(BRA) Setting Up Your System for Electronic Tax Reporting

This chapter provides an overview of account types for electronic tax reporting according to Ato COTEPE 70 of 2006 and discusses how to:

Note. You must also set up user-defined codes (UDCs) to use electronic tax reporting.

See Also

Setting Up UDCs for Electronic Tax Reporting

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Account Types for Electronic Tax Reporting for Ato COTEPE 70 of 2006

The block I registers requires information about the types of general ledger accounts for which you process records. You must set up a category code in the Account Master program (P0901) that lists valid codes used for tax reporting. You must set up these codes for a model business unit. You then specify the model business unit and the category code when you set up constants in the Electronic Reporting Constant Setup program (P76B0515).

The codes that you must include in the category code are:




Fixed assets (Ativo)


Liability (Passivo)


Owner's equity (Patrimonio liquido)


Revenue and expenses (Contas de resultado)


Compensation account (Contas de compensacao)


Others (Otras)

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Constants for Electronic Tax Reporting According to Ato COTEPE 70 of 2006

This section provides an overview of constants for electronic tax reporting, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to set up constants.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Constants for Electronic Tax Reporting

You use the Electronic Reporting Constant Setup program (P76B0515) to set up by reporting company (legal company) information about the layout, purpose, and bookkeeping for data for which you report information. The system stores the constants information in the Electronic Reporting Constant Setup table (F76B05215) and reads the information when you run the extraction or join block processes for electronic tax reporting.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Before you begin the tasks in this section, verify that these UDCs are set up:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Set Up Constants for Electronic Tax Reporting

Form Name




Work With Constant Setup


Extractor Process (G76B111X), Electronic Constant Setup Application - BR

Select and verify existing constants setup.

Constant Setup Revision


Click Add on the Work With Constant Setup form.

Set up constants by company.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Constants

Access the Constant Setup Revisions form.

Block 0

Owner of centralized Bookkeeping

Enter the CNPJ number of the company that is responsible for the bookkeeping.

Accountant Address Number

Enter the address book number of the accountant.

Technical Responsible Address Number

Enter the address book number of the person generating the tax reports.

Version Layout Code

Enter a value that exists in the Code of Layout Version (76B/VO) UDC table. The system uses the value that you enter to specify the version of the layout that you use.

Layout Code requested by government

Enter a value that exists in the Code of Layout Reg Government (76B/VL) UDC table. The system uses the value that you enter to indicate the code that is required by the government.

Code Of Purpose

Enter a value that exists in the Code of Purpose (76B/CO) UDC table. The system uses the value that you enter to indicate the purpose of your tax reporting submittal.

Indicator of Type of Input

Enter a value that exists in the Indicator of Type (76B/TY) UDC table. The system uses the value that you enter to determine whether the data is manually entered, imported from a text file, or a validation of a text file.

Indicator Centralized Bookkeeping

Enter a value that exists in the Centralized Bookkeeping (76B/CB) UDC table. The system uses the value that you enter to identify whether the reporting company uses centralized bookkeeping.

Accountant Inscription Number

Enter the accountant's license number.

Type Code

Enter a value that exists in the Type Code (01/W0) UDC table. The system uses the value that you enter to determine the type of address book record.

Block H

Indicator Inventory Owner

Enter the category code number that exists in the Item Master table (F4101) that specifies who owns the inventory.

Block I

Account Class Categorie Code

Enter the category code that exists in the Accounts Master table (F0901) to specify the account class.

Model Fiscal Unit

Enter the business unit that exists as a model for the account setup.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Constants for Electronic Tax Reporting According to Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007

This section provides an overview of constants for electronic tax reporting for Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to set up constants.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Constants for Electronic Tax Reporting for Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007

You use the Ato Cotepe 11 Constant Setup program (P76B0715) to set up by legal company (reporting company) information about the layout, purpose, and bookkeeping for data for which you report information. The system stores the constants information in the Ato Cotepe 11 Constant Setup table (F76B0715), and reads the information when you run the extraction or join block processes for electronic tax reporting.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you begin the tasks in this section, verify that these UDCs are set up:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Setup Constants for ATO COTEPE 11 of 2007

Form Name




Work with Ato Cotepe Constant Setup


Ato Cotepe 11 Setup (G76B1116), Ato Cotepe 11 Constant Setup

Select and verify existing constants setup.

