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Oracle® Real User Experience Insight Installation Guide
Release 5.1 for Linux x86-64

Part Number E15345-02
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B Troubleshooting

This appendix highlights the most common problems encountered when installing RUEI, and offers solutions to locate and correct them. The information in this appendix should be reviewed before contacting Customer Support.

Support Web sites

Information on a wide variety of topics is available via the Oracle Web site ( It is recommended that you visit it regularly for support announcements.

In addition, detailed technical information is available via the Support Web site ( This includes information about service pack availability, FAQs, training material, tips and tricks, and the latest version of the product documentation. A valid user name and password is required to access this Web site.

Contacting Customer Support

If you experience problems with the installation or configuration of the RUEI, you can contact Customer Support. However, before doing so, it is strongly recommended that you create a Helpdesk report file of your installation. To do so, select System, then Configuration, and then Helpdesk report. This file contains extended system information that is extremely useful to Customer Support when handling any issues that you report.

B.1 Running the Script

It is recommended you use the script to troubleshoot installation issues. When first run, the script requires you to specify an installation type (reporter, collector, or database). Be aware this selection is saved to file. Therefore, if you want to run the script and be able to specify a different installation type, you need to delete the file /tmp/ruei-system-type using the following command:

rm /tmp/ruei-system-type

You can specify the parameters shown in Table B-1:

Table B-1 Parameters

Parameter Description


Performs basic system checks, as well as a a number of prerequisites checks. These include interfaces that can be monitorable interfaces, that the Oracle database starts correctly, and that the Apache Web server, PHP, and Zend optimizer are correctly configured.


Checks whether the Oracle database is correctly configured.


Checks if the RUEI RPMs have been been installed correctly.


Performs all the above checks in the indicated sequences.

For example:

cd /root/RUEI/50
./ all

B.2 The Script Fails

If the script fails, this can be because the database listener has not been started correctly due to a failing DNS look up. To resolve this problem, do the following:


The script can be run with the --clean option to remove the current database and install a new one.

B.3 The Applying Settings Dialog Hangs

If the Applying settings dialog (Figure 6-5) hangs after performing the initial configuration (described in Section 6.2, "Performing Initial RUEI Configuration"), it is recommended that you do the following:

B.4 Starting Problems

If the system does not seem to start, or does not listen to the correct ports, do the following:

Resources and Log Files

If during, or directly after running the Initial setup wizard (described in Section 6.2, "Performing Initial RUEI Configuration"), the system returns an error, there are the following resources and log files available to help you in debugging:

Root-Cause Analysis

Before starting to address specific issues, it is important to understand the basic operation of data collection, data processing, and data reporting. Any root-cause analysis of RUEI problems should take the following:

B.5 Data Collection Problems

If the data collection service is not running, or will not start, do the following:

B.6 Data Processing Problems

If, for any reason, data processing does not start, try to restart it by selecting System, then Maintenance, and then System Reset. The System reset wizard appears. Select the Restart system processing option. Note that restarting system processing can take between 5 and 30 minutes.

In general, if no data is being processed, verify your system's configuration as described in Section 6.5, "Verifying and Evaluating Your Configuration". If you do not apply any configuration to the system, no data processing will take place.

If you are using an environment with multiple Collectors, ensure all Collectors are up and running normally. To do so, select System, then Status, and then Collector status. A failing Collector can become a block to further data processing of the system's data.

B.7 E-Mail Problems

Sending E-mails is RUEI functionality that is handled on a system level, together with your Mail Transfer Agent (MTA), such as Sendmail or Postfix. If problems occur when sending E-mails, do the following:

Common issues with E-mail delivery often involve an incorrectly configured MTA, or an MTA that is not allowed to send E-mail within the Data Center or corporate network.

B.8 SSL Decryption Problems

In order to decrypt SSL traffic, the Collector needs to have the SSL key and certificate available. To enable SSL decryption, you should do the following:

The certificate needs to be uploaded to the Collector(s) by selecting Configuration, then Security, and then SSL keys. To check the status of the SSL decryption, select System, then Status, and then Collector status, and select the Collector for which you want SSL decryption analysis. Within the SSL encryption page, note the following:

RUEI accepts PKCS#12 and PEM/DER encoding of SSL keys and certificates. Basically, this means both the certificate and key should be concatenated into one file. If you have separate key and certificate files, you can create a PKCS#12-compliant file by issuing the following command:

openssl pkcs12 -export -in certificate.cer -inkey key.key -out pkcs12file.p12 -passout pass:yourpassphrase


For example, consider the situation where the CA root certificate filename is ca_mydomainroot.cer, the server's SSL key is appsrv12.key, you want the output file to be called uxssl.p12, and want to protect this file with the passphrase thisismysecretpassphrase. The following command is required:

Openssl pkcs12 -export -in ca_mydomainroot.cer -inkey appsrv12.key -out uxssl.p12 -passout pass:thisismysecretpassphrase

B.9 Missing Packages and Fonts Error Messages

It is strongly recommended that you follow the installation procedure and settings described in . In particular, you should not perform a "minimal" installation of Oracle Enterprise Linux. If you do so, it can lead to a wide range of reported problems, depending on the components not included in the installation, but required by RUEI.

The most common of these are reported fontconfig error messages in the /var/log/http/error_log file. These can be fixed by installing the following fonts:

Depending on your language settings, install all other required fonts.

However, other possible error messages include reported missing packages (such as librsvg2).

When a Yum repository is available, all dependencies available on the Enterprise Linux 5.x DVD can be installed by issuing following command:

yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ compat-libstdc++-33 glibc-devel libstdc++-devel \ elfutils-libelf-devel glibc-devel libaio-devel sysstat perl-URI net-snmp \ sendmail-cf httpd php php-gd php-pear php-mbstring phpldap bitstream-vera-fonts \ librsvg2 xorg-x11-xinit net-snmp-utils

However, be aware that additional RPMs shipped with the RUEI installation zip file still need to be installed according to the procedure described in .

B.10 ORA-xxxxx Errors

If you receive any Oracle database errors, do the following:

B.11 Oracle DataBase Not Running

Verify the Oracle database is up and running by changing to the moniforce user and obtaining an SQL*Plus prompt with the following commands:

su - moniforce
sqlplus /@uxinsight

You should receive the SQL*Plus command line without being prompted for a password. This indicates that the Oracle wallet authentication was successful.

B.12 General (Non-Specific) Problems

If you are experiencing problems with the reporting module, or find its interface unstable, it is recommended that you do the following:

B.13 Network Interface Not Up

If the network interface you intend to use for data collection is not Up (that is, the ONBOOT=YES parameter was not set), you can bring it immediately using the following command:

ifconfig ethN up

where N represents the necessary network interface.