3 Integrating JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management with Oracle Transportation Management

This chapter contains the following topics:

3.1 Understanding Integrating JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management with Oracle Transportation Management

The Oracle Transportation Management system delivers robust transportation planning and execution capabilities for manufacturers, retailers, distributors, and third-party logistics providers. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system communicates with the Oracle Transportation Management through these integration points:

Integration Point Description
Sales Freight Request
  1. You enter and update the sales orders.
  2. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system extracts the data and places it in an XML request file and sends it to Oracle Transportation Management.

  3. The Oracle Transportation Management system creates shipments and plans loads.

Sales Transportation Arranged
  1. After creating shipments and planning loads, the Oracle Transportation Management system extracts the data and places it in XML-formatted data and sends it to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system.
  2. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system parses the XML formatted data, stages the data and imports the Oracle Transportation Management shipment ID, dates, carriers, and modes of transport. Additionally, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system assigns a shipment number.

Sales Order Confirmation
  1. You confirm the sales order in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system.
  2. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system extracts the confirmed sales order data, creates an updated XML release and shipment file, and sends the information to the Oracle Transportation Management system for transportation confirmation.

Sales Transportation Confirmation
  1. The Oracle Transportation Management system re-rates shipments based upon the updated shipment and release information.
  2. The Oracle Transportation Management system extracts the re-rated data, places it in XML-formatted data, and sends this information to the JD Edwards Sales Order Management system.

  3. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system parses the XML formatted data, stages the data, imports the billable freight charges and latest promised delivery date, and updates the sales order status.

3.1.1 Sales Integration Process Flow

This diagram illustrates the sales integration process flow:

Figure 3-1 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Integration to Oracle Transportation Management (1 of 2)

Description of Figure 3-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 3-1 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Integration to Oracle Transportation Management (1 of 2)''

Figure 3-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Integration to Oracle Transportation Management (2 of 2)

Description of Figure 3-2 follows
Description of ''Figure 3-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Integration to Oracle Transportation Management (2 of 2)''

3.1.2 Oracle Transportation Management Eligibility and Filter Criteria

This section discusses eligibility and filter criteria for:

  • Sales order types.

  • Sales order lines.

  • Document type and line type combinations.

  • Items. Sales Order Types

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne sales order types that are eligible for processing with Oracle Transportation Management include:

  • Sales orders.

  • Credit orders.

  • Direct ship orders.

  • Transfer orders.

  • Intercompany orders.

  • Interbranch orders.

  • Manually sequenced orders.


For direct ship orders and transfer orders, it is a good practice to include only one order type in UDC table 49/TP. For example, enter sales transfer order type or procurement direct ship order type but not both. If you include both order types you get two freight requests and two shipments for the same transportation movement of goods.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne sales order types that are ineligible for processing with Oracle Transportation Management include:

  • Blanket orders.

  • Store and forward orders.

  • Recurring template orders.

  • Held orders.

  • Orders that originate from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Demand Scheduling Execution. Sales Order Lines

You determine JD Edwards EnterpriseOne sales order lines as eligible for processing within Oracle Transportation Management by entering the document type and line type combination into the user-defined code (UDC) table 49/TP.

The sales order lines that are eligible for processing within Oracle Transportation Management include:

  • New order lines on sales orders without processed freight-request order lines.

  • New order lines on sales orders with processed freight-request order lines.

  • Updated transportation-critical fields order lines

  • Backordered order lines that Oracle Transportation Management received before the order lines were backordered.

  • Canceled order lines that Oracle Transportation Management received before cancellation.

  • Held order lines that Oracle Transportation Management received before the order lines were placed on hold.

  • Orders in which the order-line requested dates fall within a specified date and time period as designated by the Sales Freight Request processing options.

The sales order lines that are ineligible for processing within Oracle Transportation Management include:

  • Held order lines.

  • Backordered order lines.

  • Canceled order lines.


When orders lines are placed on hold, backordered, or canceled after freight request, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system flags the canceled, backordered, or held order lines. At freight request, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system notifies the Oracle Transportation Management system to delete the corresponding order release line. Items

Stock items, non stock items, and kit items are eligible for processing within Oracle Transportation Management. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system sends kit items to Oracle Transportation Management as parent items. Regarding configured items, the system sends the parent item to Oracle Transportation Management.

Bulk items are ineligible for processing within Oracle Transportation Management.

