24 Upgrading from Pipeline Manager 7.2 to Pipeline Manager 7.3

This chapter contains procedures for upgrading from Portal™ Pipeline Manager 7.2 to Pipeline Manager 7.3. It covers Oracle on both HP-UX and Solaris.


Before performing the tasks in this document, see "About Upgrading BRM Releases" for information on how to plan, prepare for, and test your upgrade.

If you are installing Pipeline Manager for the first time, see ”Installing Pipeline Manager” in BRM Installation Guide for installation and configuration instructions.

Important Information for System Administrators

  • Pipeline Manager requires an Oracle 9i or 10g database.

  • To upgrade any data stored in custom tables, you must create additional SQL scripts. To run these scripts with the default upgrade scripts, add appropriate SQL file entries to the upgrade configuration file, upgrade.cfg. For more information, see "Updating Database Customizations" and "Configuring the Upgrade Parameters".

Oracle Database Character Sets

Portal supports the UTF8 character set only. If you haven't already done so, you should move your data to a new UTF8 database before you upgrade. For more information about exporting your existing data to a UTF8 database, see ”Modifying Your Oracle Database Installation” in BRM Installation Guide.

Verifying the Pipeline Manager Release Number

You must ensure that you are using Pipeline Manager 7.2. You can check the release number by issuing this command:

ifw -v

Upgrading the Oracle Software and Database


If you are using an earlier version of Oracle, you must upgrade it before you install Pipeline Manager. For information on upgrading Oracle, see your Oracle documentation.

You can use Pipeline Manager with Oracle 9i or 10g only.

Granting New Privileges to the Portal Integrate User

The upgrade scripts require you to grant CREATE TABLE, CREATE PROCEDURE, CREATE SESSION, and RESOURCE privileges directly to the Portal user integrate.

To grant these privileges, enter these commands:

sqlplus connect system/manager@databaseAlias
SQL> grant create table to integrate;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant create procedure to integrate;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant create session to integrate;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant resource to integrate;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> quit

Upgrading Pipeline Manager

This section provides a complete list of upgrade tasks. Some tasks are optional or apply only to certain platforms or system configurations. Be sure to check whether a task is required for your system.

To upgrade directly from Pipeline Manager 7.2 to Pipeline Manager 7.3, perform some or all of these tasks, depending on your system:

  1. Shutting Down Pipeline Manager

  2. Uninstalling Pipeline Manager 7.2

  3. Installing the Third-Party software

  4. Installing Pipeline Manager

  5. Installing the Upgrade Scripts

  6. Configuring the Upgrade Parameters

  7. Creating Required Database Objects and the Upgrade Log Directory

  8. Running the Database Upgrade Scripts

  9. Re-creating Your Account Synchronization Queues

  10. Enabling Auditable Fields

  11. Testing the Upgraded Pipeline System

  12. Loading the Tailor-Made Stored Procedure

Shutting Down Pipeline Manager

To shut down Pipeline Manager, create a semaphore file with the following entry:


For more information, see ”Starting and stopping the BRM system” in BRM System Administrator's Guide.

Uninstalling Pipeline Manager 7.2


Before you uninstall Pipeline Manager 7.2, back up the wireless registry file.

To uninstall Pipeline Manager 7.2, run the Pipeline_Home/uninstaller/Pipeline/uninstaller.bin program.

Installing the Third-Party software

Install the Third-Party software by following the instructions given in ”Installing the Third-Party software” in BRM Installation Guide.

Installing Pipeline Manager

Install Pipeline Manager by following the instructions given in ”Installing Pipeline Manager” in BRM Installation Guide, but DO NOT set the Portal framework environment or configure the Pipeline Manager database.

After installation, edit the wireless registry file by referring to the backed-up wireless registry file.

Installing the Upgrade Scripts

To install the scripts to upgrade Pipeline Manager 7.2 to Pipeline Manager 7.3:

  1. Download the software to a temporary directory (temp_dir).


    • If you download to a Windows workstation, use FTP to copy the .bin file to a temporary directory on your UNIX server.

    • You must increase the heap size used by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) before running the installation program to avoid ”Out of Memory” error messages in the log file. For information, see ”Increasing heap size to avoid 'Out of Memory' error messages” in BRM Installation Guide.

  2. Go to the directory where you installed the Third-Party package and source the source.me file.


    You must source the source.me file to proceed with installation, otherwise ”suitable JVM not found” and other error messages appear.

    Bash shell:

    source source.me.sh

    C shell:

    source source.me.csh
  3. Log in as user integrate, go to the temp_dir directory, and enter this command:



    You can use the -console parameter to run the installation in command-line mode. To enable a graphical user interface (GUI) installation, install a GUI application such as X Windows and set the DISPLAY environment variable before you install the software.
  4. Follow the instructions displayed during installation.

