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Using the Batch Runtime

Using the Batch Runtime
Setting environment variables
Some variables (such as ORACLE_SID, COBDIR, LIBPATH, COBPATH …) are shared variables between different components and are not described in this current document. See The Rehosting Workbench Installation Guide.
The following environment variables are called in the KSH scripts and must be defined before using the software.
The following environment variables are used by the Batch Runtime and must be defined before using the software.
Creating a Script
General structure of a script
Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime for Batch normalizes Korn shell script formats by proposing a script model where the different execution phases of a job are clearly identified.
Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime for Batch scripts respect a specific format that allows the definition and the chaining of the different phases of the KSH (JOB).
Within the Batch Runtime, a phase corresponds to an activity or a step on the source system.
A phase is identified by a label and delimited by the next phase.
At the end of each phase, the JUMP_LABEL variable is updated to give the label of the next phase to be executed.
In the following example, the last functional phase sets JUMP_LABEL to JOBEND: this label allows a normal termination of the job (exits from the phase loop).
The mandatory parts of the script (the beginning and end parts) are shown in bold and the functional part of the script (the middle part) in normal style. The optional part of the script must contain the labels, branching and end of steps as described below. The items of the script to be modified are shown in italics.
Table 3‑3 Script structure
m_JobBegin -j JOBNAME -s START -v 1.00
Script example
Listing 3‑1 Korn shell script example
m_JobBegin -j METAW01D -s START -v 1.00 -c A
while true ;
case ${CURRENT_LABEL} in
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# 1) 1st Step: DELVCUST
# Delete the existing file.
# 2) 2nd Step: DEFVCUST
# Allocates the Simple Sample Application VSAM customers file
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# -Step 1: Delete...
m_FileAssign -m W -a X -d OLD FDEL ${DATA}/METAW00.VSAM.CUSTOMER
m_FileDelete ${DD_FDEL}
m_RcSet 0
# -Step 2: Define...
m_FileBuild -t IDX -r 266 -k 1+6 ${DATA}/METAW00.VSAM.CUSTOMER
m_RcSet ${MT_RC_ABORT} "Unknown label : ${JUMP_LABEL}"
Defining and using symbols
Symbols are internal script variables that allow script statements to be easily modifiable. A value is assigned to a symbol through the m_SymbolSet function. To use a symbol, use the following syntax: $[symbol]
Listing 3‑2 Symbol use examples
m_SymbolSet VAR=40
m_FileAssign -m R -a R -d SHR FILE01 ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.KBSTO0$[VAR]
m_ProgramExec BAI001
Creating a step that executes a program
A step (also called a phase) is generally a coherent set of calls to the Batch Runtime functions that enables the execution of a functional (or technical) activity.
The most frequent steps are those that execute an application or utility program. These kind of steps are generally composed of one or several file assignment operations followed by the execution of the desired program. All the file assignments operations must precede the program execution operation.
Listing 3‑3 Application program execution step example
m_FileAssign -m R -a R -d SHR INFIL ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.KBPRO099
m_FileAssign -m W -a X -d MOD OUTFIL ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.KBPRO001
m_FileAssign -m W -a X -d NEW SYSOUT ${SPOOL}/STAR_${MT_JOB_NAME}_${MT_JOB_PID}_steppr15_sysout
cat <<_end >${TMP}/LOGIN_STEPPR15_${MT_JOB_NAME}_${MT_JOB_PID}
m_FileAssign -m W -a X -d OLD LOGIN ${TMP}/LOGIN_STEPPR15_${MT_JOB_NAME}_${MT_JOB_PID}
m_FileAssign -m W -a X -d MOD LOGOUT ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.KBPRO091
s m_ProgramExec BPRAB001 "20071120"
Creating a Procedure
Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime for Batch offers a set of functions to define and use "procedures". These procedures follow generally the same principles as z/OS JCL procedures.
The advantages of procedures are:
Procedures can be of two types:
Creating an in-stream procedure
Unlike the z/OS JCL convention, an in-stream procedure must be written after the end of the main JOB, that is: all the in-stream procedures belonging to a job must appear after the call to the function m_JobEnd.
An in-stream procedure in a Korn shell script always starts with a call to the m_ProcBegin function, followed by all the tasks composing the procedure and terminating with a call to the m_ProcEnd function.