3.2 Sales Freight Request

This section provides an overview of Sales Freight Request and discusses:

  • Sales Freight Request prerequisites.

  • Sales Freight Request assumptions.

  • Sales Freight Request process flow.

  • Sales Freight Request data processing.

  • Running the Sales Freight Request Export program.

  • Setting processing options for Sales Freight Request Export (R49T10).

3.2.1 Understanding Sales Freight Request

The Sales Freight Request process enables the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system to extract eligible sales order lines and place them in a new freight request staging table, enabling XML request for transportation planning to Oracle Transportation Management. This occurs after sales orders have been added, updated, or canceled manually (or using EDI) within the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system when you run the Sales Freight Request Export (R49T10) program on a scheduler or standalone.

3.2.2 Prerequisites

These prerequisites apply for Sales Freight Request. You must:

  1. Set up the parent address book data for all customers that the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system sends to Oracle Transportation Management.

  2. Ensure that calendars in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system are set up such that they mirror the calendar setup in the Oracle Transportation Management system. This setup is based on the ship to and ship from combinations.


    This is optional and only required if the Oracle Transportation Management calendaring system is preferred.

  3. Set up the base weight and volume unit of measure conversions for all items.

  4. Define the sales order document type and line type combinations in UDC table 49/TP.

3.2.3 Sales Freight Request Assumptions

These assumptions apply to the function of Sales Freight Request:

  1. Items are transmitted within the Freight Request integration point at the transaction level.

  2. Since item information is transmitted at the transaction level, you must set up the options and equipment parameters within the Oracle Transportation Management system. After the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system transmits the freight request transmission, you can apply any options and equipment rules from within the Oracle Transportation Management system.

  3. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system does not extract services or non-stock line type items that do not have weight or volume associated with the transaction. Thus, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system bypasses the sales order line during Freight Request and does not select it for extraction. However, if a weight and volume is associated with the transaction, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system extracts the non-stock or service item.

  4. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system transmits the short item number concatenated with the transactional unit of measure and branch/plant to represent the Oracle Transportation Management object packaged_item

  5. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system extracts the sales order override address upon entry of the sales order and update of transportation critical values at sales order update. However, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system does not detect updates to the override address unless accompanied by a simultaneous change in a transportation critical field. Accordingly, you should complete isolated changes to the override address information in the Oracle Transportation Management system.

  6. Order quantities can be expressed in fractional numbers in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system; whereas in the Oracle Transportation Management system, order quantities are always expressed as whole numbers. Therefore, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system extracts order quantities into the packaged item count as a round up whole number at the time the Freight Request Order Release XML is built.

  7. Warehouse pick requests are prevented during sales order entry.

  8. Configured and kit items are processed as discrete (parent) end items. The kit parent item weight and volume are calculated by accumulating the weight and volume of all shippable components.

  9. If a sales order is created with foreign currency, the staged amount contains unconverted decimals. The XML builder converts the decimals.

  10. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system transmits the extended price on the sales order line to the Oracle Transportation Management system by data mapping to the Declared Value element in the Oracle Transportation Management system.

3.2.4 Sales Freight Request Process Flow

The following diagram depicts the process flow for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne to Oracle Transportation Management Sales Freight Request integration point:

Figure 3-3 Sales Freight Request Process Flow

Description of Figure 3-3 follows
Description of ''Figure 3-3 Sales Freight Request Process Flow''

The process is threefold:

  1. The system filters sales order header and detail data. This includes sales order document types, line types, item types, date and time, and a new integration state indicating the state of the order line within the integration process.

  2. Data processing. This includes the retrieval of required data to be mapped to Oracle Transportation Management data, evaluation of customer sets to determine ship-to, override address consideration, date/time evaluation, shipping unit of measure processing, and credit order processing.

  3. The system updates order release, item, and location information to three staging tables: the Order Release Staging table (F49T10), the Item Staging table (F49T11), and the Order Release Locations Staging table (F49T50). The system also updates each sales order line successfully staged for transmittal to the Oracle Transportation Management system to a state flag value of FR in the Sales Order Detail Secondary Tag table (F49T211). After writing all records to the staging tables, the system creates the Oracle Transportation Management item and order release XML files to be placed on the configured file system. After successfully creating the XML files, the system deletes the records from all the staging tables for the processed Oracle Transportation Management shipments. The HTTP Post Java program, which runs on the native operating system scheduler, picks up the XML files and sends them to the Oracle Transportation Management system.

