2 WebLogic Suite Options

This chapter covers licensing for SOA products. It contains the following sections:

2.1 BPEL Process Manager Option

BPEL Process Manager can be licensed as an option to WebLogic Suite.

For more information, see Section 1.8, "BPEL Process Manager."

2.2 Oracle Service Bus

Oracle Service Bus (OSB – formerly BEA AquaLogic Service Bus) is a proven, lightweight SOA integration platform and a key component of the Oracle SOA Suite product family. OSB is designed for connecting, mediating and managing interactions between heterogeneous services, not just Web services, but also Java and .Net, messaging services and legacy endpoints.

OSB uniquely delivers the integration capabilities of an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) with operational service management in a single product with an efficient, seamless user experience. With its flexible deployment options and automated integration with Oracle SOA Governance Suite, Oracle Service Bus is designed to handle the deployment, management and governance challenges of implementing Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) from department to enterprise scale.

Oracle Service Bus is licensed as an option to WebLogic Suite and is also included in SOA Suite for Oracle Middleware.

2.3 SOA Suite for Oracle Middleware

This SOA Suite version is for customers running WebLogic or Oracle Application Server. The 11g version of Oracle SOA Suite provides heightened design-time and run-time integration using Oracle's SOA Service Platform based on SCA (Service Composite Architecture).

The components in SOA Suite for Oracle Middleware are the same as SOA Suite for Non-Oracle Middleware (see Section 1.13, "SOA Suite for Non-Oracle Middleware") with the addition of the following products:

  • Oracle Service Bus

    For details, see Section 2.2, "Oracle Service Bus."

  • Oracle B2B

    For an enterprise to extend business processes to its trading partners requires a well-defined architecture that addresses compliance, security, visibility, scalability, and standards. The Oracle SOA Suite provides this platform, enabling process orchestration, administration, monitoring, inter-enterprise connectivity and more. As an integral part of this architecture, Oracle B2B enables an enterprise to define, configure, manage, and monitor the exchange of information, electronically, with its trading partners.

    Oracle B2B includes the B2B engine and the following adapters, which must be licensed separately:

    • RosettaNet Adapter

    • EDI Adapter

    • Healthcare Adapter

    • ebXML Adapter

    SOA Suite for Oracle Middleware is licensed as an option to WebLogic Suite.


Oracle SOA Suite bundles UDDI client libraries from the HP SOA Systinet Registry. Such libraries and UDDI client functionality are licensed only to the end user for the purpose of connecting to and communicating with the Oracle Service Registry.

2.4 Business Process Management Suite

For information about the Business Process Management Suite, see Section 1.14, "Business Process Management Suite for Non Oracle Middleware."

2.5 Management Pack Plus for Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Management Pack Plus for SOA is licensed as an option to WebLogic Suite. This pack delivers comprehensive management and modeling capabilities for a SOA-based environment. By combining SOA run-time governance, business-IT alignment, model-driven metrics, and SOA infrastructure management with Oracle's rich and comprehensive system management solution, Enterprise Manager Grid Control significantly reduces the cost and complexity of managing SOA-based environments.

This pack supports the following Grid Control SOA targets:

  • Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)

  • Oracle Service Bus (OSB)

This pack also supports the following Composite Application Monitor and Modeler (CAMM) targets:

  • Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)

  • Oracle Enterprise Service Bus (OESB)

  • WebLogic Integration (WLI)

  • WebLogic Portal (WLP)

The following sections provide SOA Plus licensing information for both the Grid Control and CAMM target types.

2.5.1 Licensing for Grid Control SOA Targets

This portion of the pack delivers comprehensive management and modeling capabilities for a SOA-based environment. By combining SOA run-time governance, business-IT alignment, model-driven metrics, and SOA infrastructure management with Oracle's rich and comprehensive system management solution, Enterprise Manager Grid Control significantly reduces the cost and complexity of managing SOA-based environments.

The Management Pack Plus for SOA Grid Control targets include the features shown in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1 Feature Highlights of Management Pack Plus for SOA

Feature Benefit

Centralized management console

Provide administrators managing SOA environments with a consolidated browser-based view of the entire enterprise, thereby enabling them to monitor and manage all of their components from a central location.

