19 Understanding Check Box Controls

This chapter contains the following topics:

19.1 Check Box Controls

Use check boxes to indicate choices. Selecting a check box indicates that the associated function is to be enabled. Check boxes are not mutually exclusive. You must associate a check box with a database or data dictionary (DD) item. You can use a check box to pass a value to an event rule (ER).

19.2 Check Box Control Design-Time Considerations

In addition to the standard control property options, check boxes have two unique properties: Checked Value and Unchecked Value. The control returns one of these values, depending on its state. The default values are 1 for selected (checked) and 0 for cleared (unchecked). You can set the values to any numeric value.

19.3 Check Box Events

The only event that can occur on a check box is Selection Changed. Runtime fires this event whenever the user selects or clears the check box, so it can occur at any point during runtime processing that the user interacts with the application.