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Oracle® Fusion Applications Patching Guide
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3 Using Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager

This chapter describes how to use the features of Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager.

This chapter contains the following topics:

3.1 Introduction to Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager

The primary function of Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager is to apply standard and one-off patches. It can also validate whether patches can be applied and generate patching reports.

Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager provides a command-line interface to coordinate its patching functions. A single patch may include changes to both middleware and database artifacts, and these middleware artifacts may be deployed to Managed Servers running on different nodes. The artifacts are patched to the Oracle Fusion Applications Oracle home that is shared by the different nodes. To patch both types of artifacts, two patching tools are called into action by Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager to manage the actions involved: OPatch for the middleware artifacts and Oracle Fusion Applications AutoPatch for artifacts associated with the database. Both Oracle Fusion Applications AutoPatch and OPatch have long been used as the standard patching tools in previous releases of Oracle products.

The same set of patching-related software and database tables is used by both Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager and Oracle Fusion Middleware Extensions for Applications. Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager and Oracle Fusion Middleware Extensions for Applications each reside in their own separate Oracle home and use their specific shell scripts to support their product-specific patching requirements. These scripts are uniquely defined to reference the appropriate Oracle home, set the patching configuration and environment, and then call the Oracle Fusion Applications AutoPatch utility for database patching. There can be only one patching session active for Oracle Fusion Applications or Oracle Fusion Middleware Extensions for Applications at a time.

For more information about patching Oracle Fusion Middleware Extensions for Applications, see Chapter 5, "Patching Oracle Fusion Middleware Extensions for Applications".

The following topics provide additional information about Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager:

3.1.1 Coordinated Patching

Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager examines patch metadata and determines which actions must be performed by OPatch and which must be performed by Oracle Fusion Applications AutoPatch. If Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager discovers that a patch contains only database changes, it assigns the patch directly to Oracle Fusion Applications AutoPatch for processing. If the patch is related only to middleware changes, Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager orchestrates the application of the changes across domains and the Oracle home. If the patch contains both database and middleware changes, Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager coordinates the application of both changes, applying database changes first, followed by middleware changes. You apply the patch in a single operation, regardless of the type of artifacts that are updated.

Figure 3-1 illustrates the patching process coordinated by Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager.

Figure 3-1 Oracle Fusion Applications Coordinated Patching

Coordinated Patching

Example of Patch Coordination

The following phases occur when you apply a patch that contains an Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF) library and a seed data file for a product family:

  • Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager interprets the contents of the patch by reading the patch metadata.

  • Oracle Fusion Applications AutoPatch updates the seed data.

  • OPatch applies the change to the Oracle ADF library in the form of a JAR file.

  • Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager coordinates with OPatch and forces an immediate shutdown and restart of the impacted Managed Servers so the change takes effect. ADF library updates require a life cycle operation in order for changes to occur. For online mode, this is automatically performed by Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager.

  • Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager consolidates and provides results and status for the overall patching tasks in the Log Summary and the Diagnostics report.

3.1.2 Patching Database Artifacts

When a patch contains updates to database artifacts, such as application seed data, the database schema, PL/SQL objects, and SQL scripts, Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager calls Oracle Fusion Applications AutoPatch to coordinate the following tasks:

  • Worker calculation: Calculates the range of the optimal number of workers that should be used. The suggested number of workers is two times the number of CPUs and the maximum number is four times the number of CPUs. The maximum limit may be reduced based on the setting of maximum processes, maximum parallel servers, and the current number of processes already in use. When you apply a patch, you can optionally specify the number of workers by using the -workers option, as described in Table 3-3. For more information about workers, see Section, "Worker Processes".

  • Patch validation: Validates whether the database portion of the patch is compatible with your environment and can be applied. If the patch is not valid, the patching session fails. The following validations are performed:

    • Platform check: Compares the operating system platform for each Oracle Fusion Applications Oracle home against the platform metadata in the patch.

    • Prerequisite check: Validates that all patch prerequisites have been applied.

  • Application of the patch: Copies the database artifacts to the Oracle home and then makes changes in the Oracle Fusion Applications database using the updated files.

  • Compilation of invalid objects: Compiles all invalid objects in the database.

  • Consolidation of log files: Collects the patching outcome and location of log files for reporting purposes.

