6 Processing Interoperability for Inventory Management

This chapter contains the following topics:

6.1 Processing Outbound Interoperability for Inventory Management

This section provides an overview of outbound interoperability for Inventory Management, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to set selected processing options for originating programs.

6.1.1 Understanding Outbound Interoperability for Inventory Management

To fully cover the information requirements of an enterprise, companies sometimes use products from different software and hardware providers. For example, some companies use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system for most inventory functions and use hand-held scanning devices to physically count their inventory.

Interoperability among products is essential to successfully implementing the enterprise solution. Full interoperability among systems results in a flow of data among products that is seamless to the user. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Interoperability function provides an interface that eases the exchange of transactions with external systems.

You can send transactions to an external system from these programs in Inventory Management:

Originating Program Transaction Type Transaction Table Extraction Program
Item Master (P4101)

Item Branch/Plant (P41026)

JDEITEM F4101 Item Master Unedited Transaction Table (F4101Z1)

F4101 Detail Item Master Unedited Transaction (F4101Z1A)

Item Master Cost Revisions (P4105) JDEIC Unedited Transaction Table - Item Cost (F4105Z1) N/A
Inventory Issues (P4112) 852 EDI Product Activity Data Header – Outbound (F47126)

EDI Product Activity Data Detail – Outbound (F47127)

Inventory Transfers (P4113) 852 EDI Product Activity Data Header – Outbound (F47126)

EDI Product Activity Data Detail – Outbound (F47127)

Item Location Extraction (R41021ZX)

Note: You run this outbound extraction program to retrieve data from the outbound transaction tables and create a flat file if one does not exist, or to append to an existing flat file. Every field is written from the EDI interface tables to the flat file.

Inventory Adjustments (P4114) 852 EDI Product Activity Data Header – Outbound (F47126)

EDI Product Activity Data Detail – Outbound (F47127)

Item Reclassifications (P4116) 852 EDI Product Activity Data Header – Outbound (F47126)

EDI Product Activity Data Detail – Outbound (F47127)

Cycle Count Update (R41413) JDECYCLE F4141 Cycle Count Unedited Transaction Table (F4141Z1) N/A
Item Location Extraction (R41021ZX) N/A Item Location Unedited Transaction File (F41021Z1) N/A

To create outbound transactions, you must specify the appropriate transaction type in the related processing option. The system places a copy of the transaction in the interface table for that type of transaction. For example, when you run Cycle Count Update with the Interoperability processing option turned on, the system places a copy of updated cycle count data in the F4141Z1 table. The data is then available for an external system to use.


The process detailed here is an example of a typical outbound process and uses the JDEITEM transaction type as an example. For other transaction types, the unedited transaction tables are different.

To process outbound interoperability in Inventory Management:

  1. Specify a transaction type in the processing options of the originating programs.

  2. Enter or change an item record in one of the originating programs.

    The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system calls a master business function that writes records to the F4101 Item Master Unedited Transaction Table (F4101Z1) and the F4101 Detail Item Master Unedited Transaction table (F4101Z1A). The same master business function calls a special subsystem API that sends a message to the subsystem kernel running on the server. The subsystem kernel adds a record to the Subsystem Job Master table (F986113).

  3. Create a custom UBE or function to process the data from the F4101Z1 and F4101Z1A tables in such a way that it can be used by the external system.

  4. Use the Data Export Controls program (P0047) to specify the custom UBE or function for the transaction type you specified in the processing options of the originating program.

    The system stores this information in the Data Export Control table (F0047).

  5. Run the Interoperability Generic Outbound Subsystem UBE program (R00460).

    The Interoperability Generic Outbound Subsystem UBE program fetches the F986113 record and retrieves the name and version of the custom UBE from the F0047 table. The Interoperability Generic Outbound Subsystem UBE program passes information about the order to the custom UBE. The custom UBE then retrieves the records from the F4101Z1 and F4101Z1A tables and processes that information.

6.1.2 Prerequisite

Define the data export controls for the type of outbound transaction. The system uses data export controls to determine the batch programs or business processes that third parties supply for use in processing transactions.

