4 Reporting Incidents

This chapter contains the following topics:

4.1 Understanding Regulatory Incident Reporting

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is an agency created in 1970 by the United States Congress to help employers and employees reduce the number of job injuries, illnesses, and deaths. Many other countries around the world have similar agencies dedicated to the same mission. OSHA requires employers to record and report work-related injuries, illnesses, and fatalities.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) of the U.S. Department of Labor is a Federal agency responsible for measuring working conditions and other economic and market indicators. The BLS Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities (IIF) program gathers and reports the statistics related to work-related injuries, illnesses, and fatal incidents and analyzes how these statistics vary by key demographics. The information it collects from employers is very similar to the information collected by OSHA.

To support the reporting requirements for OSHA and the BLS, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management system provides the following reports:

  • OSHA Form 300: Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses.

  • OSHA Form 300A: Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses.

  • OSHA Form 301: Injury and Illness Incident Report.

  • Survey of Occupational Injury and Illness Form (BLS-9300 N06).

4.2 Generating the OSHA 300 Log Report and OSHA 300A Summary Report

This section provides an overview of the OSHA 300 Log report and the OSHA 300A Summary report and discusses how to:

  • Run the OSHA 300 Log report.

  • Set processing options for OSHA 300 Log report (R54HS300).

  • Run the OSHA 300A Summary report.

  • Set processing options for OSHA 300A Summary report (R54HS300A).

4.2.1 Understanding the OSHA 300 Log Report and the OSHA 300A Summary Report

Use the OSHA 300 Log report to classify and report work-related injuries and illnesses, including what happened, how it happened, and the severity and extent for each case.

Use the OSHA 300A Summary report to total the detailed case information for each establishment for each calendar year. Employers must post the summary from the previous year in a place where workers can view the report.

4.2.2 Running the OSHA 300 Log Report

Select Periodic Processing (G54HS20), OSHA 300 Log Report.

4.2.3 Setting Processing Options for OSHA 300 Log Report (R54HS300)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Process

1. Enter Reporting Century/Year

Enter the century and year that the system uses for OSHA reports. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the current century and year date.

4.2.4 Running the OSHA 300A Summary Report

Select Periodic Processing (G54HS20), OSHA 300A Summary Report.

Before you run the OSHA 300A Summary Report, you need to enter an establishment condition record for each establishment for each calendar year that you report. The report cannot retrieve data without the establishment condition record. You can access Establishment Conditions program (P086011) from the Health and Safety Incident Setup menu (G54HS41). Enter an establishment condition record even if nothing unusual happened during the calendar year. The report will not process unless you enter an establishment condition for the establishment and the calendar year being reported on.

(Release 9.1 update) You can associate a company with the establishment in the P086011 program. This association of company and establishment can be leveraged in the Incident Master program (P54HS00) to default in the company based on the establishment using this relationship. Use the P086011 program to record a change reason if you are re-submitting the electronic version of the 300A to OSHA. The program will use the most recent change reason recorded.

Use the Establishment Condition program (P086011) to enter the following additional information about an establishment:

  • Maximum Size

    Enter a code that represents the maximum number of employees that have worked at an establishment at any point in the reporting year.

  • Form Exit Establishment Information

    Use this form exit to associate a company with an establishment and to define the establishment type. This information is used when submitting an electronic file to OSHA for the 300A report.

  • Row Exit Change Reason

    Use this row exit to record a reason why you are re-submitting an electronic file to OSHA. If there is more than one change reason given for the same establishment/year/report type combination, the re-submitted electronic file will use the one with the highest sequence number.

4.2.5 Setting Processing Options for OSHA 300A Summary Report (R54HS300A)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Process

1. Enter Reporting Century/Year

Enter the century and year that the system uses for OSHA reports. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the current century and year date.

2. Specify where safety hours and average number of employees are retrieved from

Specify how the system retrieves the safety hours. Values are:

Blank: Retrieve safety hours and from the Incident Safety Hours table (F54HS20). If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses safety hour totals from the F54HS20 table. You need to populate the table with your monthly safety hours for each year being analyzed for each establishment.