A patch with database-related changes includes a patch driver file that provides instructions to Oracle Fusion Applications AutoPatch on how to apply the patch. The patch driver file specifies the types of actions to be executed and the phases in which they must be executed. To achieve efficient processing time, the database tasks are performed by worker processes and the number of tasks performed is minimized by file version verification. For more information, see Section, "Worker Processes" and Section, "File Version Verification". Worker Processes

An Oracle Fusion Applications AutoPatch manager process reads the patch driver file and determines the set of tasks to be performed. It then spawns processes called workers to execute the tasks. The manager and its workers communicate through a table in the database that contains one row for each worker process. The manager assigns tasks to workers by updating the worker row in the table. Each worker process checks the table for updates to its row and carries out the task. When the task is complete, the worker updates the status in the table, and the manager then assigns another task to the worker. File Version Verification

This Oracle Fusion Applications AutoPatch feature enables incremental running of database-related actions in a patch so that only the actions that have not already been performed against your database are actually run. The first time a database update action runs, the version of the file used to update the database is recorded in tables in the applications database. The next time Oracle Fusion Applications AutoPatch applies a patch containing that action, it compares the version of the last file run against the current version of the file in the patch. It runs the action only if the version in the patch is newer than the last version run.

3.1.3 Patching Middleware Artifacts

The middleware artifacts may be deployed to Managed Servers running on different nodes, but the artifacts are copied to the Oracle Fusion Applications Oracle home that is shared by the different nodes. When a patch contains updates to middleware artifacts, such as Java EE applications or Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) composites, Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager coordinates the following tasks during online patching:

  • Patch preparation: Sets up credentials and other necessary environment variables.

  • Patch validation: Validates the patch against the patch inventory under the Oracle home and domain to ensure that the patch is compatible and the prerequisite patches can be applied.

  • Topology discovery: Queries the taxonomy tables to find information relevant to the artifacts contained in the patch, such as domains, hosts, the Administration Server URL and Oracle homes. If the query returns exceptions, patching may proceed or fail, depending on the artifact type.

  • Application of the patch: Calls OPatch to copy the middleware artifacts in that patch to the Oracle Fusion Applications Oracle home. Also deploys those artifacts to the appropriate run-time container so that they are usable, such as deploying a SOA composite to the appropriate SOA server. Note that all artifacts in the patch are copied, but deployment actions occur only for those product families that have been deployed during the provisioning process. Finally, tracks the success or failure of each patching action and performs validation as needed, based on the directives specified in the patch metadata.

  • Post-patch apply actions: Starts and stops the Managed Servers impacted by the patch in the respective domains, only in online mode. Performs the deployment of certain middleware artifacts.

  • Consolidation of log files: Collects the patch results and location of log files for reporting purposes.

For more information, see Table 4-1, "Oracle Fusion Middleware Artifacts Supported by Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager".

3.1.4 Online and Offline Patching

Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager supports two patching modes: online and offline. To apply any patch in online mode, the Administration Servers must be running. For both offline and online modes, the database is still running, but it should be idle. Oracle WebLogic Server is not connected to the database for performing any transactions, so no requests from users should be processed. As the patch administrator, it is your responsibility to ensure that there are no active transactions or processes running during patching. Online Mode

The primary difference between online and offline modes is that in online mode, Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager automates the post-apply steps, such as shutting down and starting the impacted Managed Servers, and deploying supported middleware artifacts, such as SOA composites, Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (Oracle BIP) artifacts, and Flexfields. For more information, see Section 4.1, "Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager Middleware Artifact Support". When patching in online mode, Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager provides messages about the steps you must take after the patch is applied, to resolve any failures.

To enable online patching mode, you specify the -online option when you run Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager. Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager determines which domains the patch impacts by referencing the taxonomyurl, either by an environment setting or by using the taxonomyurl option. For more information, see Section 2.1.6, "Taxonomy URL".

