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Oracle® WebLogic Communication Services Administrator's Guide
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Part Number E13806-01
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17 Upgrading Deployed SIP Applications

The following sections describe how to upgrade deployed SIP Servlets and converged SIP/HTTP applications to a newer version of the same application without losing active calls:

17.1 Overview of SIP Application Upgrades

With Oracle WebLogic Communication Services, you can upgrade a deployed SIP application to a newer version without losing existing calls being processed by the application. This type of application upgrade is accomplished by deploying the newer application version alongside the older version. Oracle WebLogic Communication Services automatically manages the SIP Servlet mapping so that new requests are directed to the new version. Subsequent messages for older, established dialogs are directed to the older application version until the calls complete. After all of the older dialogs have completed and the earlier version of the application is no longer processing calls, you can safely undeploy it.

Oracle WebLogic Communication Services's upgrade feature ensures that no calls are dropped while during the upgrade of a production application. The upgrade process also enables you to revert or rollback the process of upgrading an application. If, for example, you determine that there is a problem with the newer version of the deployed application, you can undeploy the newer version and activate the older version.


When you undeploy an active version of an application, the previous application version remains in administration mode. You must explicitly activate the older version in order to direct new requests to the application.

You can also use the upgrade functionality with a SIP administration channel to deploy a new application version with restricted access for final testing. After performing final testing using the administration channel, you can open the application to general SIP traffic.

Oracle WebLogic Communication Services application upgrades provide the same functionality as Oracle WebLogic Server 10g Release 3 application upgrades, with the following exceptions:

17.2 Requirements and Restrictions for Upgrading Deployed Applications

To use the application upgrade functionality of Oracle WebLogic Communication Services:

17.3 Steps for Upgrading a Deployed SIP Application

Follow these steps to upgrade a deployed SIP application to a newer version:

  1. Assign a Version Identifier—Package the updated version of the application with a version identifier.

  2. Deploy the Updated Application Version—Deploy the updated version of the application alongside the previous version to initiate the upgrade process.

  3. Undeploy the Older Application Version—After the older application has finished processing all SIP messages for its established calls, you can safely undeploy that version. This leaves the newly-deployed application version responsible for processing all current and future calls.

Each procedure is described in the sections that follow. You can also roll back the upgrade process if you discover a problem with the newly-deployed application. Applications that are composed of multiple SIP Servlets may also need to use the ApplicationRuntimeMBean for accessing the application name and version identifier.

17.4 Assign a Version Identifier

Oracle WebLogic Communication Services uses a version identifier—a string value—appended to the application name to distinguish between multiple versions of a given application. The version string can be a maximum of 215 characters long, and must consist of valid characters as identified in Table 17-1.

Table 17-1 Valid and Invalid Characters

Valid ASCII Characters Invalid Version Constructs







period ("."), underscore ("_"), or hyphen ("-") in combination with other characters


For deployable SIP Servlet WAR files, you must define the version identifier in the MANIFEST.MF file of the application or specify it on the command line at deployment time.

17.4.1 Defining the Version in the Manifest

Both WAR and EAR deployments must specify a version identifier in the MANIFEST.MF file. Example 17-1 shows an application with the version identifier "v2":

Example 17-1 Version Identifier in Manifest

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: 1.4.1_05-b01 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Weblogic-Application-Version: v2

If you deploy an application without a version identifier, and later deploy with a version identifier, Oracle WebLogic Communication Services recognizes the deployments as separate versions of the same application.

17.5 Deploy the Updated Application Version

To begin the upgrade process, simply deploy the updated application archive using either the Administration Console or weblogic.Deployer utility. Use the -retiretimeout option to the weblogic.Deployer utility if you want to automatically undeploy the older application version after a fixed amount of time. For example:

java weblogic.Deployer -name MyApp -version v2 -deploy -retiretimeout 7

Oracle WebLogic Communication Services examines the version identifier in the manifest file to determine if another version of the application is currently deployed. If two versions are deployed, the server automatically begins routing new requests to the most recently-deployed application. The server allows the other deployed application to complete in-flight calls, directs no new calls to it. This process is referred to as "retiring" the older application, because eventually the older application version will process no SIP messages.

Note that Oracle WebLogic Communication Services does not compare the actual version strings of two deployed applications to determine which is the higher version. New calls are always routed to the most recently-deployed version of an application.

Oracle WebLogic Communication Services also distinguishes between a deployment that has no version identifier (no version string in the manifest) and a subsequent version that does specify a version identifier. This enables you to easily upgrade applications that were packaged before you began including version information as described in Section 17.4, "Assign a Version Identifier".

17.6 Undeploy the Older Application Version

After deploying a new version of an existing application, the original deployment process messages only for in-flight calls (calls that were initiated with the original deployment). After those in-flight calls complete, the original deployment no longer processes any SIP messages. In most production environments, you will want to ensure that the original deployment is no longer processing messages before you undeploy the application.

To determine whether a deployed application is processing messages, you can obtain the active session count from the application's SipApplicationRuntimeMBean instance. Example 17-2 shows the sample WLST commands for viewing the active session count for the findme sample application on the default single-server domain.

Based on the active session count value, you can undeploy the application safely (without losing any in-flight calls) or abruptly (losing the active session counts displayed at the time of undeployment).

Use either the Administration Console or weblogic.Deployer utility to undeploy the correct deployment name.

Example 17-2 Sample WLST Session for Examining Session Count

cd ('examples:Location=myserver,Name=myserver_myserver_findme_findme,ServerRuntime=myserver,Type=SipApplicationRuntime')
-rw-   ActiveAppSessionCount                        0
-rw-   ActiveSipSessionCount                        0
-rw-   AppSessionCount                              0
-rw-   CachingDisabled                              true
-rw-   MBeanInfo                          
-rw-   Name                                         myserver_myserver_findme_fin
-rw-   ObjectName                                   examples:Location=myserver,N
-rw-   Parent                                       examples:Location=myserver,N
-rw-   Registered                                   false
-rw-   SipSessionCount                              0
-rw-   Type                                         SipApplicationRuntime

-rwx   preDeregister                                void :

17.7 Roll Back the Upgrade Process

If you deploy a new version of an application and discover a problem with it, you can roll back the upgrade process by:

  1. Undeploying the active version of the application.

  2. Activating the older version of the application. For example:

    java weblogic.Deployer -name MyApp -appversion v1 -start


    When you undeploy an active version of an application, the previous application version remains in administration mode. You must explicitly activate the older version in order to direct new requests to the application.

Alternately, you can use simply use the -start option to start the older application version, which causes the older version of the application to process new requests and retire the newer version.

17.8 Accessing the Application Name and Version Identifier

If you intend to use Oracle WebLogic Communication Services's production upgrade feature, applications that are composed of multiple SIP Servlets should not hard-code the application name. Instead of hard-coding the application name, your application can dynamically access the deployment name or version identifier by using helper methods in ApplicationRuntimeMBean.

17.9 Using Administration Mode

You can optionally use the -adminmode option with weblogic.Deployer to deploy a new version of an application in administration mode. While in administration mode, SIP traffic is accepted only via a configured network channel named sips-admin having the TLS transport. If no sips-admin channel is configured, or if a request is received using a different channel, the server rejects the request with a 503 message.

To transition the application from administration mode to a generally-available mode, use the -start option with weblogic.Deployer.


If using TLS is not feasible with your application, you can alternately change the Servlet role mapping rules to allow only 1 user on the newer version of the application. This enables you to deploy the newer version alongside the older version, while restricting access to the newer version.