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Oracle® Beehive Installation Guide
Release 1 (1.5) for Linux x86

Part Number E14830-05
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7 Installing Oracle Beehive in Silent Mode (Non-Interactive)

This module describes how to install Oracle Beehive in silent mode, which allows minimal input from the user. This process involves creating a response file, which is an XML file that contains values required by the Oracle Beehive Install Wizard.

Use this process if you want to install Oracle Beehive with a batch process or do not want to use the GUI provided by the Oracle Beehive Install Wizard.

This module covers the following silent mode processes:

Installing and Configuring Oracle Beehive in Silent Mode, Running Install Wizard

This process installs and configures Oracle Beehive by running the Oracle Beehive Install Wizard only once. It consists of the following steps:

  1. Verify that Oracle Database is installed and running

  2. Create a response file

  3. Start the installation and configuration in silent mode

  4. Verify the installation

Step 1   Verify that Oracle Database is installed and running

To verify that Oracle Database is running, connect to it and run a query as follows:

  1. Ensure that the environment variables ORACLE_HOME is set to the home directory of Oracle Database and ORACLE_SID is set to the SID of the database you want to configure with this installation of Oracle Beehive.

  2. Run the following commands to check the version of Oracle Database and verify that it is running (<Database home> is where you installed Oracle Database):

    <Database home>/bin/sqlplus '/ as sysdba'
    SQL> select version from v$instance;
    SQL> exit;
  3. Verify that the listener is listening to a service with the same name as ORACLE_SID:

    <Database home>/bin/lsnrctl status


Refer to "Oracle Beehive Database Requirements" for more information about minimum database requirements.
Step 2   Create a response file

A response file is an XML file that contain values required for installation and configuration.

To create a response file, edit the response file according to the comments in it. Use one of the following methods to create a response file:

  • Use the existing response file, response/beehive_response_template.xml in the installation media.

  • Generate this response file in your home directory with the following command (from the installation media):

    runInstaller -generateResponseTemplate


Create a fully configured response file by running the Oracle Beehive Install Wizard (not in silent mode) until you reach the Installation Summary screen. Click Save. The Oracle Beehive Install Wizard saves the inputs you entered and options you selected in a response file.

Note that the Oracle Beehive Install Wizard will not save the passwords you entered in the response file. You must edit this response file and add the required passwords.

Step 3   Start the installation and configuration in silent mode

Run the following command (from the installation media) to start the installation and configuration of Oracle Beehive in silent mode:

runInstaller -responseFile full_path_of_response_file -silent

After the installation and configuration are completed, Oracle Beehive servlet URLs are displayed. You will also find this information in a log file with a name similar to <Oracle inventory>/logs/installActions*.log (where <Oracle inventory> is the Oracle inventory directory).

If there is no Oracle inventory directory (the directory that stores information about the Oracle products in your computer) or this is the first installation of an Oracle product in the computer, you will be asked to run the <Oracle inventory>/ script as the root user.

Step 4   Verify the installation

Run the administration tool beectl as described in "Verifying Oracle Beehive Installation".

Installing and Configuring Oracle Beehive in Silent Mode, Running Install Wizard and Config Wizard

This process consists of two phases: an installation-only (or software-only) phase that installs Oracle Beehive by running the Oracle Beehive Install Wizard and a configuration-only phase that configures Oracle Beehive by running the Oracle Beehive Config Wizard.

This process consists of the following steps:

  1. Verify that Oracle Database installed and running

  2. Create a response file

  3. Start the installation-only phase in silent mode

  4. Start the configuration-only phase in silent mode

  5. Verify the installation

Step 1   Verify that Oracle Database installed and running

This step is the same as in "Installing and Configuring Oracle Beehive in Silent Mode, Running Install Wizard".

