Package com.sun.rave.web.ui.component

Interface Summary
ChildManager This interface defines a method to find or create a child UIComponent.
ComplexComponent Most components whose renderers write more than one HTML element need to implement this interface, which exists to allow for a distinction between the component ID and the ID of the primary element that can recieve user input or focus.
ListManager This interface is used to allow both list components which allow the user to select from a set of Options (e.g.
TemplateComponent This interface defines additional methods in addition to those defined by UIComponent that are needed to work with a TemplateRenderer.

Class Summary
AddRemove Use the AddRemove component when the web application user makes selections from a list and they need to see the currently selected items displayed together, and/or they need to reorder the selected items.
AddRemoveBase About this tag
Alarm Defines a component for displaying an alarm icon based on the alarm seveirty.
AlarmBase Use the ui:alarm tag to display a theme-specific image in the rendered HTML page.
Alert The inline Alert component.
AlertBase Use the ui:alert tag to display an inline alert message at the top of the rendered HTML page.
AnchorBase Use the ui:anchor tag to create HTML anchors in the rendered HTML page.
Body Component that represents HTML body.
BodyBase Use the ui:body tag to create an HTML <body> tag and attributes in the rendered HTML pageThe ui:body tag should be used in conjunction with the ui:head and the ui:page tag.
Breadcrumbs The breadcrumbs component.
BreadcrumbsBase Render a breadcrumb or parentage path.
Button Component that represents a submit button.
ButtonBase Use the ui:button tag to display an input button in the rendered HTML page.
Calendar Defines a Calendar component.
CalendarBase Use the ui:calendar when the user needs to select a date.
CalendarMonth This class needs to be rewritten.
CalendarMonthBase NOT FOR DEVELOPER USE - base renderer class for ui:calendar and ui:scheduler
Checkbox A component that represents a checkbox.
CheckboxBase Use the ui:checkbox tag to display a checkbox in the rendered HTML page.
CheckboxGroup Component that represents a check box group.
CheckboxGroupBase Use the ui:checkboxGroup tag to display two or more check boxes in a grid layout in the rendered HTML page.
DropDown Component that represents a drop down menu.
DropDownBase About this tag
EditableList About this tag.
EditableListBase About this tag
FieldBase Represents an input field whose content will be included when the surrounding form is submitted.
Form Component that represents an input form.
FormBase Use the ui:form tag to create an HTML <form> element.
FrameBase Use the ui:frame tag inside a ui:frameSet tag to denote a new XHTML frame.
FrameSetBase Use the ui:frameSet tag to define a new set of frames in the rendered HTML page.
Head Component that represents HTML header component.
HeadBase Use the ui:head tag to provide information about the document, to be used in the <head> element of the rendered HTML page.  The ui:head tag must be placed immediately after the ui:html tag, within the ui:page tag.
HelpInline This class defines a HelpInline component.
HelpInlineBase Use the <ui:helpInline> tag to display inline help.
HiddenFieldBase Use the ui:hiddenField tag to create a hidden field, which is present in the HTML, but not displayed to the user.
Html Component that represents an HTML component.
HtmlBase Use the ui:html tag to create an <html> element in the rendered HTML page.
HyperlinkBase Use the ui:hyperlink tag to display a HTML hyperlink to a URL, or a link that submits a form.
Icon Braveheart icon component
IconBase Use the ui:icon tag to display a theme-specific image in the rendered HTML page.
IconHyperlinkBase Use the ui:iconHyperlink tag to display a clickable icon image from the current theme in the rendered HTML page.
IFrameBase Use the ui:iframe tag  to create an inline frame in the rendered HTML page.
ImageComponentBase Use the ui:image tag to display an inline image in the rendered HTML page.
ImageHyperlinkBase Use the ui:imageHyperlink tag to display a clickable image in the rendered HTML page.
Label Component that represents an input field label.
LabelBase Use the ui:label tag to display a label for a component.
Legend The Legend component.
LegendBase Use the ui:legend tag to display legend, typically at the top of a page.
LinkBase Use the ui:link tag to insert header references to other documents related to this HTML page.
ListboxBase About this tag
ListSelectorBase Base component for UI components that allow the user to make a selection from a list of options using an HTML select element.

Use the ui:markup tag to insert any type of XML markup in the rendered HTML page.

