdelay, 6.8.16
saveasciiindexfiles, 6.3.8
scheduler policies, 6.9
securecomms, 6.10.6
security policies, 6.10
setting policy values, 2
tcpbufsize, 6.8.17
transcriptretaintime, 6.4.6
trustedhosts, 6.10.1
unixclientlogfile, 6.4.7
username, 6.7.8
vaulting policies, 6.12
volumeretaintime, 6.5.7
webautostart, 6.1.5
webinactivity timeout, 6.10.7
webpass, 6.1.6
windowsclientlogfile, 6.4.8
windowscontrolcertificateservice, 6.1.7
windowsskipcdfs, 6.8.18
windowsskiplockedfiles, 6.8.19
winsserver, 6.6.1
writewindowtime, 6.5.8
defaultstarttime policy, 6.9.2
PNI for existing host, 2
user classes, 2
device commands
about, 1.3.10
chdev, 2
discoverdev, 2
dumpdev, 2
lsdev, 2
mkdev, 2
mountdev, 2
pingdev, 2
rendev, 2
resdev, 2
rmdev, 2
unmountdev, 2
unresdev, 2
device discovery
defaults and policies, 6.2
device policies
about, 6.2
discovereddevicestate, 6.2.2
errorrate, 6.2.3
maxacsejectwaittime, 6.2.5
maxdriveidletime, 6.2.4
devicename placeholder, 3
configuring, 2
data transfer elements, 2
defining query frequency, 2
error rate, 2
import/export elements, 2
listing attributes, 2
medium transport elements, 2
pinging, 2
removing, 2
renaming, 2
testing attachments, 2
unreserving, 2
discovereddevicestate policy, 6.2.2
display administrative domain's configuration right, 7.1.4
current catalog directory, 2
current dataset directory, 2
current policy, 2
job transcripts, 2
name of current obtool user, 2
obtool variable values, 2
distribution reports
listing, 2
drive variable, 4
dupevent placeholder, 3
duplicateovernetwork policy, 6.13.1
duplicateovernetwork policy, 6.13.1
duplicationjobpriority policy, 6.13.2
duplication jobs
listing, 2
duplication policies
about, 6.13
changing, 2
duplicateovernetwork, 6.13.1
duplicationjobpriority, 6.13.2
event placeholders, 3
listing, 2
name placeholders, 3
removing, 2
renaming, 2
rule placeholder, 3
duplication policy commands
lsdup, 2
rendup, 2
rmdup, 2, 2
duplication scan
priority placeholders, 3
duplication scan schedules
creating, 2
listing, 2
removing, 2
renaming, 2
duplication window commands
about, 1.3.12
adddw, 2
lsdw, 2
duplication windows
adding, 2
listing, 2
duplicationjobpriority policy, 6.13.2
duration placeholder, 3


earliestindexcleanuptime policy, 6.3.3
dataset files, 2
element-spec placeholder, 3
encryptdataintransit policy, 6.10.4
algorithm policy, 6.11.1
encryptdataintransit policy, 6.10.4
encryption policy, 6.11.2, 6.11.3, 6.11.6
file-system backup, 2
keytype policy, 6.11.4
rekeyfrequency policy, 6.11.5
encryption policy, 6.11.2, 6.11.3, 6.11.6
error rate
errorrate policy, 6.2.3
tape devices, 2
errorrate policy, 6.2.3
displaying for tape devices, 2
errors variable, 4
escape variable, 4
event placeholder, 3
exclude dir statement, 5.3
exclude file statement, 5.3
exclude name statement, 5.3
exclude oracle database files statement, 5.3
exclude path statement, 5.3
exit codes
obtool, 1.5
obtool, 2
expiration policies
content-managed, 2
time-managed, 2
identity certificates with obcm, A


Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI), 2
file systems
creating restore requests, 2
listing on NDMP devices, 2
filenumber placeholder, 3, 3
filenumber-list placeholder, 3
file-system backup
adding request, 2
encryption, 2
privileged, 2
unprivileged, 2
file-system backups
about dataset statements, 5.3
dataset examples, 5.2
dataset language backward compatibility, 5.3
dataset language overview, 5.1
file-system commands
about, 1.3.13
fs variable, 4
fullbackupcheckpointfrequency policy, 6.8.6


generatendmpindexdata policy, 6.3.4
obtool, 1.2.3


hardware compression
with obtar, B.2.4
obtool, 1.1, 1.2
host commands
about, 1.3.14
chhost, 2
lshost, 2
mkhost, 2
pinghost, 2
renhost, 2
rmhost, 2
updatehost, 2
host variable, 4
adding, 2
changing attributes, 2
defining PNI for, 2
host variable, 4
include host dataset statement, 5.3
installing OSB on, A
IP addresses testing, 2
listing attributes, 2
listing daemons on, 2
pinging, 2
removing, 2
renaming, 2
role placeholders, 3
synchronizing with administrative server, 2
trustedhosts policy, 6.10.1
updating, 2