Listing 3‑4 In-stream procedure example
m_ProcBegin PROCA
m_FileAssign -m W -a X -d NEW SYSPRINT ${SPOOL}/STAR_${MT_JOB_NAME}_${MT_JOB_PID}_stepa_sysprint
m_FileAssign -m R -a R -d SHR SYSUT1 ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.DATA.PDSA/BIEAM00$[SEQ]
m_FileAssign -m W -a X -d MOD SYSUT2 ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.KBIEO005
m_FileLoad ${DD_SYSUT1} ${DD_SYSUT2}
Creating an external procedure
External procedures do not require the use of the m_ProcBegin and m_ProcEnd functions; simply code the tasks that are part of the procedure.
In order to simplify the integration of a procedure’s code with the calling job, always begin a procedure with:
and end it with:
Listing 3‑5 External procedure example
m_FileAssign -m R -a R -d SHR INFIL ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.KBPRI001
m_FileAssign -m W -a X -d MOD OUTFIL ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.KBPRO001
m_FileAssign -m W -a X -d NEW SYSOUT ${SPOOL}/STAR_${MT_JOB_NAME}_${MT_JOB_PID}_pr2step1_sysout
m_FileAssign -m R -a R -d SHR LOGIN ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.SYSIN.SRC/BPRAS002
m_FileAssign -m W -a X -d MOD LOGOUT ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.KBPRO091
m_ProgramExec BPRAB002
Using a Procedure
The use of a procedure inside a Korn shell script is made through a call to the m_ProcInclude function.
As described in Script execution phases, during the Conversion Phase, a Korn shell script is expanded by including the procedure's code each time a call to the m_ProcInclude function is encountered. It is necessary that after this operation, the resulting expanded Korn shell script still respects the rules of the general structure of a script as defined in the General structure of a script.
A procedure, either in-stream or external, can be used in any place inside a calling job provided that the above principals are respected.
Listing 3‑6 Call to the m_ProcInclude function example
m_ProcInclude BPRAP009
Modifying a Procedure at execution time.
The execution of the tasks defined in a procedure can be modified in two different ways:
Listing 3‑7 Defining procedure example
m_ProcBegin PROCE
m_FileAssign -m R -a R -d SHR SYSUT1 ${DATA}/DATA.IN.PDS/DTS$[SEQ]
m_FileAssign -m W -a X -d MOD SYSUT2 ${DATA}/DATA.OUT.PDS/DTS$[SEQ]
m_FileLoad ${DD_SYSUT1} ${DD_SYSUT2}
Listing 3‑8 Calling procedure example
m_ProcInclude PROCE SEQ="1"
Using overrides for file assignments
As specified in Best Practices, this way of coding procedures is provided mainly for supporting Korn shell scripts resulting from z/OS JCL translation and it is not recommended for Korn shell scripts newly written for the target platform.
The overriding of a file assignment is made using the m_FileOverride function that specifies a replacement for the assignment present in the procedure. The call to the m_FileOverride function must follow the call to the procedure in the calling script.
The following example shows how to replace the assignment of the logical file SYSUT1 using the m_FileOverride function.
Listing 3‑9 m_FileOverride function example
m_ProcBegin PROCE
m_FileAssign -m R -a R -d SHR SYSUT1 ${DATA}/DATA.IN.PDS/DTS$[SEQ]
m_FileAssign -m W -a X -d MOD SYSUT2 ${DATA}/DATA.OUT.PDS/DTS$[SEQ]
m_FileLoad ${DD_SYSUT1} ${DD_SYSUT2}
Listing 3‑10 m_FileOverride procedure call:
m_ProcInclude PROCE SEQ="1"
cat <<_end >${TMP}/SYSUT1_STEPE_${MT_JOB_NAME}_${MT_JOB_PID}
Overriding test data
m_FileOverride -m W -a X -d OLD -s STEPE SYSUT1 ${TMP}/SYSUT1_STEPE_${MT_JOB_NAME}_${MT_JOB_PID}
Controlling a script's behavior
Conditioning the execution of a step
Using m_CondIf, m_CondElse, and m_CondEndif
The m_CondIf, m_CondElse and m_CondEndif functions can be used to condition the execution of one or several steps in a script. The behavior is similar to the z/OS JCL statement constructs IF, THEN, ELSE and ENDIF.
The m_CondIf function must always have a relational expression as a parameter. These functions can be nested up to 15 times.