1: Retrieve pay records from the Employee Transaction History table (F0618). If you select 1, the system uses the payroll records to determine safety hours from the F0618 table. The system uses PDBA codes to account for vacation or leave time, which are not considered part of safety hours.

2: Consider safety hour totals in the Incident Safety Hours table (F54HS20) an override to pay records in the Employee Transaction History table (F0618). If you select 2, the system first searches the safety hours in the F54HS20 table to find a record for establishment unit and year being analyzed. If the system finds a match, it uses the information in the table. If it does not, the system searches for any data in the F0618 table.

3. Company Executive Name

Enter the company executive name that the system displays on the OSHA 300A report.

4. Title

Enter the title of the company executive that the system displays on the OSHA 300A report.

5. Phone Number

Enter the phone number for the company executive that the system displays on the OSHA 300A report.

6. Date

Enter the date that the system displays on the OSHA 300A report. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the system date.

7. Report Output (Release 9.1 Update)

Use this processing option to generate both the OSHA form 300A electronic CSV format and the standard selected UBE format (PDF, RTF, HTML, and so on). Values are:

Blank: Generate only the standard selected UBE format.

1: Generate both the electronic CSV format and the standard selected UBE format.

8. File Path for Electronic CSV Format (Release 9.1 Update)

Enter the location where the system will save the OSHA 300A electronic CSV format. You must define this location when you request the electronic CSV format.


The file path is a server path when the report is generated on a server. To specify a local path you need to install the JD Edwards application locally.

9. File Name for Electronic CSV Format (Release 9.1 Update)

Use this optional processing option to define the name of OSHA 300A CSV file. If the processing option is blank, the system generates a file name.


OSHA - 300 Injury and Illness Audit Report (R086020) is generated when the processing options are set to generate the CSV file. The audit report shows any validation error between the CSV file and the OSHA data standards for electronic submission.

4.3 Generating the OSHA 301 Injury/Illness Report (R54HS301)

This section provides an overview of the OSHA 301 Injury/Illness report and discusses how to:

  • Run the OSHA 301 Injury/Illness report.

  • Set processing options for OSHA 301 Injury/Illness report (R54HS301).

4.3.1 Understanding the OSHA 301 Injury/Illness Report

You use the OSHA 301 Injury and Illness Incident report to record the details of each case. This report helps OSHA understand the extent and severity of work-related cases.

4.3.2 Running the OSHA 301 Injury/Illness Report

Select Periodic Processing (G54HS20), OSHA 301 Injury/Illness Report.

(Release 9.1 Update) Before you run the OSHA 301 Injury/Illness Report, you need to enter an establishment condition record for each establishment for each calendar year that you report. The report cannot retrieve data without the establishment condition record. You can access the Establishment Conditions program (P086011) from the Health and Safety Incident Setup menu (G54HS41). Enter an establishment condition record even if nothing unusual happened during the calendar year. The report will not process unless you enter an establishment condition for the establishment and calendar year being reported on.

4.3.3 Setting Processing Options for OSHA 301 Injury/Illness Report (R54HS301)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Process

1. Enter Reporting Century/Year

Enter the century and year that the system uses for OSHA reports. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the current century and year date.

2. Completed By

Enter the name that the system displays on the OSHA 301 report.

3. Title

Enter the title of the person who completed the report. The system displays the tile on the OSHA 301 report.

4. Phone Number

Enter the phone number for the person who completed the report. The system displays the phone number on the OSHA 301 report. The system displays the phone number in Section 4 of the report.

5. Date

Enter the date that the system displays on the OSHA 301 report. If you leave the Date processing option blank, the system uses the system date.

4.4 Generating the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Survey Report (R54HS320)

This section provides an overview of the Bureau of Labor Statistics Survey report and discusses how to:

  • Run the BLS Survey report.

  • Set processing options for the BLS Survey report (R54HS320).