identity certificates
certkeysize policy, 6.10.3
importing and exporting with obcm, A
iee-range placeholder, 3
iee-spec placeholder, 3
elements, 2
opening door, 2
identity certificates with obcm, A
volumes into tape libraries, 2
include catalog statement, 5.3
include dataset statement, 5.3
include host statement, 5.3
include path statement, 5.3
incrbackupcheckpointfrequency policy, 6.8.7
incremental backups
autohistory policy, 6.8.1
level variable, 4
index daemon
asciiindexrepository policy, 6.3.1
autoindex policy, 6.3.2
earliestindexcleanuptime policy, 6.3.3
generatendmpindexdata policy, 6.3.4
indexcleanupfrequency policy, 6.3.5
latestindexcleanuptime policy, 6.3.6
maxindexbuffer policy, 6.3.7
obixdupdaternicevalue policy, 6.1.4
saveasciiindexfiles policy, 6.3.8
index policies
about, 6.3
asciiindexrepository, 6.3.1
autoindex, 6.3.2
earliestindexcleanuptime, 6.3.3
generatendmpindexdata, 6.3.4
indexcleanupfrequency, 6.3.5
latestindexcleanuptime, 6.3.6
maxindexbuffer, 6.3.7
saveasciiindexfiles, 6.3.8
indexcleanupfrequency policy, 6.3.5
input file
redirecting obtool commands from,
volumes into tape libraries, 2
installhere program, A
interactive mode
obtool, 1.1.2
scanning tape libraries, 2
IP addresses
format of, 2
testing for host, 2


job commands
about, 1.3.15
canceljob, 2
catxcr, 2
lsjob, 2
rmjob, 2
rpyjob, 2
runjob, 2
job summaries
changing, 2
job summary schedules
creating, 2
listing, 2
removing, 2
renaming, 2
job transcripts
displaying, 2
jobretaintime policy, 6.4.4
backup placeholder, 3
cancelling, 2
controlling, 2
dataset placeholder, 3
duplication job placeholder, 3
listing, 2
media movement job placeholder, 3
removing, 2
responding to request for assistance, 2
restore placeholder, 3
RMAN backup placeholder, 3
RMAN restore placeholder, 3
scan control placeholder, 3
starting, 2
superseded, 2
type placeholder, 3
job-type placeholder, 3


keytype policy, 6.11.4


manually labeling volumes, 2
large number format, 3
latestindexcleanuptime policy, 6.3.6
migrating to OSB from, A
level variable, 4
library commands
about, 1.3.16
borrowdev, 2
clean, 2
closedoor, 2
exportvol, 2
extractvol, 2
identifyvol, 2
importvol, 2
insertvol, 2
inventory, 2
labelvol, 2
loadvol, 2
lsvol, 2
movevol, 2
opendoor, 2
returndev, 2
reusevol, 2
unlabelvol, 2
unloadvol, 2
library variable, 1.3.16, 4
list any job, regardless of its owner right, 7.1.19
list any jobs owned by user right, 7.1.9
backup images with obtar -t, B.2.4
backup requests, 2
backup sections, 2
backup windows, 2
cataloged backups, 2
checkpoints, 2
daemons, 2
database backup storage selectors, 2
dataset directory names, 2
dataset names, 2
defaults and policies, 2
device attributes, 2
duplication policies, 2
duplication windows, 2
file systems on NDMP devices, 2
host attributes, 2
job summary schedules, 2
jobs, 2
locations, 2
media families, 2
namewidth variable, 4
numberformat variable, 4
PNI definitions, 2
reports, 2
restore requests, 2
RMAN backup pieces, 2
rotation policies, 2
schedules, 2
snapshots, 2
user classes, 2
users, 2
verbose variable, 4
volumes, 2
width variable, 4
location commands
about, 1.3.17
chloc, 2
lsmf, 2
mkloc, 2
renloc, 2
rmloc, 2
creating, 2
listing, 2
modifying, 2
removing, 2
renaming, 2
log policies
about, 6.4
adminlogevents, 6.4.1
adminlogfile, 6.4.2
clientlogevents, 6.4.3
jobretaintime, 6.4.4
logretaintime, 6.4.5
transcriptretaimtime, 6.4.6
unixclientlogfile, 6.4.7
windowsclientlogfile, 6.4.8
logging in
auditlogins policy, 6.1.1
loginduration policy, 6.10.5
logging out
obtool, 1.1.5
login token,
destroyed, 1.1.5
destroying, 2
loginduration policy, 6.10.5
preserved, 1.1.4
loginduration policy,, 6.10.5
logout command, 1.1.5
logretaintime policy, 6.4.5