Note that this automation feature attempts to stop and start only those impacted servers that are running. No life cycle operations are performed on those servers that are not in a running state even if the patch impacts an application that is deployed on this server. During online patching, all servers and applications are running, but they must be idle. Applications login should be restricted and no Oracle Fusion Applications functions should be available to users during online patching. If you prefer to start and stop your Managed Servers using your own process, you can apply online patches in offline mode. Offline Mode

You must manually start and stop the impacted Managed Servers and manually deploy certain middleware artifacts, such as SOA composites, Oracle BI Publisher artifacts, and Flexfields, after you apply patches in offline patching mode. You can run the Patch Impact report to see which servers will be impacted by the patch. For information about server management for offline patching, see "Starting and Stopping a Product Family Oracle WebLogic Server Domain" in the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide.

To minimize downtime, you could choose to leave servers running and start and stop the servers impacted by the patches after the patching session ends. In offline mode, all applications are unavailable to users, but only the servers impacted by the patch must be shut down. The net effect is that the system is unavailable, but making the system available takes less time if only certain servers are shut down and then started.

3.2 Running Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager

You run Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager by using the command line utility, fapmgr, located in the FA_ORACLE_HOME/lcm/ad/bin directory. Its shell script sets the environment and calls the utility. For UNIX, the shell script is and for Windows, it is fapmgr.cmd. You can run fapmgr with various commands and options. Only one patching session can be running at any given time. All patch administrators log in as the same operating system user to apply patches. This user must be an owner of the Oracle Fusion Applications Oracle home.

The following command shows the basic syntax for the fapmgr utility:

(UNIX) FA_ORACLE_HOME/lcm/ad/bin/ command [-options]
(Windows) FA_ORACLE_HOME\lcm\ad\bin\fapmgr.cmd command [-options]

In the preceding example, the following variables are used:

Table 3-1 Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager Commands

Command Description and Link to Documentation


Reads the actions in the patch metadata to determine whether a patch is compatible with your environment and can be applied. See Section 3.3, "Validating Patches".


Applies a patch. See Section 3.4, "Applying Patches".


Provides options for generating reports related to patching. See Section 3.5, "Running Patching Reports".


Updates the Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager data model. See Section 4.16, "Patching Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager Artifacts".


Abandons the previous patching session that failed. See Section 9.3.2, "Abandoning a Failed Patching Session".


Forces a previously hung session to fail. See Section 9.3.3, "Recovering from an Interrupted Patching Session".

To view additional information for any fapmgr command, use the following syntax:

(UNIX) ..lcm/ad/bin/ command -help
(Windows) ..lcm\ad\bin\fapmgr.cmd command -help

To display basic help for the fapmgr command, enter fapmgr with no options.


In command syntax examples, the brackets ([]) indicate that the value inside the brackets is optional.

3.3 Validating Patches

The fapmgr validate command reads the actions in the patch driver file to determine whether a patch is compatible with your environment and can be applied successfully. It looks for the status of impacted servers, patch conflicts, and prerequisites, but it does not perform any updates. Validation can be performed in both offline and online modes.

Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager automatically performs patch validation when you run the fapmgr apply command. The steps for validating a patch are provided here because Oracle recommends that you validate every patch before applying it, especially those patches that contain updates to SOA composites. You can reduce downtime and potential failures during patching by validating SOA composite patches because you can resolve validation issues before you apply the patch. For more information about resolving these issues, see Section 9.4.2, "Troubleshooting SOA Composite Validation Failures".

Validation performs the following actions:


Use the following syntax for the validate command:

(UNIX) ..lcm/ad/bin/ validate -patchtop patchtop_directory \
[-online] [-taxonomyurl hostname:portnumber] [-logfile log_file_name][-loglevel \
log level] 

(Windows) ..lcm\ad\bin\fapmgr.cmd validate -patchtop patchtop_directory \
[-online] [-taxonomyurl hostname:portnumber] [-logfile log_file_name] [-loglevel \
log level] 


Table 3-2 lists the options available for the validate command.

Table 3-2 validate Command Options

Option Description Mandatory


Identifies the directory where the patch is unzipped



Validates patch in online mode so the life cycle operations of impacted servers are checked.

No, default value is not online. Use this option only when applying online patches.


Identifies the host name and port number that overrides the default taxonomy information stored in the environment properties file. The Administration Server passes this value to Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager.

Conditionally required only when you want override the value present in the environment properties file and when using the online option.


Overrides the default log file name and sends the processing information to the file you specify, under the FA_ORACLE_HOME/admin/FUSION/log directory. If you enter an existing file name, the output is appended to the file.

