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View the Spring beans in an application

Before you begin

Be sure you read the prerequisites in the Spring Beans overview page. See Spring Bean Task Overview.

You must start the application that contains the Spring beans to be able to view their configuration. See

To view the Spring beans in a running application, follow these steps:

  1. In the left pane of the Console, click Deployments. The Deployments table in the right pane displays the installed Enterprise applications, modules and Java EE libraries.
  2. In the Deployments table, click the name of the Web application into which the Spring beans are packaged.. If the application is in a WAR file, expand the WAR's contents by clicking the "+" node, then click the applcation name.
  3. Select the Configuration > Spring Framework tab. The table displays the Spring beans contained in the current Web application. For information about the information displayed, see Column Display.

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