MySQL Workbench New in MySQL Workbench 6.0

This section summarizes many of the new features added to MySQL Workbench 6.0, in relation to the MySQL Workbench 5.2 release.

A New Home Screen

A new, modernized home screen where major functionality of MySQL Workbench can be accessed, including connections to MySQL servers, modeling, migration, and the command-line utilities.

Figure 1.34 Home Screen: Workbench 5.2

Content is described in the surrounding text.

Figure 1.35 Home Screen: Workbench 6.0

Content is described in the surrounding text.

Unified SQL Editor and Administration Interface

In the new user interface, the Server Administration functionality (such as start/stop server, managing user accounts etc) is now accessible directly from the SQL Editor interface, located near where the schema information can be browsed and queries executed.

The following figure contains three screenshots of the Schema window in the SQL Editor. The first is from MySQL Workbench 5.2, the second is MySQL Workbench 6.0 with the management tab collapsed, and the third shows what the merged management tab looks like. Toggle the merged and tabbed views by clicking the new merge button next to the refresh button.

Figure 1.36 Comparing the SQL Editor interface for Workbench 5.2 and 6.0

Content is described in the surrounding text.

Table Data Search

You can select schemas, tables, or both to perform client-side searches for user specified strings and patterns. To access this new search feature, right click select a schema or a table in the left sidebar and select Search Table Data.

This screenshot demonstrates the search feature, along with an example search. Multiple tables were selected and searched in this example:

Figure 1.37 Table search functionality

Content is described in the surrounding text.

For additional information, see Section 8.1.8, “Table Data Search Tab”.

Context Help for the SQL Editor

Select a keyword or function in your query and after a delay it will show formatted help information from the MySQL Server (equivalent to using the help command from the command-line MySQL Client).

Figure 1.38 Context Sensitive Help

Content is described in the surrounding text.

For additional information, see Section 8.1.6, “SQL Additions - Context Help Tab”.

Schema Inspector

New Schema Inspector feature allows you to browse general information from schema objects. For tables, it's also possible to perform maintenance tasks such as ANALYZE, OPTIMIZE, CHECK, and CHECKSUM TABLE. To access the inspector, right-click a schema and select the Schema Inspector

Figure 1.39 Schema Inspector

Content is described in the surrounding text.

And choosing Maintenance for a table:

Figure 1.40 Schema Inspector: Maintenance

Content is described in the surrounding text.

For additional information, see Schema Inspector.

Cascaded DELETE Statements Generator

You can generate a series of DELETE statements needed to delete a row from that table, which includes rows from other tables that reference it, recursively. The SELECT version allows you to preview what rows would be deleted. Right click a table and select Copy to Clipboard, Delete with References.

Figure 1.41 Cascading SELECT

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Table Templates

Define templates of tables with commonly used columns, to be used to create new tables in a live connection or in an EER model. In the SQL Editor, choose Create Table Like, or in Modeling, use the right sidebar. For additional information, see Section 9.6, “Table Templates”.

Vertical Text

A Vertical Text output option for queries (equivalent to \G from the command-line Client) was added. To execute, choose Query, Execute Current Statement (Vertical Text Output).

Figure 1.42 Vertical Text (\G)

Content is described in the surrounding text.

Improved Visual Explain

The Visual Explain output was improved.

Figure 1.43 Visual Explain: Workbench 5.2

Content is described in the surrounding text.

Figure 1.44 Visual Explain: Workbench 6.0

Content is described in the surrounding text.

Improved Server Status

Additional server status information was added, and the user interface was improved. Select Server Status from the Management tab to open this window.

Figure 1.45 Server Status: Workbench 5.2

Content is described in the surrounding text.

Figure 1.46 Server Status: Workbench 6.0

Content is described in the surrounding text.

Enterprise Features

Support for MySQL Enterprise features in MySQL Workbench Commercial was added. From within the Management tab for an open connection, look for the following products under the heading MySQL Enterprise:

MySQL Enterprise Backup (MEB): A GUI front end for the MEB tool. After installing MySQL Workbench Commercial and MySQL Enterprise Backup, MySQL Workbench will check for and handle the prerequisites. Backup recovery is also supported. This plugin supports MEB with local and remote installations of Linux and macOS, and locally for Windows.

MySQL Audit Log Inspector: A GUI for browsing the contents of generated logs by the commercial Audit Log Plugin. Powerful filtering and search capabilities are available. Fast browsing is provided by caching the log data locally in an encrypted file. This plugin supports MEB with local and remote installations of Linux and macOS, and locally for Microsoft Windows.

Database Migration Features

SQL Anywhere and SQLite are now supported.