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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Fusion Middleware Management
11g Release 1 (

Part Number E17558-05
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7 Discovering and Monitoring SOA Suite 11g

This chapter describes how you can discover and configure the components of the SOA Suite 11g using Enterprise Manager Grid Control.

In particular, this document covers the following:

New Features in This Release

The new features that have been introduced in the 11.1 version of the SOA Suite are:

Supported Versions

The following are the versions of the SOA Suite 11g that are supported in Enterprise Manager Grid Control 11g Release1:

Understanding the Discovery Process

The following describes the overall process involved in discovering and monitoring SOA Suite 11g in Enterprise Manager Grid Control. Follow the instructions outlined against each step in this process to successfully discover and monitor the SOA Suite.

Table 7-1 Understanding the Discovery Process

Oracle SOA Suite Version Application Server Deployed To Discovery Mechanism Process

Oracle SOA Suite 11.1 PS2

Oracle WebLogic Managed Server

Manual Discovery

  1. First, manually discover Oracle WebLogic Managed Server. For procedures, see Discovering Oracle WebLogic Managed Server.

  2. To monitor the SOA Suite, you can use an agent running locally on the Administration Server of the WebLogic domain or a remote management agent running on another host that is not part of the WebLogic domain.

    Note: If you use a remote agent to monitor the SOA Suite, the Instance Tracing and View Recoverable Instances features are not supported.

  3. To ensure the all the metric data is collected, add the soa-infra-mgmt.jar and the oracle-soa-client-api.jar files to the $AGENT_HOME/sysman/jlib/extjlib directory (the Agent Home directory). If the extjlib directory does not exist, it can be created. This step is required only if you are using a remote agent to monitor the SOA Suite.

Discovering SOA Suite 11g

This section describes the procedure for discovering the SOA Suite 11g. You can use a local or a remote Management Agent to perform the discovery process. In the case of discovery using a local agent, you need to use a Management Agent that is running on the same host as the Administration Server.

  1. Login to Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control.

  2. Click Targets and then Middleware.

    Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control displays the Middleware page that lists all the middleware targets being monitored.

  3. In the Middleware page, from the Add list, select Oracle Fusion Middleware / WebLogic Domain and click Go. Specify the Administration Server Host, Port, User Name, Password, Agent (local or remote) and the JMX Protocol and click Continue.

  4. You will return to the Middleware page. You will see the SOA instances under the WebLogic Domain.


    New SOA Composites are not displayed by default. To display all the SOA Composites, navigate to the Home page of the WebLogic Server target and select the Refresh Domain option from the menu.

Discovering the SOA Suite 11g Using a Remote Agent

You can discover the SOA Suite 11.g using a remote agent which may be running on a host that is different from the host on which the Administration Server is running. In this case, you may not be able to perform certain operations like instance tracing and viewing recoverable instances. To ensure that all metrics are collected, you must copy the following jar files to the agent home path at $AGENT_HOME/sysman/jlib/extjlib (if the extjlib directory does not exist, it can be created)

  • soa-infra-mgmt.jar

  • oracle-soa-client-api.jar

Post Discovery Steps

After discovering the SOA Suite 11g, you must perform the following additional configuration steps:

  1. Set the instance state in the Common Properties page:

    1. Click Fusion Middleware Control on the SOA Infrastructure Home Page.

    2. Navigate to the Home page of the SOA Infrastructure target.

    3. Select Common Properties from the SOA-Infra drop-down menu.

    4. On the Common Properties page, select the Capture Composite Instance State check box.

  2. Set the SOA database details like the host name, port, and credentials.

    1. Navigate to the Middleware page in Enterprise Manager Grid Control.

    2. Select a SOA Infrastructure home from the list and click Configure.

    3. The SOA Infrastructure Home page is displayed. Click Monitoring Configuration from the SOA-Infra drop-down menu.

    4. Set the SOA database details in the Monitoring Configuration page.

  3. Set preferred credentials for the WebLogic Domain.

    1. Click the Preferences link in the top-right corner of the main page in Enterprise Manager Grid Control.

    2. In the Preferences page, click Preferred Credentials on the right pane.

    3. Select the Oracle WebLogic Domain target and click the Set Credentials icon.

    4. On the Oracle WebLogic Domain Preferred Credentials page, in the Target Credentials section, specify the administrator credentials and host credentials and click Apply.

    5. Similarly, on the Preferences page, select the Host target and click the Set Credentials icon.

    6. On the Host Preferred Credentials page, in the Target Credentials section, specify the normal credentials and privileged credentials. Then click Apply.

Configuring Instance Tracing

To enable Instance Tracing for any SOA Infrastructure instances involved in executing composite instances:

  1. Follow the sequence listed under Step 3 of the Post Discovery Steps section.

  2. To view the state of the listed instances, enable the Capture Composite State flag by following the sequence listed Step 1 of the Post Discovery Steps section.

Viewing Application Dependency and Performance (ADP) Metrics

If the SOA instance is being monitored by the ADP Manager, additional metrics such as Arrival Rate, Minimum, Maximum, and Average Response Time will be collected.


The ADP Manager must be registered before it can collect the metric data. For details on registering the ADP Manager, see Installing and Configuring Application Dependency and Performance

Creating Reports

This section describe the procedure to create SOA Reports.

  1. To access the reports wizard, click the Reports tab on the Enterprise Manager Console Home page.

  2. On the Report Definitions tab, select the SOA Composite target type and click Go.

    The out-of-box SOA reports are displayed under the SOA Performance Reports section.