See Setting Up Data Export Controls.

6.1.3 Setting Selected Processing Options for Originating Programs

This section lists only the processing options that are specific to outbound interoperability. These processing options are used for the following programs:

  • Item Master (P4101)

  • Item Branch/Plant (P41026)

  • Item Master Cost Revisions (P4105)

  • Inventory Issues (P4112)

  • Inventory Transfers (P4113)

  • Inventory Adjustments (P4114)

  • Item Reclassifications (P4116)

  • Cycle Count Update (R41413)

1. Transaction Type

Specify the transaction type for the interoperability transaction. If you leave this processing option blank, the outbound interoperability is not performed.

We provide these transaction types:

  • JDEITEM: Item master transactions.

  • JDEIC: Item cost transactions.

  • 852: Product activity data—inventory issues, adjustments, transfers, and reclassification.

  • JDECYCLE: Inbound cycle count transactions.

2. Before/After Image Processing

Specify whether the system creates a record of the image before it was changed, in addition to a record of the transaction after the change. The system creates these records in the unedited transaction tables when outbound interoperability processing is enabled. Values are:

Blank: Write the record only after it has been changed; do not write a before image record.

1: Write two records: one before the image is changed and one after the image is changed.


This processing option is applicable only to the item master applications (P4101 and P41026) and not the other inventory management processes described in this section. That is, this processing option applies only to JDEITEM transaction type processes.

6.2 Processing Inbound Interoperability for Inventory Management

This section provides an overview of inbound interoperability for Inventory Management, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

  • Set processing options for Item Master Inbound Transaction Process (R4101Z1I).

  • Set processing options for Cycle Count Inbound Transaction Process (R4141Z1I).

  • Set processing options for Inbound Product Activity Edit/Update (R47121).

  • Run the inbound processing programs.

6.2.1 Understanding Inbound Interoperability for Inventory Management

In an inbound transaction, you accept data from another system into this system. Item Master Inbound Transactions

You might receive inbound transactions for the F4101 table if, for example, you are converting the inventory from a legacy system to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management.

The interoperability interface tables for item master inbound transactions are:

  • F4101 Item Master Unedited Transaction Table (F4101Z1).

  • F4101 Detail Item Master Unedited Transaction (F4101Z1A).

    A F4101Z1 record must precede and be associated with a detail F4101Z1A record

The related application tables for item master inbound transactions are:

  • Item Master (F4101).

  • Item Branch File (F4102).

  • Bulk Item Master (F41011).

  • Bulk Depot/Product Information (F41022).

  • Item Master - Customer Service Extension (F4117).

  • Item Branch Master - Customer Service Extension (F41171).

  • Item Profile (F46010).

  • Item Shipping Information (F4908).

You run the Item Master Inbound Transaction Process program (R4101Z1I) to copy the information from the F4101Z1 and F4101Z1A tables to the related application tables.

The fields in the F4101Z1 table that must contain data for interoperability depend on whether the transaction is an add, a change, or a delete. This table identifies which fields must contain data for each type of transaction:

Transaction Fields
Add (available for Item Master and Branch/Plant levels) Fields that must contain data for an Add transaction at the Item Master level are:
  • Short Item Number (ITM), Second Item Number (LITM), and Third Item Number (AITM), which must be a unique number.

  • Stocking Type (STKT).

  • G/L Class (GLPT).

  • Description (DSC1).

  • Transaction Action (TNAC)

  • Direction Indicator (DRIN)

Fields that must be populated for an Add transaction at the Branch/Plant level are:

  • Short Item Number (ITM), Second Item Number (LITM), and Third Item Number (AITM), which must be a unique number.

  • Cost Center (MCU).

  • Transaction Action (TNAC)

  • Direction Indicator (DRIN)

Note: Specify 2 in the Update Item/Branch (ITBR) field for a branch transaction (for item transactions, the value in this field should be 1.). If you leave the ITBR field and the MCU field blank, the record is processed as an item transaction. If you leave the ITBR field blank and specify a branch/plant in the MCU field, the record is treated as a branch transaction.