mailport policy, 6.8.8
mailserver policy, 6.8.9
makedev program, A
manage devices and change device state right, 7.1.18
manual certificate provisioning mode
and obcm, A
maxacsejectwaittime policy, 6.2.5
maxblockingfactor policy, 6.5.3
maxcheckpointresetarts policy, 6.8.11
maxdataretries policy, 6.9.3
maxdriveidletime policy, 6.2.4
maximum blocking factor, 2
maxindexbuffer policy, 6.3.7
maxlevel variable, 4
md5 authorization type for NDMP server, 3
media families
changing attributes, 2
characteristics, 1.3.18
creating, 2
listing, 2
removing, 2
renaming, 2
restricting with RMAN parameters, C.1
selecting with RMAN parameters, C.1, C.1
media family commands
about, 1.3.18
chmf, 2
lsmf, 2
mkmf, 2
renmf, 2
rmmf, 2
media life cycle
autovolumerelease policy, 6.12.2
changing duplication policies, 2
changing rotation policy settings, 2
creating duplication job summary schedules, 2
creating duplication scan schedules, 2
creating rotation policies, 2
creating vaulting scan schedules, 2
creating volume duplication policies, 2
customeridstring policy, 6.12.3
duplicateovernetwork policy, 6.13.1
duplication job placeholder, 3
duplication policy event placeholders, 3
duplication policy name placeholders, 3
duplication policy rule placeholders, 3
duplication scan priority placeholders, 3
duplication window commands, 1.3.12
duplicationjobpriority policy, 6.13.2
listing distribution reports, 2
listing duplication jobs, 2
listing duplication policies, 2
listing duplication windows, 2
listing locations, 2
listing media movement jobs, 2
listing pick reports, 2
listing rotation policies, 2
listing scan control jobs, 2
location commands, 1.3.17
media movement job placeholder, 3
minwritablevolumes policy, 6.12.4
modifying locations, 2
recalling volumes from offsite storage, 2
releasing volumes, 2
removing duplication policies, 2
removing duplication scan schedules, 2
removing rotation policies, 2
removing storage locations, 2
removing vaulting scan schedules, 2
renaming duplication policies, 2
renaming duplication scan schedules, 2
renaming rotation policies, 2
renaming storage locations, 2
renaming vaulting scan schedules, 2
reportretaintime, 6.12.5
reports commands, 1.3.22
rotation policy commands, 1.3.24
rotation policy name placeholders, 3
rotation rule event placeholders, 3
rotation rule placeholders, 3
vaulting scan job placeholder, 3
vaulting scan priority placeholders, 3
volume duplication commands, 1.3.31
volume rotation commands, 1.3.30
media movement
displaying reports, 2
listing jobs, 2
media policies
about, 6.5
barcodesrequired, 6.5.1
blockingfactor, 6.5.2
maxblockingfactor, 6.5.3
overwriteblanktape, 6.5.4
overwriteforeigntape, 6.5.5
overwriteunreadabletape, 6.5.6
volumeretaintime, 6.5.7
writewindowtime, 6.5.8
medium transport elements, 2
migrate2osb program, A
from Legato to OSB, A
to OSB from Reliaty Backup with osbcvt, A
minimumwriteablevolumes policy, 6.12.4
minuserpasswordlen, 6.10.8
miscellaneous commands
about, 1.3.19
exit, 2
id, 2
logout, 2
quit, 2
miscellaneous programs, A
installhere, A
makedev, A
migrate2osb, A
obcleanup, A
obcm, A
osbcvt, A
stoprb, A
uninstallob, A
modify administrative domain's configuration right, 7.1.6
modify any job, regardless of its owner right, 7.1.20
modify any jobs owned by user right, 7.1.10
modify own name and password right, 7.1.5
mount points
backing up across mount points with obtar, B.2.4
volume, 2
volumes in tape libraries, 2


