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Other Configuration

Other Configuration
MAPSET Generator
CICS Runtime provides a mapset generator to compile BMS macro source files, to produce a physical (binary) file and a symbolic (copybook) file. There is also an option to produce a listing file. During execution, the mapset generator validates the syntax and level of support for each BMS macro statement.
The generated physical (binary) file should be used in the MAPSET configuration file. See Mapset Configuration File.
The generated symbolic (copybook) file should be included when you compile the CICS/COBOL program which uses the MAP in this MAPSET.
tcxmapgen — CICS Runtime MAPSET Generator.
tcxmapgen [-options] <file>
This utility compiles BMS source files (specified in the <file> parameter), which contain CICS mapset definitions, into binary form. The binary files are required for the CICS Runtime execution environment.
The compiler also produces a COBOL copybook.
The command options are:
No binary map file.
This specifies that only COBOL copybook (file.cpy) output file will be generated.
Produce a listing.
This specifies that a listing output file (named file.lst) is to be produced.
No symbolic include file.
This specifies that only binary mapset file (named file.mpdef) is produced.
[-o file]
Output file name prefix.
This specifies the name to be used for the generated output files. The compiler uses the file name with an appended extension when creating the output file names.
To compile the BMS source file, issue the following command:
$ tcxmapgen -o file
The resulting binary mapset file is file.mpdef.
Tuxedo ART System Transactions References
Authentication Transactions
The CESN transaction uses MAPSET CSIGNON. So the following MAPSET definition must be added to the MAPSET configuration file ${KIXCONFIG}/mapsets.desc if CESN transaction is required:
No special configuration is required for CESF transaction.
"Good Morning" Transaction
Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime for CICS provides a default "Good Morning" transaction CSGM, which can be added to the Transaction configuration file ${KIXCONFIG}/transactions.desc.
The default CSGM transaction uses MAPSET ABANNER. So the following MAPSET definition must be added to the MAPSET configuration file if the default CSGM transaction is configured:

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