Discovery and service modeling

Provide discovery of the following:

  • Oracle BPEL processes deployed to the Oracle BPEL Process Manager (BPEL Process Manager) server and the dependent partner links.

  • Oracle Service Bus-based business and proxy services.

  • Service modeling offers out-of-the-box automated system modeling capabilities for the SOA infrastructure.

Run-time governance

Define SOAP tests to measure and record availability and performance of partner links (or any Web service) and business/proxy services for historical trending, troubleshooting, and root cause analysis purposes. Also provides an error hospital of process instances with drilldowns into instance details.

Infrastructure management

Monitor the availability and performance of the SOA infrastructure components. Both current and historic availability of targets (such as BPEL Process Manager or Oracle Service Bus) are recorded for troubleshooting and root cause analysis.

Configuration management

Collect configuration information for the BPEL Process Manager server/domains/processes and Oracle Service Bus. The parameters can be refreshed, saved, or compared with another target. Different versions of the same target can also be compared.

Deployment automation

Automate the deployment of the following:

  • BPEL suitcases to one or more BPEL Process Manager targets.

  • Oracle Service Bus resources from one domain to another.

Adapter metrics

Provide throughput and error metrics for different adapters in graphical format.

Business-IT alignment

Enables you to consolidate their IT and business management tools into a unified system. BAM-EM integration unites business KPIs and system metrics in one system for correlation and trending.

Service level management

Enables you to monitor services from the end-user's perspective using service tests or synthetic transactions, model relationships between services and underlying IT components, and report on achieved service levels.

Composite application monitoring and modeling

Enables you to manage your SOA solutions by leveraging a model-driven top-down approach within your development, quality assurance (QA), staging, and production environments. Business application owners and operational staff can automatically discover your BPEL work flows and correlate them with the underlying Web services; Enterprise Service Buses (ESBs); and back-end Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) resources through detailed modeling and drilling down directly into the performance metrics at the component level.

Historical analysis and reporting

Store the collected metric and configuration data in a central repository, thereby enabling administrators to analyze metrics through various historical views and facilitate strategic trend analysis and reporting.

2.5.2 Licensing for Composite Application Monitor and Modeler (Oracle CAMM) Targets

Oracle CAMM models and monitors SOA, Portal, and J2EE applications to enable users to quickly identify bottlenecks, performance trends, and overall application efficiency.

The Management Pack Plus for SOA CAMM targets include the features shown in Table 2-2.

Table 2-2 Feature Highlights of Management Pack Plus for SOA CAMM Targets

Feature Benefit

Automatic modeling and discovery

Automatically model and discover management applications displaying multiple views of the application, including the topology, function/flow, and architectural views.

Contextual visibility into SOA, and J2EE metrics

Provide drill-down contextual visibility into SOA, and J2EE metrics, enabling administrators to both quickly understand and analyze their application to identify potential bottlenecks and performance trends, as well as prepare for capacity changes and overall application management.

Transaction tracing

Trace transactions for SOA, and J2EE metrics both vertically through the application stack as well as horizontally across containers.

Metrics visibility at any layer

Automatically generate customized dashboards and views to view metrics at any layer in the application through graphs and tables.

Service-level objectives

Provide service-level objectives (SLOs) at any point within the architecture for indicators and alerts.


Within the Management Pack Plus for SOA, licensing is restricted to J2EE, SOA, ESB, and OSB components and does not include Portal or Pageflow components.

2.5.3 Installation and Licensed Links

Note the following installation requirements:

  • Oracle Enterprise Manager Management Pack Plus for SOA is available when you install Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control.

  • Oracle Composite Application Monitor and Manager is available as a separate installer.

For complete license details about Management Pack Plus for SOA and Oracle Composite Application Monitor and Manager, see "Oracle Middleware Enterprise Management" in Oracle Enterprise Manager Licensing Information.

2.6 Management Pack for WebLogic Server

This pack offers a complete, cost-effective, and easy-to-use solution for provisioning and patch automation, configuration management, and application performance management for Oracle Fusion Middleware. The Management Pack for WebLogic Server automates the time-consuming and often error-prone process of installing, patching, and managing the configurations of Oracle Fusion Middleware software and its underlying operating system and hardware. This pack also models and monitors Java EE and Web Services applications, enabling users to quickly identify bottlenecks, performance trends, and overall application efficiency.