Configuring the Upgrade Parameters

The upgrade.cfg file contains your upgrade parameters. You should customize these parameters to meet your business requirements.

To edit the upgrade.cfg file:

  1. Log in as user pin, go to Pipeline_Home/upgrade/integrate/72_73, and open the upgrade.cfg file in a text editor such as vi:

    % su - pin
    % cd Pipeline_Home/upgrade/integrate/72_73
    % vi upgrade.cfg
  2. Configure the file's parameters as necessary. For information on each parameter, see the comments in the upgrade.cfg file. Pay particular attention to the parameters described in Table 24-1:

Table 24-1 upgrade.cfg Parameters of Note

Parameter Description


Specify the pipeline database user name. By default, this is set to integrate.


Specify the pipeline database password. By default, this is set to integrate.

Creating Required Database Objects and the Upgrade Log Directory

To create the database objects required for the upgrade and the upgrade log directory, run the Pipeline_Home/upgrade/integrate/72_73/crt_upg_obj.pl script:

% cd Pipeline_Home/upgrade/integrate/72_73
% perl crt_upg_obj.pl

Running the Database Upgrade Scripts

The upgrade.pl script runs a series of scripts that upgrade the Release 7.2 pipeline database to 7.3.

For more information about the upgrade.pl script, see "About the Upgrade.pl Script".

To upgrade your database schema:

  1. Run the upgrade.pl script from the UNIX prompt:

    % cd Pipeline_Home/upgrade/integrate/72_73
    % perl upgrade.pl
  2. Check each script's log and pinlog file in the directory specified by the UPGRADE_LOG_DIR parameter in your upgrade.cfg file. The default log file name and path is Pipeline_Home/upgrade/integrate/72_73/sqllog.


    If any errors are reported, fix them, and then rerun the upgrade.pl script.

Re-creating Your Account Synchronization Queues

Re-create the Account Synchronization queues in your system by using the pin_ifw_sync_oracle utility. This also loads updated versions of the Account Synchronization utilities and stored procedures. For more information, see ”Creating additional Account Synchronization Queues” in BRM Installation Guide.

Enabling Auditable Fields

To enable auditable fields in the objects, go to the Pipeline_Home/apps/integrate_sync directory and run the pin_history_on script:

% cd Pipeline_Home/apps/integrate_sync
% perl pin_history_on -dv pin_history_on_input

Testing the Upgraded Pipeline System

Test your upgraded pipeline system by running various daily operations on it. For more information, see "Testing Your Upgraded System".

Loading the Tailor-Made Stored Procedure

Loading of the stored procedure is required for the Tailor-Made Plan feature.

After upgrading the pipeline from Release 7.2 to 7.3, you must load the stored procedure. For more information, see ”Loading the tailor-made stored procedure” in BRM Installation Guide.

Command-Line Scripts

The following command-line scripts automate routine upgrade tasks:

Run these scripts from the UNIX prompt.

About the crt_upg_obj.pl Script

The crt_upg_obj.pl Perl script (Pipeline_Home/upgrade/integrate/72_73/crt_upg_obj.pl) performs many of the upgrade tasks, such as creating database objects.

% cd Pipeline_Home/upgrade/integrate/72_73
% perl crt_upg_obj.pl

About the Upgrade.pl Script

The upgrade.pl Perl script is the main upgrade script. It runs many other SQL scripts in the order they are listed.

To run all the scripts listed in the upgrade.cfg file's @ALL_SCRIPTS parameter, enter this command at the UNIX prompt:

% cd Pipeline_Home/upgrade/integrate/72_73
% perl upgrade.pl


The scripts are run in the order they are listed in the parameter. For more information, see "Configuring the Upgrade Parameters".

About the Upgrade Scripts and Files

Table 24-2 describes the scripts and files used to upgrade your pipeline database to 7.3:

Table 24-2 Pipeline Database Upgrade Scripts and Files for 7.3

Script or File Description


SQL script that creates the common routines needed for the upgrade.


SQL script that deletes the UPG_LOG_T table entries related to a specific script.


SQL script that creates the pinlog files.


Configuration file in which you must enter details about the Oracle database configuration before you run the upgrade scripts. All the upgrade Perl scripts parse this file to get the database connection parameters.


Perl script that performs many miscellaneous upgrade tasks related to the Oracle database.


Perl script that adds new objects.


Perl script that manages many miscellaneous upgrade tasks.


Master Perl script for the upgrade process. This Perl script calls other SQL scripts to perform the upgrade.


SQL script that creates a list of indexes in the 7.3 pipeline schema.


SQL script that creates a list of tables in the 7.3 pipeline schema.


Perl script that calls the schema_idxs.sql file to produce the index schema listings.


Perl script that calls the schema_tbls.sql file to produce the table schema listings.


SQL script that adds the 7.3 columns.


SQL script that adds the 7.3 indexes.