3.2.5 Sales Freight Request Data Processing

This section discusses data mapping clarifications and data processing: Data Mapping Clarifications

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system transmits data to Oracle Transportation Management at the transactional level, which is freight request execution. This data is not provided as initial master data and includes:

Data Description
Item Master Data Oracle Transportation Management receives item, packaged item and description.
Address Book Data The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system overrides address book information based upon the override order address information (F4006) or address book effective date (F0116) and sends it to Oracle Transportation Management. The system determines the ship-to address book based on customer sets and sends it to Oracle Transportation Management.
Carrier Data Carrier setup is required in the Address Book Master. Oracle Transportation Management determines the SCAC code and sends this information back to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system during transportation arranged. Data Processing

Data processing occurs in these functional areas:

Functional Area Comments
Origin (ship from) Address Book Determination The origin (ship from) address book number is derived from the sales order detail business unit (MCU) value.
Customer Sets Sales order customer sets are processed in such a way that the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system sends either the ship-to or deliver-to address book number designated as the ship-to per customer setup for the sold-to ship-to combination on the sales order.
Override Addresses If the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system has designated an override ship-to or deliver-to address in the Order Address Information table (F4006), then the system sends the override address information to the Oracle Transportation Management system. The system also takes the valid address book information from the Address by Date table (F0116) and stages it for transport to the Oracle Transportation Management system.
Bypassing Order Lines The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system performs bypass processing of order lines with line types that are not eligible to process using the Oracle Transportation Management system or are defined as text. Accordingly, the system does not assign a shipment number to the order line. However, consideration is required for these order lines at a sales order confirmation such that the order line is assigned a shipment number facilitating its relationship to the other lines on the order.
Date and Time To qualify for processing, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne request date on the sales order line must fall within a specified Oracle Transportation Management date and time window that is designated in the Sales Freight Request processing options. The sales order line also qualifies for processing if the request date is changed to a date and time that falls outside the parameters of the Oracle Transportation Management date and time window and the Oracle Transportation Management system state flag indicates a previously freight-request processed order line.
Shipping Information The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system assumes standard unit of measure conversions for volume and weight on each order line. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system sends this information to the Oracle Transportation Management system. If extended weight and volume are missing, the system bypasses processing the record and send an error message to the work center. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system concatenates the item with the transaction unit of measure and branch/plant to enable a package item designation in Oracle Transportation Management and sends this information to Oracle Transportation Management.
Currency Code Oracle Transportation Management calculates billable freight charges based on the carrier's currency code, and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne calculates currency code conversions when necessary from the carrier currency code to the customer's transactional currency code for the billable freight returned at the Transportation Confirmation integration point.
Order Release and Ship Units At the initial freight request extraction of a sales order line, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system creates an Oracle Transportation Management order release ID and order release line ID by concatenating the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne sales order key and sales order line key respectively. The system stores the order release ID and order release line ID in the Sales Order Detail Secondary Tag Table (F49T211). The system also assigns the order release line ID value to the Oracle Transportation Management ship unit and stores its value in the tag table. A JD Edwards EnterpriseOne sales order may contain one or more order releases and each order release has unique transportation critical field values. Also, each new order release assigned within the sales order is created with the concatenation of a next number to the sales order key.
Credit Order Credit order quantities are reversed upon extraction and consolidation.
Report Output/Error Each system, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and Oracle Transportation Management, is the source by which to review errors generated from each system. Errors from the respective systems are not sent to or received by the other system. If the Oracle Transportation Management transmission report reflects that the data received from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne could not be processed, you must make corrections in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system and resubmit the data.

The sales order lines are not extracted when errors are detected during processing. The freight request process ensures that Oracle Transportation Management-required values are supplied. The system sends an error message to the work center if any values are missing. Upon failure of the freight request process, the system publishes a work center message that identifies the order line key from which the error originated along with the errors responsible for the failure. This report displays:

  • Keys of the failed lines.

  • A count of successfully processed lines.

  • The message (0) records processed if none of the selected lines were eligible for processing.

  • The message No Data Selected if the data selection fails.

3.2.6 Running the Sales Freight Request Export Program

Select Sales Order Processing (G49T11), Freight Request.

