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Oracle® VM Template Builder Installation and User's Guide
Release 2.1

Part Number E14391-01
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4 Managing Resources

This Chapter describes the resources used in Oracle VM Template Builder, such as ISO files, Yum repositories and JeOS images. It discusses creating and editing these resources. At least one ISO file, or one Yum repository must be configured before creating a template. This Chapter contains:

Oracle VM Template Builder resources are created and managed using the Resources tab. To perform the actions discussed in this Chapter, select the Resources tab.

4.1 Yum Repositories

When creating templates, a Yum repository can be used to resolve and download any RPM dependencies that arise during the installation of the operating system of the guest virtual machine. You can manage Yum repositories with the Yum Repositories sub-tab in the Resources tab.

Figure 4-1 Yum Repositories Screen

Description of Figure 4-1 follows
Description of "Figure 4-1 Yum Repositories Screen"

The Yum Repositories screen displays a table with all of the Yum repositories configured in the system. The table displays columns listing the repository name, URL, and the date the repository was last cached. At the upper left hand corner of the table are buttons that can be used to add, delete, edit, and cache the repositories.

There are several default Yum repositories included for Oracle Enterprise Linux releases and architectures. These repositories include the full releases of Oracle Enterprise Linux and mirror those releases on the Oracle Enterprise Linux DVDs. The repositories are available at Oracle's public Yum repository:

No patches are included in these repositories. To access patches for these releases, you should contact Oracle to purchase an Oracle Enterprise Linux Support contract and gain access to the repository which contains these patches. The default Yum repositories included in this release of Oracle VM Template Builder are:

To create your own repository, see the article Yum Repository Setup on the Oracle Technology Network:

To add a Yum repository that is located outside your firewall, you must add your proxy server to the /etc/yum.conf file. For example, a proxy server entry in the yum.conf file might contain:

proxy =
proxy_username = myusername
proxy_password = mypassword

4.1.1 Adding a Yum Repository

To add a Yum repository:

  1. Click Add on the Yum Repositories screen. The Add Yum Repository screen is displayed.

    Figure 4-2 Add Yum Repository Screen

    Description of Figure 4-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-2 Add Yum Repository Screen"

  2. Enter or select the following information:

    • Repository name: A name for the repository.

    • URL: The URL for the repository. You can enter an HTTP or FTP location for the repository. NFS and file repositories are not supported in this release.

    • Cache on save: Whether to cache the repository when it is saved. Selecting this option creates a cache of the RPMs in the repository, removing the need to read the repository contents each time a template is created.

    Click Save to add the repository. The Yum Repositories screen is displayed listing the new repository.

4.1.2 Editing a Yum Repository

To edit a Yum repository, select the repository in the list and click Edit, or click the Repository Name in the table. The Edit Yum Repository screen is displayed. Edit the information for the repository.

Click Save to save the changes. The Yum Repositories screen is displayed.

4.1.3 Deleting a Yum Repository

To delete a Yum repository, select the repository in the list and click Delete. The repository is deleted.

4.1.4 Caching a Yum Repository

To cache, or refresh the cache of a Yum repository, select the repository in the list and click Cache. The DVD ISO cache is created or updated.

4.2 DVD ISO Files

When creating templates, Oracle VM Template Builder can use the extracted contents of an Oracle Enterprise Linux ISO file to resolve any RPM dependencies that arise during the creation of the operating system in the guest virtual machine.

You can manage the DVD (and CD) ISO locations with the DVD ISO sub-tab of the Resources tab. The DVD ISOs screen displays a table listing the DVD ISOs configured in the system.

Figure 4-3 DVD ISOs Screen

Description of Figure 4-3 follows
Description of "Figure 4-3 DVD ISOs Screen"

The table displays columns listing the ISO name, path, and the date the ISO was last cached. At the upper left hand corner of the table are buttons that can be used to add, delete, edit, and cache the DVD ISOs.

4.2.1 Staging a DVD ISO

A DVD ISO location consists of an Oracle Enterprise Linux DVD or CD ISO set that has been extracted into a single directory or mounted. To create a DVD ISO location, copy all of the contents of a Oracle Enterprise Linux DVD or CD set into a directory on the guest virtual machine that is running Oracle VM Template Builder, or mount the ISO.

4.2.2 Adding a DVD ISO

To add a DVD ISO location:

  1. Click Add on the DVD ISO screen. The Add DVD ISO Location screen is displayed.

    Figure 4-4 Add DVD ISO Location Screen

    Description of Figure 4-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-4 Add DVD ISO Location Screen"

  2. Enter or select the following information:

    • DVD ISO name: A description of the DVD ISO

    • Path to ISO: The path to the extracted DVD on the guest virtual machine on which Oracle VM Template Builder is running.

    • Cache on save: Whether to cache the repository when it is saved. Selecting this option creates a cache of the RPMs in the repository, removing the need to read the repository contents each time a template is created.

    Click Save to add the DVD ISO. The DVD ISO screen is displayed listing the new DVD ISO.

4.2.3 Editing a DVD ISO

To edit a DVD ISO, select the DVD ISO in the list and click Edit, or click the DVD ISO Name in the table. The Edit DVD ISO screen is displayed. Edit the information for the ISO.

Click Save to save the changes. The DVD ISO screen is displayed.

4.2.4 Deleting a DVD ISO

To delete a DVD ISO, select the DVD ISO in the list and click Delete. The ISO is deleted.

4.2.5 Caching a DVD ISO

To cache, or refresh the cache of a DVD ISO, select the DVD ISO in the list and click Cache. The DVD ISO cache is created or updated.

4.3 JeOS Images

Oracle VM Template Builder uses JeOS to facilitate building an operating system instance with only the absolute minimum packages you need for a template. The operating systems you can select in Oracle VM Template Builder are derived from the available JeOS images. New Oracle VM Template Builder releases and patch updates may include updated JeOS images. You can also upgrade JeOS and update the JeOS images separately to Oracle VM Template Builder. To upgrade JeOS and JeOS images, see Section 2.11, "Upgrading JeOS and JeOS Templates".

The available JeOS images in this release of Oracle VM Template Builder include both hardware virtualized and paravirtualized images for the following operating systems and architectures:

You can manage the JeOS images with the JeOS Images sub-tab of the Resources tab. The JeOS Images screen displays a table listing the JeOS images configured in the system.

Figure 4-5 Available JeOS Images Screen

Description of Figure 4-5 follows
Description of "Figure 4-5 Available JeOS Images Screen"

The table displays columns listing the image name, description, and type (hardware virtualized or paravirtualized). At the upper left hand corner of the table are buttons that can be used to delete and edit the JeOS images.

4.3.1 Editing a JeOS Image

You can edit a JeOS image to change the description, or whether to create a hardware virtualized or paravirtualized guest virtualized machine. To edit a JeOS image, select the JeOS image in the list and click Edit, or click the Image Name in the table. The Edit JeOS Image screen is displayed.

Figure 4-6 Edit JeOS Image Screen

Description of Figure 4-6 follows
Description of "Figure 4-6 Edit JeOS Image Screen"

You can change the image description in the Description field, and whether the image creates paravirtualized or hardware virtualized guest virtual machines using the Type drop down.

Click Save to save the changes. The JeOS Images screen is displayed.

4.3.2 Deleting a JeOS Image

To delete a JeOS image, select the JeOS image in the list and click Delete. The image is deleted.