Change (available for Item Master and Branch/Plant levels) Fields that must contain data for a Change transaction are:
  • Transaction Action (TNAC)

  • Direction Indicator (DRIN)

For a Change transaction, the record in the F4101Z1 table must contain data in all the fields that contain data in the application table, even if the data is the same.

Delete (available for Item Master and Branch/Plant levels) Fields that must contain data for a Delete transaction are:
  • Transaction Action (TNAC)

  • Direction Indicator (DRIN)

Additional fields that must contain data for a Delete transaction vary:

  • A Delete transaction for the F4101 table requires that the Short Item Number (ITM) field contain data.

  • A Delete transaction for F4102 requires that the Short Item Number (ITM) and Branch/Plant (MCU) fields contain data. Cycle Counts from Inbound Transactions

You might receive inbound transactions for the F4141 table. Examples include copying initial balances from a legacy system to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management and copying data from hand-held scanning devices that are used to count inventory.

The Interoperability interface table for cycle count inbound transactions is F4141 Cycle Count Unedited Transaction Table (F4141Z1).

The related application table for cycle count inbound transactions is Cycle Count Transaction File (F4141).

For the F4141Z1 interface table, interoperability requires data in these fields:

  • Short Item Number (ITM).

  • Branch/Plant (MCU).

  • Location (LOCN), if used.

  • Lot/Serial (LOTN), if used.

  • Storage Unit Number (STUN), if used.

  • Class Code (GLPT).

  • Total Primary Quantity on Hand (TQOH).

  • Total Primary Amount on Hand (TAOH).

  • Total Primary Quantity Counted (TQCT).

  • Total Primary Amount Counted (TACT)

  • Unit Cost (UNCS).

  • Total Secondary Quantity on Hand (SQOR).

  • Total Secondary Quantity Counted (SQOH).

You run the Cycle Count Inbound Transaction Process program (R4141Z1I) to copy information from the F4141Z1 table to the F4141 table.

After the transaction process is complete, you must run the Cycle Count Update program on the Inventory Count Alternatives menu (G4121) to update the on-hand balances, prepare journal entries, and perform the other functions associated with this program. Item Costs from Inbound Transactions

You might receive inbound transactions for the F4105 table if, for example, you are converting the inventory from a legacy system to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management.

The interoperability interface table for item cost inbound transactions is Unedited Transaction Table - Item Cost (F4105Z1).

The related application table for item cost inbound transactions is Item Cost File (F4105).

For the F4105Z1 table, interoperability requires data in these fields:

  • EDI User ID (EDUS).

  • EDI Batch Number (EDBT).

  • EDI Transaction Number (EDTN).

  • EDI Line Number (EDLN).

  • Short Item Number (ITM), Second Item Number (LITM), or Third Item Number (AITM).

  • Branch/Plant (MCU), if level 2 or 3.

  • Location (LOCN), if used and if level 3 is used.

  • Lot Number (LOTN), if used and if level 3 is used.

  • Cost Method (LEDG).

  • Unit Cost (UNCS).

  • Directional Indicator of "1" for Inbound Processing (DRIN).

  • Transaction Action UDC code (TNAC).

    The first letter of the 2nd Description must be A, C, D. Only Add, Change, and Delete are supported.

  • Costing Selection - Purchasing (CSPO), Costing Selection - Inventory (CSIN), or both fields when:

    • Adding a new record with a CSPO and CSIN.

    • Changing an existing record with CSPO and CSIN.

During processing, the Item Cost Inbound Transaction Process program (R4105Z1I) adds, changes, or deletes multiple records that exist within the Unedited Transaction Table - Item Cost table (F4105Z1) directly to the F4105 table. Additionally, the costing selection methods for sales, inventory, and purchasing can be added or changed during processing. Cost Updating

You can update cost records for interoperability in the Item Cost Revisions Application program (P4105Z1). The system processes revisions according to how you have set the transaction action user-defined code (UDC) (00/TA).