Ato Cotepe Constant Setup Revision


Click Add on the Work With Ato Cotepe Constant Setup form.

Setup constants by company.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Constants for Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007

Access the Ato Cotepe Constant Setup Revision form.

Block 0

Accountant Address Number

Enter the address book number of the accountant.

Accountant Inscription Number

Enter the inscription number of the accountant responsible for submitting the tax files.

Substitute Contributor Address

Enter the address book number of the substitute contributor. A substitute contributor is someone who pays the taxes in the name of the company.

The system writes the address book number to register 0015 of block 0.

Version Layout Code

Enter a value that exists in the Code of Layout Version UDC table (76B/VO) to specify the tax reporting version to be used.

Fiscal Presentation Type

Enter a value that exists in the Fiscal Presentation Type UDC table (76B/FP). The system writes the value from the UDC table to the IND_PERFIL field in register 0000 in block 0.

Activity Code

Enter a value that exists in the Activity Code UDC table (76B/AC). The system writes the value from the UDC table to the IND_ATIV field in register 0000 in block 0.

Type Code

Enter a value that exists in the Type Code UDC table (01/W0) to specify the type of address book record that the system uses to retrieve information about the reporting entity.

Block H

Indicator Inventory Owner

Enter the category code number that exists in the Item Master table (F4101) that specifies who owns the inventory.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Fiscal City Code

This section provides an overview of fiscal city codes and discusses how to associate the fiscal city code with an address book record.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Fiscal City Codes

Registers 0000, 0010, and 0150 in block 0 require a fiscal city code. You use the Supplemental Data program (P00092) to associate a fiscal city code that exists in the Fiscal Code (76B/FC) UDC table to the address book records for which you report information. Those address book records might include the reporting company, customers, suppliers, and the bookkeeping company.

Note. The task in this section assumes that a value of AB (address book) exists in the Supplemental Data Setup program (P00091).

See Setting Up Supplemental Data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForm Used to Associate Fiscal City Codes to Address Book Records

Form Name




Work With Supplemental Data


Database Setup CIF Supplemental Data (G01312), Supplemental Data

Review and select existing records.

General Description Entry


Select a record on the Work With Supplemental Data form and click Select.

Associate the fiscal city code with an address book number.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating the Fiscal City Code with an Address Book Record

Access the General Description Entry form.

To associate a fiscal city code with an address book record:

  1. On the Work With Supplemental Data form, enter the address book number in the Address Number field.

  2. Click Find.

    The system displays the data types that exist for address book records.

  3. Select the record with the data type of $J and click Select.

    The $J data type exists for the fiscal city code.

    Note. If data type $J does not exist in your environment, use the Supplemental Data Setup program to add it.

  4. On the General Description Entry form, complete the City Code and Effective Date fields.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Additional Item Information for Electronic Tax Reporting According to Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007

This section provides an overview of the additional information that you can add, lists prerequisites, lists the forms used to add or review additional item information, and discusses how to set processing options for Item Master Additional Info (P704101).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Additional Item Information

Register 0200 of block 0 requires information that is not stored in the item tables of the standard software. You can use the Item Master Additional Info program to add the additional information to the Item Master Add Info table (F704101). The system reads the data in the F704101 table when you run the Ato Cotepe 11 - Block 0 Items program (R76B0701) to populate block 0 registers.

You use category codes to associate the additional information to the items. When you use the Item Master program (P4101) to add or modify programs, the system calls the Item Master Additional Info program if the Localization Country Code field in the User Profile Revisions program (P0092) is set to BR (Brazil). The Item Master Additional Info program includes ten category code fields that you can use to associate additional information to items. However, only category codes 70/C1–70/C5 are used for additional information for Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007 tax reporting.

To report the additional information required for Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007 tax reporting, you must set up and use specific category codes because the Ato Cotepe 11 - Block 0 Items program writes the data from specific fields in the Item Master Additional Info program to specific fields in register 0200.

