
Address Number

Enter a number that identifies an entry in Address Book, such as employee or applicant.

Applicant Number

Enter a number that identifies an entry in Address Book, such as employee, applicant, participant, customer, supplier, tenant, or location.

This number becomes the applicant employee number if the applicant is hired. You can either enter this number or you can leave the field blank and the system automatically assigns the next available number. Each applicant number must be unique. If you enter a number that already exists, the system displays an error message.

Applicant Status/Date

Enter a code that defines a step in the hiring process that the applicant has completed, such as initial contact, first interview, and so on. This is a defined code (08/AS).

When you enter or change the status of an applicant with the Applicant Entry program (P08401), the system adds a record to the supplemental data type for applicant status. To review the history of an applicant status, you can view the information that has been added to this supplemental data type.

Approved By

Enter the address book number of the person who approves a requisition.

If you are using JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow Management to automate the process of approving requisitions, the system automatically updates the approved by field when the appropriate person approves the requisition. This update overwrites any existing value in the field.

Billing Rate

Enter a number that specifies the rate that the system uses to bill for labor services. This rate is often referred to as the billing or recharge rate. The system charges the resulting amount, based on this rate, to the primary distribution account for the timecard. The system also enters an offset to an account that is derived from AAIs. This rate does not affect employee payroll.

To enable billing rates in time entry, the employee record type must be set to 2 (payroll and recharge processing) or 3 (recharge processing only) with the Employee Payroll program (P0801PRL).

Billing Regular

Enter the employee recharge overtime hourly rate as retrieved, entered or calculated during time entry.

Billing Double

Enter the employee recharge doubletime hourly rate as retrieved, entered or calculated during time entry.

Billing Holiday

Enter the employee recharge holiday hourly rate as retrieved, entered or calculated during time entry.

Billing Triple

Enter the employee recharge triple time hourly rate as retrieved, entered or calculated during time entry.

Burden-1 Double

Enter the rate of billing for double time.

Burden-1 Holiday

Enter the rate of billing for holiday time.

Burden-1 Regular

Enter the rate of billing for regular overtime.

Burden-1 Triple

Enter the rate of billing for triple time.

Competency Code

Enter a code that specifies a competency within a competency type. For example, a competency for the competency type Skill might be C programming or Driving a forklift.

Competency Type

Enter a code that identifies a competency table or category for which you can track employee competencies. Values are:

01: Training

02: Skill

03: Accomplishment

04: Certification

05: Degree

06: Language

It is a defined code (05/CY), but the values are hard coded and cannot be changed. Therefore, each of the competencies that you track must pertain to one of these competency types. Adding additional values to this list requires system customizations.

Country Code

Enter a defined code (00/CN) that indicates the country in which the employee resides.

Double Overtime

Enter the rate of pay for double overtime.

Ethnic Code

Enter a defined code (07/M) that designates minority classifications according to U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and Canadian Employment Equity Occupational Group (EEOG) standards. The predefined codes that JD Edwards EnterpriseOne provides are hard coded. The system uses these codes to generate EEO reports and to compile Canadian Employment Equity information. Do not change these predefined codes. You can add codes, if necessary.


Values are:

M: Male

F: Female

Grade Step

Enter a code that identifies a pay grade and pay step. You can use this code to determine an employee pay rate.

If you set up the system to use rates in the Pay Grade Step table as the default pay rates for employees, changing an employee pay grade step causes the system to automatically update these fields:

  • Salary

  • Hourly Rate

  • Hours per day

  • Hours per year

  • Days per year


Enter the number of employees requested, budgeted, or approved for a position or requisition.

Holiday Pay

Enter the rate of pay for holiday overtime.

Home Business Unit

Enter the number of the business unit in which the employee generally resides.

Hourly Rate

Enter the employee hourly rate, which is retrieved during time entry. If you enter a rate in this field on any other form, that rate can override the value in the Employee Master table.

In the Employee Master table, this number is the employee base hourly rate.

In the Union Rates table, it is the straight time rate.

Note: If you change the number of the data display decimal digits for this field, you must also change fields Rate - Base Hourly (BHRT) and Rate - Hourly (SHRT) so that they have exactly the same number of data display decimal digits.

Job Competency Code

Enter a code that uniquely identifies each job competency. Competencies are high level human attributes that help an employee achieve the goals and objectives of the company. These competencies are also the foundation of an employee job and job description.

