Oracle Beehive
  Oracle® Beehive RESTful Web Services API Reference
  Release 2 (


The Utilities category consists of various resources that enable you to more efficiently use Oracle Beehive RESTful Web Services.

Utilities Programming Tips

Working with my Resource

The /comb/v1/d/my resource enables you to retrieve information about the current, logged in user.


Working with Upload Resource

Creating Objects with Content

Creating a Document, EmailMessage, or WikiPage involves uploading their associated content first and then creating the artifact with the previously uploaded content.

Step 1: Upload the content

In the POST method /session/upload, specify a unique identifier for the content_id parameter. This arbitrary string value is used to associate the content with a part of an EmailMessage. Although you must specify this parameter when uploading content, it is not used if the uploaded content is used to create Document or WikiPage artifacts. Specify the scope of the upload in the uploadscope parameter. The value of uploadscope is an arbitrary string that binds together multiple content that are uploaded for the same intent, such as multiple parts of an e-mail message. In the payload of the POST request, specify the content you want to upload as raw (binary) data or use the format defined in RFC 1867: Form-based File Upload in HTML:

POST /comb/v1/d/session/upload?content_id=unique_identifier&uploadscope=unique_scope
Step 2: Create the artifact

Creating a Document artifact

If you are creating a Document artifact, in the POST method /adoc, specify the uploadscope parameter with the same value you used in the previous step:

POST /comb/v1/d/adoc?uploadscope=unique_scope

The Document resource create method creates a new Document artifact with the content you uploaded in the previous step.

Creating a WikiPage artifact

If you are creating a WikiPage artifact, in the POST method /wiki, specify the uploadscope parameter with the same value you used in the previous step:

POST /comb/v1/d/wiki?uploadscope=unique_scope

The Wiki Page resource create method creates a new WikiPage artifact with the content you uploaded in the previous step.

Creating an EmailMessage artifact

If you are sending an EmailMessage artifact, in the POST method /emsg/send, specify the uploadscope parameter with the same value you used in the previous step:

POST /comb/v1/d/emsg/send?uploadscope=unique_scope

The payload to this method uses the content_id parameters used in the previous step to associate uploaded content with the appropriate parts of the e-mail message. The following is an example of such a payload. The example assumes that the e-mail message is being sent with two parts: a text/plain part previously uploaded with a content_id value of content_id_1 and an image/jpeg part previously uploaded with a content_id value of content_id_2:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <obh:emailMessageContentUpdater xmlns:obh="">
            <bodyUpdater xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="obh:multiContentUpdater">
                    <add xsi:type="obh:streamedSimpleContentUpdater">
                    <add xsi:type="obh:streamedSimpleContentUpdater">
                <string>Test subject</string>


Updating Content

It is possible to update the content of a previously created Document or WikiPage artifact. To do this, use the same two-step approach as described for creating objects with content. First, upload the content to be updated as in Step 1. Finally, call the appropriate update method with the same upload_scope value as used in the previous step.

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