26 Installing GPRS Manager 3.0

This chapter explains how to install the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) GPRS Manager 3.0 software. The GPRS Manager 3.0 package includes both GPRS Manager 3.0 and a subset of Services Framework Manager, which is installed as a dependent component during installation.


GPRS Manager 3.0 is an optional feature that requires a separate license.

Before you read this document, you should be familiar with BRM concepts and architecture. See BRM Concepts.

Installing GPRS Manager 3.0


If you have already installed the product, features that are already installed cannot be reinstalled without uninstalling them first. To reinstall a feature, uninstall it and then install it again.

To install GPRS Manager 3.0:

  1. Download the software.


    • If you download to a Windows workstation, use FTP to copy the .bin file to a temporary directory on your UNIX server.

    • You must increase the heap size used by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) before running the installation program to avoid ”Out of Memory” error messages in the log file. For information, see "Increasing Heap Size to Avoid 'Out of Memory' Error Messages" in BRM Installation Guide.

  2. Go to the directory where you installed the Third-Party package and source the source.me file.


    You must source the source.me file to proceed with installation, otherwise ”suitable JVM not found” and other error messages appear.

    Bash shell:

    source source.me.sh

    C shell:

    source source.me.csh
  3. Go to the temp_dir directory and enter this command:


    where, platform is the operating system name.


    You can use the -console parameter to run the installation in command-line mode. To enable a graphical user interface (GUI) installation, install a GUI application such as X Windows and set the DISPLAY environment variable before you install the software.
  4. Follow the instructions displayed during installation. The default installation directory for GPRS Manager 3.0 is opt/portal/7.5.


    The installation program does not prompt you for the installation directory if BRM or GSM Manager is already installed on the machine and automatically installs the package at the BRM_Home location.
  5. Go to the directory where you installed the GPRS Manager 3.0 package and source the source.me file:

    Bash shell:

    source source.me.sh

    C shell:

    source source.me.csh
  6. Go to the BRM_Home/setup directory and run the pin_setup script.


    The pin_setup script starts all required BRM processes.
  7. If the event tables of your BRM database are partitioned, run the partition_utils utility with the -o update parameter from the BRM_Home/apps/partition_utils directory:

    perl partition_utils.pl -o update

    For more information, see "Updating Partitions" and "partition_utils" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.

Your GPRS Manager 3.0 installation is now complete.

Configuring Event Notification for GPRS Manager


This is a mandatory configuration task.

Before you can use GPRS Manager, you must configure the event notification feature as follows:

  1. If your system has multiple configuration files for event notification, merge them. See "Merging Event Notification Lists" in BRM Developer's Guide.

  2. Ensure that the merged file includes the entire event notification list in the BRM_Home/sys/data/config/pin_notify_telco file.

  3. (Optional) If necessary to accommodate your business needs, add, modify, or delete entries in your final event notification list. See "Editing the Event Notification List" in BRM Developer's Guide.

  4. (Optional) If necessary to accommodate your business needs, create custom code for event notification to trigger. See "Triggering Custom Operations" in BRM Developer's Guide.

  5. Load your final event notification list into the BRM database. See "Loading the Event Notification List" in BRM Developer's Guide.

For more information, see "Using Event Notification" in BRM Developer's Guide.

Uninstalling GPRS Manager 3.0

To uninstall GPRS Manager 3.0, run the BRM_Home/uninstaller/GPRS_Mgr_30/uninstaller.bin.