ADF Faces displays icons based on the message level.


Messages of all types can be string values of the corresponding attribute, or you can bind the attribute to a resource bundle that contains the strings.

You can create help topics using resource bundles, XLIFF, managed beans, or Java classes. You associate a component with a help topic using the helpTopic attribute.
For an external help topic, you normally use the helpTopicId attribute to launch the topic. But you can instead use JavaScript and a client event listener to launch the window.

Messages can be either displayed inline or in a popup component. You can configure how you want the message to display.

There are a number of different types of messaging that you can use in your application, from simple mouse-over tooltips to help messages.
  • ADF Faces uses the standard JSF messaging API. By default, any messages for a component are displayed in a popup using an af:noteWindow component. The af:document component (added by default to all JSF pages created in JDeveloper) handles global messages, or when there are more than two component messages. These are also displayed in a popup. You do not need to use any tags for these messages to display in a popup.
  • Alternatively, you can use the af:message tag to display component-level messages inline with the component. You can use the af:messages tag to display multiple component messages and to also display global messages on the page.
  • You can also display messages using the af:panelLabelAndMessage component, which groups components in order to dispaly all messages for those components in one area.
  • You can display simple tooltips for any component using the shortDesc attribute for that component.
  • ADF Faces validators and converters allow you to create your own error messages when conversion or validation fails. Hints for validators and converters are provided by default, based on the validator or converter.
  • You can create help topics that display when clicking the help icon, that display in a note window when a component has focus, or that launch in external browser windows.



Web User Interface Developer's Guide for Oracle ADF: Displaying Tips, Messages, and Help

Demos and code examples:
You can download the ADF Faces components demo, where you can explore the components at runtime and view sample code.

ADF Faces Tag documentation

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