listing for dataset directories, 2
listing for dataset files, 2
namewidth variable, 4
naming policies
about, 6.6
winsserver, 6.6.1
NDMP devices
discovering, 2
listing file systems on, 2
NDMP hosts
adding, 2
listing snapshots on, 2
protocol version placeholders, 3
NDMP policies
about, 6.7
authenticationtype, 6.7.1
backupev, 6.7.2
backuptype, 6.7.3
password, 6.7.4
port, 6.7.5
protocolversion, 6.7.6
restoreev, 6.7.7
username, 6.7.8
NDMP server
authenticationtype policy, 6.7.1
authorization type placeholder, 3
backupev policy, 6.7.2
backuptype policy, 6.7.3
md5 authorization type for, 3
negotiated authorization type for, 3
password policy, 6.7.4
port policy, 6.7.5
protocolversion policy, 6.7.6
restoreev policy, 6.7.7
text authorization type for, 3
username policy, 6.7.8
ndmp-backup-type placeholder, 3
negotiated authorization type for NDMP server, 3
nested block, 5.1
Network Appliance filer, 2
noninteractive mode
obtool, 1.1.3
number format for large numbers, 3
numberformat placeholder, 3
numberformat variable, 4


obcleanup program, A
obcm program, A
obixdmaxupdaters policy, 6.1.2
obixdrechecklevel policy, 6.1.3
obixdupdaternicevalue policy, 6.1.4
backing up across mount points, B.2.4
backing up raw file systems, B.2.2
basic modes, B.1
-c mode, B.2.4
improving performance, B.2
incremental backups, B.2.3
overview, B.1
permissions when restoring, B.2.4
syntax, B.1
-t mode, B.2.4
using tar with, B.2.1
-x mode, B.2.4
-zz mode, B.2.4
backup commands, 1.3.1
backup piece commands, 1.3.2
backup window commands, 1.3.3
batch mode,
browser commands, 1.3.4
checkpoint commands, 1.3.5
class commands, 1.3.6
command categories, 1.3
command syntax, 1.2.2
daemon commands, 1.3.7
database backup storage selector commands, 1.3.8
dataset commands, 1.3.9
date/time format, 1.1.8
device commands, 1.3.10
duplication window commands, 1.3.12
escaping special characters,
exit codes, 1.5
exit command, 1.1.4
exiting, 1.1.4, 2, 2
file-system commands, 1.3.13
glossary, 1.2.3
help, 1.1
host commands, 1.3.14
interactive mode, 1.1.2
invoking, 1.1
job commands, 1.3.15
library commands, 1.3.16
location commands, 1.3.17
logging in, 1.1.1
logging out, 1.1.5
media family commands, 1.3.18
miscellaneous commands, 1.3.19
noninteractive mode, 1.1.3
online help, 1.2
policy commands, 1.3.20
preferred network interface commands, 1.3.21
quit command, 1.1.4
quitting, 2
redirecting from input file,
report commands, 1.3.22
restore commands, 1.3.23
rotation policy commands, 1.3.24
schedule commands, 1.3.25
section commands, 1.3.26
setting variables, 2
snapshot commands, 1.3.27
starting as specific user, 1.1.6
summary commands, 1.3.28
topics, 1.2.1
unsetting variables, 2
user commands, 1.3.29
version number, 1.1.7
volume duplication commands, 1.3.31
volume rotation commands, 1.3.30
obtool commands
addbw, 2
adddw, 2
addp, 2
backup, 2
borrowdev, 2
canceljob, 2
catds, 2
catrpt, 2
catxcr, 2
cd, 2
cdds, 2
cdp, 2
chclass, 2
chdev, 2
chdup, 2
chhost, 2
chkbw, 2
chkds, 2
chloc, 2
chmf, 2
chrot, 2
chsched, 2
chssel, 2
chsum, 2
chuser, 2
chvol, 2
clean, 2
closedoor, 2
ctldaemon, 2
discoverdev, 2
dumpdev, 2
edds, 2
exit, 2
exportvol, 2
extractvol, 2
id, 2
identifyvol, 2
importvol, 2
insertvol, 2
inventory, 2
labelvol, 2
loadvol, 2
logout, 2
ls, 2
lsbackup, 2
lsbu, 2
lsbw, 2
lscheckpoint, 2
lsclass, 2
lsdaemon, 2
lsdev, 2
lsds, 2
lsdup, 2
lsdw, 2
lsfs, 2
lshost, 2
lsjob, 2
lsloc, 2
lsmf, 2
lsp, 2
lspiece, 2
lspni, 2
lsrestore, 2
lsrot, 2
lsrpt, 2
lssched, 2
lssection, 2
lssnap, 2
lsssel, 2
lssum, 2
lsuser, 2
lsvol, 2
mkclass, 2
mkdev, 2
mkds, 2
mkdup, 2
mkhost, 2
mkloc, 2
mkmf, 2
mkpni, 2
mkrot, 2
mksched, 2
mksnap, 2
mkssel, 2
mksum, 2
mkuser, 2
mountdev, 2
movevol, 2
opendoor, 2
pingdev, 2
pinghost, 2
pwd, 2
pwdds, 2
pwdp, 2
quit, 2
recallvolume, 2
releasevolume, 2
renclass, 2
rendev, 2
rends, 2
rendup, 2
renhost, 2
renloc, 2
renmf, 2
renrot, 2
rensched, 2
rensnap, 2
renssel, 2
rensum, 2
renuser, 2
resdev, 2
resetp, 2
restore, 2
returndev, 2
reusevol, 2
rmbackup, 2
rmbw, 2
rmcheckpoint, 2
rmclass, 2
rmdev, 2
rmds, 2
rmdup, 2, 2
rmhost, 2
rmjob, 2
rmloc, 2
rmmf, 2
rmp, 2
rmpiece, 2
rmpni, 2
rmrestore, 2
rmsched, 2
rmsection, 2
rmsnap, 2
rmssel, 2
rmsum, 2
rmuser, 2
rpyjob, 2
runjob, 2
set, 2
setbw, 2
setp, 2
show, 2
unlabelvol, 2
unloadvol, 2
unmountdev, 2
unresdev, 2
unrmsection, 2
unset, 2
updatehost, 2
obtool formats
date-range, 3
date/time, 1.1.8
offsite storage
recalling volumes from, 2
oid placeholder, 3
oid-list placeholder, 3
online help
obtool, 1.2
import/export door, 2
operations policies
about, 6.8
autohistory, 6.8.1
autolabel, 6.8.2
backupimagerechecklevel, 6.8.3
backupoptions, 6.8.4
fullbackupcheckpointfrequency, 6.8.6
incrbackupcheckpointfrequency, 6.8.7
mailport, 6.8.8
mailserver, 6.8.9
maxcheckpointrestarts, 6.8.11
positionqueryfrequency, 6.8.12
restartablebackups, 6.8.13
restoreoptions, 6.8.14
rmanresourcewaittime policy, 6.8.15
rmanrestorestartdelay, 6.8.16
tcpbufsize, 6.8.17
windowsskipcdfs, 6.8.18
windowsskiplockedfiles, 6.8.19
operator class, 7
oracle class, 7
osbcvt program, A
overwriteblanktape policy, 6.5.4
overwriteforeigntape policy, 6.5.5
overwriteunreadabletape policy, 6.5.6