No, the utility generates a log file under FA_ORACLE_HOME/admin/FUSION/log using this naming convention: FAPatchManager_validate_timestamp.log


Records messages in the log file at the level you specify. Enter a value to override the default log level of INFO. See Section 9.1, "Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager Logging".

No, default value is INFO.


Displays help.


3.4 Applying Patches

You apply patches to an Oracle Fusion Applications environment by running the fapmgr apply command. Only one patching session can be active at a time.


Use the following syntax for the apply command:

(UNIX) ..lcm/ad/bin/ apply -patchtop path_to_unzipped patch \
[-stoponerror] [-online][-taxonomyurl hostname:portnumber] \
[-workers number_of_database_workers] \   
[-logfile log_file_name] [-loglevel level] 

(Windows) ..lcm\ad\bin\fapmgr.cmd apply -patchtop path_to_unzipped patch \
[-stoponerror] [-online] [-taxonomyurl hostname:portnumber] \
[-workers number_of_database_workers] \   
[-logfile log_file_name] [-loglevel level] 


The following example applies a patch using 10 database workers in online mode:

(UNIX) lcm/ad/bin/ apply -patchtop path_to_unzipped patch \
-stoponerror -online -workers 10 

(Windows) lcm\ad\bin\fapmgr.cmd apply -patchtop path_to_unzipped patch \
-stoponerror -online -workers 10 


Table 3-3 lists the options available for the apply command.

Table 3-3 apply Command Options

Option Description Mandatory


Identifies the directory where the patch is unzipped.



Patching session fails after a post-apply error is reported. You can then manually resolve the issue and start the session again, using the same command.

Yes, when patching in online mode.


Identifies the number of workers to use when running database tasks. If you provide a value for the number of workers that is outside the calculated range, you are prompted to provide a value that is within the optimal range. If you do not use the workers option, a calculated optimal value is used.

No, default value is calculated if patch contains database tasks.


Applies patch in online mode so that impacted servers are shut down and started. See Section 3.1.4, "Online and Offline Patching".

No, default value is not online. Use this option only when applying online patches.


Identifies the host name and port number that overrides the default taxonomy information stored in the environment properties file. The Administration Server passes this value to Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager.

Conditionally required only when you want to override the value present in the environment properties file and when using the online option.


Overrides the default log file name and sends the processing information to the file you specify, under the FA_ORACLE_HOME/admin/FUSION/log directory. If you enter an existing file name, the output is appended to the file.

No, the utility generates a log file under FA_ORACLE_HOME/admin/FUSION/log using this naming convention: FAPatchManager_validate_timestamp.log


Records messages in the log file at the level you specify. Enter a value to override the default log level of INFO. See Section 9.1, "Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager Logging".

No, default value is INFO.


Displays help.


3.5 Running Patching Reports

You can generate Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager reports by running the fapmgr report command. You can view patch-related information from different perspectives to plan your patching strategy. These reports provide information that can be useful both before and after you apply patches.

Table 3-4 describes the patching reports that can be generated by Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager.

Table 3-4 Patching Reports

Report Name Report Option Description Variations

Patch Impact Report


Displays the impact of a patch in terms of bug fixes, prerequisites, and product families, by displaying what exists on your system. Also provides a list of artifact types, along with related servers and required manual actions.


Product Families Report


Displays a list of installed components (product families) and their versions.

You can specify a list of product families or you can see all product families.

Patches Applied Report


Displays information about patches and bug fixes that have been applied to your system.

You can specify a list of product families or you can see all product families.

Patch Status Report


Tells you whether specific patches or bug fixes were applied to your system.


Diagnostics Report


Displays the progress of a patching session that is currently running.

This report runs automatically after each patching session. You can also run it during a patching session.

The fapmgr report command requires an option to specify which report you want to run, followed by mandatory and optional parameters.

Use the following syntax to run a report:

(UNIX) ..lcm/ad/bin/ report -report name -mandatory parameters \
[optional parameters]

(Windows) ..lcm\ad\bin\fapmgr.cmd report -report name -mandatory parameters \
[optional parameters]

3.5.1 Patch Impact Report

The Patch Impact report compares the contents of the patch to be applied with the files that currently exist on your system. You get a complete picture of what file system changes will occur when you apply the patch. You can plan your system downtime by viewing the servers that will be impacted by the patch, along with any manual deployment actions that are required after the patch applies. This report reads the patch metadata, local patch inventory, and the current view snapshot. For more information, see Section 8.2, "Maintaining Snapshot Information".