Listing 3‑11 m_CondIf, m_CondElse, and m_CondEndif example
m_FileAssign -m R -a R -d SHR INFIL ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.KBIF000
m_FileAssign -m W -a X -d MOD OUTFIL ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.KBIF001
m_ProgramExec BAX001
m_CondIf "STEPIF01.RC,LT,5"
m_FileAssign -m R -a R -d SHR INFIL ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.KBIF001
m_FileAssign -m W -a X -d MOD OUTFIL ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.KBIF002
m_ProgramExec BAX002
m_FileAssign -m R -a R -d SHR INFIL ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.KBIF000
m_FileAssign -m W -a X -d MOD OUTFIL ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.KBIF003
m_ProgramExec BAX003
Using m_CondExec
The m_CondExec function is used to condition the execution of a step. The m_CondExec must have at least one condition as a parameter and can have several conditions at the same time. In case of multiple conditions, the step is executed only if all the conditions are satisfied.
A condition can be of three forms:
m_CondExec 4,LT,STEPEC01
m_CondExec EVEN
m_CondExec ONLY
The m_CondExec function must be the first function to be called inside the concerned step.
Listing 3‑12 m_CondExec example with multiple conditions
m_FileAssign -m R -a R -d SHR INFIL ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.KBIF000
m_FileAssign -m W -a X -d MOD OUTFIL ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.KBIF001
m_ProgramExec BACC01
m_FileAssign -m R -a R -d SHR INFIL ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.KBIF001
m_FileAssign -m W -a X -d MOD OUTFIL ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.KBIF002
m_ProgramExec BACC02
m_FileAssign -m R -a R -d SHR INFIL ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.KBIF000
m_FileAssign -m W -a X -d MOD OUTFIL ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.KBIF003
Controlling the execution flow
The script's execution flow is determined, and can be controlled, in the following ways:
The start label specified by the m_JobBegin function: this label is usually the first label in the script, but can be changed to any label present in the script if the user wants to start the script execution from a specific step.
The usage of the m_CondExec, m_CondIf, m_CondElse and m_CondEnd functions: see Conditioning the execution of a step.
Changing default error messages
If the Batch Runtime administrator wishes to change the default messages (to change the language for example), this can be done through a configuration file whose path is specified by the environment variable: MT_DISPLAY_MESSAGE_FILE.
This file is a CSV (comma separated values) file with a semicolon as a separator. Each record in this file describes a certain message and is composed of 6 fields:
Using Files
Creating a File Definition
Files are created using the m_FileBuild function.
Three file organizations are supported:
You must specify the file organization for the file being created. For indexed files, the length and the primary key specifications must also be mentioned.
m_FileBuild examples
m_FileBuild -t IDX -r 266 -k 1+6 ${DATA}/METAW00.VSAM.CUSTOMER
Assigning and Using Files
When using the Batch Runtime, a file can be used either by a Batch Runtime function (for example: m_FileSort, m_FileRename etc.) or a by a program, such as a COBOL program.
In both cases, before being used, a file must first be assigned. Files are assigned using the m_FileAssign function that:
The environment variable defined via the m_FileAssign function is named: DD_IFN. This naming convention is due to the fact that it is the one used by Micro Focus Cobol to map internal file names to external file names.
Once a file is assigned, it can be passed as an argument to any of the Batch Runtime functions handling files by using the ${DD_IFN} variable.
For COBOL programs, the link is made implicitly by Micro Focus Cobol.
Listing 3‑13 Example of file assignment
m_FileAssign -m R -a R -d SHR INFIL ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.KBIDI001
m_FileAssign -m R -a R -d SHR OUTFIL ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.VSAM.KBIDU001
m_FileLoad ${DD_INFIL} ${DD_OUTFIL}
Listing 3‑14 Example of using a file by a COBOL program
m_FileAssign -m W -a X -d OLD INFIL ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.KBIFI091
m_FileAssign -m W -a X -d MOD OUTFIL ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.KBIFO091
m_ProgramExec BIFAB090
Using a Generation File (GDG)
In order to reproduce the notion of generation files, present on the z/OS mainframe, but which is not a UNIX standard, the Batch Runtime provides a set of functions to handle this type of file.
Defining a generation file
A generation file is defined through the m_GenDefine function. The only parameter to be specified is the maximum number of versions to keep on the disk:
m_GenDefine -s 31 ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.GDG
Using a generation file
The m_FileAssign function has a special parameter (-g) that serves to specify that the file being assigned is a generation file and to set the desired version of the file.
Listing 3‑15 Example of using a generation file:
m_FileAssign -m R -a R -d SHR -g +1 INFIL ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.GDG
m_FileAssign -m W -a X -d MOD OUTFIL ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.KBDDO002
m_ProgramExec BDDAB001
Using an In-stream File
To define and use a file whose data is written directly inside the Korn shell script, use the standard UNIX cat command as follows:
Listing 3‑16 In-stream data example
cat <<_end > ${TMP}/INFIL_STEP1_${MT_JOB_NAME}_${MT_JOB_PID}
data record 1
data record 2
m_FileAssign -m W -a X -d OLD INFIL ${TMP}/INFIL_STEP1_${MT_JOB_NAME}_${MT_JOB_PID}
Using a set of concatenated files
To use a set of files as a concatenated input (which in z/Os JCL was coded as a DD card, where only the first one contains a label), first merge the files into a temporary file and then assign the logical file name to that temporary file. Files can be merged using the m_FileLoad function.
