10 Understanding Distribution List Scenarios

This chapter contains the following topics:

10.1 Distribution List Scenarios

There are several scenarios that illustrate how JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow processes use group processing or hierarchical processing to send messages to distribution lists. These scenarios follow the same Credit Limit example that is used throughout this guide. Each scenario includes the setup used for a specific JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow process and the results that occur when that setup is used.

10.1.1 Prerequisite

You should understand how to create an Information or Action task and how to attach a distribution list to an Information and Action task. You should also understand the difference between group processing and hierarchical processing.

For more information, see these topics:

10.2 Group Processing Scenarios

This section discusses examples that illustrate how a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow process uses group processing to route messages to members of a distribution list.

10.2.1 Scenario 1: Group Processing

This scenario illustrates how group processing sends messages to members of a distribution list. Setup

The following information illustrates a typical distribution list setup for the Credit Limit example.

A/B # Description Group # Threshold Value
7101 Clerk #1 1 5000
7102 Clerk #2 1 5000
7201 Manager #1 2 10000
7202 Manager #2 2 10000
7301 Director #1 3 20000
7302 Director #2 3 20000
7401 VP #1 4 30000
7402 VP #2 4 30000
7501 President 5 31000 Results

The following results illustrate which members will receive a message. The value passed is the amount in the message. The address book numbers to the right are the result.


When the originator of the request is part of the distribution list, and the group next to the originator's group has a threshold value higher than the requested limit, the message will be delivered to the group of the originator.
Value Passed

4500 Not sent to list - - - - - - - -
9500 7101 7102 - - - - - - -
14500 7101 7102 7201 7202 - - - - -
19500 7101 7102 7201 7202 - - - - -
24500 7101 7102 7201 7202 7301 7302 - - -
29500 7101 7102 7201 7202 7301 7302 - - -
30500 7101 7102 7201 7202 7301 7302 7401 7402 -
31500 7101 7102 7201 7202 7301 7302 7401 7402 7501

10.2.2 Scenario 2: Group Processing

This scenario uses the same setup as Scenario 1 except that all threshold values are 0. Setup

There are five groups, some with multiple members. but the threshold value is 0 for all members of the distribution list.

A/B # Description Group # Threshold Value
7101 Clerk #1 1 0
7102 Clerk #2 1 0
7201 Manager #1 2 0
7202 Manager #2 2 0
7301 Director #1 3 0
7302 Director #2 3 0
7401 VP #1 4 0
7402 VP #2 4 0
7501 President 5 0 Results

No matter what value is passed, the process goes through the entire distribution structure. Every address book number gets a message.

10.2.3 Scenario 3: Group Processing

In this scenario of group processing, all members are in the same group and have the same threshold values. Setup

Each group level in the distribution list is set to 1. A threshold value of 100 is used for each person.

Group Name Threshold Value
1 Tom 100
1 Barb 100
1 Tim 100
1 Dan 100 Results

Every address book number is given a message if the amount sent is greater than the threshold.


When the originator of the request is part of the distribution list, the message will be delivered to the group of the originator.
Data Value Sent to All #s in Group
90 Did Not Send
110 Yes

10.2.4 Scenario 4: Group Processing with Higher Level Overrides

This scenario shows how group processing routes messages to a distribution list with threshold values and higher level overrides. Setup

There are five groups and each group has a threshold level. Group numbers 2 through 5 have a threshold value higher than the previous group. The value passed in is 31500.

A/B # Description Group # Threshold Value
7101 Clerk #1 1 5000
7102 Clerk #2 1 5000
7201 Manager #1 2 10000
7202 Manager #2 2 10000
7301 Director #1 3 20000
7302 Director #2 3 20000
7401 VP 1 4 30000
7402 VP 2 4 30000
7501 President 5 31000 Results

After Group #1 approves the message, all address book numbers above Group #1 show up in Process Task Monitor in an awaiting status except for Manager #1 and Manager #2, which show an unopened status.

At this point, a user in a higher group can override the workflow process to continue to the next task. For example, in this scenario, if you log on to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system as President and do a higher level override on Clerk #1, all users display as bypassed, and the process ends as expected.

10.2.5 Scenario 5: Group Processing with First Response

This scenario uses the same setup as Scenario 1. It uses group processing and the originator of the process is not included in the distribution list. This scenario shows what would happen if the First Response option was checked during the distribution list setup. Setup

There are five groups, some with multiple members. Each group has a threshold level. Group numbers 2 through 5 have a threshold value higher than the previous group. The value passed is the amount in the message.

A/B # Description Group # Threshold Value
7101 Clerk #1 1 5000
7102 Clerk #2 1 5000
7201 Manager #1 2 10000
7202 Manager #2 2 10000
7301 Director #1 3 20000
7302 Director #2 3 20000
7401 VP #1 4 30000
7402 VP #2 4 30000
7501 President 5 31000 Results

At a specific group level, the first individual to respond dictates how the process continues. For example, the response might tell the process to end the task or to move on to the next higher group level in the distribution list.


The First Response option is not necessary when using hierarchical processing of distribution lists. In hierarchical processing, if you have a situation where a clerk has two managers directly above him or her, both managers receive the message. The first manager to respond dictates how the process proceeds.

10.3 Hierarchical Processing Scenarios

This section discusses hierarchical processing scenarios.

10.3.1 Scenario 6: Hierarchical Processing

This scenario illustrates how hierarchical processing of a distribution list sends messages to members of a distribution list with threshold values. The originator is in the distribution list. If the originator is not in the distribution list, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow process ends in error. Setup

The message originator is 7101.

Figure 10-1 Setup for Distribution List

Description of Figure 10-1 follows
Description of "Figure 10-1 Setup for Distribution List" Results

If the value passed is lower than the originator's threshold or the originator's manager's threshold, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow will not send the message. To prevent this situation, set a default value for the messages that are not sent. For the Credit Limit scenario, you would probably accept the value passed amount because it is not a significant amount.

10.3.2 Scenario 7: Hierarchical Processing

This scenario illustrates how hierarchical processing routes messages to a distribution list with threshold values all set to 0. The originator is in the distribution list. Setup

The originator is Clerk #1.

Figure 10-2 Distribution List Setup

Description of Figure 10-2 follows
Description of "Figure 10-2 Distribution List Setup" Results

Since there are no threshold values, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow process sends a message to all of the members.

Value Passed

4500 7201 7301 7401 7501
9500 7201 7301 7401 7501
14500 7201 7301 7401 7501
19500 7201 7301 7401 7501
24500 7201 7301 7401 7501
29500 7201 7301 7401 7501
30500 7201 7301 7401 7501
31500 7201 7301 7401 7501 Scenario 8: Hierarchical Processing with Higher Level Overrides

This scenario demonstrates higher level overrides in a distribution list with threshold values. The originator is in the distribution list. Setup

Threshold values are in parentheses. The originator is Clerk #1. The value passed in by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow is 31500.

Figure 10-3 Hierarchical Processing with Higher Level Overrides

Description of Figure 10-3 follows
Description of "Figure 10-3 Hierarchical Processing with Higher Level Overrides" Results

When the message is first sent, all address book numbers show up in the Process Task Monitor in an awaiting status except for Manager #1, which shows in an unopened status.

At this point, a user of higher group number can override the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow process to continue to the next task. For example, in this scenario, if you sign into the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system as President and do a higher level override on Manager #1, all users display as bypassed, and the process ends as expected.