password policy, 6.7.4
NDMP password policy, 6.7.4
webpass policy, 6.1.6
perform backups as privileged user right, 7.1.8
perform backups as self right, 7.1.7
perform Oracle backups and restores right, 7.1.21
perform restores as privileged user right, 7.1.13
perform restores as self right, 7.1.12
pick reports
listing, 2
devices, 2
hosts, 2
placeholders, in obtool commands
aspec, 3
authtype, 3
backup-level, 3
content, 3
data-selector, 3
dataset-dir-name, 3
dataset-file-name, 3
dataset-name, 3
date-range, 3
date-time, 3
day-date, 3
day-specifier, 3
devicename, 3
dupevent, 3
duplicationrule, 3
duration, 3
element-spec, 3
event, 3
filenumber, 3
filenumber-list, 3
iee-range, 3
iee-spec, 3
job-type, 3
ndmp-backup-type, 3
numberformat, 3
oid, 3
oid-list, 3
policyname, 3
preauth-spec, 3
produce-days, 3
protover, 3
restriction, 3
role, 3
rotationrule, 3
schedule-priority, 3
se-range, 3
se-spec, 3
summary-start-day, 3
time, 3
time-range, 3
vid, 3
vol-range, 3
vol-spec, 3
wwn, 3
listing definitions, 2
removing definitions, 2
about classes, 1.3.20
adding name/value pair, 2
displaying identity, 2
obtool commands, 1.3.20
removing name-value pair, 2
reset to default, 2
set identity of current policy, 2
setting value, 2
policy classes
about, 6
policy commands
addp, 2
cdp, 2
lsp, 2
pwdp, 2
resetp, 2
rmp, 2
setp, 2
policyname placeholder, 3
pollfrequency policy, 6.9.4
port policy, 6.7.5
positionqueryfrequency policy, 6.8.12
new user, 2
preauth-spec placeholders, 3
preauth-spec placeholder, 3
preferred network interface commands
about, 1.3.21
lspni, 2
mkpni, 2
rmpni, 2
private key
certkeysize policy, 6.10.3
keytype policy, 6.11.4
rekeyfrequency policy, 6.11.5
privileged backup
requesting, 2
produce-days placeholder, 3
programs, miscellaneous, A
protocolversion policy, 6.7.6
protover placeholder, 3
public key
certkeysize policy, 6.10.3
keytype policy, 6.11.4
rekeyfrequency policy, 6.11.5