The Patch Impact report displays the impact information about a patch in five sections: bug fixes, prerequisite bug fixes, product families, servers impacted, and files included in the patch.

Bug Fixes

This section provides the following information about the bug fixes included in the patch:

  • Bug Number: The number of the bug fix or patch

  • Bug Description: The description of the bug fix or patch

  • Exists in Oracle home: Whether the bug fix or patch was already applied (Yes or No)

Prerequisite Bug Fixes

This section provides the following information about patches that must be applied before the current patch can be applied:

  • Bug Number: The number of the prerequisite bug fix or patch

  • Bug Description: The description of the prerequisite bug fix or patch

  • Exists in Oracle home: Whether the prerequisite bug fix or patch was already applied (Yes or No)

Product Families Impacted

This section provides the following information about which product families are impacted by the patch:

  • Product Family: The name of the product family (component) that is updated by the patch

  • Product: The name of the product that is updated by the patch

  • LBA: The logical business area that is updated by the patch

Servers Impacted

This section provides the following information about which servers will be impacted by the patch. Note that all artifacts in the patch are copied, but server life cycle actions occur only for those product families that have been deployed during the provisioning process.

  • Artifact Type: The type and name of the artifact included in the patch

  • Domain (Servers): The servers that are impacted by the artifacts in the patch

  • Expectation/Impact: The description of what servers must be running, what actions will be taken during the patch apply phase by Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager, and what manual actions must be taken

Files Included in the Patch

This section provides the following information about the files that are included in the patch:

  • File Name: The name of the file

  • File Type: The type of the file

  • File Version: The version of the file Running the Patch Impact Report

Before you run the Patch Impact report, ensure that the snapshot is current for the environment. For more information, see Section 8.2, "Maintaining Snapshot Information".

Use the following syntax to run the Patch Impact report:

(UNIX) ..lcm/ad/bin/ report -patchimpact -patchtop   \
 path_to_unzipped_patch [optional parameters]

(Windows) ..lcm\ad\bin\fapmgr.cmd report -patchimpact -patchtop   \
path_to_unzipped_patch [optional parameters]

The following table describes the parameters used by the Patch Impact report.

Parameter Mandatory Description



Identifies the directory where the patch is unzipped.



Sends the report output to the file you specify after this parameter. You cannot use an existing file name. If you do not use this parameter, no output file is created.



Overrides the default log file name and sends the processing information to the file you specify, under the FA_ORACLE_HOME/admin/FUSION/log directory. If you enter an existing file name, the output is appended to the file. If you do not use this parameter, the utility generates a log file under FA_ORACLE_HOME/admin/FUSION/log using this naming convention:




Records messages in the log file at the level you specify. Enter a value to override the default log level of INFO. See Section 9.1, "Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager Logging".



Sets the column width to either 80 columns or 132 columns by specifying NORMAL or WIDE. The default value is 80 columns, or NORMAL.

3.5.2 Product Families Report

The Product Families report provides a list of installed product families along with each associated Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) component name and version. You can run the report for all product families or you can select specific product families. This report reads the local patch inventory and the current view snapshot.

The report includes the following information:

  • OUI Component: Component name assigned to the product family

  • Version: The version of the product family

  • Product Family: The product family name

  • Description: The product family description Running the Product Families Report

Before you run the Product Families report, ensure that the snapshot is current for the environment. For more information, see Section 8.2, "Maintaining Snapshot Information".

Use the following syntax to run the Product Families report:

(UNIX) ..lcm/ad/bin/ report -listcomps [optional parameters]

(Windows) ..lcm\ad\bin\fapmgr.cmd report -listcomps [optional parameters]

The following table describes the parameters used by the Product Families report.

Parameter Mandatory Description



Supply a comma-separated list of product families (components) you want to see on the report. The report includes all product families if you do not use this parameter.



Sends the report output to the file you specify after this parameter. You cannot use an existing file name. If you do not use this parameter, no output file is created.



