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Building the Introductory Sample Application

Building the Introductory Sample Application
This topic includes the following sections:
Technical support for third party CORBA Java ORBs should be provided by their respective vendors. Oracle Tuxedo does not provide any technical support or documentation for third party CORBA Java ORBs.
The Introductory sample applications simulate a newsroom environment in which a news reporter posts a story and a news subscriber consumes the story.
One implementation of the Introductory sample application is provided: the C++ programming language that uses the Oracle Simple Events application programming interface (API). The Introductory sample application consists of the Reporter and Subscriber applications and the Notification Service. The Reporter application implements a client application that prompts the user to enter news articles, and then posts the news articles as events to the Oracle Tuxedo CORBA Notification Service. The Subscriber application implements a joint client/server application that acts as client when it subscribes and unsubscribes for events, and acts as a server when it receives events. To receive events, the subscriber implements a callback object which is invoked by the Notification Service when an event needs to be delivered.
The Introductory sample application shows the simplest usage of the Notification Service. It demonstrates how to use the Oracle Simple Events API, the CosNotification API, transient subscriptions, and transient object references. It does not demonstrate the use of persistent subscriptions or data filtering. For a sample application that uses persistent subscriptions and data filtering, see Chapter 6, “Building the Advanced Sample Application.”
This Introductory sample application provides two executables (see Figure 5‑1):
Figure 5‑1 Introductory Sample Application Components
The event poster, the Reporter application, uses the structured event domain_name, type_name, and filterable_data fields to construct the event. The domain name defines the industry. In this application, domain_name is set to “News”. The type_name defines the kind of event in the industry and it is set to the category of news story (for example, “Sports”). The application user specifies this value. In the filterable_data fields, a field named “Story” is added, which contains the text of the news story being posted. This text is also specified by the application user.
The Subscriber application uses the structured event domain_name and type_name fields to create a subscription to the Notification Service. The subscription defines the domain_name as a fixed string with the content of “News”. At run time, the Subscriber application queries the user for the “News Category” and uses the input to define the type_name field in the subscription. Obviously, the users of both applications, the reporter and the subscriber, must collaborate on the “News Category” string for the subscription to match an event, otherwise, no events will be delivered to the subscriber. The subscription does not do any checking of the filterable_data field, but rather assumes that the body of the story will be a string, and that the story will be in the first Named/Value pair in the filterable_data field of a structured event.
To post events, the Reporter application uses the push_structured_event method to push news events to the Notification Service. For each event, the Reporter application queries the user for a “News category” (for example, “Sports”) and a story (a multiple-line text string).
To subscribe to news events, the Subscriber application invokes the Notification Service to subscribe to news events. For each subscription, the Subscriber application queries the user for a “News category” (for example, “Sports”). The Subscriber application also implements a callback object (via the NewsConsumer_i servant class) which is used to receive and process news events. When the Subscriber subscribes, it gives the Notification Service a reference to this callback object. When a matching event occurs; that is, when the Reporter posts an event with a “News category” that matches the news category of the subscription, the Notification Service invokes the push_structured_event method on the callback object to deliver the event to the callback object in the subscriber. This method prints out the event, invokes the unsubscribe method on the Notification Service to cancel the subscription, and shuts down the Subscriber. For simplicity, the push_structured_event method assumes that the domain_name, type_name, length, and name field match and the story is in the value field.
To run this sample, you must start at least one Reporter application and at least one Subscriber application; however, you may run multiple Reporters and Subscribers. Events posted by any Reporter will be delivered to all matching Subscribers (based on “News category”).
Also, be sure to start any subscribers before posting events; otherwise, the events will be lost.
Building and Running the Introductory Sample Application
To build and run the Introductory sample application, you must perform these steps:
Verify that the "TUXDIR" environment variable are set to the correct directory path.
For UNIX, ensure the make file is in your path. For Microsoft Windows, ensure the nmake file is in your path
These steps are described in detail in the following sections.
Verifying the Settings of the Environment Variables
Before you build and run the Introductory sample application, you need to ensure that the TUXDIR environment variable is set on your system. In most cases, this environment variable is set as part of the installation procedure. However, you need to check the environment variables to ensure they reflect correct information.
Table 5‑1 lists the environment variables required to run the Introductory sample application.
To verify that the information for the environment variables defined during installation is correct, perform the following steps:
The Control Panel appears.
The System Properties window appears.
