This image shows an example of the Target Deployments to Clusters or Servers screen. The Target list contains a list of Clusters and Servers. The OracleAdminServer is the server that is currently selected in the Target list. The OracleAdminServer list on the right shows the three applications that can be targeted for deployment to the OracleAdminServer server. A check box to the left of each application indicates whether or not the application is selected for deployment to this server. The Hello World application is not selected. The wsil-wls and FMW Welcome Page Application_11. applications are selected. The Target column shows all servers to which each application is currently targeted. Hello World is currently targeted to helloworld_server1. wlis-wls is currently targeted to OracleAdminServer and soa_server1. FMW Welcome Page Application_11. is currently targeted to OracleAdminServer.