3.2.7 Setting Processing Options for Sales Freight Request Export (R49T10)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Process

1. Transportation Planning Date Range Factor

Indicate the number of days the that system looks forward from the date of sales freight request execution. The system uses this number to determine the latest requested date that the system exports.

2. Freight Request XML Directory Path

Indicate the path to the location where the release XML document is stored when the system executes Sales Freight Request.

3. Generate XML files

Specify whether to generate XML documents. Values are:

Blank: Do not generate XML files.

1: Generate XML files. Domains

1. Transportation Planning Domain

Designate the domain in which transportation planning is planned.


A domain is a unique name that typically identifies a company. The purpose of a domain is to allow you to keep company data separate and secure from other company data in a shared, web-based environment.

2. Location Domain

Designate the domain in which transportation planning locations are stored.

3. Item Domain

Designate the domain in which items are stored.

3.3 Sales Transportation Arranged

This section provides an overview of Sales Transportation Arranged and discusses:

  • Sales Transportation Arranged assumptions.

  • Sales Transportation Arranged process flow.

  • Sales Transportation Arranged data processing.

3.3.1 Understanding Sales Transportation Arranged

Sales transportation arranged is an inbound process wherein the Oracle Transportation Management system returns transportation arranged data to staging tables within the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system. The Sales Transportation Arranged Import program (R49T20) extracts the data from the staging tables and updates the corresponding sales order lines within JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management.

3.3.2 Sales Transportation Arranged Assumptions

These assumptions apply to the function of Sales Transportation Arranged:

  1. Sales order entry time zones are based on the assumption that the sales order promised shipment date and time are associated with the origin location's time zone, and the requested and promised delivery date and time are associated with the customer's ship to location.

  2. Order changes are made within JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management and any changes originating in Oracle Transportation Management may create data integrity issues.

  3. The freight handling code is required in the sales order header for billable freight-charge availability work center processing.

  4. The Oracle Transportation Management system generates the interim and final delivery date.

  5. Oracle Transportation Management shipment planning calculations are based on weight and volume. For non-decimal and non-split decimal quantities, if the imported Oracle Transportation Management weight or volume associated to a sales order line is not equivalent to the actual JD Edwards EnterpriseOne sales order line's extended weight or volume within a tolerance of one transactional weight or volume unit then the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system bypasses the transmitted shipment and flags all staged records for the current transmission, shipment, or domain as erred in the staging table. For split decimal quantities, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system validates that the Oracle Transportation Management planned shipment weight or volume is within one transactional unit (for example, each, box, case) of the actual weight or volume of the associated EnterpriseOne sales order line. If not, the same error processing above for non-decimal and non-split decimal quantity discrepancies occurs. The user must manually replan the shipment to prevent the weight or volume discrepancy within the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system and send the Transportation Arrangement message from Oracle Transportation Management to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne again.

  6. If you cancel an entire order release within the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system and it is the only order release which exists on the Oracle Transportation Management shipment after transportation arranged, the Oracle Transportation Management system releases the shipment tender and deletes the shipment through the ORDER-RELEASE DELETE agent in the Oracle Transportation Management system.

3.3.3 Sales Transportation Arranged Process Flow

The following diagram depicts the process flow for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne to Oracle Transportation Management Sales Transportation Arranged integration point:

Figure 3-4 Sales Transportation Arranged Process Flow

Description of Figure 3-4 follows
Description of ''Figure 3-4 Sales Transportation Arranged Process Flow''

3.3.4 Sales Transportation Arranged Data Processing

Upon execution, the Sales Transportation Arranged Import (R49T20) program runs within a scheduler or standalone system and uses the Oracle Transportation Management shipment ID parsed into the staging table to determine whether the JD Edwards Enterprise One sales order detail record has received arranged transportation data from Oracle Transportation Management. Each staging record is processed in the following way: Split Order Lines

In some instances, Oracle Transportation Management may split the order line over multiple shipments. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system compares the extracted quantity-shipped value to the sales order line shipped quantity. A discrepancy indicates that the Oracle Transportation Management system split the order line. As a result, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system splits the order line and updates shipment information.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system evaluates the order release and ship unit value of an extracted staging record that has a quantity discrepancy to determine the order to which the split shipment applies. The system splits order lines until the entire order line quantity has been reached. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system creates split lines with the Oracle Transportation Management state flag set to value FR to prevent a sales freight requests for the new split lines. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system does not notify Oracle Transportation Management about the split lines. The system maintains the order release line ID across split sales order lines.

