MySQL™ Cluster Manager 1.3.6 User Manual

4.7.3 The list backups Command

list backups cluster_name

This command lists all backups of the MySQL Cluster named cluster_name that are known to this instance of MySQL Cluster Manager. The output includes the backup and node ID as well as a UTC timestamp for each backup, as shown here:

mcm> list backups mycluster;
| BackupId | NodeId | Host    | Timestamp           | Comment |
| 1        | 1      | tonfisk | 2012-12-01 12:03:52 |         |
| 1        | 2      | tonfisk | 2012-12-01 12:03:52 |         |
| 2        | 1      | tonfisk | 2012-12-04 12:05:15 |         |
| 2        | 2      | tonfisk | 2012-12-04 12:05:15 |         |
4 rows in set (0.02 sec)