query and display information about devices right, 7.1.17
query frequency
defining for devices, 2


raw file systems, backing up with obtar, B.2.2
raw restore operations, 2
reader class, 7
volumes from offsite storage, 2
receive email describing expired passphrase keys right, 7.1.16
receive email describing internal errors right, 7.1.15
receive email requesting operator assistance right, 7.1.14
volumes, 2
rekeyfrequency policy, 6.11.5
volumes, 2
Reliaty Backup
migrating to OSB with osbcvt, A
stopping daemons with stoprb, A
backup pieces, 2
backup requests, 2
backup sections, 2
backup windows, 2
checkpoints, 2
database backup storage selectors, 2
dataset directories, 2
dataset files, 2
devices, 2
duplication policies, 2
hosts, 2
job summary schedules, 2
jobs, 2
locations, 2
media families, 2
name-value pair from policy, 2
PNI definitions, 2
restore requests, 2
rotation policies, 2
schedules, 2
snapshots, 2
user classes, 2
users, 2
database backup storage selectors, 2
dataset directories, 2
dataset files, 2
devices, 2
duplication policies, 2
hosts, 2
job summary schedules, 2
locations, 2
media families, 2
rotation policies, 2
schedules, 2
snapshots, 2
user classes, 2
users, 2
customeridstring policy, 6.12.3
listing, 2
reportretaintime policy, 6.12.5
reports commands
about, 1.3.22
catrpt, 2
lsrpt, 2
tape devices, 2
policy to default, 2
job request for assistance, 2
restartable backups
fullbackupcheckpointfrequency policy, 6.8.6
incrbackupcheckpointfrequency policy, 6.8.7
maxcheckpointrestarts policy, 6.8.11
removing checkpoints, 2
restartablebackups policy, 6.8.13
restartablebackups policy, 6.8.13
listing requests, 2
priority placeholders, 3
restore commands
about, 1.3.23
lsrestore, 2
restore, 2
rmrestore, 2
restore jobs
listing, 2
restore operations
catalog-based, 2
raw, 2
restore requests
creating for file-system restore, 2
listing, 2
removing, 2
restoreev policy, 6.7.7
restoreoptions policy, 6.8.14
restriction placeholder, 3
retainbackupmetrics policy, 6.9.5
tape drives, 2
volumes, 2
listing backup pieces, 2
parameters overview, C
removing backup pieces, 2
rmanresourcewaittime policy, 6.8.15
rmanrestorestartdelay policy, 6.8.16
RMAN parameters
media family, 1.3.18
rmanresourcewaittime policy, 6.8.15
rmanrestorestartdelay policy, 6.8.16
role placeholder, 3
role placeholders, 3
rotation policies
changing settings for, 2
creating, 2
listing, 2
name placeholders, 3
removing, 2
renaming, 2
rotation rule placeholders, 3
rotation policy commands
about, 1.3.24
chrot, 2
lsrot, 2
mkdup, 2
renrot, 2
rotation rules
event placeholders, 3
rotationrule placeholder, 3


saveasciiindexfiles policy, 6.3.8
scan control jobs
listing, 2
schedule commands
about, 1.3.25
chsched, 2
lssched, 2
mksched, 2
rensched, 2
rmsched, 2
schedule-priority placeholder, 3
applybackupsfrequency policy, 6.9.1
backupoptions policy, 6.8.4
defaultstarttime policy, 6.9.2
maxdataretries policy, 6.9.3
pollfrequency policy, 6.9.4
restoreoptions policy, 6.8.14
retainbackupmetrics policy, 6.9.5
rmanresourcewaittime policy, 6.8.15
scheduler policies
about, 6.9
applybackupsfrequency, 6.9.1
defaultstarttime, 6.9.2
maxdataretries, 6.9.3
pollfrequency, 6.9.4
retainbackupmetrics, 6.9.5
changing properties of, 2
priority placeholders, 3
removing, 2
renaming, 2
section commands
about, 1.3.26
lssection, 2
rmsection, 2
unrmsection, 2
securecomms policy, 6.10.6
security policies
about, 6.10
autocertissue, 6.10.2
certkeysize, 6.10.3
encryptdataintransit, 6.10.4
loginduration, 6.10.5
securecomms, 6.10.6
trustedhosts, 6.10.1
se-range placeholder, 3
se-spec placeholder, 3, 3
policy value, 2
snapshot commands
about, 1.3.27
lssnap, 2
mksnap, 2
rensnap, 2
rmsnap, 2
snapshot variable, 4
browsemode variable, 4
creating, 2
defined, 2
listing, 2
removing, 2
renaming, 2
snapshot variable, 4
special characters
escape variable, 4
escaping in obtool,
encryptdataintransit policy, 6.10.4
securecomms policy, 6.10.6
webpass policy, 6.1.6
jobs, 2
obtool as specific user, 1.1.6
stoprb program, A
storage elements
moving volumes from, 2
number placeholder, 3
placeholder, 3
range placeholders, 3
storage locations
creating, 2
removing, 2
renaming, 2
summary commands
about, 1.3.28
chsum, 2
lssum, 2
mksum, 2
rensum, 2
rmsum, 2
summary reports
produce-days placeholders, 3
summary-start-day placeholder, 3
superseded jobs, 2
checking in dataset file, 2
obtool, 1.2.2