  3. Select a report from the section (for example, you can select Pending Instance Statistics) and click Create Like. The Create Report Definition page is displayed.

  4. In the General page, enter the following details:

    1. Enter the BPEL Process Name as the title.

    2. Click the Set Time Period to set the time interval for the report.

    3. Click the Run report using target privileges of the Report Owner (SYSMAN) checkbox in the Privileges section.

  5. Click the Elements tab and click the Set Parameters icon for the Pending Instance Statistics Element in the table.

  6. In the Set Parameters page, click the torch icon to select a Composite Name. The Result Set Size with default values for the Pending Instance Statistics report is displayed.

  7. Select a Component Name from the list, enter the Result Set Size and click Continue to return to the Elements page.

  8. The selected target name is displayed in the Elements table.

  9. To schedule periodic report generation, click the Schedule tab.

  10. Specify the schedule type and other details and click OK.

  11. You will return to the Report Home page where the newly scheduled report is displayed in the table. Click the report name to view the details.

Provisioning SOA Artifacts and Composites

The SOA Artifacts Deployment Procedure allows you to:

For more details on the SOA Artifacts Deployment Procedure, see the Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide for Software and Server Provisioning and Patching.


This section describes the errors you might encounter while discovering the SOA Suite 11g and the workaround steps you can follow to resolve each of them.

This section covers the following:


The following error occurs when the SOA instances are being discovered.

Table 7-2 Error Message:

Error Message Workaround Steps
New SOA Composite deployed on the SOA 
Server from JDeveloper are not 
displayed automatically in Enterprise 
Manager Grid Control.

To discover the newly deployed SOA Composites in Enterprise Manager Grid Control, you must run the Refresh Farm menu option for the associated Weblogic Domain.


The following error occurs when the collection frequency causes a delay in the collection of configuration data.

Table 7-3 Error Description

Error Description Workaround Steps
All metrics are not displayed.

Enterprise Manager Grid Control uses the Management Agent to collect metric data. For the first collection, the agent may need 15 minutes to upload the metric data.

Instance Tracing

The following error occurs when the instance is traced.

Instance Search Fails - Same reason as BPEL first column. If Management Agent is down or unreachable.

Table 7-4 Error Message:

Error Message Workaround Steps
Instance Tracing Job Fails
  1. Navigate to the Jobs page and locate the Instance Tracing job (Composite Name + Instance ID + Timestamp in ms) and view the output to identify the step that has failed.

  2. Resolve the issue and run the job again by clicking Retry on the Jobs page.

  3. Navigate to the Instance Tracing page to view the trace results. You can also submit a new job by running the Trace Instance option on the Instance Tracing page.


The following errors occur when:

  • All instances with faults are not displayed as only the last 10 values are collected.

  • The most recently collected fault instances do not appear in the Faults and Messages page.

Table 7-5 Error:

Error Description Workaround Steps
All instances with faults are not populated in Enterprise Manager Grid Control. 

By default, you can only view the latest 10 faults collected during the last 15 minutes. To view additional faults, navigate to Fusion Middleware by clicking the link in the General section on the target Homepage.

Application Dependency and Performance Integration

When you click on the Application Dependency and Performance link in the SOA Instance Home page, you may see a blank page. This error may occur if:

  • Application Dependency and Performance is not being used to monitor the SOA instance.

  • Application Dependency and Performance has not been registered in Enterprise Manager Grid Control.

Table 7-6 Error Message:

Error Message Workaround Steps
Missing ADP Data - Add the metrics - 
and add one for blank page.

To monitor data collected using ADP, the ADP Manager must be registered and configured.


This section lists report related errors.

Table 7-7 Error:

Error Description Workaround Steps
Report generation fails due to invalid database details.
  1. Navigate to the All Targets page.

  2. Select the SOA Infrastructure target on which the specific SOA Composite has been deployed and click Configure.

  3. In the Monitoring Configuration page, specify the database connection details and the credentials and click OK.

No targets found message for Oracle SOA Composite Reports.

You cannot use the out-of-box reports directly. You must use the Create Like option to generate custom reports based on the SOA Composite Target type.

Report generation fails due to invalid host details.

Set valid credentials for the host target on which the SOA Infrastructure instance is running.

Systems and Services

The following error occur when you try to refresh a service that has not been created.

Table 7-8 Error Message:

Error Message Workaround Steps
Create Service option does not work.

System and service creation depends on the configuration collection of the SOA Infrastructure and related targets. Check the log file for details.

Refresh Service option does not work.

The Refresh Service function works for an existing Infrastructure service. In case the service does not exist, it should be created using the Create Service menu option.

BPEL Recovery

The following error occurs when invalid credentials are provided.

Table 7-9 Error Message:

Error Message Workaround Steps
Invalid Host and WebLogic Domain Credentials

For the BPEL Recovery functionality to work, the host credentials and WebLogic Domain credentials must to be available in the preferred credential store. Set the valid credentials and try again.

BPEL Processes disappear on the BPEL Process tab.

This error may occur due to the missing parameter required for the DMS metric. To resolve this issue:

  1. Update the AGENT_HOME/sysman/config/ file.

  2. Grep for property agentJavaDefines in the file

  3. Append the following string:


  4. Bounce the agent.


agentJavaDefines=-Doracle.dms.refresh.wait.time 1000 -DUrlTiming.UseJSSE=true -Dnetworkaddress.cache.ttl=1800-Djava.awt.headless=true-Doracle.dms.gatherers=15000,2:300000,3:3600000,3