Sun Adapter for COM/DCOM API

Uses of Class

Packages that use STCComException   

Uses of STCComException in

Methods in that throw STCComException
 void ComOtdInterfaceImpl.AddRef()
          Calls the AddRef method on the underlying COM interface.
 STCComVariant ComOtdInterfaceImpl.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, STCComVariant[] args)
          Gets a property by name.
 STCComVariant ComOtdInterfaceImpl.invoke(java.lang.String methodName, STCComVariant[] args)
          Allows you to call a method by name on the underlying COM interface.
 void ComOtdInterfaceImpl.setProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, STCComVariant[] args)
          Sets a property by name.

Uses of STCComException in

Methods in that throw STCComException
 void STCIUnknown.AddRef()
          Calls the AddRef method on the underlying COM interface.
 int STCComRuntime.create(java.lang.String clsidString, java.lang.String server)
          Creates an instance of the COM object specified by the CLSID string and server (if DCOM component).
 STCComVariant STCIDispatch.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, STCComVariant[] args)
          Gets a property by name.
 boolean[] STCComVariant.getVT_BOOL_1D()
          Gets the VT_BOOL_1D value.
 boolean[][] STCComVariant.getVT_BOOL_2D()
          Gets the VT_BOOL_2D value.
 boolean STCComVariant.getVT_BOOL()
          Gets the VT_BOOL value.
 java.lang.String[] STCComVariant.getVT_BSTR_1D()
          Gets the VT_BSTR_1D value.
 java.lang.String[][] STCComVariant.getVT_BSTR_2D()
          Gets the VT_BSTR_2D value.
 java.lang.String STCComVariant.getVT_BSTR()
          Gets the VT_BSTR value.
 double[] STCComVariant.getVT_DATE_1D()
          Gets the VT_DATE_1D value.
 double[][] STCComVariant.getVT_DATE_2D()
          Gets the VT_DATE_2D value.
 double STCComVariant.getVT_DATE()
          Gets the VT_DATE value.
 STCIDispatch[] STCComVariant.getVT_DISPATCH_1D()
          Gets the VT_DISPATCH_1D value.
 STCIDispatch STCComVariant.getVT_DISPATCH()
          Gets the VT_DISPATCH value.
 int[] STCComVariant.getVT_ERROR_1D()
          Gets the VT_ERROR_1D value.
 int[][] STCComVariant.getVT_ERROR_2D()
          Gets the VT_ERROR_2D value.
 int STCComVariant.getVT_ERROR()
          Gets the VT_ERROR value.
 short[] STCComVariant.getVT_I2_1D()
          Gets the VT_I2_1D value.
 short[][] STCComVariant.getVT_I2_2D()
          Gets the VT_I2_2D value.
 short STCComVariant.getVT_I2()
          Gets the VT_I2 value.
 int[] STCComVariant.getVT_I4_1D()
          Gets the VT_I4_1D value.
 int[][] STCComVariant.getVT_I4_2D()
          Gets the VT_I4_2D value.
 int STCComVariant.getVT_I4()
          Gets the VT_I4 value.
 float[] STCComVariant.getVT_R4_1D()
          Gets the VT_R4_1D value.
 float STCComVariant.getVT_R4()
          Gets the VT_R4 value.
 double[] STCComVariant.getVT_R8_1D()
          Gets the VT_R8_1D value.
 double[][] STCComVariant.getVT_R8_2D()
          Gets the VT_R8_2D value.
 double STCComVariant.getVT_R8()
          Gets the VT_R8 value.
 STCComVariant STCComVariant.getVT_VARIANT()
          Gets the VT_VARIANT value.
 STCComVariant STCIDispatch.invoke(java.lang.String methodName, STCComVariant[] args)
          Allows you to call a method by name on the underlying COM interface.
 void STCIDispatch.setProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, STCComVariant[] args)
          Sets a property by name.

Constructors in that throw STCComException
          Constructor for the class.
STCComVariant(double d, int type)
          Constructor taking a double value.
STCComVariant(int i, int type)
          Constructor taking an int value.

Uses of STCComException in

Methods in that throw STCComException
 void STCUnknownImpl.AddRef()
          Calls the AddRef method on the underlying COM interface.
 int STCComRuntimeImpl.create(java.lang.String clsidString, java.lang.String server)
           Call this method to create an instance of the COM object specified by the CLSID string and server (if DCOM component).
 STCComVariant STCDispatchDriver.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, STCComVariant[] args)
          Gets a property by name.
 STCComVariant STCDispatchDriver.invoke(java.lang.String methodName, STCComVariant[] args)
          This method allows you to call a method by name on the underlying COM interface.
 void STCComUtils.invokeComTask(ComTask task)
 void STCDispatchDriver.setProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, STCComVariant[] args)
          Sets a property by name.

Uses of STCComException in

Methods in that throw STCComException
 STCIDispatch ComEwayConnection.create(java.lang.String clsidString, java.lang.String server)
           Call this method to create an instance of the COM object specified by the CLSID string and server (if DCOM component) overriding the default server in the eWay configuration.

Sun Adapter for COM/DCOM API

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