Job Type

You associate pay and benefit information with a job type when you define jobs on the Job Entry and Evaluation program (P08001). The system provides certain pay and benefit information that you associate with a job type in the Employee Entry forms when you are adding a new employee to the database.

Job Step

Enter a defined code (07/GS) that designates a specific level within a particular job type. The system uses this code in conjunction with job type to determine pay rates by job in the Pay Rates table.

Labor Dist. Method (labor distribution method)

Enter the method that controls whether the labor costs include a flat burden for payroll taxes and benefits. Values are:

0: The flat burden factor is always 1.0000, so the resulting amount for the flat burden is zero.

1: The flat burden factor is always greater than 1.0000, so the labor costs include a flat burden.

Labor Dist. Multiplier (labor distribution multiplier)

Enter a multiplier to load direct labor costs with burden. For example, a factor of 1.32 would load every dollar of labor cost with 32 cents worth of burden.


Enter a defined code (07/SL) that defines the different salary localities within an organization. For example, you can compare salaries for employees on the East Coast with employees in the Midwest.

Organizational Business Unit

Enter a business unit that is included in the organizational structure for job competencies. You use organizational business units to assign job competency information to levels within the organizational structure. This business unit is independent of an employee home business unit and security business unit.

Pay Grade

Enter a code that designates a category for grouping employees according to pay ranges. For each pay grade, you enter a pay range that includes a minimum, a midpoint, and a maximum pay rate. The system uses these pay ranges to calculate compa-ratios for the employees that you assign to pay grades. After you enter a pay grade for an employee, the system displays either an error or a warning message if you enter a rate for the employee that is not within the pay range for the employee pay grade.

To set up pay grades, use Pay Grades by Class (P082001).

If you set up the system to use rates in the Pay Grade Step table as the default pay rates for employees, changing an employee pay grade step causes the system to automatically update these fields:

  • Salary

  • Hourly Rate

  • Hours per day

  • Hours per year

  • Days per year

Piecework Rate

Enter the rate paid for the type of component (piece) produced. If you enter a rate in this field, this rate overrides the rate in the Employee Master file.

Position ID (Position Identification)

Enter a code that you use for budgetary (position) control purposes. The position ID consists of:

  • Position (position code and its description).

  • Fiscal year.

  • Home business unit.

    For example, you can identify position A0-1 as Accounting Manager for fiscal year 2007-2008, for home business unit 41.

    You might decide to set up positions so that the position IDs are the same as the corresponding job IDs. Within a home business unit, positions appear in the alphanumeric sequence of their position IDs. For example, position A0-1 appears before position A0-2.

Rchg Burden Rate (recharge burden rate)

Enter an hourly rate that the system uses when charging burden associated with the actual billing (recharge) amounts.

Regular Overtime

Enter the rate of pay for regular overtime.

Step Rate

Enter a value that specifies the pay rate that is assigned to a pay grade and step. In certain programs, such as the Pay Grade Step Table program (P082003), you can also use a rate multiplier in combination with this value so that the system automatically calculates the pay rate. For example, you can enter a percentage value that the system uses to increase a pay rate.

Security Business Unit

Enter an alphanumeric code that identifies a separate entity within a business for which you want to track costs. For example, a business unit might be a warehouse location, job, project, work center, branch, or plant.

You can assign a business unit to a document, entity, or person for purposes of responsibility reporting. For example, the system provides reports of open accounts payable and accounts receivable by business unit to track equipment by responsible department.

Business unit security might prevent you from viewing information about business units for which you have no authority.

Triple Overtime

Enter the rate of pay for triple time.

Union Code

Enter a defined code (06/UN) that represents the union or plan in which the employee or group of employees work or participate.

Wrk Comp Code (workers compensation code)

Enter a defined code (00/W) that represents a workers compensation insurance (WCI) code. This code should correspond to the classifications on the periodic workers compensation insurance reports.

Wrk Comp SubClass (workers compensation subclass)

Enter a code that specifies any special circumstances associated with the workers compensation insurance (WCI) code, resulting in multiple rates for the same WCI code due to location or risk, for example. The subclass should remain blank if multiple rates do not exist. Default codes are:

Blank: There are no special circumstances associated with this code.

F: There are special circumstances associated with this code.