4.4.1 Understanding the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Survey Report

The BLS can request that you generate the BLS Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses Form. The data on this form is very similar to the information presented on the OSHA reports.

Before you run the BLS Survey report, be sure to enter an establishment condition record for each establishment for each calendar year that you report. The report will not retrieve any data without the establishment condition record. You can access Establishment Conditions program (P086011) from the Health and Safety Incident Setup menu (G54HS41).

4.4.2 Running the BLS Survey Report

Select Periodic Processing (G54HS20), BLS Survey Report.

4.4.3 Setting Processing Options for the BLS Survey Report (R54HS320)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Process

1. Enter Reporting Century/Year

Enter the century and year that the system uses for the BLS report. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the current century and year.

2. Specify where safety hours and average number of employees are retrieved from

Specify how the system retrieves the safety hours and average number of employees.

This report uses the same logic as the OSHA 300A report (R54HS300A) to retrieve this information. Values are:

Blank: Incident Safety Hours table (F54HS20)

1: Employee Transaction History table (F0618)

2: Use Incident Safety Hours table (F54HS20) as an override to pay records in the Employee Transaction History table (F0618)

3. Account Number

Enter the account number assigned to the establishment by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The system prints the account number in Section 1 of the Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses report.

4. Completed By

Enter the name of the person completing the Bureau of Labor Statistics Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses report. The system displays the name in Section 4 of the report (Name).

5. Title

Enter the title of the person completing the Bureau of Labor Statistics Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses report. The system displays the title in Section 4 of the report.

6. Phone Number

Enter the phone number of the person completing the Bureau of Labor Statistics Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses report. Enter the phone number in the format that you want the system to display.

7. Phone Extension

Enter the phone extension of the person completing the Bureau of Labor Statistics Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses report. Enter the phone extension in the format in which you want it to appear in the report. The system displays the phone extension in Section 4 of the report.

8. Fax Number

Enter the fax number of the person completing the Bureau of Labor Statistics Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses report. Enter the fax number in the format in which you want it to appear in the report. The system displays the fax number in Section 4 of the report.

4.5 Generating the Detailed Incident Report

This section provides an overview of the Detailed Incident report and discusses how to set processing options for the Detailed Incident report (R54HS400).

4.5.1 Understanding the Detailed Incident Report

The Detailed Incident report displays incident information such as detailed incident description, where and when the incident occurred, who is responsible for the incident, and people and equipment related to the incident.

4.5.2 Running the Detailed Incident Report

Select Periodic processing (G54HS10), Detailed Incident Report.

4.5.3 Setting Processing Options for Detailed Incident Report (R54HS400)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. You can configure the Detailed Incident Report through processing options that control each section of the report and whether to print the section or not. You can also configure the report to print just the information that you want to display. Print

1. Print People Information by Incident Role

Specify the role of the person involved in the incident that you want to print in the Detailed Incident report. Only people with the specified role will print on the report. Value is:

Blank: Print All People

2. Print Property/Equipment Information

Specify whether the system prints the property equipment information in the incident. Values are:

Blank: Do not print Property/Equipment Information

1: Print Property/Equipment Information

3. Print Environmental Information

Specify whether the system prints the environmental information in the incident. Values are:

Blank: Do not print Environmental Information

1: Print Environmental Information

4. Print Cost Information

Specify whether the system prints the cost information in the incident. Values are:

Blank: Do not print Cost Information

1: Print Cost Information

5. Print Agency Information

Specify whether the system prints the agency information in the incident. Values are:

Blank: Do not print Agency Information

1: Print Agency Information

6. Print Task Information

Specify whether the system prints the task information in the incident. Values are:

Blank: Do not print Task Information

1: Print Task Information

7. Print Notification Information

Specify whether the system prints the email sent notification information in the incident. Values are:

Blank: Do not print Notification Information

1: Print Notification Information

8. Print Detailed Description

Specify whether the system prints the Incident Investigation - Detailed Description media object. Values are:

Blank: Do not print the detailed description

1: Print the detailed description