Deploying and Testing a Web Service

Now that you have configured the web service to use WSIT technologies, you can deploy and test it.

To deploy and test the web service, perform the following steps:

  1. Right-click the project node, select Properties, and select Run.
  2. Type /CalculatorWSService?wsdl in the Relative URL field and click OK.
  3. Right-click the project node and choose Run Project. The first time Glassfish is started, you will be prompted for the admin password. The IDE starts the web container, builds the application, and displays the WSDL file page in your browser. You have now successfully tested the deployed a WSIT-enabled web service.
  4. Notice that the WSDL file includes the following WSIT tags:

    <wsp:Policy wsu:Id="CalculatorWSPortBindingPolicy">

You have now successfully tested the deployment of a WSIT-enabled web service.