
Tag name: <dvt:y2Format>

Use the y2Format tag to wrap the number format for the markers on the y2-axis. There are no properties for this tag.

Relationship with other tags

The y2Format tag is a child tag of the markerText tag.

The y2Format tag has the following child tag: numberFormat.


The following example shows the XML for a y2Format tag that has a numberFormat child tag to specify the format for numbers in markers for the y2-axis.

      <dvt:markerText visible="true" markerTextPlace="MTP_OUTSIDE_MAX"> 
         <dvt:graphFont name="SansSerif" size="10" color="#000000" bold="true" italic="false" underline="false"/> 
            <dvt:numberFormat posNumFmt="POS_NUMFMT_NUM_POS"/> 


Name Type Supports EL? Description
id java.lang.String no Specifies the identifier for the component