The following sections provide licensing information for all of these products.


All Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Fusion Middleware Control and Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control functionality is included with each edition of Oracle Fusion Middleware. The links and areas that require the Management Pack for WebLogic Server are outside of Fusion Middleware Control and Application Server Control.

2.6.1 Provisioning and Patch Automation in Management Pack for WebLogic Server

Provisioning and patch automation features within the Management Pack for WebLogic Server automate deployment of Oracle Fusion Middleware software, applications, and patches. The features provide easy and scalable critical data center operations, resulting in lower operational risk and cost of ownership. The features in this pack provide functionality for "bare-metal" provisioning of operating systems and Oracle Fusion Middleware software images, cloning of existing Oracle Fusion Middleware installations, and operating system and Oracle Fusion Middleware patching.

The Management Pack for WebLogic Server includes the features shown in Table 2-3. These features apply to Oracle Application Server target types, not to Oracle WebLogic Server target types.

Table 2-3 Feature Highlights of Provisioning and Patch Automation

Feature Benefit


  • Provide end-to-end patching of the Oracle Application Server across a wide range of product patches and customer environments.

  • Provide automated Linux, Solaris, and Windows host patching and integration with an Unbreakable Linux Network (ULN).

  • Receive alerts to critical patches that need to be applied through Critical Patch Advisories, and automate the downloading and deployment of patches through the Critical Patch Facility.


  • Create and maintain a library of reference software images.

  • Deploy operating systems and Oracle Fusion Middleware software to bare metal servers.

  • Create a provisions standard, or "gold" image of Oracle Fusion Middleware software.

  • Leverage out-of-box and custom reporting on provisioning and deployments.


  • Clone Oracle Application Server and SOA applications.

  • Extend Oracle Application Server DCM Managed Clusters and Oracle Application Server clusters.

Security management

  • Ensure system security and adherence to operation security standards.

  • Receive notifications for security policies, including Enterprise Security Advisories.

2.6.2 Configuration Management Features in Management Pack for WebLogic Server

Configuration management features within the Management Pack for WebLogic Server automate the process of managing software and hardware configurations and deployments. The Management Pack for WebLogic Server provides capabilities such as search and compare across all systems, configuration monitoring, policy management and compliance support, security configuration scoring and dashboards, and comprehensive reporting.

You can access the configuration management features available with the Management Pack for WebLogic Server through Grid Control licensed links and by installing the Configuration Change Console and Application Configuration Console. All three of these components comprise the configuration management features provided by the Management Pack for WebLogic Server.

The Management Pack for WebLogic Server includes the features listed in Table 2-4. Unless otherwise stated, these features apply to both Oracle WebLogic Server and Oracle Application Server target types, as well as to the underlying host target types on which they have been installed.

Table 2-4 Feature Highlights of Configuration Management in Management Pack for WebLogic Server

Feature Benefit

Middleware and host configuration management

Provide hardware and software configuration data collection, search, comparison, historical change tracking, and analytical reporting.


Include Critical Patch Advisories, which alert you to critical patches you need to apply.

Note: This feature does not apply to Oracle WebLogic Server.

Policy and security management

  • Ensure consistency of deployments, system security, and adherence to operation standards.

  • Receive policy violation notifications, including Enterprise Security Advisories.

  • Utilize out-of-box policies or generate user-defined policies to meet your specific operational best practices, industry requirements, or regulatory compliance requirements.

Policy groups

  • Provide a structured collection of security configuration rules against which you can measure or judge targets.

  • Create your own policy groups to specifically address your operational processes and best practice needs. Choose from the library of out-of-box or user-defined policies to group policies to meet your specific needs. This capability enables you to create, edit, and delete policy groups.

This feature is accessible from the Policy Group sub-tab under the Compliance tab.

Deployments/installations, including patch-level

Understand what you have by utilizing the Configuration Management pack for discovery, asset tracking of all hardware and software configurations, configuration change tracking, and maintenance of relationships.