You must pay careful attention to the values in an existing record when updating costs through interoperability. The system validates the values in the F4105Z1 table against the values for the cost record in the F4105 table. In order for the system to recognize the cost methods you have identified as the purchasing cost method, the inventory cost method, or both, you must ensure that the Purchasing Cost Method Selection field has a value of P and the Inventory Cost Method Selection has a value of I.


You cannot delete a record that reflects the costing method selection (either purchasing or inventory). If you have identified an existing record as the purchasing cost method, the inventory cost method, or both, you are not able to delete it. Instead, the system changes the unit cost of the record to zero. Product Activity Data Inbound Transactions

You might receive inbound transactions for the Item Ledger File table (F4111) if, for example, you are converting the inventory from a legacy system to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management.

The interoperability interface table for product activity data inbound transactions are:

  • EDI Product Activity Data Header - Inbound (F47121).

  • EDI Product Activity Data Detail - Inbound (F47122).

The related application tables for item cost inbound transactions are:

  • Item Location File (F41021)

  • Item History (F4115)

  • Item Ledger File (F4111)

  • Account Ledger (F0911)

For the F47121 table, interoperability requires data in these fields:

  • EDI Document Number (EDOC)

  • EDI Document Type (EDCT)

  • EDI Document Key Company (EKCO)

  • EDI Transaction Set (EDST)

  • Send/Receive Flag = R (EDER)

  • Transaction Handling Code (THCD)

  • Address Number (AN8)

For the F47122 table, interoperability requires data in these fields:

  • EDI Document Number (EDOC).

  • EDI Document Type (EDCT).

  • EDI Document Key Company (EKCO).

  • EDI Transaction Set (EDST).

  • EDI Line Number (EDLN).

  • Send/Receive Flag = R (EDER).

  • Product Activity Code (PACD).

  • Sort Selection Sequence (KSEQ).

  • Short Item Number (ITM), Second Item Number (LITM), Third Item Number (AITM), or Customer Item Number (CITM).

  • Transaction Quantity (TRQT).

  • Transaction Date (EDDT).

  • Transaction Explanation (TREX).

  • Business Unit (MCU).

You run the Inbound Product Activity Edit/Update program (R47121) to copy information from the interoperability interface tables to the related application tables.

6.2.2 Prerequisites

Before you complete the tasks in this section:

6.2.3 Setting Processing Options for Item Master Inbound Transaction Process (R4101Z1I)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Versions

Enter the version of Item Master (P4101).

Specify the version of the Item Master program (P4101) to use when processing inbound transactions. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

6.2.4 Setting Processing Options for Cycle Count Inbound Transaction Process (R4141Z1I)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Process

Enter the Cycle Count Description to be used when adding a new cycle count.

Specify the description to be associated with the cycle count.

6.2.5 Setting Processing Options for Inbound Product Activity Edit/Update (R47121)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Update Mode

These processing options affect the running of the program.

1. Mode

Enter 1 to update the application tables. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not update the application tables.

2. Warnings

Enter 1 to send a message to the employee message center if errors occur. Enter 2 to ignore warnings.

3. SDQ Records

Future use. Document Types

These processing options enable you to specify the document type for various transactions.

1. Document Type for + Transactions

Enter the document type for transactions that increase inventory. If the product activity code description is +, the transaction functions similarly to the Inventory Adjustments program (P4114). The quantity of the transaction increases in the Item Location record's quantity on hand. The system writes the new quantity on hand to the F4111 table and generates the necessary general ledger transaction to account for the receipt of the inventory.

2. Document Type for - Transactions

Enter the document type for transactions that decrease inventory. If the product activity code description is -, the transaction functions similarly to the Inventory Issues program (P4112). The quantity of the transaction decreases the quantity on hand for records in the F41021 table and updates the F4115 table if the processing options are set accordingly. The transaction also generates the necessary general ledger transactions to account for the decrease if the item's general ledger code and the document type interface with inventory.