-t mode, of obtar, B.2.4
tape devices
attachment placeholders, 3
barcodesrequired policy, 6.5.1
configuring with makedev, A
defaults and policies, 6.2
defining query frequency, 2
discovereddevicestate policy, 6.2.2
drive variable, 4
element name placeholders, 3
element placeholders, 3
error rate, 2
errorrate policy, 6.2.3
import/export element placeholders, 3
maxacsejectwaittime policy, 6.2.5
maxdriveidletime policy, 6.2.4
name placeholders, 3
removing, 2
reserving, 2
restricting with RMAN parameters, C.1
restriction placeholders, 3
storage element name placeholders, 3
storage element range placeholders, 3
World Wide Name placeholders, 3
tape drives
attachment placeholders, 3
barcodesrequired policy, 6.5.1
borrowing, 2
changing attributes, 2
cleaning, 2
configuring, 2
configuring with makedev, A
discovering, 2
displaying errors, 2
drive variable, 4
identifying volumes, 2
mounting volumes, 2
moving volumes to, 2
name placeholder, 3
positionqueryfrequency policy, 6.8.12
removing, 2
renaming, 2
reserving, 2
restriction placeholders, 3
returning, 2
selecting with RMAN parameters, C.1
unloading volumes, 2
unmounting volumes, 2
unreserving, 2
World Wide Name placeholders, 3
tape libraries
attachment placeholders, 3
barcodesrequired policy, 6.5.1
changing attributes, 2
closing import/export door, 2
configuring, 2
configuring with makedev, A
discovering, 2
displaying errors, 2
drive variable, 4
element name placeholders, 3
element placeholders, 3
exporting volume, 2
import/export element placeholders, 3
importing volumes, 2
library variable, 4
listing volumes, 2
manually inserting volumes, 2
manually removing volume, 2
minwritablevolumes policy, 6.12.4
moving volumes in, 2
moving volumes to tape drives, 2
name placeholder, 3
opening import/export door, 2
removing, 2
renaming, 2
restriction placeholders, 3
scanning contents, 2
storage element name placeholders, 3
storage element range placeholders, 3
vol-spec placeholders, 3
World Wide Name placeholders, 3
tcpbufsize policy, 6.8.17
mailport policy, 6.8.8
tcpbufsize policy, 6.8.17
IP addresses for host, 2
text authorization type for NDMP server, 3
obtool format, 1.1.8
time placeholder, 3
time-managed expiration policies, 2
time-range placeholder, 3
transcriptretaimtime policy, 6.4.6
configuring, 2
definition, 2
trustedhosts policy, 6.10.1


OSB with uninstallob, A
uninstallob program, A
unixclientlogfile policy, 6.4.7
volumes, 2
volumes, 2
volumes, 2
unprivileged backup
requesting, 2
devices, 2
obtool variables, 2
hosts, 2
user class, 7
user classes
changing attributes, 2
defining, 2
listing attributes, 2
removing, 2
renaming, 2
user commands
about, 1.3.29
chuser, 2
lsuser, 2
mkuser, 2
renuser, 2
rmuser, 2
NDMP username policy, 6.7.8
username policy, 6.7.8
changing attributes, 2
creating, 2
displaying name of current obtool user, 2
listing, 2
NDMP username policy, 6.7.8
preauthorizations, 2
preauth-spec placeholders, 3
removing, 2
renaming, 2
starting obtool as specific user, 1.1.6


