Menus can be nested

nested menu

Menus can be detachable

detached menu

Menu items can have both access keys (for example, the letter F in Open File) and accelerators (for example, CTRL + O)

access keys

Menu items can have icons


Table, tree, and tree table components use the af:panelCollection component to organize toolbar and menu bars.

You can also create context menus for many components.
Menu bars and toolbars allow you to organize menus, buttons, and other simple components in a horizontal bar. When a user clicks a menu in the bar, the menu drops down and the user can select from the menu items, which cause som action to happen in the application. Icons in the toolbar also cause some action to happen in the application.

menus and toolbars


Web User Interface Developer's Guide for ADF: Using Menus, Toolbars, and Toolboxes

Demos and code examples:
You can download the ADF Faces Rich Client component demo, where you can explore the components at runtime and view sample code.

ADF Faces Tag documentation

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