Note. You must use the Item Master program (P4101) to access the Item Master Additional Info form to add Ato COTEPE 11 information for items for which you have not previously added the Ato COTEPE 11 information. When you access the Work with Additional Info form from the Item Master Additional Info menu option, the system does not access items for which Ato COTEPE 11 information does not exist; you can access only items with existing Ato COTEPE 11 information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you complete the tasks in this section, verify that:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Add or Modify Additional Item Information

Form Name




Work With Item Master Browse


Inventory Master - Brazil (G76B4111), Item Master.

Review and select existing item records.

Item Master Revisions


Select an existing item, and then click Select on the Work With Item Master Browse form.

Review item information, and access the Brazil-specific forms.

Item Master Regional Information - Brazil


  • On the Item Master Revisions form, select Regional Info from the Form menu.

  • Select a row, and select Regional Info from the Row menu on the Work With Item Master Browse form.

Complete Brazil-specific tax information for the item.

Item Master Add Info Revision


  • Click OK on the Item Master Regional Information - Brazil form.

    You must use this navigation to add information to items for which you have not previously added the Ato COTEPE 11 information.

  • Ato Cotepe 11 Setup (G76B1116), Item Master Additional Info.

    You can use this navigation to access only items for which you have previously added the Ato COTEPE 11 information.

Complete the category code fields to enter information required for tax reporting according to Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Item Master Additional Info (P704101)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing values.


Use these processing options to specify the UDC tables (category codes) for which the system enables you to select UDC values to associate to items. For example, if you specify 76B in the first product code processing option and specify AC in the first user-defined codes field, the system displays the name of the 76B/AC UDC table (Activity Code) as the title of the first category code column in the forms for the Item Master Additional Info program, and enables you to select values from the 76B/AC UDC table to associate with the item.

Note. When setting up these processing options to report taxes according to Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007, you must specify specific UDC tables, as noted in the glossaries for the first five processing options. Oracle recommends setting up a specific version of the Item Master Additional Info program to use when you add additional item master information to items for Ato COTEPE 11 reporting.

Category Code 1

Enter the product code (system code) and the user-defined code for the category code from which you want the system to enable you to select values.

When setting up this processing option to work with tax reporting according to Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007, you must specify 70 as the product code and C1 as the user-defined code. The system uses those values if you leave this processing option blank.

The 70/C1 category code must be set up with values for the item type that you report in register 0200 of block 0.

Category Code 2

Enter the product code (system code) and the user-defined code for the category code from which you want the system to enable you to select values.

When setting up this processing option to work with tax reporting according to Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007, you must specify 70 as the product code and C2 as the user-defined code. The system uses those values if you leave this processing option blank.

The 70/C2 category code must be set up with values for the mercosur code that you report in register 0200 of block 0.

Category Code 3

Enter the product code (system code) and the user-defined code for the category code from which you want the system to enable you to select values.

When setting up this processing option to work with tax reporting according to Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007, you must specify 70 as the product code and C3 as the user-defined code. The system uses those values if you leave this processing option blank.

The 70/C3 category code must be set up with values for the EX code that you report in register 0200 of block 0.

Category Code 4

Enter the product code (system code) and the user-defined code for the category code from which you want the system to enable you to select values.

When setting up this processing option to work with tax reporting according to Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007, you must specify 70 as the product code and C4 as the user-defined code. The system uses those values if you leave this processing option blank.

The 70/C4 category code must be set up with values for the item generic code that you report in register 0200 of block 0.

Category Code 5

Enter the product code (system code) and the user-defined code for the category code from which you want the system to enable you to select values.

When setting up this processing option to work with tax reporting according to Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007, you must specify 70 as the product code and C5 as the user-defined code. The system uses those values if you leave this processing option blank.

The 70/C5 category code must be set up with values for the service code that you report in register 0200 of block 0.

Category Code 6 – 10

Enter the product code (system code) and the user-defined code for the category code from which you want the system to enable you to select values.

These processing options are not used for reporting of taxes according to Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the ICMS Period Balance Amounts for Electronic Tax Reporting According to Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007

This section provides an overview of the setup for the ICMS period balance amount and discusses how to set up the ICMS period balance amount.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Setup for the ICMS Period Balance Amount

Registers E110 and E210 of block E for tax reporting according to Ato COTEPE 11 for 2007 require that you report information about the ending balances that are carried forward to the next period for ICMS and ICMS substitution tax. For the register E110, you must set up the ICMS tax balances for the state of the legal company. The E210 register includes one register for each state in which a company conducts business, so you must set up the ICMS substitution tax balances for each state for the reporting company.

