
Interface Summary
GUIInitializedListener The GUIInitializedListener interface is used by the EventQueueMonitor class to notify an interested party when the GUI subsystem has been initialized.
TopLevelWindowListener The TopLevelWindowListener interface is used by the EventQueueMonitor class to notify an interested party when a top level window is created or destroyed in the Java Virtual Machine.

Class Summary
AccessibilityEventMonitor The AccessibilityEventMonitor implements a PropertyChange listener on every UI object that implements interface Accessibility in the Java Virtual Machine.
AccessibilityListenerList The AccessibilityListenerList is a pretty blatant copy of the Swing EventListerList class.
AWTEventMonitor The AWTEventMonitor implements a suite of listeners that are conditionally installed on every AWT component instance in the Java Virtual Machine.
EventID EventID contains integer constants that map to event support in AWT and Swing.
EventQueueMonitor The EventQueueMonitor is an EventQueue subclass that provides key core functionality for Assistive Technologies (and other system-level technologies that need some of the same things that Assistive Technology needs).
GUIInitializedMulticaster The GUIInitializedMulticaster class is used to maintain a list of GUIInitializedListener classes.
SwingEventMonitor SwingEventMonitor extends AWTEventMonitor by adding a suite of listeners conditionally installed on every Swing component instance in the Java Virtual Machine.
TopLevelWindowMulticaster The TopLevelWindowMulticaster class is used to maintain a list of TopLevelWindowListener classes.
Translator The Translator class provides a translation to interface Accessible for objects that do not implement interface Accessible.