Overrides the default log file name and sends the processing information to the file you specify, under the FA_ORACLE_HOME/admin/FUSION/log directory. If you enter an existing file name, the output is appended to the file. If you do not use this parameter, the utility generates a log file under FA_ORACLE_HOME/admin/FUSION/log using this naming convention:




Records messages in the log file at the level you specify. Enter a value to override the default log level of INFO. See Section 9.1, "Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager Logging".



Sets the column width to either 80 columns or 132 columns by specifying NORMAL or WIDE. The default value is 80 columns, or NORMAL. Example Syntax for the Product Families Report

Examples of the command syntax for running the Product Families report follow:

How to show all installed product families and their versions

(UNIX) ..lcm/ad/bin/ report -listcomps
(Windows) ..lcm\ad\bin\fapmgr.cmd report -listcomps 

How to show specific product families and specify the report output file name and log file name

(UNIX) ..lcm/ad/bin/ report -listcomps -comps oracle.fusionapps.crm, oracle.fusionapps.fin \
-outputfile listproducts.txt -logfile /log/listproducts.log

(Windows) ..lcm\ad\bin\fapmgr.cmd report -listcomps -comps oracle.fusionapps.crm, oracle.fusionapps.fin \
-outputfile listproducts.txt -logfile \log\listproducts.log

3.5.3 Patches Applied Report

The Patches Applied report provides information about patches that have been applied to an environment. You can run the report for specific product families or all product families. This report depends on a current snapshot having been run.

The report is organized by product family (OUI component) and each product family section contains the following information:

  • Patch Number: The patch number

  • Patch Type: Possible values are Standard or ONE-OFF

  • Date Applied: The date the patch was applied

  • Bugs Fixed: The bug fixes included in each patch that was applied Running the Patches Applied Report

Before you run the Patches Applied report, ensure that the snapshot is current for the environment. For more information, see Section 8.2, "Maintaining Snapshot Information".

Use the following syntax to run the Patches Applied report:

(UNIX) ..lcm/ad/bin/ report -listpatches [optional parameters]

(Windows) ..lcm\ad\bin\fapmgr.cmd report -listpatches [optional parameters]

The following table describes the parameters used by the Patches Applied report.

Parameter Mandatory Description



Supply a comma-separated list of product families you want to see on the report. The report includes all product families if you do not use this parameter.



Sends the report output to the file you specify after this parameter. You cannot use an existing file name. If you do not use this parameter, no output file is created.



Overrides the default log file name and sends the processing information to the file you specify, under the FA_ORACLE_HOME/admin/FUSION/log directory. If you enter an existing file name, the output is appended to the file. If you do not use this parameter, the utility generates a log file under FA_ORACLE_HOME/admin/FUSION/log using this naming convention:




Records messages in the log file at the level you specify. Enter a value to override the default log level of INFO. See Section 9.1, "Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager Logging".



Sets the column width to either 80 columns or 132 columns by specifying NORMAL or WIDE. The default value is 80 columns, or NORMAL. Example Syntax for the Patches Applied Report

Examples of the command syntax for running the Patches Applied report follow:

How to show all patches applied and set the report width to 132

(UNIX) ..lcm/ad/bin/ report -listpatches -reportwidth WIDE 
(Windows) ..lcm\ad\bin\fapmgr.cmd report -listpatches -reportwidth WIDE

How to show all patches applied for a list of product families

(UNIX) ..lcm/ad/bin/ report -listpatches -comps oracle.fusionapps.fin, oracle.fusionapps.crm 
(Windows) ..lcm\ad\bin\fapmgr.cmd report -listpatches -comps oracle.fusionapps.fin, oracle.fusionapps.crm 

3.5.4 Patch Status Report

The Patch Status report tells you if specific patches or bug fixes have been applied to an environment. You provide a list of patch numbers or bug fixes when you run the report and the output indicates whether each patch or bug fix has been applied. This report queries the local patch inventory and current view snapshot. For more information, see Section 8.2, "Maintaining Snapshot Information".

The report output contains a table with the following columns:

  • Bug Number: The bug number.

  • OUI Component: Component name associated with the product family. This column displays "Not Applied" if the patch was not applied.

  • Status: Possible values are Applied and Not Applied.

  • Patch: The patch number. This column displays Not Applied if the patch was not applied.

