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Using Email Marketing On Demand >

Creating Marketing Emails

Email Marketing On Demand is seamlessly integrated with Siebel CRM On Demand's Campaign Management functionality. This provides marketing professionals with a powerful, integrated tool for creating professional-quality email campaigns based on customer information in Siebel CRM On Demand.

As a Marketing professional, you are guided through the process of creating rich HTML and text emails. You also have access to powerful conditional messaging capabilities for precise personalization, and can track delivery and responses.

Email Marketing On Demand is a comprehensive, permission-based and scalable email marketing solution. With it, you can plan, create, test, execute, and track targeted, personalized email communications.

Before you begin. To create marketing email content, you must perform the following tasks in Siebel CRM On Demand:

  • Create a Campaign record in the Campaigns screen.
  • Add the recipients of the email to the Recipients list in the Campaign Detail form for the campaign.
  • Click the Setup Email button to begin work on the marketing email.

Then, in Siebel Email Marketing, to create a marketing email, perform the following tasks:

Published: 05 March 2008