Listing 3‑17 Using a concatenated set of files example
m_FileAssign -m R -a R -d SHR INF_1 ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.KBDDI002
m_FileAssign -m R -a R -d SHR INF_0 ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.KBDDI001
m_FileLoad ${DD_INF_0} ${DD_INF_1} ${TMP}/MERGE_INF_${MT_JOB_NAME}_${MT_JOB_PID}
m_FileAssign -m R -a R -d SHR INF ${TMP}/MERGE_INF_${MT_JOB_NAME}_${MT_JOB_PID}
m_FileAssign -m W -a X -d MOD OUTF ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.KBDDO001
m_ProgramExec BDDAB001
Deleting a File
Files (including generation files) can be deleted using the m_FileDelete function:
m_FileDelete ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.KBSTO045
RDB Files
In a migration project from z/Os to UNIX/Linux, some permanent data files may be converted to relational tables. See the File-to-Oracle chapter of the Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime Workbench.
When a file is converted to a relational table, this change has an impact on the components that use it. Specifically, when such a file is used in a z/Os JCL, the converted Korn shell script corresponding to that JCL should be able to handle operations that involve this file.
In order to keep the translated Korn shell script as standard as possible, this change is not handled in the translation process. Instead, all the management of this type of file is performed at execution time within the Batch Runtime.
In other words, if in the z/OS JCL there was a file copy operation involving the converted file, this is translated to a standard copy operation for files in the Batch Runtime, in other words an m_FileLoad operation).
The management of a file converted to a table is made possible through an RDB file. An RDB file is a file that has the same name as the file that is converted to a table but with an additional suffix:.rdb.
Each time a file-related function is executed by the Batch Runtime, it checks whether the files were converted to table (through testing the presence of a corresponding .rdb file). If one of the files concerned have been converted to a table, then the function operates the required intermediate operations (such as: unloading and reloading the table to a file) before performing the final action.
All of this management is transparent to the end-user.
Using an RDBMS connection
When executing an application program that needs to connect to the RDBMS, the -b option must be used when calling the m_ProgramExec function.
The connection and disconnection, as well as the commit and rollback operations are handled implicitly by the Batch Runtime. However, the programmer must ensure that the environment variable MT_DB_LOGIN is correctly defined. The MT_DB_LOGIN value must have the following form: dbuser/dbpasswd[@ssid]or “/”.
"/" should be used when the RDBMS is configured to allow the use of UNIX authentication and not RDBMS authentication, for the database connexion user.
Please check with the database administrator whether "/" should be used or not.
The -b option must also be used if the main program executed does not directly use the RDBMS but one of its subsequent sub-programs does.
Listing 3‑18 RDBMS connection example
m_FileAssign -m W -a X -d MOD OUTF ${DATA}/PJ01DDD.BT.QSAM.REPO001
m_ProgramExec -b DBREP001
Submitting a job with EJR
When using the Batch Runtime, TuxJES can be used to launch jobs (see the TuxJES documentation), but a job can also be executed directly using the EJR spawner.
Before performing this type of execution, ensure that the entire context is correctly set. This includes environment variables and directories required by the Batch Runtime.
Example of launching a job with EJR:
For a complete description of the EJR spawner, please refer to the Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime for Batch Reference Guide.
LOG file structure
For each launched job, the Batch Runtime produces a log file containing information for each step (phase) that was executed. This log file has the following structure:
Listing 3‑19 Log file example
JOB Jobname BEGIN AT 20091212/22/09 120445
Log produced for Phase1
END PHASE Phase1 (RC=Xnnnn, JOBRC=Xnnnn)
Log produced for Phase2
END PHASE Phase2 (RC=Xnnnn, JOBRC=Xnnnn)
When not using JES2, the log file is created under the ${MT_LOG} directory with the following name: <Job name>_<TimeStamp>_<Job id>.log
When using JES2, confer to the JES2 documentation.
Using the Batch Runtime with a Job Scheduler
Entry points are provided in some functions (m_JobBegin, m_JobEnd, m_PhaseBegin, m_PhaseEnd) in order to insert specific actions to be made in relation with the selected Job Scheduler.

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