variable commands
set, 2
show, 2
unset, 2
browsemode, 4
displaying values of obtool variable, 2
drive, 4
errors, 4
escape, 4
fs, 4
host, 4
level, 4
library, 1.3.16, 4
maxlevel, 4
namewidth, 4
numberformat, 4
setting in obtool, 2
snapshot, 4
unsetting in obtool, 2
verbose, 4
viewmode, 4
width, 4
autovolumerelease policy, 6.12.2
changing duplication policies, 2
changing rotation policy settings, 2
creating duplication job summary schedules, 2
creating duplication scan schedules, 2
creating rotation policies, 2
creating vaulting scan schedules, 2
creating volume duplication policies, 2
customeridstring policy, 6.12.3
displaying reports, 2
duplicateovernetwork policy, 6.13.1
duplication job placeholder, 3
duplication policy event placeholders, 3
duplication policy name placeholders, 3
duplication policy rule placeholders, 3
duplication scan priority placeholders, 3
duplication window commands, 1.3.12
duplicationjobpriority policy, 6.13.2
listing distribution reports, 2
listing duplication jobs, 2
listing duplication policies, 2
listing duplication windows, 2
listing locations, 2
listing media movement jobs, 2
listing pick reports, 2
listing rotation policies, 2
listing scan control jobs, 2
location commands, 1.3.17
media movement job placeholder, 3
minwritablevolumes policy, 6.12.4
modifying locations, 2
recalling volumes from offsite storage, 2
releasing volumes, 2
removing duplication policies, 2
removing duplication scan schedules, 2
removing rotation policies, 2
removing storage locations, 2
removing vaulting scan schedules, 2
renaming duplication policies, 2
renaming duplication scan schedules, 2
renaming rotation policies, 2
renaming storage locations, 2
renaming vaulting scan schedules, 2
reportretaintime policy, 6.12.5
reports commands, 1.3.22
rotation policy commands, 1.3.24
rotation policy name placeholders, 3
rotation rule event placeholders, 3
rotation rule placeholders, 3
scan control job placeholder, 3
vaulting scan priority placeholders, 3
volume duplication commands, 1.3.31
volume rotation commands, 1.3.30
vaulting policies
about, 6.12
automaticreleaseofrecalledvolumes, 6.12.5
autovolumerelease, 6.12.2
customeridstring, 6.12.3
minimumwriteablevolumes, 6.12.4
vaulting scan
priority placeholders, 3
vaulting scan schedules
creating, 2
listing, 2
removing, 2
renaming, 2
verbose variable, 4
version number
obtool, 1.1.7
vid placeholder, 3
viewmode variable, 4
vol-range placeholder, 3
vol-spec placeholder, 3
volume commands
chvol, 2
volume duplication commands
about, 1.3.31
chdup, 2
mkdup, 2
volume duplication policies
creating, 2
volume labels
listing with obtar -zz, B.2.4
removing, 2
volume movement commands
releasevolume, 2
volume rotation commands
about, 1.3.30
recallvolume, 2
volume sets
filenumber placeholders, 3
volumeretaintime policy, 6.5.7
autolabel policy, 6.8.2
autovolumerelease policy, 6.12.2
barcodesrequired policy, 6.5.1
catalog identifier placeholders, 3
changing attributes, 2
erasing, 2
exporting from tape libraries, 2
exporting from tape library, 2
identifying in tape drive, 2
importing to tape libraries, 2
inserting into tape library manually, 2
listing, 2
listing labels on a volume with obtar -zz, B.2.4
manually removing from tape libraries, 2
minwritablevolumes policy, 6.12.4
mounting, 2
moving in tape libraries, 2
moving to tape drives, 2
overwriteblanktape policy, 6.5.4
overwriteforeigntape policy, 6.5.5
overwriteunreadabletape policy, 6.5.6
recalling from offsite storage, 2
recycling, 2
releasing, 2
removing backup data, 2
reusing, 2
rewinding, 2
undoing remove backup section, 2
unlabeling, 2
unloading, 2
unmounting, 2
vid placeholders, 3
vol-range placeholders, 3
vol-spec placeholders, 3
volumeretaintime policy, 6.5.7
write new label, 2
writewindowtime policy, 6.5.8


webautostart policy, 6.1.5
webpass policy, 6.1.6
width variable, 4
Windows CD-ROM file systems
windowsskipcdfs policy, 6.8.18
Windows firewall, disabling, 2
Windows locked files
windowsskiplockedfiles policy, 6.8.19
Windows Server 2003, 2
Windows XP Service Pack 2, 2
windowsclientlogfile policy, 6.4.8
windowscontrolcertificateservice policy, 6.1.7
windowsskipcdfs policy, 6.8.18
windowsskiplockedfiles policy, 6.8.19
winsserver policy, 6.6.1
World Wid Name
placeholders for, 3
writewindowtime policy, 6.5.8
wwn placeholder, 3


-x mode, of obtar, B.2.4


-zz mode, of obtar, B.2.4