  • Date Applied: The date the patch was applied. This column is null if the patch was not applied. Running the Patch Status Report

Use the following syntax to run the Patch Status report:

(UNIX) ..lcm/ad/bin/ report -isapplied -bug \
[comma-separated_list_of_patches/bug_fixes [optional parameters]

(Windows) ..lcm\ad\bin\fapmgr.cmd report -isapplied -bug  \
comma-separated_list_of_patches/bug_fixes [optional parameters]

The following table describes parameters used by the Patch Status report.

Parameter Mandatory Description



Supply a comma-separated list of patches or bug fixes.



Sends the report output to the file you specify after this parameter. You cannot use an existing file name. If you do not use this parameter, no output file is created.



Overrides the default log file name and sends the processing information to the file you specify, under the FA_ORACLE_HOME/admin/FUSION/log directory. If you enter an existing file name, the output is appended to the file. If you do not use this parameter, the utility generates a log file under FA_ORACLE_HOME/admin/FUSION/log using this naming convention:




Records messages in the log file at the level you specify. Enter a value to override the default log level of INFO. See Section 9.1, "Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager Logging".



Sets the column width to either 80 columns or 132 columns by specifying NORMAL or WIDE. The default value is 80 columns, or NORMAL.

3.5.5 Diagnostics Report

After each patching sessions ends, the Diagnostics report is automatically generated so that you can view the results of the session. You can also use this report to monitor a patching session that is currently running, by generating the report from the command line. The report output is in HTML format so that it can be viewed from a browser and is located in the FA_ORACLE_HOME/admin/FUSION/log/directory. You can refresh the report output as the patch progresses.

The Diagnostics report contains three sections.

Module Execution Summary

The Module Execution Summary displays high-level information about the tools used during a patching session, such as Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager, OPatch, and Oracle Fusion Applications AutoPatch. For each tool, the report displays the following information:

  • Module: Tool called during the patching session, such as Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager

  • Status: Completion status of the task, such as Success, Failed, or Skipped

  • Duration: Total time that the module ran

  • Start Time: Time and date the module started

  • End Time: Time and date the module ended

  • Log Files: Link to the Log Summary generated by Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager. For more information, see Section 9.2.1, "Log Summary".

Module Phase Summary

The Module Phase Summary displays summary information about tasks executed by Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager. The tasks are summarized by each AutoPatch and OPatch phase and the following information is displayed:

  • Mode: The patching mode is either Database or Middleware

  • Phase: The name of the patching phase

  • Duration: Total time the task ran

  • Start Time: Time and date the task started

  • End Time: Time and date the task ended

  • Task Count: Total number of tasks within the phase

  • Skipped: The number of tasks that were skipped during the phase

  • Failed: The number of tasks that failed during the phase

  • Completed: The number of tasks that completed successfully during the phase

  • Percent Complete: The percentage of tasks that completed successfully during the phase

Module Task Details

The Module Task Details section displays detailed information about each task executed by Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager. The following information is displayed for each task:

  • Mode: The patching mode is Database, Middleware, or Generic. In Generic mode, database validation and taxonomy URL validation are performed.

  • Phase: The name of the patching phase, such as Patch Validation, Environment Validation, and Patch Application.

  • Product Family: The short name of the product family, which displays only for database tasks.

  • Task: The name of the artifact related to the task including the version, the full path, and the domain, if applicable.

  • Status: Completion status of the task, such as Success, Failed, or Skipped.

  • Duration: Total time the task ran.

  • Start Time: Time and date the task started.

  • End Time: Time and date the task ended.

  • Warning/Error Message: The error message is displayed if the task failed. Nonfatal messages appear as warning messages. The message also includes additional steps that are required to resolve the failure, if applicable.

  • Log File: The name and location of the log file.

  • Line Number: The line numbers within the log file that pertain to the task.

Tasks to be Completed

The Tasks to be Completed section displays a summary of the tasks you must complete after the patch applies. The following information is displayed:

  • Mode: The patching mode is Database, Middleware, or Generic. In Generic mode, database validation and taxonomy URL validation are performed.

  • Phase: The name of the patching phase, such as Patch Validation, Environment Validation, and Patch Application

  • Product Family: The short name of the product family, which displays only for database tasks.

