MySQL Workbench

9.7.1 Supported Template Markers

The following table shows the supported markers. These markers can be used in any template, including custom templates.

Using the table

The table shows which variables are defined in which sections. The variable should be used in its correct section or its value will not be displayed. If a variable type is a variable, then the table describes its data dictionary, and a parent dictionary if type is a section. Also remember that the data dictionaries used to perform variable lookups form a hierarchical tree, so it is possible to use a variable in a child section that is defined in a parent section.

Table 9.3 Supported Template Markers

Marker text Type Data Dictionary or Parent Dictionary Corresponding data
TITLE Variable MAIN Title of the report
GENERATED Variable MAIN Date and time when the report was generated
STYLE_NAME Variable MAIN The name of the style selected in MySQL Workbench, this is typically used to load the corresponding CSS file, depending on the name of the style selected in MySQL Workbench
SCHEMA_COUNT Variable MAIN The number of schemata in the model
PROJECT_TITLE Variable MAIN Project title as set for the model in Document Properties
PROJECT_NAME Variable MAIN Project name as set for the model in Document Properties
PROJECT_AUTHOR Variable MAIN Project author as set for the model in Document Properties
PROJECT_VERSION Variable MAIN Project version as set for the model in Document Properties
PROJECT_DESCRIPTION Variable MAIN Project description as set for the model in Document Properties
PROJECT_CREATED Variable MAIN Automatically set for the model project, but as displayed in Document Properties
PROJECT_CHANGED Variable MAIN Automatically set for the model project, but as displayed in Document Properties
TOTAL_TABLE_COUNT Variable MAIN The number of tables in all schemata in the model
TOTAL_COLUMN_COUNT Variable MAIN The number of columns in all tables in all schemata in the model
TOTAL_INDEX_COUNT Variable MAIN The number of indexes in the model
TOTAL_FK_COUNT Variable MAIN The number of foreign keys in the model
SCHEMATA Section MAIN Used to mark the start and end of a SCHEMATA section; the SCHEMATA data dictionary becomes active in this section
SCHEMA_NAME Variable SCHEMATA The schema name
SCHEMA_ID Variable SCHEMATA The schema ID
TABLE_COUNT Variable SCHEMATA The number of tables in the current schema
COLUMN_COUNT Variable SCHEMATA The number of columns in the current schema
INDICES_COUNT Variable SCHEMATA The number of indexes in the current schema
FOREIGN_KEYS_COUNT Variable SCHEMATA The number of foreign keys in the current schema
TABLES Section SCHEMATA Marks the start and end of a TABLES section; the TABLES data dictionary becomes active in this section
TABLE_NAME Variable TABLES The table name
TABLE_ID Variable TABLES The table ID
COLUMNS_LISTING Section TABLES Marks the start and end of a COLUMNS_LISTING section; the COLUMNS_LISTING data dictionary becomes active in this section
COLUMNS Section COLUMNS_LISTING Marks the start and end of a COLUMNS section; the COLUMNS data dictionary becomes active in this section
COLUMN_KEY Variable COLUMNS Whether the column is a primary key
COLUMN_NAME Variable COLUMNS The column name
COLUMN_DATATYPE Variable COLUMNS The column data type
COLUMN_NOTNULL Variable COLUMNS Whether the column permits NULL values
COLUMN_DEFAULTVALUE Variable COLUMNS The column default value
COLUMN_COMMENT Variable COLUMNS The column comment
COLUMN_ID Variable COLUMNS The column ID
COLUMN_KEY_PART Variable COLUMNS (if detailed) The column key type
COLUMN_NULLABLE Variable COLUMNS (if detailed) Can the column contain NULL values
COLUMN_AUTO_INC Variable COLUMNS (if detailed) Does the column auto-increment
COLUMN_CHARSET Variable COLUMNS (if detailed) The column character set
COLUMN_COLLATION Variable COLUMNS (if detailed) The column collation
COLUMN_IS_USERTYPE Variable COLUMNS (if detailed) Whether the column is a user type
INDICES_LISTING Section TABLES Marks the start and end of an INDICES_LISTING section; the INDICES_LISTING data dictionary becomes active in this section
INDICES Section INDICES_LISTING Marks the start and end of an INDICES section; the INDICES data dictionary becomes active in this section
INDEX_NAME Variable INDICES The index name
INDEX_PRIMARY Variable INDICES Whether this is a primary key
INDEX_UNIQUE Variable INDICES Whether this is a unique index
INDEX_TYPE Variable INDICES The index type; for example, PRIMARY
INDEX_KIND Variable INDICES The index kind
INDEX_COMMENT Variable INDICES The index comment
INDEX_ID Variable INDICES The index ID
INDEX_COLUMNS Section INDICES Marks the start and end of an INDEX_COLUMNS section; the INDEX_COLUMNS data dictionary becomes active in this section
INDEX_COLUMN_NAME Variable INDEX_COLUMNS The index column name
INDEX_COLUMN_ORDER Variable INDEX_COLUMNS The index column order; for example, ascending, descending
INDEX_KEY_BLOCK_SIZE Variable INDEX_COLUMNS (if detailed) The index key-block size
REL_LISTING Section TABLES Marks the start and end of a REL_LISTING section; the REL_LISTING data dictionary becomes active in this section
REL Section REL_LISTING Marks the start and end of a REL section; the REL data dictionary becomes active in this section
REL_NAME Variable REL, FOREIGN_KEYS The relationship name
REL_TYPE Variable REL, FOREIGN_KEYS The relationship type
REL_PARENTTABLE Variable REL, FOREIGN_KEYS The relationship parent table
REL_CHILDTABLE Variable REL, FOREIGN_KEYS The relationship child table
REL_CARD Variable REL, FOREIGN_KEYS The relationship cardinality
FOREIGN_KEY_ID Variable REL Foreign key ID
FOREIGN_KEYS Section SCHEMATA Marks the start and end of a FOREIGN_KEYS section; the FOREIGN_KEYS data dictionary becomes active in this section
FK_DELETE_RULE Variable FOREIGN_KEYS The foreign key delete rule
FK_UPDATE_RULE Variable FOREIGN_KEYS The foreign key update rule
FK_MANDATORY Variable FOREIGN_KEYS Whether the foreign key is mandatory
TABLE_COMMENT_LISTING Section TABLES Marks the start and end of a TABLE_COMMENT_LISTING section; the TABLE_COMMENT_LISTING data dictionary becomes active in this section
DDL_LISTING Section TABLES Marks the start and end of a DDL_LISTING section; the DDL_LISTING data dictionary becomes active in this section
DDL_SCRIPT Variable DDL_LISTING Display the DDL script of the currently active entity; for example, SCHEMATA, TABLES