MySQL Workbench Adding Views to the Physical Schemas

To add a view, double-clicking the Add View icon in the Physical Schemas section of the MySQL Model page. The default name of the view is view1. If a view with this name already exists, the new view is named view2.

Adding a new view automatically opens the view editor docked at the bottom of the application. For information about using the view editor, see Section, “The View Editor”.

Right-clicking a view opens a pop-up menu with the following items:

If the table editor is not open, the Edit View... item opens it. If it is already open, the selected table replaces the previous one. Edit in New Window... opens a new view editor tab.

The cut and copy items are useful for copying views between different schemas. Copy SQL to Clipboard copies the CREATE VIEW statement to the clipboard.


Use the Delete 'view_name' item to remove a view from the database. There will be no confirmation dialog box.

Any views added to the Physical Schemas section also show up in the Catalog palette on the left side of the application. They may be added to an EER Diagram, when in the EER Diagram tab, by dragging and dropping them from this palette.