You use the ICMS Period Balance Maintenance program (P76B0770) to enter for each company/state combination the ending balance for ICMS and ICMS substitution tax. You enter the balances for each period of a fiscal year. The system saves the information that you enter in the ICMS Period Balance Maintenance program to the ICMS Period Balance by State and Company table (F76B0770), and reads this table when you generate block E registers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Set Up the ICMS Period Balance Amounts

Form Name




Work with ICMS Period Balance Maintenance


Ato Cotepe 11 Setup (G76B1116), ICMS Period Balance Maintenance

Review and select existing records.

ICMS Period Balance Maintenance


Click Add on the Work with ICMS Period Balance Maintenance form.

Complete the header area field, and then select Add Periods from the Form menu.

Enter ICMS and ICMS substitution tax period-ending balances for a company/state/year combination.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering ICMS Period Balance Amounts

Access the ICMS Period Balance Maintenance form.


Enter the company number of the reporting company.


Enter a value that exists in the 00/S (State) UDC table to specify the state for which you enter the period balance amounts.


Enter the two-digit century.


Enter the two-digit year.

ICMS Tax Total

Enter the ending balance for each period that has a positive balance that is carried forward to the next period.

ICMS Total Substitution Tax

Enter the ending balance for each period that has a positive balance that is carried forward to the next period.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the IPI Period Balance Amounts for Electronic Tax Reporting According to Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007

This section provides an overview of the setup of IPI period balance amounts and discusses how to enter IPI period balance amounts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Setup of IPI Period Balance Amounts

Register E520 of block E for tax reporting according to Ato COTEPE 11 for 2007 requires that you report information about the ending balances that are carried forward to the next period for IPI tax. You use the IPI Period Balance Maintenance program (P76B0771) to add the period balance for the reporting company. The system saves the information that you enter to the IPI Period Balance by Company table (F76B0771), and reads this table when you generate block E registers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Enter IPI Period Balance Amounts

Form Name




Work with IPI Period Balance Maintenance


Ato Cotepe 11 Setup (G76B1116), IPI Period Balance Maintenance

Review and select existing records.

IPI Period Balance Maintenance


Click Add on the Work with IPI Period Balance Maintenance form.

Complete the header area fields, and then select Add Periods from the Form menu.

Enter IPI period balances for the fiscal year for the reporting company.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering IPI Period Balance Amounts

Access the IPI Period Balance Maintenance form.


Enter the company number of the reporting company.


Enter the two-digit century.


Enter the two-digit year.

IPI Tax Total

Enter the ending balance for each period that has a positive balance that is carried forward to the next period.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Fiscal Note - Block A Program (R76B0530) for Electronic Tax Reporting According to Ato COTEPE 70 of 2006

Processing options enable you to specify default processing values.


Register Headings

Enter 1 to print the register headings at the beginning of the report. Leave this processing option blank to print the register headings at the beginning of each register.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Fiscal Note – Block C (R76B0550) for Electronic Tax Reporting According to Ato COTEPE 70 of 2006

Processing options enable you to specify default processing values.


Register Headings

Enter 1 to print the register headings at the beginning of the report. Leave this processing option blank to print the register headings at the beginning of each register.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Fiscal Books Initial Process (R76B0570) for Electronic Tax Reporting According to Ato COTEPE 70 of 2006

Processing options enable you to specify default processing values.


Register Headings

Enter 1 to print the register headings at the beginning of the report. Leave this processing option blank to print the register headings at the beginning of each register.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Electronic Reporting - Industrialization Return/Send (R76B0583) for Electronic Tax Reporting According to Ato COTEPE 70 of 2006

Processing options enable you to specify default processing values.


1. Transaction Nature Code to Identify Industrialization RETURN

Enter up to five values that identify transaction nature codes for returned goods.

2. Transaction Nature Code to Identify Industrialization SEND

Enter up to five values that identify transaction nature codes for sent goods.