Whenever a net change of transportation-critical fields occurs on the original or any of the split lines, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system retransmits the aggregation of the original and split line quantities, weight, and volume to Oracle Transportation Management for subsequent modification of the previously arranged transportation. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management reevaluates the updated arranged transportation shipment information to update the original and any related split order lines. Oracle Transportation Management Shipment ID Storage

The first-leg Oracle Transportation Management shipment ID and ship unit ID are stored in the Sales Order Detail File - Secondary Tag table (F49T211). JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shipment Number Derivation

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne shipment number for a sales order line that has been placed on an Oracle Transportation Management planned shipment is derived by using a unique next number. All sales order lines with the same Oracle Transportation Management shipment ID, origin, and destination are assigned to the same JD Edwards EnterpriseOne shipment number in the Sales Order Detail table (F4211). Time Zones and Shipment Date/Time Evaluation

Date and time fields within the Sales Order Entry application (P4210) are not universal date and time fields. Instead, the time zone is implied based on the location associated with the date. Hence, the Oracle Transportation Management system:

  • Calculates the promised shipment date and time based on the time zone of the origin location, which is determined by the detail branch plant.

  • Calculates the promised delivery date based on the time zone of the customer's ship to location. The promised delivery date is subsequently transmitted from Oracle Transportation Management and staged in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne as Oracle Transportation Management plans shipments. Estimated Billable Freight Charges

Oracle Transportation Management sell-side shipment configuration is required for billable freight charges. You must have access to Oracle Transportation Management to inquire on estimated billable freight charges. The Sales Transportation Arranged Import program detects billable freight charges from a sell-side shipment. If the freight handling/special handling code of the sales order indicates billable freight and no sell-side billable freight charge exists, the Sales Transportation Arranged Import program sends a corresponding warning to the work center. Sales Order Line Update

For all sales order lines that are received from Oracle Transportation Management, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system updates these fields:

  • Shipment Number.

  • Scheduled Pick Date.

  • Scheduled Pick Time.

  • Promised Ship Date.

  • Promised Ship Time.

  • Promised Delivery Date.

  • Promised Delivery Time.

  • Carrier.

  • Mode of Transport.

The system updates carrier and mode of transportation to generate an advanced ship notice (ASN). The system also imports the SCAC and the imported shipment's equipment ID for subsequent use during the Sales Order Confirmation integration point. Net Change Processing

Order-centric data changes within the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system result in propagation of the data changes to the associated shipments and the system receives subsequent shipment messages from Oracle Transportation Management. The Sales Transportation Arranged Import program detects order quantity changes that originate in Oracle Transportation Management. As a result, the system prevents updates to sales orders and issues an error message to the work center for the sales order line, indicating a change in quantity from Oracle Transportation Management on the incoming transportation plan.

Oracle Transportation Management notifies JD Edwards EnterpriseOne of any shipments that have been deleted from Oracle Transportation Management. The Sales Transportation Arranged Import program deletes the Oracle Transportation Management shipment ID and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne shipment number on all order lines that are associated with the deleted shipment. It then resets the Oracle Transportation Management state flag to FR (freight request) to indicate that order lines have not received a transportation arrangement. Similarly, if an order release is unassigned from a shipment, Oracle Transportation Management communicates the change to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and stages the information for transportation arrangement processing. The results of route-centric data changes in Oracle Transportation Management are unassigned order releases and deleted shipments. Report Output and Error Processing

These points apply to report output and error processing:

  • If any errors are detected within the processing described previously, the system does not update the sales order line. If the system does not update a sales order line based on data integrity processing, it sends an error message to the work center. Additionally, the report output displays keys of the failed lines.

  • The system publishes a work center message with the errors that are responsible for the failure that occurs during the transportation-arranged process.

  • The report output displays the count of successfully processed lines. If none of the selected lines were eligible for processing, the report output displays the message (0) records processed.

  • If the data selection fails, the report output displays the message No Data Selected.

3.3.5 Running the Sales Transportation Arranged Program

Select Sales Order Processing (G49T11), Transportation Arranged.

3.3.6 Setting Processing Options for Sales Transportation Arranged (R49T20)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports Warehouse

1. Request Processing Mode

Specify whether the system creates a pick request in the Warehouse Management system. If you use Warehouse Management, the system generates a pick request and processes the request through the subsystem. The system uses a pick request to process a suggestion to pick the inventory for an order from a particular location. Values are:

Blank: The system does not generate pick requests.

