Using Mass Change

This chapter provides an overview of mass change in Campus Solutions and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Mass Change in Campus Solutions

Campus Solutions provides many tools to process information. However, because much of what you do is unique to the institution, the application enables you to create your own unique processes. One way of performing this task is to create mass changes. For communications, checklists, and comments you can also use Campus Community's 3C engine.

See Using the 3C Engine.

The PeopleSoft Mass Change utility is a SQL generator that you use to perform high-volume business transactions, such as updating data for multiple students without accessing each student record online. Its function is similar to PeopleSoft Query, but while PeopleSoft Query retrieves data from the database, the PeopleSoft Mass Change utility makes changes to the database.

The PeopleSoft Mass Change utility is commonly used for these tasks:

Note. The mass change types and templates delivered with Campus Solutions should serve as examples for your particular needs. The functionality provided is representative of common business practices; however, you may need to modify the delivered mass change types and templates to fit your specific requirements.

Mass change is a way of breaking down statements that alter data (such as update, insert, and delete statements) into a hierarchy of three components: types, templates, and definitions. The end user only needs to alter the simplest level to change the parameters used in a particular run. The PeopleSoft Mass Change utility includes these three components:

  1. Types are the lowest level components.

    A mass change type defines the type of SQL statements to be generated, the records involved, and the sequence in which they run. Application developers familiar with SQL and the database design typically define mass change types.

  2. Templates are built upon mass change types.

    Mass change templates are used to specify which fields make up the WHERE clause of the SQL statement and which fields can be hard-coded with a particular value. Application developers typically define mass change templates.

  3. Definitions are built upon mass change templates and are generally created and run by end users.

    Mass change definitions are used to specify the values and operators for each field in the statement's WHERE clause and default fields and to generate the actual SQL statement.

You can run mass change definitions individually or combine them into mass change groups and run them together.

Note. Anyone who defines mass change types or templates should have both a solid understanding of SQL and an extensive knowledge of the PeopleSoft database in question.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Data Management, "Mass Change"

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Mass Changes

Processing mass changes consists of a definition phase and a processing phase. First, you define the selection criteria and changes for the selected data; then you run the Structured Query Reports (SQRs) that process the changes you defined.

Note. The development staff must create mass change types and templates before you can use the mass change definitions discussed in this section.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used for Processing Mass Changes

Page Name

Definition Name





  • Checklists, Mass Change - Checklists, Mass Change Definition, Description

  • Communications, Mass Change - Communications, Mass Change Definition, Description

  • Records and Enrollment, Enroll Students, Block Enrollment, Mass Change Definition, Description

  • Student Admissions, Processing Applications, Mass Change, Mass Change Definition, Description

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Process Initiatives, Initiative Mass Change, Description

Define the mass change.

Criteria and Defaults


  • Checklists, Mass Change - Checklists, Mass Change Definition, Criteria and Defaults

  • Communications, Mass Change - Communications, Mass Change Definition, Criteria and Defaults

  • Records and Enrollment, Enroll Students, Block Enrollment, Mass Change Definition, Criteria and Defaults

  • Student Admissions, Processing Applications, Mass Change, Mass Change Definition, Criteria and Defaults

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Process Initiatives, Initiative Mass Change, Criteria and Defaults

Define criteria and set defaults for mass changes.

Student Administration


  • Campus Community, Checklists, Mass Change - Checklists, Mass Change Definition, Student Administration

  • Campus Community, Communications, Mass Change - Communications, Mass Change Definition, Student Administration

  • Records and Enrollment, Enroll Students, Block Enrollment, Mass Change Definition, Student Administration

  • Student Admissions, Processing Applications, Mass Change, Mass Change Definition, Student Administration

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Process Initiatives, Initiative Mass Change, Student Administration

Set specific parameters for mass change definitions. The resulting mass change SQL statements will include these parameters.

Generate SQL


  • Campus Community, Checklists, Mass Change - Checklists, Mass Change Definition, Generate SQL

  • Campus Community, Communications, Mass Change - Communications, Mass Change Definition, General SQL

  • Records and Enrollment, Enroll Students, Block Enrollment, Mass Change Definition, Generate SQL

  • Student Admissions, Processing Applications, Mass Change, Mass Change Definition, General SQL

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Process Initiatives, Initiative Mass Change, Generate SQL

Generate the SQL to run a mass change.

Execution History


  • Campus Community, Checklists, Mass Change - Checklists, Mass Change Definition, Execution History

  • Campus Community, Communications, Mass Change - Communications, Mass Change Definition, Execution History

  • Records and Enrollment, Enroll Students, Block Enrollment, Mass Change Definition, Execution History

  • Student Admissions, Processing Applications, Mass Change, Mass Change Definition, Execution History

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Process Initiatives, Initiative Mass Change, Execution History

View the history of a completed mass change.

