MySQL NDB Cluster API Developer Guide

6.6 The memcached log file

Whenever the NDB memcache engine is initialized, it writes a message including a timestamp and version number to its log file, as shown here:

12-Oct-2011 13:40:00 PDT NDB Memcache 8.0.24-ndb-8.0.24 started
[NDB 8.0.24; MySQL 8.0.24-ndb-8.0.24]

It also logs its attempt to connect to a primary cluster:

Contacting primary management server (localhost:1186) ...
·Connected to "localhost:1186" as node id 4.

Upon successfully fetching initial configuration data, the memcache engine logs a summary message describing the configuration similar to what is shown here:

Retrieved 3 key prefixes for server role "default_role"
The default behavior is that:
 GET uses NDB only
 SET uses NDB only
 DELETE uses NDB only
The 2 explicitly defined key prefixes are "mc:" () and "t:" (demo_table_tabs)
Server started with 4 threads.

The memcache engine also logs the establishment of each additional cluster connection, as shown here:

Connected to "" as node id 5.

A priming the pump... message indicates that the engine is about to prefetch a pool of transaction objects (API Connect Records). It is followed by a done ... message indicating how much time was used by prefetching. The server is not ready to respond to clients until after the prefetching is completed.

Priming the pump ...
Scheduler: using 2 connections to cluster 0
Scheduler: starting for 1 cluster; c0,f0,t1
done [0.579 sec].

Once the NDB engine has finished initializing, memcached prints a message verifying that the engine was loaded, and enumerating some of its features:

Loaded engine: NDB Memcache 8.0.24-ndb-8.0.24
Supplying the following features: compare and swap, persistent storage, LRU

If online reconfiguration is enabled, the NDB engine logs each reconfiguration, along with a summary of the new configuration, similar to what is shown here:

Received update to server role default_role
Retrieved 3 key prefixes for server role "default_role".
The default behavior is that:
 GET uses NDB only
 SET uses NDB only
 DELETE uses NDB only.
The 2 explicitly defined key prefixes are "mc:" () and "t:" (demo_table_tabs)

On shutdown, memcached logs the shutdown sequence'a initialization and completion, and the NDB engine's scheduler logs its own shutdown as well:

Initiating shutdown
Shutting down scheduler.
Shutdown completed.