1: The system generates requests only.

2: The system generates requests and creates the pick request through the subsystem

2. Subsystem Process Pick Request Version

Specify whether the system generates warehouse management pick requests through the subsystem. You must specify which version of Process Pick Request (R46171) that is set up for subsystem processing. A blank value indicates that the system uses version XJDE0007.

3. Warehouse Override Next Status

Enter the override next status from UDC 40/AT. The system uses the override next status for the sales order detail lines for which requests are generated.

4. Preference Processing Version

Determine which version of the Preference Profiles program (P42520) the system uses to process orders based on preferences that are activated on the Preference Selection form. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

3.4 Sales Order Confirmation

This section provides and overview of Sales Order Confirmation and discusses:

  • Sales order confirmation assumptions.

  • Sales order confirmation process flow.

  • Sales order confirmation data processing.

  • Running the Sales Order Confirmation Export program.

  • Setting processing options for Sales Confirmation Export (R49T30).

3.4.1 Understanding Sales Order Confirmation

Sales Order Confirmation is an outbound process within the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system. The Sales Order Confirmation process enables the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system to send updated order and actual shipment information to Oracle Transportation Management; enabling a Release and an Actual Shipment XML transmissions to Oracle Transportation Management. This occurs when sales orders have been confirmed interactively or in batch within the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system.

3.4.2 Sales Order Confirmation Assumptions

These assumptions apply to the Sales Order Confirmation integration point:

  1. If the Ship Confirm (P4205) program processing option is set to not relieve inventory, the system functions to execute pack confirm and the Oracle Transportation Management state flag does not update to SC (ship confirm). The status remains at TA (transportation arranged). Upon quantity change to the order line when the Ship Confirm program is executed, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system does not transmit the quantity difference to the Oracle Transportation Management system. Thus the quantity within JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and Oracle differs between the execution of pack confirmation and ship confirmation. The Oracle Transportation Management system is updated with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne quantity at the time of sales order confirmation.

    If the Ship Confirm program processing option is set to relieve inventory, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system executes ship confirm and the Oracle Transportation Management state flag updates to reflect the sales order confirmation (SC) state at the time of sales order confirmation.


    The Inventory Relief flag processing option is located on the Process tab of the Ship Confirm program.

  2. The system bypasses the subsystem auto-launch of the Print Invoice program at shipment confirmation or an additional invoice is required for billable freight charges that are not determined until the next integration point transaction of Sales Transportation Confirmation.

  3. The Ship Confirm processing option that overrides line types is disabled. This prevents anyone from overriding sales order lines that are set up for interface to the Oracle Transportation Management system.

  4. The system holds the staging table records representing the confirmed order lines and actual shipments until all of the order lines that are associated with all pickup stops within an Oracle Transportation Management shipment have been confirmed. At this point the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system transmits the staging table records to Oracle Transportation Management as an actual shipment message and request for transportation confirmation.

  5. For transportation document reference, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system transmits the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne shipment number to the Oracle Transportation Management system at sales order confirmation.

  6. Dual Unit of Measure:

    • For dual unit of measure items with the DPPO flag turned on and you ship confirm by a secondary quantity that is less than the primary quantity, you must cancel the remaining secondary quantity to transmit it to the Oracle Transportation Management system.

    • For dual unit of measure items with the DPPO flag turned on, the actual weight may not be equal to the weight transmitted to the Oracle Transportation Management system during shipment confirmation.

  7. Kit Items:

    • The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system transmits the kit parent information only to the Oracle Transportation Management system.

    • The only association between the kit component lines and the Oracle Transportation Management shipment is through the kit parent.

    • The Sales Order Confirmation integration point calculates the weight and volume of the kit parent by accumulating the weight and volume of all shipped components.

  8. For kits a kit parent item has passed through Freight Request, Transportation Arranged, and shipped entirely at Ship Confirmation. The Sales Order Ship Confirmation integration point confirms the parent kit item and not each component line. The Oracle Transportation Management system only updates the parent item as being shipped.

  9. For kits, when line splits occur due to serialized items or multiple shipping locations, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system does not disassociate the kit parent and its components. The system accumulates the weight and volume of the components to calculate the weight of the kit parent.

  10. During sales order confirmation components may become orphan from the kit parent.

3.4.3 Sales Order Confirmation Process Flow

The following diagram depicts the process flow for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne to Oracle Transportation Management Sales Order Confirmation integration point:

Figure 3-5 Sales Order Confirm

Description of Figure 3-5 follows
Description of ''Figure 3-5 Sales Order Confirm''

The sales confirmation process includes three steps:

  1. The Shipment Confirmation (P4205) and Inbound Transaction Processor (R47500) programs update the Sales Order Line Detail table (F4211) with the new order status and the Sales Order Detail File - Secondary Tag table (F49T211) with the OTM State Flag equal to SC, indicating that the sales order line record is eligible for extraction by the Sales Order Confirmation Export (R49T30) program. The interactive Sales Order Confirmation application also enables you to populate OTM Seal Numbers (P49T380).

  2. The Sales Order Confirmation Export program:

    • Determines whether all of the order lines in the Sales Order Line Tag table (F49T211) for the shipment are confirmed (State Flag = SC), which makes them eligible for extraction.

    • Extracts all sales order-lines for the shipment. This process includes inserting sales order lines shipment information to the Sales Order Confirmation Staging table (F49T30), updating order release information into the Order Release Staging table (F49T10), and updating locations information to the Order Release Locations Staging table (F49T50). The system then marks all processed records in the Sales Order Line Tag table (F49T211) as ship confirmed (State Flag = SC and SO Confirm Flag = C).

    • After writing all records to the staging tables, creates the XML files in the file structure defined in the processing option. The sales order confirmation XML files contain order release and actual shipment information.

    • After successfully creating the XML files, deletes the records from all the staging tables for the processed The staging tables are Order Release Staging (F49T10), Sales Order Confirmation Staging (F49T30), and Order Release Locations Staging (F49T50).

  3. The HTTP Post Java program, which runs on the native operating system scheduler, picks up the XML files and sends them to the Oracle Transportation Management system.

3.4.4 Sales Order Confirmation Data Processing

The Sales Order Confirmation integration point is an outbound process whereby the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system sends actual shipment data for sales order lines to Oracle Transportation Management. You use the Sales Order Confirmation Export program (R49T30) to extract transportation data for the confirmed sales order lines and place them in staging tables for transmission to Oracle Transportation Management. Last Sales Order Line Confirmation

The Sales Order Confirmation Export program determines whether all of the sales order lines of the pickup stops on an Oracle Transportation Management shipment have been confirmed, back ordered, or canceled. The program then initiates the following processes for an Oracle Transportation Management shipment:

  1. Order line data extraction:

    1. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system extracts and stages confirmed order lines, including any changed quantities, for transmission to Oracle Transportation Management.

    2. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system extracts and stages unshipped back ordered or canceled order lines for transmission to Oracle Transportation Management. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne shipment number, Oracle Transportation Management shipment ID, and state flag related to any entire order lines left back ordered or canceled are cleared to enable subsequent Freight Request of the unshipped back ordered order lines.

    3. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne shipment number that is associated with an order line and derived at Transportation Arranged is extracted and mapped to the corresponding Oracle Transportation Management order release for transmittal to Oracle Transportation Management for Oracle Transportation Management customer-facing reports to include the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shipment Number.

      See Sales Order Confirmation Assumptions.

    4. To enable Oracle Transportation Management reports to include the customer purchase order, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system extracts and maps the customer purchase order that is associated with an order line to the corresponding Oracle Transportation Management order release for transmittal as a reference value qualified as "CUST_PO".

      See Sales Order Confirmation Assumptions.

  2. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system extracts and stages actual shipment volume and weight for transmission to the Oracle Transportation Management system. The actual shipment weight and volume is calculated from the Sales Order Detail table (F4211).

  3. When the preceding processing finishes successfully, the system updates the Sales Order Detail Secondary Tag table sales order confirmation flag to C.

  4. The system advances the order to the next status based on the Next Order Status value that is specified in the processing option. Report Output and Error Processing

These points apply to report output and error processing:

  • If the system detects any errors within the preceding processing, it sends an error message to the work center and does not extract the sales order line.

  • Upon failure of the Sales Order Confirmation process, the system publishes a work center message that identifies the order line key from which the error originated and lists the errors that are responsible for the failure.

  • The system displays the order line key of the failed lines on the report output.