3. Document Type for R (replacement) Transactions

Enter the document type for transactions that replace inventory balance on hand. If the product activity code description is R, the transaction functions similarly to the Cycle Count Update program (R41413). The quantity of the transaction replaces the quantity on hand for the records in the F41021 table. The system writes the new quantity on hand to the F4111 table, updates the F4115 table, and generates the necessary general ledger transactions to account for the adjustment to the inventory.

4. Document Type for T (transfer) Transactions

Enter the document type for transactions that transfer inventory from one location to another. If the product activity code description is T, the transaction functions similarly to the Inventory Transfers program (P4113). The quantity of the first transfer transaction (the From side) decreases the quantity on hand for the Item Location record. The second transfer transaction (the To side) increases the quantity on hand for the record in the F41021 table (requires two records to be sent in). The transactions also generate the necessary general ledger transactions to account for the changes to the inventory if the item's general ledger code and the document type affect inventory. Defaults

These processing options enable to you to specify default information for the transactions.

1. Default Location and Lot/From

Enter 1 to provide the location and lot by default from the primary location or, for transfers, the FROM location.

2. Default Location and Lot/To

Enter 1 to provide the location and lot by default from the TO location for transfers.

3. Customer Number

Specify the customer number.

4. General Ledger Date

Specify the general ledger date for the transactions. If you leave this processing option blank and the general ledger date is not mapped from the source file, the system uses the current date. Processing

These processing options determine how transactions are processed.

1. Summary or Detail

Enter 1 to run in summary mode. In summary mode, general ledger accounts are summarized within each document number. If you leave this processing option blank to run in detail mode, general ledger accounts are produced for each item.

2. Over Issuing

Enter 1 to enable over issuing of an item.

3. Issues from Held Lots

Enter 1 to enable issues from held lots.

4. Item Sales History

Enter 1 if you want issues to affect Item Sales History (F4115).

5. Override Item Cost

Enter 1 to enable overrides to item cost. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the location cost, unless this is a replacement transaction (default item location cost is not available for replacement transactions).

6. Audit Report

Enter 1 to print an audit report. Sales Order

These processing options control batch sales order creation.

1. Batch Sales Order Creation

Enter a 1 to automatically submit the Batch Sales Order Creation program for items that fall below reorder point and have a transaction handling code of G. (future)

2. Batch Sales Order Creation Version

Enter the version of the Batch Sales Order Creation you want to submit. If you leave this processing option blank, version XJDE0001 is used.

6.2.6 Running the Inbound Processing Programs

To receive item master inbound transactions, select Inventory Interoperability (G41313), Item Master Inbound Transaction Process.

To receive cycle counts from inbound transactions, select Inventory Interoperability (G41313), Cycle Count Inbound Transaction Process.

To receive item costs from inbound transactions, select Inventory Interoperability (G41313), Item Cost Inbound Transaction Process.

To receive product activity data inbound transactions, select Inventory Interoperability (G41313), Inbound Product Activity Edit/Update.

6.3 Reviewing and Revising Interoperability Transactions for Inventory Management

This section provides an overview of reviewing and revising interoperability transactions for Inventory Management and lists the forms used to review and revise interoperability transactions for Inventory Management.

6.3.1 Understanding Reviewing and Revising Interoperability Transactions for Inventory Management

When the system runs one of the transaction processes, such as the Item Master Inbound Transaction Process, it often identifies one or more inbound transactions that contain invalid information. For example, an inventory item might have an invalid category code. In that case, the program cannot add that item to the Item Master table. Instead, the program sends an error message to the Work Center. The error message indicates the transaction number of the transaction that is in error.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management provides several menu selections that enable you to review any interoperability transactions and add, change, or delete any transactions that contain errors. After you correct all transactions with errors, you can rerun the transaction process until the program runs without errors.

See "Running Inquiries and Revising EDI Documents" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Data Interface for Electronic Data Interchange Implementation Guide.

6.3.2 Forms Used to Review and Revise Interoperability Transactions for Inventory Management

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
F4101Z1 Revisions W4101Z1B Inventory Interoperability (G41313), Inbound Item Master Inquiry

Locate a transaction on the Work With F4101Z1 Item Master Revisions form and click Select.