  • Task: The description of the task that must be performed. Running the Diagnostics Report

Use the following syntax to run the Diagnostics report while a patch session is active:

(UNIX) ..lcm/ad/bin/ report -patchprogress [optional parameters]

(Windows) ..lcm\ad\bin\fapmgr.cmd report -patchprogress [optional parameters]

The following table describes the parameter used by the Diagnostics report.

Parameter Mandatory Description



Supply with the full directory path and name of the report output. The default value is FA_ORACLE_HOME/admin/FUSION/log/FAPMgrDiagnosticsSummarydate:sessionid.html.

3.6 End-to-End Patching Process

The end-to-end process of obtaining and applying individual patches using Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager, includes the following tasks. This process assumes that you apply patches in online mode.


As part of the patching process, customers have their own backup and recovery management process. Oracle recommends that you always have a current backup before applying a patch.

Step 1   Research Issue that Needs to be Resolved by a Patch

When you have an issue that needs to be resolved by a patch for Oracle Fusion Applications, file a service request with Oracle Support Services or research the issue on My Oracle Support:

Step 2   Check for Existing Patches

After you find patches that may resolve your issues, you should confirm whether you previously applied them to your system. Select one of these options for finding whether patches were applied:

Step 3   Obtain and Unzip the Patches

Upon determining that you need new patches, download the patches from My Oracle Support. Unzip the patch ZIP files in your PATCH_TOP directory.

Step 4   Read the README File

Read the README file that accompanies each patch. This file contains important information and instructions that must be followed.

If a patch contains preinstallation or postinstallation manual steps, they are described in the patch README file.

Step 5   Run the Patch Impact Report

Run the Patch Impact report to see the artifacts and Managed Servers impacted by this patch. For more information, see Section 3.5.1, "Patch Impact Report". An example of the report command follows:

(UNIX) ../lcm/ad/bin/ report -patchimpact -patchtop path_to_unzipped_patch

(Windows) ..\lcm\ad\bin\fapmgr.cmd report -patchimpact -patchtop path_to_unzipped_patch 
Step 6   Validate the Patch

Run the fapmgr validate command to alert you to any potential issues that could result in failure while applying the patch. You should resolve all validation failures during this step, to prevent failures during patch application. This validation step is strongly recommended, especially for patches that deliver artifacts whose deployment is automated by Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager, such as SOA composites. Note that when you apply a patch, the patch validation runs again by default. For more information, see Section 3.3, "Validating Patches". An example of the validate command follows:

(UNIX) ../lcm/ad/bin/ validate -patchtop path_to_unzipped_patch -online 
(Windows) ..\lcm\ad\bin\fapmgr.cmd validate -patchtop path_to_unzipped_patch -online
Step 7   Prepare the System

To prevent locks on patched objects and other data issues during patching of database artifacts, review and perform the following checklist before patching the target environment:

  • Confirm that the database is in an idle state

  • Confirm that there are no active jobs or processes running against the database

  • Stop all background jobs, including jobs in the database and active processes

  • Manually shut down the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Service servers, especially when a patch contains a PL/SQL package.

Step 8   Apply the Patch

Apply the patch using the fapmgr apply command as described in Section 3.4, "Applying Patches". An example of the apply command follows:

(UNIX) ../lcm/ad/bin/ apply -patchtop path_to_unzipped patch \ 
-stoponerror -online [-workers number_of_database_workers] 

(Windows) ..\lcm\ad\bin\fapmgr.cmd apply -patchtop path_to_unzipped patch \
-stoponerror -online [-workers number_of_database_workers] 
Step 9   Monitor and Verify the Application of the Patch

Monitor the progress of the patching session and verify its successful completion by reviewing the Log Summary from a browser. For more information, see Section 9.2, "Monitoring Patching Sessions".

Step 10   Verify the Deployment of Middleware Artifacts

Review the Diagnostics report to determine if any artifacts require manual deployment or Managed Servers require restart. For example, this report displays the full path of SOA composites that restarted successfully and those that did not restart successfully, which requires additional manual steps. If any servers must be restarted manually, the report provides the target domain and the names of the cluster and Managed Servers that must be restarted. For more information, see Section 3.5.5, "Diagnostics Report".

For additional information about the deployment of middleware artifacts, see Section 4.1, "Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager Middleware Artifact Support".