Message Component that represents a single message that is associated with a component.
MessageBase Use the ui:message tag to display message associated with a component.
MessageGroup Component that represents a list of messages.
MessageGroupBase Use the ui:messageGroup tag to display a list of messages that are not (necessarily) associated with any single component.
MetaBase Use the ui:meta tag to create an HTML <meta> element in the rendered HTML page.
OrderableList About this tag.
OrderableListBase Use the ui:orderableList tag to create a list with buttons that allow the items on the list to be reordered.
Page Component that represents an entire page in web applications.
PageAlert The Page Alert component.
PageAlertBase Use the ui:pageAlert tag to display a full page alert.
PageBase Use the ui:page tag to indicate the beginning of the part of the JSP page that is used by the Sun Java Web UI Components.
PageSeparator Component that represents static text.
PageSeparatorBase Use the ui:pageSeparator tag to create a horizontal line that separates items on the page.  The tag can be used as a standalone tag to insert a new horizontal line in a page, or used within the facet of another tag to override a default page separator.  For example, the ui:pageSeparator tag can be used in the ui:pageAlert tag's pageAlertSeparator facet.
PanelGroupBase Use the ui:panelGroup tag to display a group of components that are separated by a common separator.
PanelLayout A panel component for laying out other components in flow mode, or using absolute positioning.
PanelLayoutBase Use the ui:panelLayout tag to display a group of components that are related, in either flow layout, or using absolute positioning.
PasswordFieldBase Use the ui:passwordField tag to create an input field where the characters entered are echoed back with a replacement character, so as to mask the input.
PropertyBase HTML Elements and Layout
PropertySheetBase HTML Elements and Layout
PropertySheetSectionBase HTML Elements and Layout
RadioButton A component that represents a radio button.
RadioButtonBase Use the ui:radioButton tag to display a radio button in the rendered HTML page.
RadioButtonGroup Component that represents a radio button group.
RadioButtonGroupBase Use the ui:radioButtonGroup tag to display two or more radio buttons in a grid layout in the rendered HTML page.
RbCbSelector Superclass for Checkbox and RadioButton.
RbCbSelectorBase This renderer meta-data is not mapped one to one with a component.
ScriptBase Use the ui:script tag to create a <script> element in the rendered HTML page.
SelectorBase Base component for UI components that allow the user to make a selection from a set of options.
SkipHyperlinkBase Use the ui:skipLink tag to render a single-pixel transparent image (not visible within the browser page) which is hyperlinked to an anchor beyond the section to skip.
StaticText Component that represents static text.
StaticTextBase Use the ui:staticText tag to display text that is not interactive in the rendered HTML page.  The text can be plain static text, or be formatted using parameters to insert variable text in the rendered HTML.
Tab Defines a Tab component.
TabBase The tab tag is used for inserting a Tab component into a TabSet.
Table Component that represents a table.
TableActions Component that represents a table action bar.
TableActionsBase The TableAction component provides a layout mechanism for displaying actions.
TableBase Use the ui:table tag to create a table that can be configured to perform actions on objects in the table, and to manipulate the rows and columns of the table.
TableColumn Component that represents a table column.
TableColumnBase Use the ui:tableColumn tag to define the column cells of a table, inside a ui:table tag.  A ui:tableRowGroup must include at least one ui:tableColumn tag.
TableFooter Component that represents a table footer.
TableFooterBase The TableFooter component provides a layout mechanism for displaying footers.
TableHeader Component that represents various table headers, including sortable, selection, and group headers.
TableHeaderBase The tableHeader component provides a layout mechanism for displaying headers.
TablePanels Component that represents an embedded panel.
TablePanelsBase Render embedded panels of a table.
TableRowGroup Component that represents a group of table rows.
TableRowGroupBase Use the ui:tableRowGroup tag to define the rows of a table, inside a ui:table tag.  A table must include at least one tableRowGroup component to contain the table row content.
TabSet Defines a Tabs component.
TabSetBase About This Tag
TemplateComponentBase This abstract class provides base functionality for components that work in conjunction with the TemplateRenderer.
TemplateComponentBaseBase Placeholder.
TextAreaBase Use the ui:textArea tag to create a multiple-line input field for text.
TextFieldBase Use the ui:textField tag to create an input field for a single line of text.
ThemeLinksBase Use this tag to render references to theme resource files on a page where the ui:head component cannot be used.
TimeBase This component is for internal use only
TreeBase Use the ui:tree tag to display a tree structure in the rendered HTML page.
TreeNode This class defines a TreeNode UIComponent.
TreeNodeBase HTML Elements and Layout
Upload Use this component to allow web application users to upload a file.
UploadBase Use the ui:upload tag to create a component that can be used to browse the local file system for a file, and upload a copy of the file's contents to the web application.