Oracle Beehive
  Oracle® Beehive RESTful Web Services API Reference
  Release 2 (



This is an enumeration of the lifecycle status of the user in the system; lifecycle staus is a coarse-grained control over a user and used mainly by the system and its administrators to manage users. A user's state does not necessarily indicate anything about a user's specific authorization levels, roles or privileges within the system. The user can be in exactly one status at any given point of time.

Enumeration Members

Name Description


User creation is completed; all provisioning tasks are complete and the user account is ready for normal use.


The user account is locked; login will not be allowed. However, the account may continue to receive reminders, notifications, alerts etc. and can be unlocked for subsequent use. The actual locking of a user account may be an administrative action or may be automatic based on certain conditions in the system e.g overquota. To unlock a user, the state must be set to ENABLED.


The user account is disabled; the data related to this user account is "frozen". User logins may not be allowed and other features such as notifications, reminders and alarms etc. may also be suspended.


The user is deleted from the directory; user data may still exist in the system and is available for archiving etc.

XML Schema

<xs:simpleType name="userStatus">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
        <xs:enumeration value="ENABLED"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="LOCKED"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="DISABLED"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="MARKED_FOR_DELETE"/>



The following data represents the references to userStatus

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Referenced By Representaions