Group Definition


  • Campus Community, Checklists, Mass Change - Checklists, Mass Change Group

  • Campus Community, Communications, Mass Change - Communications, Mass Change Group

  • Student Admissions, Processing Applications, Mass Change, Mass Change Group

Combine mass change definitions into a group and set the execution sequence.

Run Mass Change


  • Campus Community, Checklists, Mass Change - Checklists, Mass Change Group

  • Campus Community, Communications, Mass Change - Communications, Mass Change Group

  • Records and Enrollment, Enroll Students, Block Enrollment, Run Mass Change

  • Student Admissions, Processing Applications, Mass Change, Run Mass Change

Execute the mass change.

Mass Change Result


  • Campus Community, Checklists, Mass Change - Checklists, Mass Change Group

  • Campus Community, Communications, Mass Change - Communications, Mass Change Group

  • Records and Enrollment, Enroll Students, Block Enrollment, Mass Change Group

  • Student Admissions, Processing Applications, Mass Change, Mass Change Group

View mass change results.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Mass Change

The definition phase comprises these steps:

  1. Select a mass change template, and use it to create a mass change definition.

  2. Outline the criteria for selecting rows, and identify the columns and values to be changed.

  3. Generate the SQL statement.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing the Mass Change

The processing phase comprises these steps:

  1. Run the Mass Change SQR to select, change, and transfer the data to temporary tables.

  2. (Optional) Review the data for accuracy (recommended).

    This PeopleSoft application delivers features that enable you to review the mass change results. You can view the results of mass change definitions using the Mass Change Result page (one of the locations is Campus Community, Communications, Mass Change - Communications, Mass Change Results). Other Campus Solutions applications also have pages for reviewing mass change results; these pages are described in the PeopleBook for the specific application.

  3. Run the appropriate process to load the data from temporary tables into PeopleSoft tables (if applicable).

    For example, to insert communications or checklists, you run the 3C Engine process to insert the mass change results into the PeopleSoft tables.

This flowchart illustrates mass change integration:

Mass change in Campus Solutions

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Mass Change Security

Before using the PeopleSoft Mass Change utility for the first time, you should consider who in the organization should be authorized to use mass change templates and run mass changes. Because the PeopleSoft Mass Change utility is a powerful tool with the ability to modify large portions of the data, you should carefully consider mass change security.

Mass change security governs whether users assigned to a particular permission list can run mass changes online, the templates available to a user, and what mass changes the user can run. To set Mass Change security, go to PeopleTools, Security, Permissions & Roles, Permission Lists, Mass Change.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Data Management, "Mass Change"

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Specific Parameters for Mass Change Definitions

The Student Administration page in the Mass Change Definition component enables you to specify additional parameters that are used only in Campus Solutions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Specific Parameters for Mass Change Definitions

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Administration


  • Campus Community, Checklists, Mass Change - Checklists, Mass Change Definition, Student Administration

  • Campus Community, Communications, Mass Change - Communications, Mass Change Definition, Student Administration

  • Records and Enrollment, Enroll Students, Block Enrollment, Mass Change Definition, Student Administration

  • Student Admissions, Processing Applications, Mass Change, Mass Change Definition, Student Administration

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Process Initiatives, Initiative Mass Change, Student Administration

Set specific parameters for the mass change definitions. The resulting mass change SQL statements include these parameters.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Specific Parameters for Mass Change Definitions

Access the Student Administration page (Campus Community, Checklists, Mass Change - Checklists, Mass Change Definition, Student Administration).

Additional Parameters

Mass Change Default Status

This field is not used by Campus Solutions.

This field value sets the status value of all mass change records created when you run this mass change definition. The default status is used with mass change definitions run using database agents. Campus Solutions mass change definitions are not delivered to use database agents.

As Of Date

The current date appears by default. The value for this field must be the current date for the mass change definition to run. This field is used as a default date in certain mass change definitions.

Note. Even if the date defaults to today's date, you must regenerate and save the mass change definition before using it. This way it will select the people in the database that meet the criteria as of today. If not it will use the last date you generated and saved the mass change definition.

As of Date/Time

The current date and time appears by default when you access the page. The value for this field must be the current date and time for the mass change to run. If you make a change to the mass change definition, you must save it before you run it.

Begin Time and End Time

Not currently used.

Aid Year, Academic Career,SetID,Academic Institution and Stdnt Fin Business Unit (student financials business unit)

Enter values to be used as defaults by the mass change definition. These values are also used for prompting on the Criteria and Defaults page.


Enter any comments about this mass change definition.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Data Management, "Mass Change"