Step 2   Create a response file

This step is the same as in "Installing and Configuring Oracle Beehive in Silent Mode, Running Install Wizard", except you only need to specify the values homeLocation and softwareOnly. (For the configuration-only phase, Step 4, you will need to specify all the other values.) The following is an excerpt from a response file that has these two values specified:

      Oracle Home Information
    <object class="oracle.ocs.install.wizard.framework.beans.HomeInfoBean">
      # This string property holds the oracle home location. 
      # Specify an absolute path here. 
      # The path should not contain special characters
      <void property="homeLocation">
      Install Type Information
    <object class=
      # This boolean property holds the type of install.
      # Specify true to install just the software only or 
      # specify false to install and configure.
      # Defaults to false if not specified.
      <void property="softwareOnly">
Step 3   Start the installation-only phase in silent mode

Run the following commands (from the installation media) to start the installation-only phase in silent mode:

runInstaller -responseFile full_path_of_response_file -silent
Step 4   Start the configuration-only phase in silent mode

Wait until the installation-only phase is finished and successful. Ensure that you have specified all required values in the response file. Run the following commands to start the configuration-only phase (<Oracle home> is where you installed Oracle Beehive):

cd <Oracle home>/beehive/oobwiz
./configWizard -responseFile full_path_of_response_file -silent

Log files with names similar to <Oracle home>/beehive/oobwiz/logs/configActions*.log contain information about this configuration-only phase.

If there is no Oracle inventory directory (the directory that stores information about the Oracle products in your computer) or this is the first installation of an Oracle product in the computer, you will be asked to run the <Oracle inventory>/ script as the root user.

Step 5   Verify the installation

Run the administration tool beectl as described in "Verifying Oracle Beehive Installation".

Installing Oracle Beehive Provisioning Application in Silent Mode

You may install Oracle Beehive Provisioning Application in silent mode.

The process is similar to "Installing and Configuring Oracle Beehive in Silent Mode, Running Install Wizard" except that you do not verify that a database is running and you use the response file (from the installation media) response/provplugin_response_template.xml. You can also generate this response file with the command runInstaller -generateResponseTemplate. The response file will be in your home directory.

Installing Oracle Beehive for DMZ in Silent Mode

You may install Oracle Beehive for DMZ in silent mode.

The process is similar to "Installing and Configuring Oracle Beehive in Silent Mode, Running Install Wizard" except that you use the response file (from the installation media) response/dmz_response_template.xml. You can also generate this response file with the command (from the installation media) runInstaller -generateResponseTemplate. The response file will be in your home directory.

Verifying Oracle Beehive Installation

Run the beectl status command:

<Oracle home>/beehive/bin/beectl status

If Oracle Beehive is installed and configured successfully, you should see output similar to the following:

Component identifier                         | Component type | Status  
---------------------------------------------+----------------+-----------------                    | Bti            | RUNNING 
---------------------------------------------+----------------+-----------------                | ManagedOc4j    | RUNNING 
---------------------------------------------+----------------+-----------------                 | ManagedOc4j    | RUNNING 
---------------------------------------------+----------------+-----------------               | ManagedOc4j    | RUNNING 
---------------------------------------------+----------------+-----------------                | ManagedOc4j    | RUNNING 
---------------------------------------------+----------------+-----------------                    | HttpServer     | RUNNING 

If some of these components have not been started, review the log files in the following directories:

Recovering from Failed Oracle Beehive Configuration

If Oracle Beehive configuration failed, run the configWizard command. This command will automatically detect that Oracle Beehive configuration was not successful. It will then run only the configuration tools that failed or were aborted.

Upgrading Oracle Beehive in Silent Mode


You may only upgrade an Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4.3) deployment to Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.5). You must upgrade an Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4.1) deployment to Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4.3) before upgrading it to Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.5).

You may upgrade the following Oracle Beehive products in silent mode:

The upgrade process to upgrade any of these Oracle Beehive products is the same as "Installing and Configuring Oracle Beehive in Silent Mode, Running Install Wizard" except that you create a response file from a different template depending on the product you are upgrading. The following lists the names of the response file templates to use for each Oracle Beehive product to upgrade:

Uninstalling Oracle Beehive in Silent Mode

You may uninstall Oracle Beehive in silent mode.

The process is similar to "Installing and Configuring Oracle Beehive in Silent Mode, Running Install Wizard" except for the following: