C Rows and Columns for Guangzhou Financial Reports

This appendix contains the following topics:

C.1 Rows and Columns for the Guangzhou Balance Sheet Report

This table shows how the system prints amounts in the rows and columns on the Guangzhou Balance Sheet report:

UDC Value Row Title Line Explanation
GZ01–0010 Current Asset Title Prints this title on the report. You do not associate any accounts to this UDC value.
GZ01–0020 Cash 1 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ01–0030 Short-Term Investments 2 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ01–0040 Notes Receivable 3 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ01–0050 Dividend Receivable 4 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ01–0060 Interest Receivable 5 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ01–0070 Accounts Receivable 6 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ01–0080 Other Receivable 7 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ01–0090 Pre-payment 8 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ01–0100 Advances to Suppliers 9 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ01–0110 Refund Receivable 10 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ01–0120 Import/Export Tax Refund Receivable 11 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ01–0130 Inventories 12 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ01–0140 Include: Material 13 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC. This amount is included in line 12.
GZ01–0150 Finished Goods 14 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC. This amount is included in line 12.
GZ01–0160 Pre-Paid Expenses 15 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ01–0170 Unallocated Current Asset Gain or Loss 16 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ01–0180 Long-term Investments Collectible within One Year 17 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ01–0190 Other Current Assets 18 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ01–0200 Total Current Assets 19 Prints the sum of lines 1–18, excluding lines 13 and 14.
GZ01–0210 Long-term Investments Title Prints this title on the report. You do not associate any accounts to this UDC value.
GZ01–0220 Long-term Equity Investments 20 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ01–0230 Long-term Debt Investments 21 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ01–0240 Combination Gain/Loss 22 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ01–0250 Total Long-Term Investments 23 Prints the sum of lines 20–22.
GZ01–0260 Fixed Assets Title Prints this title on the report. You do not associate any accounts to this UDC value.
GZ01–0270 Fixed Assets Cost 24 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ01–0280 Less: Accumulated Depreciation 25 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0290 Net Fixed Assets before Provision for Depreciation 26 Prints the total of lines 24 and 25.
GZ01–0300 Less: Provision for Depreciation 27 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0310 Net Fixed Assets 28 Prints the sum of lines 26 and 27.
GZ01–0320 Construction Material 29 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ01–0330 Construction in Progress 30 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ01–0340 Disposal of Fixed Assets 31 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ01–0350 Unallocated Fixed Asset Gain/Loss 32 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ01–0360 Total Fixed Assets 33 Prints the sum of lines 28–32.
GZ01–0370 Intangible and Other Assets Title Prints this title on the report. You do not associate any accounts to this UDC value.
GZ01–0380 Intangible Assets 34 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ01–0390 Included: Land Occupancy Right 35 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC. This amount is included in line 34.
GZ01–0400 Deferred Liabilities (long-term deferred expenses) 36 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ01–0410 Including: Fix Asset Repair 37 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC. This amount is included in line 36.
GZ01–0420 Fix Asset Improvement 38 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC. This amount is included in line 36.
GZ01–0430 Other Long-term Assets 39 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ01–0440 Included: Stored Assets 40 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC. This amount is included in line 39.
GZ01–0450 Total Intangible and Other Assets 41 Prints the sum of lines 34, 36, and 39.
GZ01–0460 Blank 42 Blank
GZ01–0470 Deferred Tax Title Prints this title on the report. You do not associate any accounts to this UDC value.
GZ01–0480 Deferred Tax Charges 43 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ01–0490 Total Assets 44 Prints the sum of lines 19. 23, 33, 41, and 43.
GZ01–0500 Current Liabilities Title Prints this title on the report. You do not associate any accounts to this UDC value.
GZ01–0510 Short-term Loans 45 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0520 Notes Payable 46 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0530 Accounts Payable 47 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0540 Advances from Customer 48 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0550 Accrued Payroll 49 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0560 Accrued Benefits 50 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0570 Dividend Payable (profit) 51 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0580 Taxes Payable 52 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0590 Other Payables 53 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0600 Other Advances 54 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0610 Accrued Expenses 55 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0620 Projected Loans 56 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0630 Long-term Liabilities due within One Year 57 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0640 Other Current Liabilities 58 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0650 Total Current Liabilities 59 Prints the sum of lines 45–58 as a reversed number.
GZ01–0660 Long-term Liabilities Title Prints this title on the report. You do not associate any accounts to this UDC value.
GZ01–0670 Long-term Loans 60 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0680 Debentures Payable 61 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0690 Long-term Payable 62 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0700 Special Payable 63 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0710 Other Long-term Liabilities 64 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0720 Included: Required Reserved Fund 65 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number. This amount is included in line 64.
GZ01–0730 Total Long-term Liabilities 66 Prints the sum of lines 60– 64 as a reversed number.
GZ01–0740 Deferred Tax Payable Title Prints this title on the report. You do not associate any accounts to this UDC value.
GZ01–0750 Deferred Tax Charges 67 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0760 Total Liabilities 68 Prints the sum of lines 59, 66, and 67 as a reversed number.
GZ01–0770 Owners Equity Title Prints this title on the report. You do not associate any accounts to this UDC value.
GZ01–0780 Minority Stock Holder's Interest 69 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0790 Paid-in Capital 70 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0800 Government Investment 71 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number. This amount is included in line 70.
GZ01–0810 Local Government Investment 72 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number. This amount is included in line 70.
GZ01–0820 Corporate Investment 73 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number. This amount is included in line 70.
GZ01–0830 Including: Government Owned Corporate Investment 74 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number. This amount is included in line 73.
GZ01–0840 Local Government Owned Corporate Investment 75 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number. This amount is included in line 73.
GZ01–0850 Private Investment 76 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number. This amount is included in line 70.
GZ01–0860 Foreign Investment 77 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number. This amount is included in line 70.
GZ01–0870 Minus: Investment Returned (for join venture only) 78 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0880 Net Investments (for joint ventures only) 79 Prints the sum of lines 70 and 78 as a reversed number.
GZ01–0890 Reserved Fund 80 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0900 Retained Earnings 81 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0910 Including: Required Retained Earnings 82 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number. This amount is included on line 81.
GZ01–0920 Reserved for Public Benefits 83 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number. This amount is included on line 81.
GZ01–0930 Added to Working Capital 84 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number. This amount is included on line 81.
GZ01–0940 Unrealized Investment Loss (use '-') 85 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0950 Undistributed Profits 86 Prints the total of the current year net income, plus the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC, as a reversed number.

The system calculates the current year net income by subtracting liabilities and owners' equity from assets.

GZ01–0960 Foreign Exchange Gain/Loss 87 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ01–0970 Total Owners' equity 88 Prints the sum of lines 69, 79–81, and 85–87 as a reversed number.
GZ01–0980 Total Liabilities and Owners' Equity 89 Prints the sum of lines 68 and 88 as a reversed number.

C.2 Rows and Columns for the Guangzhou Income Statement Report

This table shows how the system prints amounts in the rows and columns on the Guangzhou Income Statement report:

UDC Value Row Title Line Explanation
GZ02–0010 1. Revenue From Main Operation 1 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ02–0020 Including: Export Products (Merchandise) Sales 2 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number. This amount is included in line 1.
GZ02–0030 Import Products (Merchandise) Sales 3 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number. This amount is included in line 1.
GZ02–0040 Less: Sales discounts and allowance 4 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ02–0050 2. Net Revenue from Main Operation 5 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number. This amount is also the sum of lines 1 and 4.
GZ02–0060 Less: Costs for Main Operation 6 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ02–0070 Including: Cost of good sold for export products (merchandise) 7 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC. This amount is included in line 6.
GZ02–0080 Main Operation Taxes and Fees 8 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ02–0090 Operation Expenses 9 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ02–0100 Other Expenses 10 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ02–0110 Plus: Deferred Income 11 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ02–0120 Income from purchase and sales commission 12 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ02–0130 Other Income 13 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ02–0140 3. Net profit from main operation (use '-' for loss) 14 Prints the sum of lines 5 and 6, and lines 8–13 as a reversed number.
GZ02–0150 Plus: Net profit from other operations 15 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ02–0160 Less: Operation Expenses 16 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ02–0170 General and Administrative expenses 17 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ02–0180 Financial expenses 18 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ02–0190 Other Expenses 19 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ02–0200 4. Total Operation Profit (Use '-' for loss) 20 Prints the sum of lines 14–19 as a reversed number.
GZ02–0210 Plus: Investment Income (use '-' for loss) 21 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ02–0220 Income from futures 22 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ02–0230 Subsidies 23 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ02–0240 Including: Subsidies for prior year unprofitable business 24 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number. This amount is included in line 23.
GZ02–0250 Income from other operations 25 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ02–0260 Other Income 26 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ02–0270 Including: Adjustments to prior year payroll 27 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number. This amount is included in line 26.
GZ02–0280 Less: Non-operational Expense 28 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ02–0290 Other Expenses 29 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ02–0300 Including: Adjustments to Payroll 30 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC. This amount is included on line 29.
GZ02–0310 Plus: Adjustment to prior year's income and expenses 31 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ02–0320 5. Total Profit (Use '-' for loss) 32 Prints the sums of the amounts on lines 20–23, lines 25 and 26, lines 28 and 29, and line 31 as a reversed number.
GZ02–0330 Less: Income Tax 33 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ02–0340 Minority Stock Holder's profit or loss 34 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ02–0350 Plus: Recognized Investment Loss (use +) 35 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ02–0360 6. Net Profit 36 Prints the sum of lines 32–35 as a reversed number.
GZ02–0370 1. Profit to Sales or Subsidiary or Invested Business Unit N/A Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC at the bottom of the report.
GZ02–0380 2. Loss due to nature disasters N/A Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC at the bottom of the report.
GZ02–0390 3. Gain/Loss due to changes in accounting principles N/A Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC at the bottom of the report.
GZ02–0400 4. Gain/Loss due to changes in Accounting Estimates Not applicable. Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC at the bottom of the report.
GZ02–0410 5. Gain/Loss on Debt Restructuring Not applicable. Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC at the bottom of the report.
GZ02–0420 6. Other Not applicable. Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC at the bottom of the report.

C.3 Rows and Columns for the Guangzhou Supplemental Statement

This table shows how the system prints amounts in the rows and columns on the Guangzhou Supplemental Statement report:

UDC Value Row Title Line Explanation
GZ03–0010 1. Industrial Gross Production (Based on 90 pricing) 1 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0020 Including: Export Production (Based on 90 pricing) 2 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC. This amount is included in line 1.
GZ03–0030 Industrial Gross Production (current pricing) 3 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0040 Increase In Industrial Gross Production (Previous Pricing) 4 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0050 Industrial Sales (Previous Pricing) 5 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0060 2. Number of Employees at the end of period 6 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC. This amount is from the unit ledger record in the F0902 table.
GZ03–0070 Average number of employees 7 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC. This amount is from the unit ledger record in the F0902 table.
GZ03–0080 Number of employees in furlough 8 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC. This amount is from the unit ledger record in the F0902 table.
GZ03–0090 Total Payroll 9 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0100 3. Total Payroll Loan Amount 10 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0110 I. Manually transferred amounts 11 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0120 II. Transferred from manufacturing fund 12 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0130 III. Transferred from Administrative fund 13 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0140 IV. Transferred from Sales fund 14 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0150 V. Other transfers 15 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0160 4. Payment of long-term loan 16 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0170 Blank 17 na
GZ03–0180 5. Total employee benefit expense 18 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0190 Including: From items in cost of good sold 19 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC. This amount is included in line 18.
GZ03–0200 From items in manufacturing (operating) expenses 20 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC. This amount is included in line 18.
GZ03–0210 From items in administrative expensive 21 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC. This amount is included in line 18.
GZ03–0220 6. General and administrative expense Title Prints this heading. You do not associate any accounts with this UDC value.
GZ03–0230 Entertainment expenses 22 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0240 Union expenses 23 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0250 Employee Education fund expenses 24 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0260 Research and Development expenses 25 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0270 Real estate taxes 26 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0280 Vehicle Use tax 27 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0290 Land property tax 28 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0300 Additional tax 29 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0310 Employee bonus 30 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0320 Employment insurance 31 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0330 Including: Wages to retired employees 32 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC. This amount is included in line 31.
GZ03–0340 7. net interest expense included in financial expenses 33 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0350 8. Income tax payable 34 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0360 9. VAT taxes Title Prints this heading. You do not associate any accounts with this UDC value.
GZ03–0370 (-) Reported by individual Title Prints this heading. You do not associate any accounts with this UDC value.
GZ03–0380 1. VAT payable Title Prints this heading. You do not associate any accounts with this UDC value.
GZ03–0390 (1) Withholding at the beginning of year (use '-') 35 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ03–0400 (2) VAT on Sales 36 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ03–0410 VAT Refund for exported goods 37 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0420 Amount Transfer our from VAT on Purchase 38 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ03–0430 Amount Transfer out on overpaid VAT 39 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0440 (3) VAT on purchase 40 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0450 VAT Paid 41 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0460 Tax Reduction and exemption 42 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0470 VAT payable on domestic sales 43 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0480 Unpaid VAT tax transfer out 44 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ03–0490 (4) Year end amount payable (use '-') 45 Prints the sum of lines 35–44 as a reversed number.
GZ03–0500 (5) VAT Payable this period (= 36-37+38-40-42-43+35) 46 Prints the sum of lines 35–38, 40, 42, 43, and 44.
GZ03–0510 2. Vat payable Title Prints this heading. You do not associate any accounts with this UDC value.
GZ03–0520 Payable at the beginning of year (use '-' for over payment) 47 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ03–0530 Current Year Addition (use '-' for over payment) 48 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ03–0540 Paid in current year 49 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0550 Payable at then end of year (use '-' for over payment) 50 Prints the sum of lines 47–49 as a reversed number.
GZ03–0560 (2) Reported by Small Business Title Prints this heading. You do not associate any accounts with this UDC value.
GZ03–0570 Payable at the beginning of year 51 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ03–0580 Current Year Addition 52 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ03–0590 Paid in Current Year 53 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0600 Payable at the end of year 54 Prints the sum of lines 51–53 as a reversed number.
GZ03–0610 10. Sales Tax Title Prints this heading. You do not associate any accounts with this UDC value.
GZ03–0620 Payable at the beginning of year 55 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ03–0630 Current Year Addition 56 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ03–0640 Paid in current year 57 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0650 Payable at the end of year 58 Prints the sum of lines 55–57 as a reversed number.
GZ03–0660 (11) Use tax Title Prints this heading. You do not associate any accounts with this UDC value.
GZ03–0670 Payable at the beginning of year 59 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ03–0680 Current Year Addition 60 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ03–0690 Paid in current year 61 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0700 Payable at the end of year 62 Prints the sum of lines 59–61 as a reversed number.
GZ03–0710 (12) City Tax Title Prints this heading. You do not associate any accounts with this UDC value.
GZ03–0720 Payable at the beginning of year 63 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ03–0730 Current Year Addition 64 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ03–0740 Paid in current year 65 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0750 Payable at the end of year 66 Prints the sum of lines 63–65 as a reversed number.
GZ03–0760 (13) Income Tax Title Prints this heading. You do not associate any accounts with this UDC value.
GZ03–0770 Payable at the beginning of year 67 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ03–0780 Current Year Addition 68 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC as a reversed number.
GZ03–0790 Paid in current year 69 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0800 Payable at the end of year 70 Prints the sum of lines 67– 69 as a reversed number.
GZ03–0810 Quarterly Information (reported in March, June, September) Title Prints this heading. You do not associate any accounts with this UDC value.
GZ03–0820 1. Disbursement to retirement fund 71 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0830 2. Total current year Medical and drug expense 72 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0840 Including: paid for retired employee 73 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC. This amount is from the unit ledger record in the F0902 table.
GZ03–0850 3. Total retired employee at the end of period 74 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC. This amount is from the unit ledger record in the F0902 table.
GZ03–0860 Including: retired employees 75 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC. This amount is from the unit ledger record in table F0902. This amount is included in line 74.
GZ03–0870 4. Current year bad debt expense 76 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0880 5. Bank waived interest payments 77 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC.
GZ03–0890 Including: Waived interest payments due to a merger or combination 78 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC. This amount is included on line 77.
GZ03–0900 Due to business head count and cost reduction 79 Prints the sum of the accounts that you associated with this UDC. This amount is included on line 77.