  • The system displays a count of successfully processed lines on the report.

3.4.5 Running the Sales Order Confirmation Export Program

Select Sales Order Processing (G49T11), SO Confirmation.


Prior to running the Sale Order Confirmation Export program, ensure that you have confirmed sales orders by using the Shipment Confirmation (P4205) program.

3.4.6 Setting Processing Options for Sales Confirmation Export (R49T30)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports Process

1. Sales Order Confirmation XML Directory Path

Indicate the path of the location to which the Sales Order Confirmation XML is stored.

2. Generate XML Files

Determine whether the system generates XML documents. Values are:

Blank: Do not generate XML files.

1: Generate XML files.

3.5 Sales Transportation Confirmation

This section provides an overview of Sales Transportation Confirmation and discusses:

  1. Sales Transportation Confirmation process flow.

  2. Sales Transportation Confirmation assumptions.

  3. Running the Transportation Confirmation Import program.

  4. Setting processing options for Transportation Confirmation Import (R49T40).

3.5.1 Understanding Sales Transportation Confirmation

The Sales Transportation Confirmation integration point is an inbound process wherein actual freight cost data, which has been returned from Oracle Transportation Management and staged in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, is updated to the sales order and to general ledger records for which sales order confirmation has been previously sent. The Transportation Confirmation Import (R49T40) program:

  1. Enables the extraction of the Oracle Transportation Management-transported data, which is stored in new staging tables.

  2. Imports the latest delivery date to corresponding order lines.

  3. Evaluates and creates a billable freight sales order line for each order release and sell-side shipment freight charge with currency code conversion from the carrier currency code to the sales order transaction currency code if applicable.

  4. Updates, per processing option setup, all sales order line next statuses associated to the imported order release freight charges.

3.5.2 Sales Transportation Confirmation Assumptions

These assumptions apply to the Sales Transportation Confirmation integration point:

  1. Users must set up sell-side shipments in the Oracle Transportation Management system to transmit billable freight charges back into the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system.

  2. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system consolidates freight charges (base, accessorial, and miscellaneous) per order release. Allocated charges, both billable and payable, are stored in and accessed from the Oracle Transportation Management system.

3.5.3 Sales Transportation Confirmation Process Flow

The following diagram depicts the process flow for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne to Oracle Transportation Management Sales Transportation Confirmation integration point:

Figure 3-6 Sales Transportation Confirmation Process Flow

Description of Figure 3-6 follows
Description of ''Figure 3-6 Sales Transportation Confirmation Process Flow''

The Transportation Confirmation Import (R49T40) program runs on a scheduler system or standalone and upon execution imports all records associated to an Oracle Transportation Management shipment ID the staging table to determine whether the record has received confirmed transportation data from Oracle Transportation Management within a first leg buy-side shipment message. The system processes each staging record as follows:

  1. Allocates billable freight by order release. To determine allocated billable freight by order, the Transportation Confirmation Import program:

    • Imports the staged billable charge and currency codes by order release ID and sell-side shipment ID.

    • Converts currency codes to the sales orders's transactional currency code.

    • Creates a new freight line within each sales order on an Oracle Transportation Management shipment for the actual allocated freight charge allocated by order release ID.

  2. Updates the promised delivery date and promised delivery time

  3. Updates all sales order lines next statuses for which billable freight costs have been imported.

3.5.4 Running the Transportation Confirmation Import Program

Select Sales Order Processing (G49T11), Transportation Confirmation.

3.5.5 Setting Processing Options for Transportation Confirmation Import (R49T40)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports Process

1. Added Freight Line - Line Type for billable freight Sales Order line

Identify the line type for the addition of the sales order freight line.

2. Added Freight Line Next Status

Enter the override next status for freight lines added to sales orders during the Transportation Confirmation import process. If left blank, the system uses the Order Activity Rules to determine the next status.

3. Bypass Update of Sales Order Next Status

Indicate whether the system bypasses the update of next status for those order lines associated to the order release for which freight lines have been added to the sales order during the Transportation Confirmation import process. Values are:

Blank: Update the Sales Order Next Status.

1: Bypass the update of Sales Order Next Status

4. Override Next Status for Sales Order lines on the Imported Shipment.

Enter the override the next status for those order lines associated to the order release for which freight lines have been added to the sales order during the Transportation Confirmation import process. If left blank, the system uses the Order Activity Rules to determine the value