Note: This feature does not apply to the Oracle WebLogic Server.

Client System Analyzer

Enable your system administrators to collect and analyze configuration information and data from end-user systems. Using the pre-installed application enables you to collect end-user configuration information without setting up a separate Web server. The Management Agents collect, analyze, and upload the end-user configuration information to the Management Repository.

Security at a glance

From a single view, monitor and standardize compliance to security standards across your enterprise. View compliance scores and track trends over time to understand improvements in compliance or deviations. Drill down into individual targets to understand policy violations and closed loop remediation.

Note: This feature does not apply to the WebLogic Server.

Real-time configuration change detection

Provide real-time configuration change detection and automation of compliance frameworks, such as Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), and Payment Card Industry (PCI) data security standards.

Management Pack for WebLogic Server solves this need with a centralized Configuration Change Console that includes out-of-box and user-defined policies and controls.

Application configuration management

Provide a comprehensive solution for managing the application infrastructure underlying mission-critical applications. The Application Configuration Console provides an automated "gold master" methodology to application infrastructure management providing IT infrastructure personnel with the ability to:

  • Capture the current state of configuration settings for IT assets.

  • Monitor these IT assets for changes.

  • Automate processes for provisioning configuration changes along with setting up new environments throughout the application life cycle—from development through testing, then production.

2.6.3 Application Performance Management in the Management Pack for WebLogic Server

As part of the Management Pack for WebLogic Server, Composite Application Monitor and Modeler (CAMM) delivers comprehensive management and modeling capabilities for pure Java EE and Web Service environments running in Oracle WebLogic Server. By combining contextual drill-down modeling capabilities with extensive metrics that can span containers horizontally as well as the entire vertical stack for Java EE, the Management Pack for WebLogic Server significantly reduces the cost and complexity of managing Java EE-based environments in development, testing, staging, and production environments.

Oracle CAMM models and monitors SOA, Portal, and Java EE applications to enable users to quickly identify bottlenecks, performance trends, and overall application efficiency.

Oracle CAMM within the Management Pack for WebLogic Server includes the features shown in Table 2-5.

Table 2-5 Feature Highlights of Oracle CAMM Within the Management Pack for WebLogic Server

Feature Benefit

Automatic modeling and discovery

Automatically model and discover management applications displaying multiple views of the application, including the topology, function/flow, and architectural views.

Contextual visibility into Java EE and Web Service metrics

Provide drill-down contextual visibility into Java EE and Web Service metrics, enabling administrators to both quickly understand and analyze their application to identify potential bottlenecks and performance trends, as well as prepare for capacity changes and overall application management.

Transaction tracing

Trace transactions for Java EE metrics both vertically through the application stack as well as horizontally across containers.

Metrics visibility for any layer

Automatically generate customized dashboards and views to view metrics at any layer in the application through graphs and tables.

Service-level objectives

Provide service-level objectives (SLOs) at any point within the architecture for indicators and alerts.

2.6.4 Installation and Licensed Links

The features available with this pack are spread across multiple products as follows:

  • Provisioning and patch automation features are available in Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control.

  • Configuration management features are available in the following:

    • Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control

    • Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Change Console

    • Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Configuration Console

  • Application performance management features are available in Oracle Composite Application Monitor and Modeler (Oracle CAMM).

Each of the products identified in the preceding list must be installed to make the complete set of features of this pack available.

For complete license details about the Management Pack for WebLogic Server and Oracle CAMM, see "Oracle Middleware Enterprise Management" in Oracle Enterprise Manager Licensing Information.

2.7 SOA Suite and BPEL PM Licensing with Oracle Internet Application Server

Customers who have previously licensed BPEL Process Manager Option and SOA Suite on Oracle Internet Application Server Enterprise Edition have the right to use WebLogic Server Basic to run those products on WebLogic Server as part of their existing Oracle Internet Application Server Enterprise Edition license. This right is only for products that previously ran on Oracle Internet Application Server and does not include the right to run Oracle Service Bus or Oracle Business Activity Monitoring on WebLogic Server Basic. WebLogic Server Basic is defined in Appendix A, "WebLogic Server Basic."