Locate and revise a transaction.

If applicable, select Detail Revisions from the Row menu to review or revise additional detail information.

After you correct the errors identified by the Item Master Inbound Transaction Process, run the transaction process again.

F4105Z1 Item Cost Revisions W4105Z1B Inventory Interoperability (G41313), Inbound Item Cost Inquiry

Locate a transaction on the Work With F4105Z1 Item Cost form and click Select.

Locate and revise a transaction.

After you verify and correct the errors identified by the Item Cost Inbound Transaction Process, run the transaction process again.

If you do not see an item listed that you are expecting, the wrong value might be in the Dir Ind (Directional Indicator) field. If the value in that field is not 1, the item does not display.

F4141Z1 Revisions W4141Z1B Inventory Interoperability (G41313), Inbound Cycle Count Inquiry

Locate a transaction on the Work With Cycle Count form and click Select.

Review and revise inbound cycle count transactions.

Correct the errors identified by the Cycle Count Inbound Transaction process and run the transaction process again.

Inbound EDI Product Activity Data Revisions W47120F Inventory Interoperability (G41313), Inbound Product Activity Status Inquiry

Locate a transaction on the Work with Inbound EDI Product Activity Data form and click Select.

Review and revise inbound product activity transactions.

Correct the errors identified by the Inbound Product Activity Edit/Update process and run the process again.

Outbound EDI Product Activity Data Revisions W47126C Inventory Interoperability (G41313), Outbound Product Activity Status Inquiry

Locate a transaction on the Work with Outbound EDI Product Activity Data form and click Select.

Review and revise outbound product activity transactions.

Correct the errors identified by the Outbound Product Activity Extraction process and run the process again.

Work With Item Location Unedited Transaction W41021Z1A Inventory Interoperability (G41313), Item Location Unedited Transactions Locate item location transactions.
Item Location Unedited Transactions Detail W41021Z1B Locate a record on the Work With Item Location Unedited Transaction form and click Select. Review and revise item location transactions.

6.4 Purging Interoperability Transactions for Inventory Management

This section provides an overview of purging interoperability transactions and discusses how to:

  • Set processing options for Purge Cycle Count Transaction Records (R4141Z1P).

  • Purge interoperability transactions.

6.4.1 Understanding Purging Interoperability Transactions

When data becomes obsolete or you need more disk space, you can use purge programs to remove data from interface tables.

The interoperability menu contains options for purging transactions. Use one of these purge programs to remove data from the corresponding interface tables:

  • Purge Cycle Count Transaction Records (R4141Z1P).

  • Item Cost Inbound Purge (R4105Z1P).

  • Inbound Product Activity Purge/Archive (R47128A).

  • Outbound Product Activity Purge/Archive (R47129A).

  • Purge Item Location Transaction Records (R41021ZP).

For records in the Processing Log table (F0046) that are marked as processed, the program purges the associated transactions in the corresponding interoperability tables, as well as the records in the F0046 table. If the records in the F0046 table are not marked as processed, the program does not purge any records.

When you purge cycle count transactions, you can set the processing option to print only the records that are in error. Otherwise, the program prints all records that are deleted.

6.4.2 Setting Processing Options for Purge Cycle Count Transaction Records (R4141Z1P)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Display

Enter a '1' to print only errors.

Specify print options for the report. If you enter 1 in this processing option, the system will print errors only.

6.4.3 Purging Interoperability Transactions

To purge inbound cycle count transactions, select Inventory Interoperability (G41313), Inbound Cycle Count Purge.

To purge inbound item cost transactions, select Inventory Interoperability (G41313), Item Cost Inbound Purge.

To purge inbound product activity transactions, select Inventory Interoperability (G41313), Inbound Product Activity Purge/Archive.

To purge outbound product activity transactions, select Inventory Interoperability (G41313), Outbound Product Activity Purge/Archive.

To purge item location transactions, select Inventory Interoperability (G41313), Purge Item Location Transaction Records.