The Environment page appears.
ksh prompt>printenv TUXDIR
To change the settings, perform the following steps:
ksh prompt>export TUXDIR=directorypath
csh> setenv TUXDIR=directorypath
Copying the Files for the Introductory Sample Application into a Work Directory
You need to copy the files for the Introductory sample application and files in the common directory into a work directory on your local machine.
The files are located in the following directories:
For the C++ Introductory sample:
For the C++ Introductory sample:
You use the files listed in Table 5‑2 and Table 5‑3 to build and run the C++ Introductory sample application, which is implemented using the Oracle Simple Events API.
Common makefile used by the makefile.nt and the files.
Table 5‑3 lists other files that the Introductory sample application uses.
The following files are needed only for the application that was developed using CosNotification Service API.
Changing the Protection Attribute on the Files for the Introductory Sample Application
During the installation of the Oracle Tuxedo CORBA software, the sample application files are marked read-only. Before you can edit or build the files in the Introductory sample application, you need to change the protection attribute of the files you copied into your work directory, as follows:
In a DOS window, change (cd) to your work directory.
prompt>attrib -r drive:\workdirectory\*.*
ksh prompt>chmod u+w /workdirectory/*.*
On UNIX systems, you also need to change the permission of setenv.ksh to give execute permission to the file, as follows:
ksh prompt>chmod +x setenv.ksh
Setting Up the Environment
To set up the environment, enter the following command:
ksh prompt>. ./setenv.ksh
Building the Introductory Sample Application
You use the make command to run makefiles, which are provided for Microsoft Windows and UNIX, to build the sample application. For UNIX, use make. For Microsoft Windows, use nmake.
Makefile Summary
The makefile automates the following steps:
Checks that the set environment command (setenv.cmd) has been run. If the environment variables have not been set, the makefile prints an error message to the screen and exits.
Includes the common.nt (for Microsoft Windows) or (for UNIX) command file. This file defines the makefile symbols used by the samples. These symbols allow the UNIX and Microsoft Windows makefiles to delegate the build rules to platform-independent makefiles.
Includes the command file. This file builds the is_reporter and is_subscriber executables, and cleans up the directory of unneeded files and directories.
Includes the command file. This file creates the UBBCONFIG file and executes the tmloadcf -y ubb command to create the TUXCONFIG file. This is a platform-independent makefile fragment that defines the administrative build rules common to the Introductory sample application.
Executing the Makefile
Before executing the makefile, you need to check the following:
On Microsoft Windows, verify that nmake is in the path of your machine.
On UNIX, verify that make is in the path of your machine.
To build the Introductory sample application, enter the make command as follows:
nmake -f makefile.nt
make -f
Starting the Introductory Sample Application
To start the Introductory sample application, enter the following commands:
prompt>tmboot -y
This command starts the following server processes:
An Oracle Tuxedo system-provided, EventBroker server that is used by the Notification Service.
An Oracle Tuxedo Notification Service server that processes requests for subscriptions and event postings.
An Oracle Tuxedo Notification Service server that forwards events to subscribers that have transient subscriptions.
The IIOP Listener/Handler process.
For C++: prompt>is_subscriber
To start another Subscriber, open another window, change (cd) to your work directory, set the environment variables (by running setenv.cmd or setenv.ksh), and enter the start command that is appropriate for your platform.
For C++: prompt>is_reporter
To start another Reporter, open another window, change (cd) to your work directory, set the environment variables (by running setenv.cmd or setenv.ksh), and enter the start command that is appropriate for your platform.
Using the Introductory Sample Application
To use the Introductory sample application, you must use the Subscriber application to subscribe to an event and the Reporter application to post an event. Be sure to subscribe before you post each event; otherwise, events will be lost.
Using the Subscriber Application to Subscribe to Events
Perform these steps:
When you start the Subscriber application (prompt>is_subscriber), the following prompts are displayed:
Name? (Enter a name (without spaces).)
Category (or all)? (Enter the category of news you want or "all".)
You may type in any string for the news category; that is, there is no fixed list of news categories. However, when you use the Reporter application to post an event, make sure to specify the same string for the news category.
Using the Reporter Application to Post Events
Perform these steps:
When you start the Reporter application (prompt> is_reporter), the following prompts are displayed:
(r) Report news
(e) Exit
Enter r to report news. The following prompt is displayed:
After you enter the news category, the following prompt is displayed:
Enter story (terminate with '.')
Subscribers whose category matches the category of this story will receive, and print out the story. When a subscriber receives a story, the subscriber automatically shuts down.
Shutting Down the System and Cleaning Up the Directory
Perform the following steps:
prompt>tmshutdown -y
prompt>nmake -f makefile.nt clean
prompt>make -f clean

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