E.2 Partition Add Maintenance

After the initial Oracle Adaptive Access Manager repository setup, the following stored procedures are set up as dbms_jobs to maintain the partitions on a regular basis:

E.2.1 Sp_Oaam_Add_Monthly_Partition

This stored procedure adds partitions for tables with the monthly frequency.

The script runs at the end of each month to create partitions for the following month. To simultaneously add partitions for subsequent months, the partitions are added based on the partition of the previous month.

If this stored procedure fails to exceute (if your monthly partition is missing), you may see database errors, "ORA-14400 and ORA-14401," forcing the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager application to stop.

E.2.2 Sp_Oaam_Add_Weekly_Partition

This stored procedure adds partitions for tables with the weekly frequency.

The script runs at the end of each week to create partitions for the following week. To simultaneously add partitions for subsequent weeks, the partitions are added based on the partition of the previous week.

If this stored procedure fails to exceute (if your weekly partition is missing), you may see database errors, "ORA-14400 and ORA-14401," forcing the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager application to stop.